Omg! I finally finished it! FINALLYYYY! lol I'm okay now :3 Anyways, I just finished this chap and decided to post it right away for you all ^.^ see how nice I am? And I decided to write it in Tikari's pov :3 I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Tikari's PoV

It was a school day so, of course, everyone – excluding Shigure, since he's obviously older and not in school anymore – has to get ready. I had gone downstairs after I had gotten dressed and set for school. I skipped the last two steps, like always, and went into the living room to see Shigure sitting at one end of the table and Tohru sitting at the other. Neither seemed to notice me in the doorway as I listened to their conversation.

"Um, as long as I'm going to be living here," Tohru began. "Do you think it would be alright if I told two of my friends where I am? I'm sure they really want to know."

Shigure lowered the newspaper he was reading from his face to look at Tohru. "Uh.."

"If that's okay," Tohru added.

Shigure then smiled. "So long as you don't mention anything about, you know, the zodiac and whatnot, I don't particularly mind," he told her.

Tohru gave one her big smiles. I heard Yuki and Kyo come walking up beside me and glanced in the living. Tohru bowed and stood up, "Thanks so much!"

Seeing the brunette smile made me smile as well. "Come on Tohru, let's go," I called.

Tohru glanced over to see me smiling at her with Yuki and Kyo just behind me. "Okay!" She waved to Shigure before joining the three of us to go to school.


I flinched at the blonde's sudden outburst after Tohru had gotten done explaining that she had been living in a tent then living at Shigure's house. I had joined Tohru and her two friends, Uo and Hana, as Tohru explained to them what happened. Hana was eating a bag of chips beside Tohru while I sat across from her, Uo sitting on the other side of me and Tohru. We sat facing each other on a blanket, kind of like a picnic.

"So not only were you living in a tent, but now you've moved into Prince Yuki's house?! Seriously," Uo exclaimed.

"Yes," Tohru replied calmly. "I'm sorry for not saying anything about it sooner. There's a lot that happened! But, everything's fine now." Crunch. "And they're all really nice people." Crunch. "So, there's nothing to worry about."

The two stared at her silently for a while after what Tohru just said. I stared back and forth between them before leaning forward and wrapping my arms around Tohru with a smile. "And besides! I also live with them so she's not the only girl there! She won't be alone," I told them. Tohru smiled at me.

"This is definitely a bolt out of the blue," Hana said after everything was silent once more, in her usual calm and emotionless voice. I had moved back to sit in my spot once more. "I wonder… How will the Prince Yuki fan girls react when they hear the news?"

Tohru sweat-dropped, I did as well.

"Hmm. I thought it was strange how you've been spending so much time with the Prince and Orange-top lately," Uo said. "Now I understand."

Suddenly, Hana crunched the chip bag closed, making birds fly nearby and me flinch once more. "Perhaps we should have them invite us over," she suggested. "I'd like to see whether or not this is a suitable environment for you to be living in."

Hey, great idea! Let's check it out right now," Uo added. I raised an eyebrow as they continued speaking while Tohru was just silent and probably working some gears in her head.

"If we show up unexpectedly, they may not serve snacks."

"Oh, another good point. We're two for two." Suddenly Hana and Uo were standing up and already beginning to walk away. "Okay then, we'll stay over tomorrow night." Uo said that with a raised hand.

Tohru said something inaudible while she bowed her head before lifting her head and giving her two friends a smile. "Okay."

"High school girls!~ High school girls!~" Shigure sang as he wiped the table with a cloth. "One, two, three~ High school girls!~" He giggled before sitting up straight. "Ah, I can't help but wonder what kind of girls these friends of Tohru's are."

"A Yankee and a psychic," Kyo said matter-of-factly. It sounded like he was almost annoyed, but I couldn't really tell. Shigure seemed to freeze up after hearing that.

Shigure was sitting at his usual spot at the table while Yuki and Kyo sat at one side, and Tohru and I sat on the other. I laughed at Shigure, finding it hilarious how he was acting. The sound of the door opened and Tohru got up to go greet them. "Oh, they're here!"

The four cursed Sohma's watched her leave. I glanced back over my shoulder but then noticed Shigure's red face. I held a hand to my mouth as I tried to hold in more giggles, getting different stares from the boys across from me. I then busted out laughing when his face got even redder when he noticed me staring at him.

"Hi, come in! So, you found the house okay?"

"No, we got lost." That sounded like Uo.

"I'm thinking this was a bad idea," Kyo muttered. He gave me an 'are-you-crazy?' kind of look.

