chapter 3 yehaw B) let's do this yo

Monday morning soon rolled around. Not soon enough, though. Dave had never been more excited to go to school in his whole life – or, he'd never actually been excited to go to school. Until now. Reasons being were obvious. He was seeing Jade again.

Usually, it would be nothing special. He'd be seeing his best friend at school, no biggie. But now it was different. Whatever sexual and romantic tension they had before had evaporated and they could be together like they were always too nervous to say they wanted to. Well, sort of. They could do anything anywhere that didn't occupy anyone who knew anyone they knew.

(Take a moment to register that sentence. It surprisingly does make sense.)

But he was still happy with it. Better than nothing, he guessed.

Ever since their little... science experiment, he had been thinking about her non-stop. He liked taking a break from being such a narcissistic bastard to being this sort of lovestruck dumbass. It was fun. He knew it was probably more fun for Jade, getting to watch him act like this.

The only issue was John.

And Rose, sort of.

If Rose knew, it would just be a simple, 'Glad to hear it. Use a condom.'

But if John knew...

He didn't really want to think about that at that point in time.

He was on his way out the door, backpack slung on one shoulder like the cool kid he was, when Bro stopped him. "What's with the speed, kid?"

Dave sighed and turned to him slowly. "Nothing, I just-"

"Sit. Eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know." He tilted his head slightly to the chair opposite him and took a sip of coffee.

The boy clenched his jaw briefly and sighed, before sitting at the counter across from Bro, who was eating cereal. He put his backpack on the floor by his feet and ate.

"So. How's that science project comin' along, hm?" Bro asked, picking at his food a few times before letting some into his mouth.

Dave didn't say anything. He kept looking into his bowl, taking small bites.

"Oh, how's Jade, by the way? I haven't seen that girl in forever." Bro said, a lightness in his voice.

Dave again, didn't say anything. He just glanced up at his brother and gritted his teeth, giving a glare. He continued eating.

"She's a cutie that one, huh?"

"Alright. How did you find out." he asked, fed up with the interrogation, dropping his spoon beside his bowl and crossing his arms.

Bro chuckled. "I found her backpack by the couch. Surprized you didn't notice it."

Dave bit his lip and mumbled, "Sorry." looking in his bowl again.

"For what?"

He thought for a second. He didn't even know what he was sorry for. Probably because he wasn't sorry? At all? He had sex with Jade. Why would he be sorry?

"I... don't know."

There was silence as they ate their cereal, glancing at each other every once in a while. As soon as Dave finished, he took that as his escape go-ahead and stood up, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. "Later." He picked Jade's up on his way out and finally left for school.

It was a short walk, thankfully. Dave wasn't much of a long-distance kind of guy. Not that he was unfit by any means, just lazy, really. He made his way into the halls, passing lockers, dodging any possible conversation with fellow students (which was hard – he was rather popular at their school), straight to locker 121.

Straight to Jade.

"Looking for something?" he asked, holding her backpack up.

She turned to him and gasped. "Dave! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She threw her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He smiled softly and hugged back with his free arm. "I must've left it at your place after... uh.." She blushed lightly and took the bag from him, looking down.

He wasn't sure what to say in reply to that. "Yeah... so are we still on for Friday?"

She nodded excitably as her blush faded. "Of course! I told John we have a study date." She put her bag on her shoulders, grinning at her 'cunning' plan.

He raised his eyebrows in false shock. "Wow. Helping your boyfriend defy the Bro-Code by studying. That's pretty badass."

She giggled and hit him playfully, getting butterflies in her stomach as he called himself that. "It was the only thing he would believe! Of course we're not gonna study." She threw in a wink for effect, then closed her locker door.

He grinned and put his arm around her as they walked towards the English classroom. "I'm liking this side of you."

She tried to come up with a witty retort, but failed, her mind still on the 'boyfriend' comment, so she just smiled in reply. They went inside and saw John, smiling goofily at them and waving. Dave's arm immediately left Jade's shoulders and they both smiled and waved awkwardly back.

As they approached him, he pulled a face. "What's wrong?"

Dave sat down at the desk behind him. "Nothing... Why do you ask...?"

"Well for one thing, you're smiling. Weirdly, but still smiling." He then turned his attention to his sister, who had just sat down in the desk next to Dave. "And you've just been acting different and jumpy overall."

"I have n-" She jumped a little, startled, and squeaked as a book was slammed onto her desk. She turned to see who it was.

"Well, well, well. Someone's nervous." Rose. "And I know exactly why." She raised an elegant brow, slight smirk on her flawless face.

"Y-you do?" Jade swallowed, praying that for once Rose was wrong about something.

Dave took a breath as she paused for effect. She finally spoke, smiling. "Of course. You're meeting your blind date tonight!" She sat down next to John, body turned to the three.

"What?" Jade asked, completely dumbstruck.

"What." Dave deadpanned. The fuck does she mean 'blind date'? Who the hell is Jade dating other than him?

Rose tilted her head and sighed softly. "You don't remember? I told you last week. I met a boy. I think you would really like him." She smiled, quite proud of herself. "He's... tall, and very charming. Smart too."

