My Knight & My Guardian

Chapter 31

AN1: Another Chapter bites the dust! Yay R&R please thanks!

==1 Hour Later – Korriban Academy Bunk Room==

Carth awoke groaning and sitting up slowly, he felt his stomach heave a bit but then settle back down again. Clearly he figured the dank atmosphere of the Academy was getting to him, "..I got to get Dustil out of here!.." He thought.

Rising off the cot he looked over to where Juhani was resting on her own cot across the room. Feeling his stomach rumble in discomfort again he recalled then the incident that had made him feel this way for the past few hours. "..Mission.." He thought "..That brat used the Force on me to make me sick! To keep me from going after Dustil!.."the bitterness turning to anger in his mind and the sense of hurt that he felt he was being betrayed yet again. This followed along similar paths as they turned to Myra, "...Or Revan. Damnable Jedi you can't trust any of them.." he further thought.

Gathering up his blasters and other equipment he pulled his hood up and proceeded down the dark corridors, weaving as quietly as his possessions would allow to Dustil's bunk area. "..Just a bit more, Dustil, don't worry I'll prove to you I am a good Father. I'm going to get you out of here one way or another, and away from these Sith lies and Jedi!.." he thought.

Rounding the last bend in the corridor passing with a simple nod to a Sith guard, Carth heard talking coming from Dustil's room. Turning the corner he found Myra and Mission both there presenting a data pad to Dustil. "..Myra? Dustil? Mission? What's going on?" He asked lowering his hood.

Getting an eye roll from Dustil who broke away from preparing to read the data pad presented by Myra. "..Oh joy it's 'Father', and here I had hoped you had the sense to stay away till this matter was settled. Get out of here old man, I got nothing to say to you right now.

"..Dustil just look over th-" Myra began trying to focus things and to avoid a further blow up but Carth interrupted.

"..Enough Dustil we're getting out of here, somethings going on here that I can't even trust those I came with!" He snapped looking at Mission and Myra.

Dustil chimed in getting into a defensive posture and tone of voice, "..What I tell you last time old man? Touch me and I'll gut you where you stand! Or maybe you want me to tell the Sith what you're really doing here! Huh?" Putting one hand on one of his short light sabers.

"..You don't want to do that Dustil, trust me.." Mission added. Glancing between Myra, Carth and Dustil then everyone seemed on a hair trigger and

"..Yeah? Well I can certainly just imagine what you and your three other friends are up too here really, all things I'm sure Master Uthar would be happy to hear about too.." He said glancing to an opening in the group of three as if considering to make a move for it.

"..Dustil please! This isnt you. You don't really belong here, your Father is just trying to make up for lost time. If you would just focus a moment an-" Myra said trying to redirect this energy of emotions from boiling over when yet again Carth interrupted.

"..Stop it Dustil! Stop it! I won't let you keep going on like this, how could you possibly think the Dark Side is for you, what could it possibly provide that you could betray the Republic and more?.." Carth said.

"..They gave me a life old man! They taught and gave me power! You….you didn't even give me so much as a second notice whenever were home! Always with your nose in front of a data pad, every time I ever tried to get close you were always too 'busy!'.." Dustil said raising his voice again.

Hissing softly Mission said to Myra, "..Myra we need to cool this down right now, he's either going to make a run for it to get 'help' or he's going to gut Carth.."

"..Let the kid do it, help him you know he deserves it after all the messes he's made. All the harassment and false promises of helping and burying your joint problems. Even now his arrival here which could have been resolved has created this mess!" Myra's darker side argued. "..I know Mission..I know I'm trying!" Myra hissed back to Mission.

"..No! No, that's not true! I was there when you were younger, but I had to leave to fight! I fought for 'you', for your freedom!.." Carth said trying to explain.

Dustil though wasn't having any of the argument. "..No you didn't! You fought for yourself! For glory. Well, the Sith can do that too old man. We learn to fight, and to kill! You want to see what I've learned, 'Father'?" Dustil said readying both sabers with to Myra some speed to his reactions. Myra tried to intervene but Dustil's lunge took her off guard as the twin red sabers activated.