I glanced at him and tried to hold in my giggles. I took deep breaths before I finally managed to settle down. "I'm okay now," I announced to no one in particular.

Yuki shook his head in amusement at me before muttering to Kyo, "Just don't do anything stupid."

Kyo glared at Yuki as he tried to control his anger. "That goes double for you, ya damn rat!" I shook my head at them with a small smile on my face.

"Yes, all of us would do well to be careful while they're here," Shigure spoke up. "'Cause I wonder, if either of these girls were to find out the family curse, what would happen, do you think?" He then turned his weird stare to Yuki and Kyo. I only raised an eyebrow, finding his behavior to be a bit strange now. Yuki and Kyo stared at him intently, listening to what he's saying. "At the very least, I suppose that Tohru would no longer be allowed to stay in this house."

Everyone was silent. I deadpanned before raising an eyebrow at Shigure. "All you three have to do is make sure you watch where you step and be careful what the hell you do and say. Nothing more, nothing less. Got it?" The three of them now stared at me. I didn't give them a chance to reply. "Good." I closed my eyes and clasped my hand behind my head and leaned back slightly.

"Well, either way," Shigure said after a moment of silence. "Something's bound to happen! Kay suraw suraw! (or whatever the hell he said cuz I have no freaking idea!)" He said that while moving his finger at the last sentence and chuckling.

"You just like hearing yourself talk, don't you," Yuki said, relaxing slightly.

"Yep," I replied nonchalantly.

"There's a dog."

Everyone except me seemed to be on edge when she said that. I just flinched at the sudden voice that entered the room. Even with Hana's psychic "ability", I didn't think she'd be able to figure it out that quickly even if she did manage to figure it out.

"Over there," Hana added.

A brown dog barked at the porch behind Yuki and Kyo, who had face-palmed (Yuki) and scowled (Kyo). I giggled. Kyo gave me a look that said 'how-can-you-be-so-damn-calm?!' I just shrugged with a smile and mouthed with a wink, "'Cause I'm a girl and I don't have anything to worry about. You're all just paranoid!" He just scoffed and glanced in a different direction.

Instead, I glanced over my shoulder. "Oh, wassup!"

"Hey, Tikari," Uo greeted with a smile.

"Oh, yes that's a dog!" Shigure said, trying to cover their paranoidness up. I just shook my head.

"So, these are my friends," Tohru introduced when everyone sat down. "Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima."

Tohru had moved to Shigure's spot while Shigure moved to sit on the other side of Kyo. I sat on the other side of the table across from Tohru while the two girls sat across from the guys. Everyone had a glass of tea in front of them.

"Hey," Uo said, raising a hand.

"A pleasure," Hana said nonchalantly.

"Welcome, welcome," Shigure said. "Please, make yourselves right at home!" He chuckled nervously.

"Say, it's Shigure, right? This is your place," Uo asked, glancing at him. "So, what do you do to pay the rent around here?" I glanced expectantly at him, curious as to what he does. Even I didn't know.

"Oh, me? I'm a writer," he announced. "Well, a novelist actually."

The tea bottle tipped over as Tohru stood up in surprise. "Did you say you're a novelist?!" Everyone stared at her. I raised an eyebrow at her. I was surprised as well, but I wasn't that surprised.

"Why the heck are you so surprised," Uo asked.

"This is the first she's heard of it," Hana guessed.

"Right," Tohru agreed. "I really had no idea."

"Well, that's cool, Shigure," I exclaimed with a smile.

"What was it again," Yuki asked, turning to the older man. "Fine literature or something?"

"Uh-huh! That's right," Shigure said. "This sort of story." He held up a sort of pink looking book. Yuki, Kyo, and Uo seemed to stare at him in disgust and astonishment. I raised an eyebrow. Shigure noticed the book he was holding up. "Oh, sorry. My mistake." He picked up a green book with a golden writing on it. "This is my real work." He then moved the pink book around a bit. "This one here was just something I did for fun!"

"So that makes it okay to write that dime sore (I honestly don't know what the hell she said…) smut," Uo asked, sweat-dropping.

"You're a sicko, you know that!" Kyo smacked his fist against the table.

Yuki sighed. "What were you thinking?"

Tohru had her hands clasped together with little sparkles around her as she stared admiringly at Shigure. "Shigure, that's amazing! I mean, to think, I actually know someone as important as a novelist!"

I blinked at her before smiling and turning to Shigure. "That is really cool, Shigure!"

