Authors note: I don't own Hellsing, if i did i wouldn't be on here i'd be paying people to make more OVA episodes and mangas.

I've Had Enough!

Seras Victoria, fledgeling of Alucard the true Nosferatu and No-Life King, was sitting in her room broken bloodied and beaten, the results of disobeying her master's order to drink blood. In front of her on the floor was a bag of blood thrown at her by her master after he had very easily and very soundly punished her for her disobedience. Seras was crying at the immense pain she felt from her many broken ribs and shattered bones in her arms, she was looking at the blood pack, knowing that her master left it there to taunt her, to mock her for her idiotic ways.

Seras still refused to drink blood, and because of it she let her blood-lust consume her on her last mission, causing the death's of multiple Hellsing soldiers in the process, when she returned she got yelled at by Sir Integra for over an hour, the woman was stark raving mad. Furious with the incompetence Seras had displayed in the field on more then one occasion, Sir Integra ordered her to her room and to drink her blood. When she got into her room, her master was waiting for her, and the look on his face was one of sheer rage and hatred for the inept fledgeling.

Alucard had roared with rage as he grabbed her and slammed her into the wall causing multiple ribs to break and then proceeded to shatter both of the bones in her arms by crushing them with his immense iron like grip. Seras cried out in pain and tried to speak but every time she did, Alucard would only hit her again, when he finally finished she crumpled to the floor and he only looked down at her and said one thing as he tossed a blood pack at her.

"You are the single most disappointing fledgeling i have ever seen, i am now done with you Seras Victoria, you obviously do not wish this life you chose, so i shall no longer waste my time on you, you pathetic excuse for a vampire!" Alucard growled with anger and rage and walked out of the room phasing through the wall leaving Seras on the floor crying in pain and slowly trying to sit up, looking at the blood pack next to her on the floor she grabbed it and stared at it.

"I hate this, i hate this life, if he had told me what i was getting into i never would have accepted." Seras mumbled to herself drinking the blood down as her fangs pierced the packaging of the blood pack, she hated drinking blood, but she hated the immense pain wracking her body at the moment, the blood would help to heal her injuries. Once it was done she threw it away into the corner and sat on the floor, feeling herself getting better when she was able to she struggled into her coffin-bed and laid there letting herself heal.

It was then that she had finally had enough, she was sick and tired of this life, she hated her master and Sir Integra, the only one here who actually cared about her was Walter. Thinking about the kindly old retainer brought a smile to her face, he was always so nice and polite beyond that of an English gentleman which he was. He never saw her for a blood sucking monster of a creature, which was one of the few things in this "life" she called normal.

Seras then walked into the kitchen trying to find Walter after leaving her room and walking up from the dungeons. When she walked into the kitchen she found Walter busying himself with preparing tea and some food for Sir Integra, upon noticing the young Draculina Walter smiled at her but had a look of worry as he noticed the look of her, she was cut up, bloody and broken. "Miss Victoria, are you alright..?"

Seras just smiled at Walter and nodded slightly trying to fake it despite her appearance, "Yes Walter, I'm fine, i just need a favor from you if you wouldn't mind." Walter raised an eyebrow and smiled at her "Of course Miss Victoria, you need only ask and i shall do my best to comply" Seras just kept smiling, she'd always liked Walter, always so kind and warm to her despite her being a vampire.

"Walter, i need 3 blood packs, don't ask me why, i just need them, please don't ask me why." the butler's eyes almost popped out of his head at the request, she had never asked for more blood then she absolutely needed, he wondered what was going on but thought it best to simply comply, handing her the 3 blood packs from the freezer. "Here you are Miss Victoria, i must confess this is not like you at all." Seras just nodded taking them opening one of the packs draining it completely one after another she chugging them back in front of Walter, who was watching absolutely shocked.

"Miss...Victoria whats going on?" Seras only smiled as she tossed the empty packs in the garbage and then bowed to the retainer and about-faced and left the kitchen. Seras then ran as fast as she could back to her room grabbing her Harkonnen and loading a exploding silver round into it and then walked to her master's door. Rage was building up in her she was furious and utterly gone with mad blood lust, he wanted her to be a monster, then so be it.

