A/N: Hello, and welcome to... the final... chapter?

What? How can this be over already! I want to cry! I don't want it to end! I don't want it to goooooo!

I'm not crying you're crying shut up

Thank you all for your beautiful reviews! It really means a lot to me! I never expected this to get so many reviews, and all of them so positive! It makes me indescribably happy!

I hope you enjoy the final chapter of Music To My Ears!

Disclaimer: I do not own!

Chapter 16

"Francis get your damn French arse up right now!"

The man in question fell out of bed.

"I'm awake!" He yelled instinctively, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

Francis Bonnefoy yawned. He had been having a wonderful dream, but he couldn't for the life of him remember what it was about...

He stumbled down the stairs, half asleep mind trying to not fall and break his back or something.

"You took your time." Arthur said, frowning when Francis entered the kitchen. The Frenchman paid no heed, fixing himself a cup of coffee and slumping in a chair.

"You could have not shouted at me yet, here we are." he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Shut up." The Brit stated. "We're going to be late if you don't hurry up."

'Late for what?' Francis signed, trying his best to remember. It was too early to be remembering important things. It was too early to be doing things, period.

Arthur sighed.

"Your first day of university you twat."

The Frenchman blinked a few times.

"Shit!" He downed his coffee, even though it was scalding hot. "Ow ow ow!"

"That's what you get." Arthur huffed, taking a sip of his tea.

"I'm going to be late!" Francis exclaimed.

"That's what I just said!"

Ten minutes later, Francis dashed down the stairs. His hair was now presentable (brushed at least) and he was wearing actual clothes.

Arthur came out of the kitchen just as he was pulling on shoes.

"Bye!" Francis said, running over and giving him a peck on the lips. 'I love you.' He quickly signed.

Then he was out the door.

Arthur settled down in a chair, still grinning.


Okay, I think I need to back track a bit.

After what had lovingly been dubbed the tree-house incident, everything seemed to settle down. Arthur moved in with the Bonnefoys, and was even allowed to stay in Francis' room as long as, in Mrs Bonnefoy's words, there was no 'hanky panky'.

Pfft, as if that ever happened.

School continued as normal. True, the two got a bit of trouble for being out in the open, but luckily not much. It was a high class school, so there weren't as many trouble makers.

Exams came and went. Arthur did incredibly well, getting all As and A*s. Francis too, got similar results. Because of this, the two were allowed into the local Sixth Form college to do A levels.*

Arthur chose to do history, English literature and philosophy, whereas Francis took chemistry, biology and philosophy.

The years passed. They passed their exams and continued on into university. Francis was looking to become a doctor, whilst Arthur had decided to be an English teacher of some sort. They enrolled in universities in the same city; Arthur to the university and Francis to the medical school.

And here we are, the two that had stuck together through thick and thin, despite each other's flaws and imperfections, living the perfect life.


Where was it, where was it? Why were these places always so huge!


Francis quickly checked his watch. It was five to ten.

He quickly fist pumped the air. He had made it in time!

Running a quick hand through his hair, he pushed open the door.

There were a few people there already, however only around five or six. This was good; it meant he wasn't the last.

Sighing in relief, Francis took a seat near to the front. As he sorted out his stuff, a few more people trickled into the room.

Around five minutes later, the majority of the class were here. The teacher came in and told them all to settle down.

As he talked, Francis felt a grin forming on his face. He was here, this was what he wanted to do, this was what he was going to be.

It was amazing how far he'd come.

And he would have Arthur with him forever.

And that was the best thing.

He chuckled slightly. He was getting philosophical.

Choosing to concentrate on what the teacher was saying, Francis settled back into his seat.

Things could only get better from here.


Arthur, meanwhile, had a day to himself. His lessons didn't start until tomorrow, giving him a day off.

He sat down on the sofa, sipping a cup of tea. He supposed he should really finish unpacking, but he had just kicked Francis out of the house. That in itself took a lot of work.

Speaking of Francis... it had been, what, four, five years since they had met? Yes, it was coming up to their fifth anniversary soon.

He remembered every day like it was yesterday. He laughed as he remembered way back when Francis and him had hated each other. It had taken around a month for the two to be around each other without any fights breaking out.

He wondered how everyone else was getting on. He hadn't spoken to Matthew in a while...

Nodding to himself, Arthur brought out his phone (a much newer model than his old one, which he had stuck with for years). Fingers blurring over the keyboard, he quickly sent a text.

Just wondering what you were getting up to. We'll have to meet up soon.

Arthur busied himself by unpacking the final boxes in their bedroom. When he came next came downstairs and checked his phone, there were two unread messages.

We'll have to! It feels like ages since I've last seen you! When are you next free?

There was also one from Francis, much to his shock.

hope ur enjoying the day off without me ;) things going well so far, talk to you later, love u

He felt himself smiling at the small text. He still couldn't get over the fact that Francis loved him, that he was with someone that didn't care that he was deaf, that he was with someone that had learnt sign language for him, that someone actually loved him.

He didn't really keep in touch with his family anymore. He texted Mary every so often for updates, and they sometimes visited each other, but he hadn't seen his parents and other siblings since the tree-house incident. Sometimes he thought about going home, about turning up on their doorstep one day, but realised that he'd either be punched, have the door slammed in his face or both.

Mary was enough, he thought. He was better here, with someone that loved him, around people that accepted him. He didn't need his family. He hated the fact that they didn't love him, but he had to move on at some point.

After all, what was the point in moping? He had all that he needed here.

And that was all that mattered.


Arthur was awoken by a kiss on the lips.

He pushed away and spat a bit in disgust. The Brit looked up to see Francis' smiling face looming over him.

'Hello gorgeous.' he signed. 'How was your day?'

"Not bad." He told him. "I finished unpacking. How about you?"

'Brilliant.' Francis grinned. 'The teachers were great, and I can tell I'm going to learn loads.'

"That's good, now your doctor fantasies won't be confined to the bed."

Francis seemed to choke on air.

"Oh my god." He guffawed. "That was priceless!"

He leant in, giving Arthur a quick kiss on the lips.

'I love you so much!'

"I love you too."

Although he could never hear Francis' voice, just the fact that he was there was all he needed to live.

And Francis? To him, Arthur's voice was music to his ears.


A/N: That's it! We're done!


This is the first multi chapter fic I've finished, and I'm really proud of how it turned out! This fic is my baby, so I'm sad to see it go :'(

I'm just... thank you all for the support you've given me throughout this! I doubt I would have finished this without all your beautiful reviews! I'm so happy you liked it!

I'm legit crying right now oh my god.

Thank you ever so much for reading this! I can't express enough how much I love you all!

This is goodbye!