Yuki and Kyo stared at us in surprise but then Yuki smiled at us softly. "Careful, Miss Honda, Tikari, you don't want to inflate his ego too much."

"Like his head to get any bigger than it already is," Kyo agreed, glancing at the man. I giggled and nodded in agreement.

Shigure was laughing while Uo stared at him before glancing at the still-smiling-admiringly Tohru. I didn't pay any attention to them. "Maybe you could let me borrow some of your books, Shigure?"

Kyo gave her a 'what-the-hell-are-you-thinking?' look.

I shrugged and tried to defend myself. "What? I like reading!" In a lower voice, I muttered, "And music."

"Well, enough about me," Shigure said, seemingly unaware of mine and Kyo's silent conversation. Though, he did nod to my request. "Why don't you tell us something about yourselves? You can start by telling us how you met Tohru."

"What, serious?" Uo raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm sure we'd all like to hear!" Shigure then glanced beside him. "Right, Yuki? Right, Kyo? Right, Tikari?" He glanced at the green-eyed Sohma, me, last.

I nodded and clapped my hands together once with a smile. "Yes! I'd love to hear about it." Kyo sighed while Yuki glanced at Tohru.

"Uo saved me," Tohru announced, grabbing their full attention. "Hey, pin-head! You better not step on those! You-" She stopped once she noticed everyone staring at her oddly. "Wait, let me back up. This one time in middle school I dropped all my notes in the hall." It was silent for a few moments.

"What have I done," Shigure mumbled. I reached over and smacked him upside his head, giving him a glare for being rude.

"Yeah, I remember that," Uo said, closing her eyes. "I guess I could get a little… rough back then."

Back then? Yuki and Kyo's thoughts echoed in unison. I stayed silent as I listened intently.

"You were still a Yankee then, weren't you," Tohru asked.

The guys seemed to group together as they stared at the girls with sweat-drops and those depressing blue anime lines. (whatever the hell those things are called xD I seriously don't know)

"Right," Uo agreed. "I started running with them in the fifth grade."

"You always used to wear those masks all the time," Tohru added.

"And I had my eyebrows thinned out and wore those long skirts."

"You're forgetting you do all of those things now, Arisa," Hana joined in, her face buried in Shigure's pink book he wrote for "fun".

"I guess you're right," Uo said before bursting out laughing. I giggled along with her.

"That's lovely." Shigure had his eyes closed as he said this. "She's so- …how should I say it? By putting it into words, I'm afraid the nobility of it all would be obscured."

"Of what?" Yuki and I asked in unison.

"You know, she's so spunky!"

"You sick bastard," Kyo said.

"How sad," Hana said, making me glance at her. "Love doomed from the start."

"You're reading that," Uo asked in disbelief.

Shigure ran up behind them, startling Uo. "That silly little thing? Oh, I'm flattered," he exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. "So, what do you think?"

Hana glanced at him with her emotionless gaze, making her seem creepier in everyone's eyes. "You don't want to know what I think."

"Oh, no?" Shigure was very creeped out.

"But when is volume two coming out?"

Shigure sweat-dropped at that, making me laugh.

"Can we just knock it off with the books, okay?" Uo said, not in the least amused.

"I know!" Tohru suddenly stood up. "I just thought of something fun we could do!" She then glanced down at everyone. "Wait here, I'll be right back!" She then ran off into another room, leaving everyone to stare after her.

"So then, Saki," Shigure started. "You never did tell us how you got to be friends."

"Are you sure you're ready to hear," Hana pressed in her usual emotionless voice.

Shigure was definitely very creeped out by her, getting even more creeped out with everything she said. "Oh, uh… That's okay, as long as you're friends now. That's what's important!" His voice was getting high-pitched with every word he said. This was getting very amusing in my opinion.

"We were in middle school, and I was transferred into Tohru's class," Hana continued.

"Oh… Is that so…"

"Yes, you see, at my previous school I had caused something of a disturbance."

Okay, now all the guys were disturbed, to the point they might just want to run out the door. But who knows. I just raised an eyebrow.

"Well, that is a wonderful story, isn't it? Bt I just remembered I still have some work to do, so you kids will excuse me!" Shigure then went into another room. Yuki and Kyo just looked pissed at him.

"Ran off did he…" I muttered under my breath, just loud enough for the boys to hear, and shook my head in disappointment. "And I thought he was a "man". Guess I was wrong!" I shrugged my shoulders and stared pointedly in the direction that Shigure had disappeared. I had earned myself a few stares from the other Sohmas.