At that she summoned up all of her strength and placed one very hard and very devastating kick to her master's door sending it flying off it's hinges into the darkness with a loud crash. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ALUCARD GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!" Alucard was sitting on his throne with something of an astonished look on his face as he saw his fledgeling standing there her eye's glowing with pure utter hatred and rage holding her Harkonnen, she screamed and fired a shot into Alucard's direction which he dodged but it completely destroyed his throne-like chair.

"POLICE GIRL WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? DO YOU WISH DEATH SO BADLY TO ATTACK YOUR MASTER!?" Alucard shouted with rage looking at his destroyed chair or what was left of it, Seras dropped the gun stalking towards him with so much anger coming off her she probably couldn't see straight. "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER YOU SICK PIECE OF SHIT! I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU WITHER AND DIE!" Alucard stood there looking at her, she truly did hate him, with every fibre of her being, enough so to attack him head on regardless of knowing his abilities.

She rushed forward landing one extremely solid blow to her master causing him to fly back into a wall a bit, not prepared for the force she had put into the hit especially after the amount of damage he did to her earlier. He stood there looking at Seras and then he snapped he lost it completely he had enough of this. "YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME SO BADLY FINE THEN LETS GO!" Alucard roared with rage that shook the entire house as he launched himself at her landing several blows to her causing bones to break and blood to fly.

Seras made no sounds, never faltered, she only stood there seething with the hatred that had been building for months now. Using every ounce of strength she had and speed she could muster she rushed Alucard and impaled him through the heart then ripped her hand out and did a spin kick to his head using the last of the energy she had, sending Alucard flying into a wall the stone wall shuddered and cracked from the force shaking most of the mansion.

Alucard stood up looking at the hole in his chest and growled as it healed and as he was about to reach for the Jackal he noticed it was gone, there it was though, in Seras hands as she held it but it was not pointed at Alucard, no she had it against her own head. "I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY YOU SICK BASTARD BECAUSE OF YOU THIS IS WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN!" Alucard looked at her, she was going to kill herself because of all the things he had done, this was not what he wanted at all. He just wanted her to be strong and to drink her blood and he had tried everything he could think of, he was patient for so long but then he lost his patience.

Sir Integra had heard the screaming then the explosions from the Harkonnen and had run down into the basement along with Walter and they could only stand there at the sight. There was Seras screaming in rage at her master holding his Jackal to her own head and about to pull the trigger, she had finally snapped and was going to kill herself for everything she had been put through. Walter only stood in stunned silence unable to comprehend what she was doing, she had wanted the blood to confront Alucard, no wonder she never told him he would have done everything to stop her.

Walter saw the hammer going back and was about to come down and kill herself with Alucard's gun, the gun that Walter had designed to specifically kill vampires, he refused to allow his own work to kill one he cared for so much. Walter then sent a wire out hoping and praying he was still as accurate as he was in his youth and the wire wrapped around the hammer holding it back from slamming into the blessed silver bullet within the chamber.

Seras noticed that the gun hadn't gone off and looked at it seeing the wire, and followed it back to Walter and Sir Integra standing there Walter using every ounce of his strength to stop the gun from firing. Alucard watched on looking at the Angel of Death and the gun noticing the wire he walked over and grabbed the gun from Seras while she stood there glaring at him. "IF YOU WONT LET ME DO IT MYSELF THEN KILL ME YOU ASSHOLE!"

Integra and Walter could only watch, they had no idea that she had been pushed this far as to want a true death, to no longer exist. Alucard could do nothing but look at his fledgeling shaking with rage still and staring up at him waiting for him to kill her. "WELL!? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? KILL ME! YOU LOVE KILLING WHATS ONE MORE!?" Alucard looked at the Jackal and then looked at his fledgeling he just dropped the gun on the floor and looked at her, waiting to see what she would do now since he refused to kill her.

Seras watched him as he dropped the gun and refused to kill her and got even more angry with him, he didn't even want to waste his energy on killing her she was so pathetic. She would make him realize exactly what he'd done to her over the last few months, in a flash she grabbed the gun put it to her chest where her heart was and fired the gun, blowing a hole through her chest liquid silver seeping into her body, the bullet just barely missed her heart as she fell to the floor.

