Hello, everyone. Mr. Blender here. This is an idea that I got after reading a theory by my friend, Anon Princess. I don't usually write Finnceline, but her thoughts made me want to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it!

I sit atop the house that me and Jake had made in a tree when we moved here. It's cloudy and the morning air is cool against my face as it blows softly through the grasslands. Jake doesn't live here, anymore. He lives with Lady Rainicorn and the pups now. I was totally cool with it and insisted he should, but I have to admit that it's a little quiet without him. I'm honestly getting a little antsy. The grass lands in general are oddly quiet this morning. I sigh.

"That means there's trouble brewing..." Says the pessimistic thought of my mind.

Deciding I should at least walk around, I roll back in through the window into my bedroom. I collect what I'll need for the trip and put it in my backpack. BMO is sitting up on a dresser, its little feet hanging down. I wave and head out. Walking through the grasslands gives little proof that anything is wrong.

"It's probably just a quiet morning."

I see Flame Princess's house. She's up and looking around. Here's the deal with Flame Princess… We used to date, but both kind of realized we didn't really fit with each other. We both agreed that we would still be friends, as we were still important to each other and didn't want that to change. I like her because she's a little easier to talk to than Bubblegum. Not that Bubblegum isn't nice to talk to, but she fills conversations with a lot of science things that I can't follow. She notices me and waves. I wave back and run over to her.

"Hey, FP. What's up?"

"Nothing much, Finn. Just enjoying the morning. What are you doing out here so early?"

"Just checking things out. You never know when a four-eyed Cyclops might try to mess with junk."

"Yeah, I guess not."

"Does it seem quiet to you?"


I scratch the back of my neck. "All I can hear is the wind… Nothing else…"

"You're probably just lonely..." She says raising her eyebrow.


"Well, with Jake gone, you've got no one to talk to regularly…"

I look out across the grasslands. "I guess you're right…"

"Dude, just go get yourself a girlfriend." She says, as if the solution was obvious.

"FP, I'm not good with ladies. You know that."

She laughs and pats me on the back. "Aw, you do fine with the ladies." She notices my uncertainty. "Alright, let me help you. But, let's get a drink first. I'm thirsty."

I wonder vaguely what a Fire spirit would drink, but follow her inside her house. It's a little small, but homily. She looks back at me.

"Magma Shake?" She says sarcastically, knowing full well that if I drank that it would melt me from the inside out.

"I might pass on that one..."

She pours it in a cup and sits down at her table. She also places a pitcher of water there, in case I needed it. She motions me to sit down. I comply.

"Now… I personally don't think you need any help. You're a very likable person."

I pour some water in a cup.

"Yeah, but that's just generally." I say, taking a sip.

"You're right… Besides, you want Marceline anyway."

I spit out the water in surprise.


Flame Princess looks at me dully. "Oh, please Finn… I know what I'm talking about. You totes have a crush on her."

"What makes you say that?"

She stares at me. "Seriously?"

"We're just good friends..."

"No, Finn. You and me are "Just good friends". You have something a little deeper with her."

"Ok… Maybe you're right…"

Outside, I hear the wind start to howl loudly. I look in confusion. How could the wind have picked up so quickly? I look at Flame Princess and she nods. We both slowly walk outside. We see a dark figure standing in the direction opposite of us.

"So, you're interested in her?" It says darkly.

I raise my sword, ready for a fight. Flame Princess' hands ignite in preparation for battle. The figure turns around, revealing a man in a suit.

"Marceline's dad?" I ask, shocked.

"Whoa there, kids! Why the aggressive stance? I mean, I come all the way from the Nightosphere to see you and this is the greeting I get?" He asks, brushing off his coat.

"What are you doing here? Why do you want to see me?" I ask, genuinely wondering.

"I'll tell you why in a second, Finn. First things first, can you kindly invite me into your house?"

"Why, because you're a vampire?" Flame Princess asks.

He looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "No, I just find it a little rude to enter someone's house without asking."

I look over at Flame Princess. She doesn't look convinced.

"Can you give me a minute?" I ask him politely.

"Of course."

I take Flame Princess to the side.

"I think we should hear him out."

"Finn, I think the silence has got to your head. Marceline's dad looks completely evil. Not like someone we would "hear out". He's not coming in my house."

"So does Marceline. You were scared of her when you first met."

"Was not."

It's my turn to stare dully at her. "You totally were."

"Alright, Alright! I totally was!"

"If anything happens, I take full responsibility."

"Yeah, Yeah... You're lucky I'm feeling trusting today."

We both walk back to him. I smile. "Yeah, come on in."

We walk inside and he takes a seat by the table. "This is a nice house, very charming…"

He straightens his suit and looks at me. "But, enough pleasantries. I suppose you want to know why I'm here…"

I look at Flame Princess, who looks a little worried, and look back at him.


"I'm here on behalf of my daughter…"


"Ah, my sweet little Marceline… She's grown up so fast in a thousand years… But, yet not grown at all…"

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since her last relationship ended, she's been very stubborn in seeking one…"

"I can see why, he was a complete jerk…" I say, remembering how he tricked me.

"Exactly. I didn't approve of him. But, I think I've found a candidate that I do approve…"


He looks at me seriously. "Flame Princess." He says pointing to the shocked Princess.

"What?" I ask in surprise.

He laughs. "Ha, Ha! Finn, my boy. You should have seen the look on your face…"

I frown. He wipes a tear from his eye. "Oh, I was kidding. My real candidate was you."

I look at him, my cheeks getting a little red.

"Why me?"

"Are you kidding? She talks about you all the time when she visits me. It's because of you that we have a better relationship. From what I've seen, every bit of that praise is well deserved. You're the first guy I've seen in a long time to spark interest in her like you have… You're a very unique young man, Finn the Human." He says with a very serious expression on his face.

I hear Flame Princess laugh. "What did I tell you? You do fine with the ladies." She says with a smile.

Marceline's Dad clears his throat. "I have to tell you that you have my complete blessing."

"Wow... Thank you, sir." I say, a bit overwhelmed.

"However, there is one problem."

"What is it?"

"Traditionally, vampires only find mates with other vampires. As you can see, you are obviously not a vampire."

"Did you just come all this way to insult him?" Flame Princess says with a hint of anger.

"No, I came to tell him of something that will allow him to court her."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Being a vampire is incredibly difficult. You only know of Marceline drinking the color red, but that is a great sign of her willpower. Most vampires cannot restrain themselves when confronted with blood. If you are to court my daughter, you must know what she goes through every day…"

"How can I do that?"

"Wait, so let me get this straight, the color red is like extreme vegetarian for vampires?" Flame Princess asks.

Marceline's Dad stares at her with a blank face. "Somewhat like that. Except, imagine that meat is something you are hard-wired to eat. Your body is always requiring it, always craving it with such an intensity that it can drive you mad. Instead, you feed it a light salad."


"Now, Finn. I have a way for you to do this… But, you have to ask yourself. Are you willing to? Is my daughter special to you? If she isn't, you might as well stop now."

I think about Marceline and all she's done for me. She was always there when I needed a hand. To think that she likes me enough to talk about me in glowing words to her father makes my heart leap. It's time for me to tell her.

"Yes, I will do whatever is necessary." I say seriously.

"Very good, Finn. I hoped you would say that. I'm not going to lie to you, this is not going to be easy. It will be the most difficult thing you'll ever do in your lifetime…"

"I'm ready."