"I gotta say," Uo began. "I didn't know what to make of all of this when she told us. But it looks like Tohru's fitting right in here. I'm happy for her. And I guess I can understand why she didn't want to say anything at first." She paused. "But still… We made a promise. The three of us swore over Kyoko's grave that when the time came, we'd be there to help each other. No matter what! That probably sounds a bit over-dramatic, but it wasn't really, for us. After all, Tohru was our first real friend and everything. Tohru… Tohru and Kyoko both… you see, they were there for me when I needed someone most. Thanks to them, I found the strength to climb my out of all the crap I'd fallen into. They help me to believe in myself. That I could change if I wanted. And when I met the two of them, for the first time, I discovered that I did want to change. I wanted to be someone Tohru can be proud to call her friend. The way I was proud to call her mine. So this time around, with everything that's happened, the fact that I wasn't there to help Tohru… that bothers me."

The Sohmas were silent the whole time she was talking. I was silent as well, thinking of my own life. I didn't really have any friends when I was younger. My parents wouldn't allow it. They were too frightened to let me out and actually have fun like normal kids and people. They just shut me up in the house and "protected" me from all the "things" that would shun me and throw me out. My vision started to get blurry and I blinked. Oh god… Was I going to cry? I shook my head lightly and tried to blink them back, feeling satisfied when my vision started returning to normal.

"I mean… to think that she would have to go through all this trouble by herself. Maybe she doesn't think she can count on us. Or maybe we're just not that good as friends," Uo said. It sounded mostly like she was speaking from her thoughts.

"Nah, I just don't think she's the kind of girl who worries about stuff like that," Kyo told them in a soft voice. That grabbed both Hana's and Uo's attention.

"Miss Honda is… She's the kind of person who puts others' wellbeing before her own," Yuki explained.

I only nodded in agreement, not trusting my own voice to sound at all confident and non-shaky at the moment. I looked up from my lap to see Hana's expression actually to be shocked. I blinked. I didn't think the psychic girl could have anything but an emotionless face. I glanced at Yuki and Kyo and found that my green gaze met crimson. His eyes shown with an unknown emotion when he saw my face. I knew what he was thinking and I shook my head, giving him a smile before returning my attention back to the girls visiting the house.

"Huh?" Uo looked shocked as well.

But before anyone could say anything else, Tohru pushed the door open and came in. "Sorry it took so long," she apologized with her usual smile. "I hope you're all ready to play." She held up a deck of red and white cards. "Rich Man Poor Man." Yuki glanced back at her in surprise.

"Ah, that's a fine idea, Tohru," Hana said.

"Okay, how about we pick it up where we left off. I don't think I got to finish making a fool out of Orange-top here," Uo added.

"Yeah, talk it up," Kyo exclaimed in his usual loud voice. "But this time when I win you have to dye your hair black."

"Oh? Well, when you lose you have to bleach all the dye out of your hair and leave white!"

"It's naturally this color!"

"Is that right?" Hana asked.

"That's right!"

The whole time, I noticed that Yuki was staring at Tohru. I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Yuki?" Tohru came and knelt down in front of Yuki, holding out the deck of cards between them. "Would you like to shuffle the cards?"

"Uh… I…" Yuki seemed at a loss for words before he composed himself with a hand through his purple-gray hair. "Sure."

"Why you little- You and your cheap ass tricks!" Uo shouted.

"Cheap is nothing, that's fair game! You're the one playing tricks, Yankee," Kyo shouted back.

I watched as they both stood with their faces close together, black tick marks on their head as they clenched their teeth together.

"Next time you pull that crap I'm gonna light you up," Uo threatened.

"Go ahead and try, it'll be the dumbest thing you ever did!" Kyo then stood up straight and pointed his thumb to his chest. "I'll take you out!" He then tried to walk around the table, but Uo stopped him but moving to stand in front of him.

"Oh yeah? Some tough guy, you're running away!"

"Who's running? I'm going to the bathroom!"

It continued as Kyo tried to get around her and Uo tried to stand in his way.

"Aww! Gotta take a leak?"

"What's it to you?"

"Better hurry, we don't want you to piss yourself."

"Damnit, you got a loud mouth!"

"Be careful guys, don't want to hurt yourself," I called out in an almost sing-song voice. Eventually, they both bumped into each other and fell backwards. There was a poof and Kyo disappeared from sight. Luckily, Uo had her eyes closed as she stumbled back. I sighed, "Too late." I picked up my cup of tea and took a sip calmly. Everyone else seemed oblivious to the situation that just happened until Uo grunted from being bumped into by Kyo. She was looking around the room.