Walter and Integra started running over calling for the doctors to get a stretcher, Walter looked at her as Alucard looked down at his fledgeling, dying on the floor of his room shot by his own gun. Alucard for once was completely silent and said nothing made no sound only stood like a statue. Sir Integra walked up to him and slapped him as hard as she could across the face. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER ALUCARD!?"

Alucard only stared as the doctors hauled her away in a rush on the stretcher as Walter picked up the blood covered Jackal looking at it with forlorn eyes and disgust. She used his own creation to try and kill herself, it made the retainer's legs wobble he was partially responsible for building this monstrous machine of death. Made specifically for killing freaks, vampires and any thing not human he felt horrible. He gave the gun to Alucard practically throwing it at him with a look of such hatred for the vampire it shocked Alucard, the Angel of Death was looking at him like an enemy now not a friend, which he considered Walter to be.

Walter then left the room running to the infirmary where Seras was taken to see if she could be saved, Integra stayed behind looking at Alucard holding the bloodied Jackal in his hands he hadn't said anything at all made not one sound movement expression or twitch. Integra looked down to the floor that was covered with Seras' blood from the gun shot and brief fight the two vampires had.

"Well vampire? What do you have to say for yourself for what has happened here, are you happy? You drove her to attempt suicide from your treatment of her, i sincerely hope you are happy, because if she dies because of your actions, you'll never see the moon or the stars of the night again, i will seal you away for eternity and throw your lifeless corpse in the ocean." with that she turned around walking out of the room leaving Alucard to stand there still not moving.

Alucard only stood there constantly thinking about everything that had happened, she just snapped, completely snapped and destroyed his entire room in an attempt to gain some kind of revenge, even going so far as to use his signature impalement move to hurt him, straight through his supposed heart. Then stealing his Jackal from him without his knowing and tried to shoot herself in the head, which Walter stopped but then she just grabbed the gun again and shot herself aiming for her heart.

This wasn't what he wanted he never wanted her to snap like this, he only wanted her to become strong, to be a strong No-Life Queen and to rule by his side. As Alucard looked around his room the only thing left untouched was his coffin which was surprising, but he guessed she was more focused on him than anything else. Began to feel a wet feeling on his cheeks and rubbed them with his hands looking at his hands they were covered in blood, he was...crying? He hadn't done that since Mina was taken from him and he was enslaved.

He dropped the Jackal and went and sat on his coffin and just sat there thinking about everything he had done to her and how it had all built up to this, he was expecting her to get mad at him but he never once thought she would try to kill herself. As he sat there he attuned his hearing to the infirmary trying to hear if she could be saved, he could hear nothing his head wasn't focused he could only think about what he had done.

In the infirmary the doctors were doing everything they could to keep the liquid silver from spreading into her system which was incredibly difficult and Walter was standing there watching, Integra looked at Walter, she knew that the butler had always like Seras but right now he seemed like he thought part of this was his fault, sensing this somehow she put a hand on his shoulder. "Walter, it's not your fault, if you need to blame someone blame that bastard vampire Alucard."

Walter looked at his boss and ward, he raised Integra into the strong powerful woman she was today and just gave a nod to her and looked back to Seras, the doctors cutting and extracting as much of the silver out as they could. "Sir Integra..." Walter spoke softly looking at Seras, and his boss looked at him knowing he was going to say it was his fault because he designed that weapon specifically to kill vampires and freaks.

"No Walter, just because you designed and built the weapon does not make it your fault, you were following my orders to build Alucard a new weapon that was more effective. Now come on, let the doctors do their work, we'll go have some tea." She put a hand on his shoulder gently trying to pull him away, reluctantly after looking at Seras he relented and followed Sir Integra out of the infirmary, looking at the doctors one last time, frantically working to fix the wound and extract out all the silver.

Integra and Walter were in the kitchen as he made some tea for the both of them, his actions were slow and numb which was very unlike the incredibly efficient and quick butler Integra had come to know over the years. When the tea was ready he sat down pouring her a cup and then himself he took a sip of the tea as did Integra. "She'll be fine Walter, don't make me order you to stop worrying." She said the last bit with a hint of joviality trying to cheer up the retainer.