Dave had to resist from physically slapping his palm to his face, so he did it mentally instead.

Jade glanced at him, then back at Rose. "I... I don't know if I can make it." She took a folder from her backpack and began reading what was inside, just to avoid eye-contact and seem busy.

"You told me last week that you could."

"She doesn't wanna go on the stupid date, Rose, leave her alone." Dave said quickly, looking at his phone under the desk, agitation in his voice.

She glanced at John and mouthed, 'Wow.' and he nodded in agreement before looking at the two and squinting. "What's up with you guys today?" he asked, adjusting his glasses.

Neither of them said anything, or had a chance to before their homeroom teacher walked in and began babbling on about a class trip to somewhere. None of them were really listening.

When 1st period started, Jade was relieved that none of them had class together because she really didn't think she could take another awkward moment where she had no idea what to say. Whether it was trying to make up a believable excuse for Rose or shooting apologetic looks at Dave or even acting like everything was fine for John, she didn't like it and didn't want to do it. Secrecy was not her thing.

But right now, it had to be.

'Maybe it's no big deal.' she thought, scribbling notes down absent-mindedly into her book. 'You're just over reacting. Silly Jade! It's not like it's been going on for long anyway.' She let out a small sigh of relief after calming herself down. She slid down in her seat a little, looking back to the front as her Math teacher talked about, well, math.

Rose didn't mention the boy again that day. She noticed how obviously tense Dave and Jade got when she mentioned him, and felt like maybe she knew why.

Jade was lying on her bed, kicking her legs behind her softly as she finished her homework when her phone buzzed. She looked over at it. Rose.

TT: Jade.

GG: hi rose!

TT: Yes, hi. I need to ask you something.

GG: okay :)

TT: Now, I understand you have feelings for Dave. We've established this early in our friendship. But, I have to ask...

GG: yeeeess..?

TT: You and him haven't, how do I put this...

Jade's eyes widened. She typed quickly, fingers punching letters furiously before hitting send as fast as she could.

GG: no rose ew!

TT: Don't lie to me, Jade. I know you aren't a virgin. If you and Dave have something going on I'm not going to judge you. I just want to know so that I can let Jason down gently.

GG: jason?

TT: The boy.

GG: oh

GG: tell him i said sorry please?

TT: I knew it! You are fucking Dave!


TT: There's no need to shush me. I'm merely typing the words and using exclamation points for effect. You shush.

GG: right

GG: sorry :/

TT: Anyway, as I was saying.

GG: no rose

GG: please can we stop talking about this? im not 'fucking' dave okay

GG: were just more than friends now! :)

TT: Alright. Well, I'm happy for you. Does John know?

GG: no omg! he would kill dave if he knew :(

TT: But if you aren't having sex with him then why should John 'kill' him? Surely he's okay with you simply dating boys, hm?

Ugh. Stupid Rose and her dumb psychoanalysis!

GG: um haha

GG: i have to do my homework now bye rose!

TT: Lies.

GG: okay fine, we did it one time :/

TT: Was it good?

GG: ...



TT: So? You're my best friend. I take comfort in knowing the sex you have is good sex.

GG: well i guess that makes sense?

TT: Yes.

TT: So was it?

GG: yeah! :D

She blushed as she typed, smiling a little at the memory.

GG: yes hehe

GG: fuck yes oh my god

GG: rose it was so good

TT: Wow. Alright.

GG: no like i reeeeaaallllyy wasnt expecting that

GG: he was

GG: so

TT: If what you're about to say is a reference to the size of my twin brother's penis, I'd prefer you to stop typing.

GG: okay sorry!

GG: but wow it was very very nice :)

GG: (the sex, haha)

TT: Well, other than being completely uncomfortable right now, I'm happy for you I suppose?

GG: you asked :p

TT: Yes, I did. But you have to admit, you got carried away there.

GG: pff maybe

GG: now i really need to do my homework okay!

TT: Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Jade.

GG: bye rose! 3

TT: 3

- tentacleTherapist ceased pestering gardenGnostic –

Jade laid back on her bed with a happy sigh. Wait, homework first. Daydreams later.

She pulled her mass of dark hair to one side and chewed the tip of her pencil, trying to concentrate. "If the value of x is 34 degrees..." She muttered, frowning in concentration. She read over the sum a few times, absent-mindedly doodling something on her book. She realized this and looked at the doodle, then smiled softly. 'Dave' with little hearts. Of course.

She didn't bother erasing it, getting distracted by her yawns. She closed the book and put it in her bag. She'll just do it tomorrow.

She climbed under the covers and leaned over to turn her lamp off, then let out another cheery sigh. "Life is so good!" she said, voice overflowing with happiness as she snuggled into the sheets, unable to wait to see Dave again.

aha yeah sorry this took so long, and sorry its lame and sorry

but yes thanks for reading and a super hUGE thanks for all the super encouraging reviews! i've just had school and stuff but now i'll be writing a lot more 0u0 ilu guys! keep readin' yo it's good for your vocab


- lily