"Something wrong, Miss Uotani," Yuki asked.

I shook my head. Why did everyone have to be oblivious to the things that happened around them? Even Uo was confused. What the hell was wrong with these people?

"Uh, no," Uo said as she glanced at him.

I glanced beside me on the floor beside Uo to see Kyo in his cat form shake his head and stand up in his pile of clothes before glaring up at Uo.

"Ah, well that's good," Yuki said with a kind smile. "It's just that things sounded like they were getting pretty heated there for a minute."

As he was speaking, Kyo used the cover of his shirt to run to the porch before leaping off and ducking underneath. I smiled softly – glad that he was able to get away – before taking another sip of my tea. I caught Tohru's gaze and we both smiled in relief and understanding.

"I know," Tohru said, holding a finger. "Until Kyo gets back from the bathroom, why don't we all play a quick game of Sevens?"

"Yeah, sure let's play," Uo agreed. She began to walk back to her spot but she slipped on Kyo's pants. She began to fall, but then Tohru stood up and slipped on her own cushion. Yuki ended up noticing and flew underneath her to catch her. All of this happening while Hana shuffled the deck of cards, unaware of everything happening around her. They all fell, Uo catching herself with her hands, and Tohru landing on Yuki and him transforming into a rat.

I took a sip of my tea with a raised eyebrow, watching as Yuki ran out the door and hid under the porch with Kyo, fully aware of what happened but doing nothing to help. I glanced over to Tohru and pretended to be "surprised" as I set my cup down. "Tohru, are you alright," I asked, my voice laced with worry. The girls came over to her and helped her up, along with me.

"Are you hurt at all," Hana asked, holding Tohru's shoulders.

"No, I-I'm alright," Tohru assured her. And that's when they all noticed Yuki's clothes below her. I mentally face-palmed. How were we going to cover that up? Thankfully, Tohru saved the day and rolled his shirt up around her fist quickly. "You see? I didn't fall." She then began scrubbing the floor with the dark blue cloth. "Just cleaning up! Scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub… Dust, dust, dust… See, cleaning."

I gave a smile before shaking my head. I then turned back to my tea and took a sip. This day will only get more complicated, won't it?

"Well, Orange-top sure is taking his time," Uo reported after a while of playing cards.

"Sure is," Tohru agreed.

"I bet he fell in," I said, laughing right after it left my mouth.

Uo joined my laugh before calming down. "And the Prince just up and disappeared."

"You're right," Hana agreed. "I wonder where our kind hosts have run off to."

"Well, I'm still here, I won't run off," I told them. I then shrugged. "Not like I have anywhere to go anyways."

"For the love of- …We can't even start this game of Sevens, you know," Uo sighed.

I, with my sensitive hearing from being cursed by the cat, could hear a tapping noise nearby. I glanced over from the corner of my emerald green eyes and saw Kyo's paw trying to reach his shirt with unsheathed claws. I raised an eyebrow. Was he going to be able to reach it like that?

"A cat," Hana announced. "Cat paw."

"Oh! You're playing Sevens, right?" Shigure cut in quite loudly, standing in the doorway to the porch. "That sounds like fun! Think you have room for one more?"

"Well, if it isn't the master novelist," Uo said, glancing up at him. "You any good at this game?"

Shigure put a hand to his chin with a light chuckle. "Well, you should know, in the old days they used to call me "The Sevens Bandit"."

"Oh really? That's incredible!" Tohru put her hands to her cheeks as she stared admiringly at him once more.

Unlike her, me and Uo caught on to his little lie.

"I'll say! It's a lie," Uo said. I nodded in agreement.

"But enough about me," Shigure said, trying to cover that up, which was a big fail in my case, who still kept giving him a pointed stare. "Let's get to playing shall we? So, what are the rules?" He laughed nervously.

I glanced over to see Kyo still trying to snag his claws in his hoodie. But then there was poof of orange smoke and I could just barely see his arm in place of his orange paw. And everyone heard the "poof" too…

"You guys hear that? It sounded like some kind of boom." Uo tried to catch a glimpse of whatever made the "boom" was outside.

"There was a definite… boom," Hana agreed.