Walter gave a small smile at that last bit and nodded taking another sip, then he put the tea cup down and looked at her. "If she dies, I'm going to personally shred that asshole vampire to pieces..." Integra looked at Walter, seeing his old self coming out, the one she had only heard of from her Father and from Alucard, the Angel of Death. She gave him one of her very rare kind smiles as she put a hand on his shoulder again to calm him. "Trust me Walter, if she dies, you are not the only one who will want revenge."

As the two drank the tea and talked, Alucard was walking up the stairs from the dungeon and sensed where Walter and his master were, in the kitchen. He began to walk over when he walked into the kitchen not phasing at all, tears still running down his cheeks. Walter and Integra both heard shuffling behind them and turned to see quite possibly the most unusual sight they had ever seen before, Alucard was crying, full on crying in front of people, he didn't seem to care what people thought of him at that moment.

He just dropped to his knee's on the floor and sat there staring at the floor as drops of blood red tears dripped on his jacket. Walter and Integra both looked at him, they were not expecting him to have a reaction like this, they expected him to just laugh it off and cackle like the insane madman he was, but there he was sitting on his knee's crying non-stop nothing saying anything, not breathing or making a sound just crying with a look of utter despair on his face.

He looked up at his master and handed her both of his guns and he spoke in a voice that none had ever heard, he was truly crushed completely by what he had done and just said three words. "Imprison me, forever." Walter and Integra looked at each other then back to Alucard, neither had ever seen Alucard act like this, nor had either of them ever hear him demand to be locked away forever. "My master, please, i am a monster seal me away throw away the key and brick over the door let me lay forgotten in the dungeons of Hellsing for eternity."

Integra didn't know what to say, Alucard was very protective of his ability to move about relishing in the kills of vampires and fights, demanding never to be locked up again usually but now here he was crying on his knee's begging to be sealed away forever. She looked at Walter who was in turn equally shocked by the vampire lord's words. Integra let out a sigh and looked at the vampire on his knees almost not believing this was the Alucard she grew up with.

"Vampire, you are needed to rid England of the darkness so i cannot comply with your request, i decide when you are locked away not you." She said in a cold and harsh tone if it were a sword it would have been slicing into Alucard's heart. Alucard looked at them both and spoke the words the Angel of Death thought he'd never here from the vampire. "Master, Walter, i am sorry, i have made a grave mistake and because of that Seras may die, because of my actions she lies in the infirmary." Integra just looked at Walter and Alucard and then spoke solidly "Vampire, go to your coffin, stay there until called for."

Alucard only nodded and phased into the dungeon through the kitchen floor, while Integra and Walter sat there thoroughly confused by the events that had just occured. "Walter, has he ever acted like that before?" Walter just shook his head "No Sir...I've never once heard him apologize and truly mean it he actually looked like he was completely destroyed by the events that have occurred, and I've never seen him cry, or care if he looked weak in front of people, usually his ego is so large if it ever did happen, he'd never let anyone see it."

Integra just nodded "He looked so different I've honestly never seen him look so...small before he just looked like he was defeated by some impossible enemy he could never win against." The phone then rang in the kitchen and Walter went to answer it he picked it up and held it to his ear "Yes?" Walter nodded and then his eyes opened wide and then hurriedly said "Yes i understand we'll be there immediately." he slammed the phone down and looked at Integra, "It's the doctors they want us in the infirmary now."

The two of them practically ran to the infirmary and opened the door, the doctor came up to them and looked at them both, they were clearly concerned for the young draculina. "She's still with us, barely, we managed to get the silver out of her before it spread, it was quite difficult had she been brought here any later she would have turned to dust before we could get it out of her." Walter and Integra both let out a sigh of relief knowing at the very least she didn't die from the silver.