"..No, Dustil, don't! I don't - " Carth began but halted with a gasp of pain as the twin sabers drive into his chest pushing him against the wall. As blood seared from the open wounds.

"..Too late, old man! You should have left things alone when you had the chance!" Dustil hissed twisting the sabers for maximum effect and damage.

"..Dustil no!" Mission and Myra both cried, watching in stunned horror as the red sabers withdrew and Carth's body dropped with a thud to the ground life less.

Turning Dustil glowered at the two women, "..Now you two are next! GUARDS TO ME! REPUBLIC SPIES IN THE BUNK ROOM!" He shouted as he charged Myra and Mission, Myra had no recourse but to block his charge with her own saber as it activated along with Mission's. Already the pair were hearing return shouts and the charging of feet coming their way.

"..Damnit Dustil had you just looked at-" But Myra got cut off as she parried Dustil's blade then his other. Mission backed up drawing upon the Force to strengthen Myra for the surely horrid fight to come.

"..No! No more words! I'll show you women the truth power of a Sith!" He said parrying aside a return strike of Myra's.

"..HA! A True Sith he says! Look at him barely able to parry your blades, cut him down! You need to move, to get to Juhani to defend her from the mass of enemies all around you now.." Her darker side argued again, and this time Myra let her emotions slip again as she snarled her frustration back at Dustil. Down the hall six Sith guards and two other students red sabers drawn were coming. Backing up Myra lunged forward again kicking Dustil square between the legs. As he grunted in pain and collapsed to his knees Myra brought her Saber down and decapitated him snarling out. "..You are nothing like a True Sith!" She said continuing her swirl of emotions and summoning a force wave to throw the head and body into the on rushing group which with its impact caused them to come up short of uncertainty. Casting a glance to Mission Myra seem to give a nod of acceptance and both women summoned the Force again unleashing twin waves of Force energy into the group casting them up into the air and then back down with bone splitting force taking the eight enemies out of the fight before it could begin anew.

Huffing Myra said. "..Grab Carth's pack, then let's go we need to find Juhani!" Myra said. "..Then make a run for the Star Map.

"..Right Myra, good work there taking out Dustil and that group!" Mission said with awe and admiration. Snatching up Carth's pack from his fallen body.

"..Talk later about it, now let's move! Juhani and the Republic need us!" She said.

==Elsewhere Moments Earlier – Myra's Bunk Room==

Juhani was awoken from her slumber by a shout from down in the deeper bunk rooms, "..GUARDS TO ME! REPUBLIC SPIES IN THE BUNK ROOM!.." Immediately she felt the swaying of the Force around her as Dark Jedi and soldiers alike shouted in alarm. Rising from her cot she threw off the constricting garb she had worn the past days to hide her stronger form of a Guardian and saber. She knew immediately in the swirl of the Force that Myra needed her, and from the shout things had gone south with meeting Dustil, glancing around she found Carth and his equipment were gone and he was no where in sight. Already distantly she could hear the whine of a Saber battle then the feelings of strong Force Waves impacting the walls down from where she was. Juhani activating her own blue saber charged in the direction of combat hoping she could find Myra before the overwhelming force of the Academy could.

==Elsewhere Also Moments Earlier – Korriban Landing Pad==

Bastilla was brought awake with a sickening lurch in her chest and stomach. Through the bond she could feel something bad had just happened in the Academy, not to Myra but someone else. That and Myra was in trouble she figured as alarms began to sound distantly where the Academy and it's ruins were.

"..Wake up in there kid, seems like the shit just hit hyper space! Come on we're going to be needed!" Jolee said. As the others rushed by HK-47 commenting.

"..Statement: The Master is in trouble, and there will be plenty of fleshy meat bags to go around!" the droid said.

"..Stay strong Myra, we're coming.." Bastilla murmured trying to stem the flow of anger and other darker impulses off of Myra for the fighting she was enduring back to herself again.

AN2: Whoa bet you all didn't expect me to take this route huh? Well this is close to how my playt hrough went minus that the Academy is going hostile way sooner. Ah well onto plan B as Myra said right? :D R&R please!