I own nothing from criminal minds, although that would be good. This is set in the series finale of season 8, but doesn't involve anything after the character death. Obvious spoilers for that episode.

JJ was alone, he was too well prepared. She knew all his plans now, but there was nothing she could do to stop him and that killed her most. She was stuck on the ground, her legs splayed awkwardly in front of her, her hands shackled above her head. Her pristine clothes, usually pristine and meticulously neat were ripped and creased; her hair was stuck to her face from trying to escape so much.

She hadn't cried yet, even though she knew that was almost certainly an eventuality. Her team had no idea what was coming to them and here she was, knowing everything, being chained in the dark with six computer screens in front of her, each one showing a different feed.

The first was Hotch's car, the second was Rossi's front room, the third was Garcia's apartment building steps, the fourth was Reid's apartment, the fifth was Blake's living room and the sixth was Morgan's living room.

There were two things she had to somehow manage to do. She would have to get herself out of the chains that were keeping her down and then she would need to go Garcia style on the computers she was faced with and manage to send a message to the team, telling them exactly where she was, but neither was very likely.

It was hard for her to believe that only about twelve hours ago everything was fine.

12 hours ago

They'd just finished their first case back after Strauss's funeral. They hadn't met her replacement yet; Hotch had been informed that they were hesitant to hire another one until the replicator was caught. But that was becoming a distant hope, not an eventuality. They had no leads at all. He was yet to make a mistake and everything they had done was exactly what the Replicator had wanted them to do.

The team was a bit disheartened that nothing they had tried had worked, but they had to keep going, they couldn't just stop saving victims and putting away serial killers because of their problems, there were still in excess of a hundred cases that crossed their desks every week, they couldn't sit by and let all those people die.

JJ was on the phone with Will. He wasn't in Virginia, he and Henry had gone to visit Will's parents for a week, both of them had agreed it was for the best that their son was as far away from the BAU as they could get him.

"Will, tell him mommy loves him. The house is going to be so quiet when I go home without you two there."

"No worries Cher, we'll be back before you know it."

That was the end of their phone call.

"Alright team, everyone head home and get a good night sleep. I'll see you bright and early in the morning." Hotch said.

They all left without any troubles. JJ pulled up at her house and went inside, locking the door after her. She'd known instantly that something felt off, something wasn't right, but she ignored it, put it down to the fact that she was in the house alone, but she got her phone out anyway.

As she moved away from the door she dialed Spence. He answered after a few rings. "JJ, if you're going to tell me we have a case-"

She cut him off. "No, it's nothing like that. The house is just quiet I guess, with Will and Henry away for the week. I just thought I'd call to talk to somebody, but if you're busy I can always call Garcia…"

"No, its fine Jayje just had a bit of a panic that we were going to leave for less than an hour and then have to go back."

"I know the fee-"She stopped talking as she was knocked to the ground from behind. She groaned in pain as she landed awkwardly and then went into FBI mode. She launched onto her feet. "Reid, get the team here!" She shouted.

"Jayje, what's going on? Are you OK?"

"Reid, bit busy being attacked here! Call the team!"

JJ felt a sting in her shoulder, she looked down and saw the tranquilizer dart, but she couldn't do anything about it, she fell to the ground. The attacker picked her up in his arms and hung up the phone that was strewn on the floor.

He got a notecard out of his pocket and left the message for the profilers.