"Other then that how is she doctor?" this was Walter asking with a pained look on his face, he felt guilty no matter what, he was the one who designed that damned gun. "She barely missed her heart, half a millimetre more and she would have died immediately. We've managed to stop the bleeding and have her hooked up to 7 different blood packs trying to help her vampiric regeneration powers." both of them nodded in understanding this time it was Sir Integra's time to speak

"Do you think she'll make it doctor?" The doctor seemed to give that question some thought "If it were anyone else, I'd say no, but since it's her, she has shown an uncanny ability to survive impossible odds." At this all of them including the doctor gave a small smile at all of the damage she had survived before. "Yes she does seem to have beaten the odds constantly, would it be prudent to have a psychologist here for when she wakes up?" Integra asked the doctor who then thought on it for a moment and shook his head in the negative.

"No, i think that would make it worse, there is only one person who can help her, and that was the one who caused all of this in the first place. They need to talk and to understand what happened and that can't happen with a stranger." the doctor noted this and then looked at the two "Excuse me i must get back to my patient she still needs much work." the both of them nodded and then looked at each other. "So...Alucard needs to be here when she wakes up..." Walter said with a hint of apprehension in his voice and Integra just nodded slowly "It would seem so, Walter, go get some rest i'm going to go talk to Alucard."

Walter nodded going off out the door and to his room to lay down, while Integra summoned Alucard to her. He Walked through the wall slowly and stood in front of his master waiting. "Yes Master" he spoke without any inflection in his voice at all and without anything on his face, the only expression she could read was depression. "Alucard, she's still with us, but its going to be a very close call, they got the silver out but she's in very bad shape." Alucard nodded at this not saying anything or changing the look on his face.

"I have a new mission for you Alucard." at this Alucard looked at her like she was crazy "Master, i am not fit to go into combat, not right now at least." Integra was taken aback by this normally Alucard itched for a fight all the time. "Servant you are not going to be fighting anyone, not until Ms. Victoria is back on her feet unless it is absolutely necessary, this mission is of a different nature."

At this Alucard looked somewhat confused, what mission would he have that doesn't involve fighting, he looked at his master waiting. "You are to stay by Ms Victoria's side until she awakens, then both of you are going to talk this through and you are going to explain in perfectly clear detail everything to her about why you have acted the way you have, i may know your reasons but she never did because you never told her."

Alucard then nodded again "Yes Master" he said without the slightest hint of hesitation or trepidation. "I was going to request to stay by her side until i was needed anyway.." This slightly shocked Integra but at the way Alucard has been acting since this happened it didn't surprise her as much, she knew that Alucard wanted Seras to be his queen, she knew it from the start. "Very well Alucard, you have your mission now carry it out." With that Integra opened the door to the hallway out of the infirmary and walked away.

The doctors were looking at the red clad vampire sitting in a chair beside the bed Seras was laying on, he kept quiet and kept out of the way sitting there just waiting like a statue. One of the nurses tapped him on the shoulder to which he blearily looked up at her she held out a blood pack "Um...sir...are you hungry...?" Alucard nodded taking the pack from the nurse gently, "Yes...thank is she doing?" This soft tone was shocking to the nurse, everything she had been told about Alucard was that he was a heartless murdering psychopath but he just thanked her and it sounded sincere as well.

"She' some form of vampiric coma like state while her body heals itself, she responds to stimulus in her eyes but nothing else, we don't know how long it will take for her body to heal entirely." Alucard just nodded looking at Seras and the nurse took that as a sign to leave so she left the room and let the vampires be. Alucard never once left Seras' side, he sat there day and night sleeping when he could by laying his head on her bed gently but only for a few hours at a time, weeks went by and she had no change, aside from her body was healing and almost completely healthy again.

He was sound asleep his head on her bed as Seras finally started to regain consciousness and she started asking herself questions in her mind "What...what is going on...why am i not dead..? I should have hit my heart and if not, the liquid silver should have killed me...great still a burden.." She opened her eyes and looked around, she was hooked up to numerous blood bags all feeding blood into her system through IV's and then she noticed something dark to her right.

Moving her eyes over to see her master laying his head on the bed asleep, his hair looked dishevelled he was so pale he was almost see through, she could tell he had not been sleeping or eating right because he looked like she did on occasion. What is he doing here? Why does he look so ill and unkempt..? She tried to call to him but no noise came when she tried swallowing she swallowed a bunch of congealed blood in her throat and she tried again, "Master.." she said in barely above a whisper.