This time, I face-palmed for real, not just in my mind. Damnit… And I thought he might just be able to reach it without any trouble, too…

At the same time – probably having the same thoughts – Tohru and Shigure reached for Yuki's clothes. I sighed, seeing that his clothes were right behind me, and grabbed them before quickly flicking them out the door, successfully having them land outside. Tohru must have jumped or something because suddenly she fell on top of Shigure, perfecting a light blue poof. I ended up face-palming again before glancing beside me. Tohru had her arms wrapped around a black dog's neck.

A few moments of silence passed before Shigure "barked". That's when Tohru hugged him tighter. "I thought you'd run away, I'm so glad you're back, um…" She was trying to think up a name.

"Kuro," I exclaimed, pretending to be happy about having "Shigure" coming back.

Shigure seemed to freeze up and his wagging tail went crooked as he deadpanned. I could just hear his thoughts too. Kuro? I sent him an 'it-was-the-quickest-name-I-could-come-up-with-so- deal-with-it' glare.

"Yes," Tohru giggled. "Kuro" barked twice once more and continued wagging his tail. Tohru seemed to deflate on "Kuro" in relief.

"That's odd," Hana said, earning a glance from me. "It appears we've run out of snacks." She then stood up. "I'll go find the kitchen." When she turned around, Kyo was walking in while trying to readjust his hoodie before they both ran into each other, effecting in making Kyo transform once more.

I sighed in defeat. This day was just getting more tiring by the minute. Shigure started bouncing around and barking like a maniac before hearing Yuki change back. Kyo had already disappeared by now. Now Shigure was bouncing around even more before grabbing Yuki's clothes and throwing them outside without anyone noticing, except me of course, who shook my head at his actions.

"That's… weird," Uo said, breaking the silence that ensued. "I swear I thought I saw Orange-top in here." I could just hear Kyo's "almost" quiet panting from behind the door on the porch. Just then, Shigure bounced on Uo and panted in her face.

That's when Yuk walked in, button up the last of his buttons. "Miss Honda, I think Kuro is trying to tell us he's hungry, don't you?"

"Yeah, that must be it," Tohru agreed. "Here, come on, boy. Let's go to the kitchen, Kuro." "Kuro" followed behind her, barking all the while.

"Tohru, wait," Hana called after he in her quiet voice.

Tohru had opened the door to the kitchen and looked over her shoulder at her. "Uh, yes?"

"Some more snack? If you don't mind," Hana told her.

"Oh, sure." Tohru and "Kuro" then went into the kitchen with the door closed behind them.

"Come on," Uo pressed.

"This game isn't going very well now, is it," Hana said.

Yuki was at a loss for words as he tried to figure out what to do. Uo and Hana were staring at him intently, pressuring him even more. "Uh, why don't I… I'll go check on her," he said, standing up.

Not liking the feeling of what might happen next, I stood up as well. "I'll go too!" I walked over to him and we took only two steps before Tohru opened the door and rushed out with a plate of jelly buns, bumping into Yuki in the process. Everything went flying in the air, along with a rat with flailing legs and tail. It didn't look like Tohru was going to catch the rat, so I reached out and caught him in one hand while Tohru grabbed and squeezed a jelly bun instead. I quickly brought him close to my chest while covering him up with my free hand.

"Hey, Tohru, nice catch," Uo congratulated her. Shigure barked from behind Tohru.

"Although, most of them still fell," Hana added.

I stood up and acted like I was going to pet "Kuro", but I actually put Yuki on his head and pushed him away from everyone else, mouthing "go" as I did so. He obliged and disappeared with Yuki on his head. I then helped Tohru pick everything up after they had gone.

After that, we had all settled down to eat the jelly buns and talk some more. We talked about random things really, favorite colors, what we liked to do, those sort of things. Just some small talk. Uo and Hana eventually got and went to open the door to the hallway, but as Uo was going to take a step, Kyo, in his cat form still with clothes tied around his neck, came to a stop and stared at her foot as he was about to get stepped on. I saw all this and also saw the fact that came and picked Kyo up by his scruff before dashing off outside and into the bushes. I let out a sigh of relief just as Hana was telling Uo that she had almost stepped on a "cat" and pointed towards the bushes.

When we all looked, Shigure was using a pair of pants and rubbing his across his back and singing, "One, two, one two!~" He then glanced in our direction. "Nothing gets the blood flow like a rub down with a dry towel." Only he wasn't using a towel, which made me face-palm.

After that idiotic display, the guys had gotten dressed and night had fallen. So the girls went up to Tohru's room for the "sleepover". I didn't really feel like sleeping yet so I had grabbed my earphones and IPod before climbing onto the roof, after making sure Kyo wasn't there first. I sat on the roof and looked up at the stars and moon, listening to the different songs that come on my IPod. I gasped in excitement when one of the songs that I truly loved came on. I hummed softly to the rhythm, swaying slightly as I did so, and sang the words aloud.

