The Bridge

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or anything, just the storyline and the idea.

Author's Note: Thank you to those who read my previous two stories, and an even bigger thanks to those who gave me reviews :) This is my first multi-chapter story and I hope you won't be bored by it (I've only made it a few chapters long, so it should be alright). Also, this story contains childish acts that can be dangerous to children who do not know the danger and try to follow, which is why this story is rated K+ as a precaution.

I'll update the description when I update a new chapter. Hope you enjoy it! Comments and reviews are, as usual, welcome.

Here's the story.

The Bridge


In one of the older parts of the Last Homely House, there is an old bridge which, for a bridge in an elven home, is surprisingly near to the ground. The bridge was there initially for the architects to reach the walls and ceilings more easily so that the walls could be well decorated, but was soon used as part of a convenient path to reach a small unnoticeable building near the city borders to check the situation outside. Therefore as war passed, the bridge fell into disuse and began to crumble.

That is, until two elven twins discovered the bridge.

Elladan and Elrohir, then about four years old in human standards, decided to go exploring one day and found the bridge. Needless to say, they were fascinated by the bridge and began to play on it.

You can imagine the shock and fear their father had when he discovered them playing on the creaking, moss laden bridge that was most unsafe for small elflings. Unfortunately for the father, the elflings then had refused to get away from the bridge in any safe way, because it "wasn't fun".

And so the exasperated father agreed to his twin sons' plan of jumping down the bridge and landing in his arms, because that was the only way his sons were going to get away from the bridge.

Though the father was glad that his sons had so much confidence in his ability, he was very worried for their safety. Terrible thoughts came floating into his mind, the least not being Celebrian discovering what he had agreed to and endangering their sons' lives.

Children (Elflings). Their ability to make grownups worried for one so small is astounding.

And so after he had successfully caught both his little sons (who insisted on jumping together side by side at the same time, which temporarily caused Elrond's heart to stop, but of course both of them landed into his arms safely), he not only gave a lecture to his sons about safety, but also called up the architects to repair the bridge and the building itself.

And so the bridge that was once neglected and forgotten recovered the glory of its older days, and the building itself was converted into a study and accommodations (with a conference room) for visitors to Rivendell, who were getting more as days passed by. The building was renovated and looked just like it had always belonged to the Last Homely House. The building began to liven up and was soon as busy as the rest of the building.

By that time, although the twins had grown a bit more, they were still elflings with a desire for adventure. Not forgetting the fun they had with their father then, they decided that it was a good place to spring on people such as Glorfindel and Erestor.

Glorfindel was fine with that, but not Erestor. So for almost the whole of the twin's childhood, Erestor was rarely seen in that building, only there when a meeting was held there.

As the twins grew up, their antics stopped, and it was safe for all to walk under the bridge again.

All changed when young Estel came.

This story is about little Estel's joys of springing on other people on the bridge.

-To be continued-