Slowly Alucard's head started to lift off the bed and looked at her, she was awake finally. "Seras... please forgive me for the way i treated you, i never meant for any of this to happen, i blame myself and my abhorrent actions for all of this, i should have told you from the start why i was doing what i did, but i was a damn fool."

Alucard was sitting straight now looking at his fledgeling and had what looked like tears in his eyes, Seras could not believe what she was seeing, her master was crying, he never cries, ever. She started to question whether she was dreaming or something because this was too weird, first he apologizes calls himself a fool and is crying, something wasn't right. Alucard hearing her thoughts gave a small smile, the first he'd given since this whole thing happened.

"Seras, you're not dreaming, this is real and yes...i am crying, because like i said i was a damn stupid fool. I was trying to make you be strong because of the plans i had for us, i should have shared them with you from the start, I'm sorry, will you ever forgive me?" Seras upon hearing this started to tear up at what her master was saying, then it dawned on her, he said 'plans for us' and she looked at him and spoke barely above a whisper "What...plans..?"

Alucard took her hand getting on one knee and looked at her as her eyes opened wide realizing what he was doing "Seras Victoria, I want you to become a No-Life Queen, and once more my Queen, to rule beside me for all eternity, that's why i did everything i did i was trying to make you strong enough for the journey, but i was an idiot i should have told you what i was planning from the start."

Seras was trying to find the words to speak but it just kept not coming out she was trying to wrap her head around what he just told her...he wants her to become his queen, his mate for life to live and rule with for eternity...she actually thinks her worthy of something like that...she started to cry at that point and squeezed his hand tightly as she looked at him using her another hand to wipe the tears from his face and smiled at him.

That smile he missed for weeks, he truly loved to see her smile, it gave him such an immense feeling of warmth. She looked into his blood red swirling eyes and gave a small strained giggle " need to look starved." Alucard chuckled at that and gave a smile of his own "You are one to talk Seras" at which she gestured to the many IV bags of blood being dumped into her body "It seems i'm taken care of already master, and to answer your question...Yes i will be your queen." Alucard laughed at the first part and then smiled at her leaning in and giving her a soft kiss, she was surprised at first but then returned the kiss breaking away from him.

"Master...can you call Walter and Sir Integra please..?" He nodded mentally telling his master Seras was awake and wanted to see her and Walter. Then he lifted his wrist removing his sleeve, "Become a No-Life Queen Seras, you'll feel stronger then ever before and we shall rule the night together." She just smiled opening her mouth biting into his wrist and drinking his blood deeply feeling the immensely powerful fiery liquid pour into her mouth as she gulped down as much as she could her hair growing and turning into a shade of white and ending at her back and her eyes becoming a brilliant blood red color blazing with power.

Once Alucard removed his arm that was when Walter and Sir Integra walked into the room and looked at Seras, who looked completely different and she looked at the two of them giving them a smile. "Hello Sir, Walter, I'm sorry to have caused everyone so much worry, i just wanted to say that." Both of them just smiled, she was the same Seras never wanting to cause any problems and trying to fix something that never needed fixing. "No need to apologize Miss Victoria I'm just glad that you are alright, and it seems your hair has changed it looks quite lovely."

Walter said this and smiled at her bowing slightly, when Walter mentioned her hair she noticed it was longer and grabbed some of it and it was white, she smiled and looked at Alucard who simply nodded to her saying it was normal. Sir Integra looked at Seras "Seras Victoria, I have one order and one order only for you." Seras looked at the young knight and waited for the yelling to start, after all she did destroy a good portion of the dungeon. "You are to stay here and recover, did Alucard and you have a chance to talk yet?"

The knight knew already but she wanted to hear what Seras would say and didn't have to wait long because the white haired Seras looked over to Alucard and leaned forward slightly kissing him and holding his hand and looked back to her boss "Yes sir, He made me into a No-Life Queen and asked me to be his queen, he apologized for everything he did and told me why he did it and i agreed, so i guess because of that I'll have to be bound right?"

