Hey hey

So I recently watched the first episode of Twisted and I absolutely loved it and got inspired. I know there's bound to be TONNES of stories like this either already posted or in the works, but I just wanted to share my take on it. Let me know if you guys like it and I'll definitely continue. I'm really going to try to make this Bade eventually, I'm just not sure how things are going to turn out.

Love xoxo

Chapter 1.

"He's acting really strange lately... So quiet, it's weird."

"Well maybe he's just... Having some family issues. Mom's a she-beast."

Eleven year old Tori Vega and Jade West discussed between themselves as Tori pushed Jade on the old wooden swing-set that sat in the garden of their best friend's house. Both girls had their hair in matching braids - done by each other - and were dressed warmly for the cool winter air that breathed through the trees, causing leaves to fall to the ground around them.

"Maybe he's going through puberty," Jade joked as Tori pushed her.

Tori grimaced, "Eww Jade! I don't think that's it!" she cried. She shook her head a few moments later, "C'mon, it's my turn. And make sure it's extra high," she told Jade as they swapped over and she took a seat on the swing before Jade began to push her.

As they swapped, they were unaware of the front door of the large house opening and their best friend - eleven year old Beck Oliver - walking out and making his way over to them. They were unaware of his pale face, his cold eyes, his stiff posture, his stained shirt, but mainly the red jump-rope he clutched in his right hand.

"Higher!" Tori demanded.

Jade rolled her eyes, "I'm trying!"

"Well you're not trying hard enough," Tori sang, making Jade sigh and shove the swing harder, sending it flying forwards and almost smacking into Beck who had come to stand in front of them, the red jump rope still grasped in his hand.

"Whoa, watch it numb-nuts!" Jade cried, grabbing the rope of the swing to pull Tori backwards.

Beck said nothing. He just stared at them. His eyes cold. Distant.

Tori frowned, "Beck? Are you okay? Why were you inside for so long?" she questioned.

Beck stared at them for a few seconds more before opening his mouth and responding, "I had to. There was no other choice," he breathed, looking right through them.

Jade and Tori watched as his right hand loosened its grip and the red jump rope fell to the ground beside his feet. Jade stared at him, her eyes filling with fear before she closed them tightly, blocking out everything that was around her.

The ice cold blue eyes of sixteen year old Jade West flew open as the dream suddenly came to and end and she woke suddenly. If you could even call it a dream. Maybe more of a haunting memory that had recently begun to plague her sleep over the past week or so. Jade brought her hand up to her forehead and wiped the sweat away from her brow as she breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath and calm herself down. Her mind was reeling from the memory, making her feel like it had just happened yesterday, not five years ago.

"Jade, breakfast is ready," her mother called from downstairs.

Jade sighed and sat up in bed, brushing her long black hair from her face and pushing the bed covers from her legs before forcing herself up and out of bed to get ready for another day at school.

She emerged from her room twenty minutes later, fully dressed and ready for school. As she walked into the dining room, she could hear the faint sound of the television in the corner. Her still sleepy eyes glanced at the screen and caught sight of the main headline at the bottom of the news screen.

Hollywood Arts prepares for return of teen killer.

Jade's stomach clenched and suddenly she wasn't so hungry as she sat down at the dining room table. A plate of bacon and eggs sat in front of her and she pushed it away. Her father sat beside her, his eyes glued on the tv screen while her mother stood in the kitchen with the kettle in her hand as she poured herself a cup of morning coffee.

"Can we turn that off now please?" Jade's mother asked as she entered the dining room, her coffee clutched in her hand as she sat down at the dining table, blocking Jade's view of the tv screen.

Jade sighed, "This is my new reality, I might as well get used to it."

"I just think you'll feel less tense if you try not to focus on it," her mother reasoned, clasping her hands underneath her chin as she stared at her daughter.

"Oh I'll feel less tense once I see that lunatic freak and tell him I hate his guts," Jade smiled.

Her parents looked at each other despairingly before her mother spoke again.

"Jade, your father and I have been talking and... well?" her mother turned to her father for him to continue.

"Uh, we think you should start seeing Dr Shin again," he told Jade, slightly afraid of how she would react. He knew how dramatic his daughter could be.

Jade's face fell, "Hell no, the guy smells like cat food," she argued instantly, glaring at her parents.

"Which is why we can afford him," her father replied.

"This is a lot to handle, Jade," her mother spoke up.

Jade snorted, "I'm fine."

"Fine? You're about to go yell at a confessed unrepentant murderer," her father said, looking at her incredulously.

Jade rolled her eyes as her parents began arguing with each other about the situation. She drowned them out and focused on the tv, watching as various images of her school flashed up on the screen. She was vaguely aware of her father getting up and leaving, but ignored it as a familiar face flashed up on the screen.

Tori Vega.

Jade's once best friend for a good eight years, now a stranger. She hadn't spoken to the brunette for five years. Tori had become one of the popular girls after pretending to forget about what happened, after forgetting about Jade.

"Maybe it's time you reached out to her again," Jade's mother spoke up, turning to her daughter, "This is something only the two of you have in common."

Jade snorted, "Tori and I have nothing in common," she shook her head. She ignored her mother's stare of disapproval and focused on the tv. Her heart stopped as he appeared on the screen, not his face, just the back of him as he walked up the path to that oh so familiar house. Jade's hand came up to her mouth and she began chewing on the skin around her perfectly painted thumb nail, her eyes glazing over, the sight of the tv screen blurring together as her mind raced.

This was certainly going to be interesting.

Let me know what you think! Reviews make me happy.

PS, i just got my twitter back: lizandariana :)