"It takes a girl to understand

Just how to win

(She knows she can)

I think it's clear who where's the pants

The boy could stand a chance

She makes it look easy

In control completely

She'll get the best of you

Every single time

Thought by now, you'd realize you should

Never underestimate a girl

Gets anything she wants

She's never gonna stop

(You know, we know it)

Never underestimate a girl

She's always got a plan

The world is in her hands

She got the lipstick

Puts it together

Boys have it good

But girls have it better

(Watch out)

Your secretary might end up your boss

Whether you really like it or not

She makes it look easy

In control completely

She'll get the best of you

Every single time

(That's right)

No no no you should

Never under estimate a girl

Gets anything she wants

She's never gonna stop

(You know, we know it)

Never underestimate a girl

She's always got a plan

The world is in her hands

She might be president

Make all the rules

Don't try to win the game

You're only gonna lose

Now girls you know we got it

Got it goin' on

We've been tryin' to tell them all along

Listen up guys, take a little sound advice

That's right

No no you should never underestimate a girl

Gets anything she wants

She's never gonna stop

(You know it, we know it)

Never underestimate a girl

She's always got a plan

The world is in her hands

Never under estimate a girl

Gets anything she wants

She's never gonna stop

(You know it, we know it)

Never underestimate a girl

She's always got a plan

The world is in her hands"

I giggled after that as I reflected back on what has happened on today. It did show how girls can be sometimes. They can be protective and pushy and just want things to go their way, otherwise make it their way by force. That almost sounded like Uo. I smiled at that. In a way, girls kind of do rule the world. Girls like to have everything go their way, and won't tolerate anything else. But not me, I don't really mind much. I go along with other people most of the time. I'm not a follower, but I won't necessarily be a leader either unless it's absolutely necessary.

"What are you doing up here?"

I flinched, startled, and glanced over my shoulder to see who the owner of the voice was. It was none other than Kyo himself. Damn… How long had he been there? He came down and sat beside me, raising an eyebrow in my direction as he waited for an answer. "Uh… How long have you been listening," I asked almost nervously. I normally didn't sing out loud, but when I did, I always made sure that no one was around to listen. And it looks like today, I wasn't so lucky.

"Since you got up here," he answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

I shoved my earphones and IPod in my pocket as I tilted my head down slightly, covering my eyes with my bangs. I whined softly. Damn… He was listening. "I don't really sing aloud… but when I do, I don't let anyone hear me," I said quietly, my voice just above a whisper.

It was silent for a moment between us before Kyo spoke up. "I don't see why, you sound fine," he muttered, scratching the back of his head as he did.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eyes, staring at him through my bangs. Was that a slight blush covering his face? "Really," I asked, uncertain if I heard him correctly or not.

"Y-yeah, but that doesn't anything," Kyo retorted, obviously flustered. "I was just saying!"

Feeling less nervous than I had a few moments ago, I beamed at him before giggling softly. "Whatever you say, Kyo," I muttered. "Whatever you say." I then yawned, unable to hold it back.

Kyo glanced over at me before standing up. "We should go get some sleep," he told me. "We have those damn girls to worry about tomorrow until they leave." He extended his hand down, offering his hand out to me.

I stared at his hand a moment before giggling once more and taking it, having him pull me up to my feet. "Right," I replied. He yanked his hand out of my grasp before walking off ahead of me, me following close behind him. I knew he didn't really like anybody touching him, especially when he had to deal with the girls at school all day everyday wanting to talk to him and all that kind of crap. So, I didn't mind it at all. He'd just have to get used to it sooner or later.

I had gotten up early and went into the kitchen to find Tohru already fixing up breakfast. Kyo stopped in the middle of the kitchen and started chugging down milk from the carton like he did before. I rolled my eyes as I entered. "You're hogging the milk again," I muttered in a low voice. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes but still gulped down the milk. He soon stopped when he noticed something in front of him. I looked as well to see Yuki looking really sluggish and just plain worn-out. I think that's his usual morning face or something.

"Uh, hey Yuki," Kyo started. "Are you-"

Before he could finish, Yuki suddenly slumped forward and rested his forward on Kyo's shoulder, making said teen start to freak out.