Alucard looked at her and then his master with a pleading look not to bind her to the Hellsing line, she didn't deserve that fate, not at all. Sir Integra just smiled at both of her vampires "I will only bind you if you go out of control and start killing innocents, but i have a feeling that isn't going to happen, you've always maintained your humanity Seras, because of that i wont bind you, but if you slip up once, i will have no choice do you understand?"

Seras nodded to her smiling brightly "I understand completely Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, and i hereby pledge my services once again to Hellsing, in appreciation for the trust you have shown in me, i shall strive every day to become as strong as Alucard to fight to rid England of all evil, and maybe get some payback on that stupid bayonet wielding psychotic priest..." at that Sir Integra just laughed a bit so did Walter and Alucard as he held her hand.

She motioned for Walter to come closer to her and pulled him into a hug whispering into his ear "Don't blame yourself Walter, i didn't choose that gun because you made it, but because at the time i was so angry at Alucard, not you, never you. You were one of the very few who treated me like a person instead of some unholy monster." She let him go and smiled at him as Walter looked at her with a smile on his face, all measure of guilt gone from him at hearing that.

Alucard heard the entire thing thanks to his hearing and knew that she wasn't mad at him anymore and was trying to ease Walter's conscience since he made the Jackal. Seras then turned to her ex-master and now soon-to-be mate, and then remembered something "Oh crap...i blew up your chair...sorry Alucard.." All of them looked at Seras and just started to laugh at the comment, Alucard chuckling and smiled at his queen. "Not to worry my queen, we will need to have new ones anyway, now that i have someone to accompany me throughout eternity."

Walter then spoke up after that "Miss Victoria, there are some people who want to come and say hello now that you are awake if you are up to it?" Seras looked at Walter and wondered who would want to come see her, and nodded in approval and with that Sir Integra stepped off to the side and Walter opened the door to the room. Walter stepping out and saying something to apparently people outside the door and the Wild Geese with Pip at the head of the group all walked in smiles on their faces waving at her saying it was good to see her awake and looking better.

Pip was the first to come up giving her a gentle un-perverted hug and smiled at her and gave her a little box. "Zis is from all of us Zeras we are glad you are getting better, and hope to see you on the training course soon, we miss having someone around who can so easily put us to shame!" the rest of the Geese started laughing at that and gave thumbs up to her and she smiled looking at the box, that was quite heavy actually. "Wonder what it is..." she mumbled to herself and opened it and inside were two fantastic beautiful weapons, hand guns much like Alucard's only slightly smaller, obviously custom made as well.

The one was a bright white type of metal with the words "Fear the angel of Hellsing" on one and the other which was a blackish/grey looking metal on the side of that one said "For she has fangs" Seras picked them up holding them in their hands and looked at Walter silently asking if he made them. The old retainer shook his head saying that he did not. She looked at Pip and the Geese smiling brightly as they had come so used to seeing and Hellsing Manor seemed out of sorts without her smile around. "Thank you very much guys, these are simply stunning, but it seems Walter never made them so where did you ever get such beautiful weapons?" Pip answered that with a smile

"Well it zeems that Walter is not the only gifted weapon smith in the mansion, though we did make use of his weapons crafting shop, sorry Walter!" Walter just laughed and shrugged signifying he was fine with it, then looked at the weapons, they were very impressive. " guys made these?" The Geese shook their heads and all pointed to Pip "He did!" they said as a group and she laughed and looked at Pip "Yez i made them though all the boys pitched in the funds for all the materials, also Zeras if you don't mind my asking, your hair seems to be a little longer...and white..?"

Seras nodded enthusiastically and grabbed Alucard's hand and pulled him closer to her giving off one of her bright smiles. "Yes...Alucard made me a true Nosferatu and then asked me to be his queen, and i accepted, my hair was part of the change." Alucard gave a wicked type grin to all the men as if to say 'I claimed her, back the fuck off.' Pip flashed a look of knowing to Alucard and smiled at Seras and the elder vampire "Well i do believe congratulations is in order, if what i understand about vampires iz correct, you are married now Seras!"

Seras blushed the color of a tomato and nodded in the affirmative, at that all the Wild Geese started cheering and hollering their congratulations as they clapped. "When you get better, and get out of that bed, we are going to celebrate!" Pip said enthusiastically and turned to Sir Integra "Sir, permission to throw a party?" Sir Integra actually laughed at that surprising the men around her and nodded her head "Very well Captain, you have your orders, but don't trash my house." the Wild Geese cheered again and they all filed out of the room all waving goodbye to Seras.

Alucard looked at his queen, "Seras, those weapons are truly magnificent especially what is written on them, it is perfectly true." Seras smiled and she looked over at Sir Integra "Sir, as soon as i am able i wish to return to work, i wanna try these babies out!" Holding up her new guns. "Walter, i might need some ammo for them, would you be able to get me some?" She asked with puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip. Walter just laughed at that and nodded "Of course Miss Victoria it would be my pleasure."

Sir Integra smiled at Seras and walked forward to the side of the bed and hugged the young vampire a move that shocked everyone including Alucard and especially Seras. "Seras, it's good to have you back, i really mean that, this place has been so depressing without you." and then the young knight straightened up and walked out of the room Walter following along and closing the door. Alucard was still staring with his jaw almost on the floor when Seras looked back and saw her mate like that she started to giggle and pushed his mouth closed, "Alucard, you don't want to be drooling all over the place now do you." she smiled at him.

Alucard chuckled and grinned at her "Well my queen, it seems the lady knight has developed an affection to you." Seras looked at him seriously for a minute and asked "Alucard, when you are free, will we go to Romania?" Alucard looked at her and nodded smiling "Yes we will, you and i shall rule the night never again will we need to be alone." He leaned in and kissed her and she kissed him back smiling at him after the kiss broke.

Suddenly something hit her like a freight train and her face flushed red with color as she looked at Alucard. "Whats wrong Seras?" he asked and she looked to him "Umm...Alucard i know you know this but...I'm a virgin and since we are basically married...won't that mean that we will have to...mate?" Alucard just gave a little chuckle and nodded to her "Yes my queen, but don't worry, i will never again do anything to hurt you, and will strive for eternity to bring you as much happiness and pleasure as i can." Seras kissed him again and smiled once more seemingly brightening the room. "I know, and i shall strive for the same goal for you my king." She looked at her hands placing the guns down feeling something strange and as she was about to ask Alucard, her hands started morphing into shadows and out came a white tiger sitting beside the bed looking at her.

Alucard looked at the tiger and just grinned the grin of pride. "Seras, your familiar animal has deemed you fit to be introduced to her, once again my queen, you astound me." Seras looked at the tiger and reached over petting its head and smiling. " do i name you?" and in her head she got the reply "Master you may call me whatever you wish, i am your humble servant." Seras jumped "You can talk!?" The tiger nodded it's head at her master, and Seras laughed at that thinking it was cute.

She looked at her king and then back to the tiger thinking of a name to honor him with. "I think i will call you...Crimson, for your eyes, and for my king." At that the tiger nodded it's head again and she looked to Alucard who had a look of gratefulness on his face and smiled at his queen " honor me with such a gesture." She looked back to Alucard and held his hand "It is the least i can do since you gave me a second chance at life."

Alucard laughed and said the exact same thing he said to her that night in Cheddar "The choice was always yours." At that Seras laughed and grabbed him into a hug and then let go looking at her king. "Alucard i have one thing to ask of you." Alucard nodded "Anything my queen." She took a big breath, he may or may not take this well, but she needed it. "Alucard, i would like to kill that bastard priest the next time i see him. I owe him for all those bloody bayonets he put into me when we first met."

Alucard sat shocked for a moment before erupting into a deep insane laugh that echoed across the halls of the Hellsing mansion. "Nothing would please me more then to see my queen rip that worthless Paladin into bits and pieces!" Seras laughed along with him and smiled at him. "Excellent, i can't wait to get out of here and kick that stupid priests ass, righteous bastard he is, needs to be taken down a peg or two." Alucard chuckled at his queens behaviour and grinned at her his usual grin "I can't wait to see it Seras it will be a truly great experience for us both i think." Seras nodded leaning back to rest.