"So, Yuki, you're having a hard time waking up as usual," Tohru commented. So I was correct, that's his normal morning routine.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep movin' will ya," Kyo exclaimed, still freaking out. Lucky for him, Yuki obliged and walked away. I giggled at the display. Kyo sent a glare in my direction. "What?"

"I'm sorry," I giggled, trying to hold them back with a hand over my mouth. "I just find that absolutely hilarious." Kyo just scoffed.

"Wow, Kyo, with as much as you want to beat Yuki you still don't try to sneak up on him when he's like this," Tohru commented. "It's very admirable."

"No, that's not it," Kyo said. "It's not like that. He's stronger when he's half asleep." He seemed a bit depressed to admit this.

Tohru and I sweat-drop. "Oh, so you have tried to attack him then."

Kyo suddenly whipped around and clenched the milk carton tightly in his fist as he shouted, "Yeah, I tried and I got beat even worse than when he's awake, okay! You know what that means?! It means that stupid dirty little sissy rat-boy is always holding back on me!" He then suddenly got punched in the face by a now wide-awake Yuki. "What gives?! I thought you were still out of it!"

"Your stupid voice woke me up," Yuki said. I held my hand tightly over my mouth, even thought it doesn't make sense for me to laugh when they're fighting.

"Fine, I don't care anymore dammit! Asleep or not, it's you and me, right now! I'm gonna mop up this kitchen with your face!"

"How can you even talk about this nonsense so early in the morning," Yuki sighed. I snorted, trying so hard not to breathe, if that'll keep me from laughing. Though, I was failing miserably since my shoulders were shaking.

"A cat and a mouse," Hana said suddenly, speaking from the doorway.

It sure scared the hell out of both of them, but not me of course. I started cracking up right then and there. I clutched my stomach as I laughed and slid onto the floor as I did so. Everyone looked at me funny except Uo and Hana. After a moment, I sighed and wiped a tear from my eye. "I'm sorry, continue."

"That's what they're like," Hana continued, as if I hadn't even been laughing in the first place.

"You think?" Uo was standing right next to her.

"The way they're fighting, it's like a cat and mouse. Just like the ones in the old cartoon."

"Yeah," Uo said in remembrance. "Something-or-other and Jerry."

"It's Tom and Jerry," I corrected her, standing up and wiping imaginary dust off my clothes.

"Right," Uo smiled in my direction before turning back to the boys. "So the two of you don't get along very much, do you?"

Yuki turned slightly with a smile. "I suppose not."

"Even so, this seems like a pleasant enough house," Hana commented. "Which is good because if it had been a poor environment for Tohru to be living in, there are many things I would have to do to correct it." Her expression then became very creepy. "Yes, many things."

I could just see what the boys were thinking. 'What kind of many things?'

Hana then smiled as she closed her eyes. "But I can see that the two of you… both have fine electric signals."

"Huh?" The two were both very confused. And I flicked a glance to see Shigure peaking in. I raised an eyebrow at him but he didn't seem to notice me.

"Oh, you didn't know? That's even better I think."

Both girls then hugged Tohru.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do your best to be nice," Uo said.

"To Tohru we mean," Hana added.

Tohru was smiling with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Uo, Hana."

The two boys were just staring at them, Kyo a bit oddly, so I flicked his arm slightly. He glanced at me before directing his attention back to the three girls in fornt of us.

"We'll come back for another visit soon," Uo promised.

"Yes, let's," Hana said. "I'm curious to know more about the Sohma family's unique signals." I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Okay, now how about some breakfast?" Uo said as they began walking away.

"Yes, breakfast."

Now Kyo was getting irritated again. "Hey, hey, hey! You gotta be kiddin'! Damn girls are takin' over!" I giggled at this, remembering the song I sang last night.

"Oh, I know it must seem that way, but they mean well," Tohru insisted. "You'll see! Uo and Hana are both really, really good people. So please…" Both the boys were staring at her strangely again before Kyo finally huffed and rubbed the side of his head with a hand.

"Fine whatever," he grumbled.

"After all, they're your friends, right," Yuki added.

Tohru smiled at this. "Right." This made me smile as well, and I giggled softly.

They didn't really know how to say no to her, did they? I mean, there was no real argument here, but I doubt they ever could say no to her anyway. It just seemed kind of sweet and cute how that worked out. It made me want to laugh again!

Aww! Wasn't that cute! :D Lol the song she sang was Never Underestimate A Girl by Vanessa Hudgens

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! ^^ I hope no one was out of character... *glances around frantically* I enjoyed writing this chapter nonetheless! Even though it . Anyways, plz review! :D