Chapter One

"3x01" –Tattoo/ Return of the Alphas

"Here," the blonde demanded, hoisting Isaac off the ground. "Take him and get as far away as possible." She pulled his weight effortlessly, as if he weighed nothing despite her smaller frame. Her pale but firm forearms constricted around his torso as his head lopped sideways. She handed him to the other female who struggled to hold him up.

"What about you," she frantically inquired. "What are you going to do? They saw you. They'll be after you."

The silver blonde shook her head. "They didn't. They don't even know I exist. They're here for a different reason."

"They can smell you!" she adamantly persisted, shooting a desperate expression of wide brown eyes full of fear towards her companion's shadowed figure.

"I will catch their scent first," she said fiercely, flashing her eyes a fiery red. "They'll have to catch me first and that's all but impossible," she confidently said. "Just take care of Isaac and I'll see what I can do."

"You can't stop them," the darker haired woman pressed, using one hand to grab onto the blonde's leathered shoulder. "They're Alphas!"

"So am I," the blonde retorted, "or have you forgotten? I'll be fine. Believe me," she compelled.

"They're stronger," she exclaimed. "It's a suicide mission."

The blonde chuckled humorlessly. "On contrary," she began menacingly, conceding a tremble up the other girl's spine. "I'm stronger than you think." She grinned as her body trembled. The girl leapt back, accidently dropping Isaac onto the ground with a hard thud in her moment of fright, as the blonde stranger began to shift in a tear of clothes. The brightness of her straight silver locks vanished in a blur of black as a large head lifted from the concrete floor, baring sharp red eyes at the unsuspecting girl. She struggled for a breath as she acknowledged the enormous wolf staring directly at her.

The more one can morph closer to their animalistic roots, the stronger they are. She remembered.

"How," she stuttered. The wolf only nodded once, referring to Isaac's limp form on the ground. She nudged him almost tenderly with her nose but with enough strength to push him aside a few inches. The girl got her drift and heaved him up again. The wolf stepped closer to the body so when she lost control of his mass he fell on top of her. The wolf didn't budge as he hit her spine and instead shook her mane and began walking forward quickly to escape open sight. The girl followed obediently as the obvious Alpha wolf took lead into the ally way.

They suddenly stopped as they approached her motorcycle. Just as the girl reached towards Isaac, the Alpha reared her head. She only caught a glimpse of her glistening white fangs before they sunk into her forearm. She shrieked loudly as the sudden sting before her arms erupted in fire, burning her flesh from underneath. The Alpha released her bloody hold and licked some of the blood off her blackened muzzle.

"Why'd you do that," she cried out, glaring at the wolf.

So you can hear me, she explained clearly. The girl gasped at the foreign voice in her head. Much like their ability to steal and share memories, she continued, nodding towards Isaac's open wound, my bite has the ability to impose telepathy. I'm sorry about the pain, she said lowly while looking around, as if smelling something. She stiffened. They are coming near. We better hurry. Grab Isaac and go, I'll follow from behind to make sure they don't close again. The bite should heal quickly enough so they don't suspect anything.

She looked down at her forearm and as she had described, the flaming red, bloody deep teeth marks were all but vanished. She touched the wound and winced. The pain was still there but the mark was unblemished on her dark caramel skin. She looked at the wolf. It leaned towards her to aid her as Isaac fell into her arms.

Good Luck, she bid her as she jolted toward in a predatory manner. She snarled lowly in the opposite direction before swerving her large head back again towards Isaac and the girl. If you need anything, you tell me. I'll know. You remember their faces, okay?

"What's your name," she begged as the wolf moved forward again, gaining distance. She abruptly stopped and turned slightly with a raised tail. Long claws extended from her paws and teeth grazed her lower jaw. Tall, sharp ears perked in a proud, confident manner. The girl looked at the shadowed creature with awe, stunned by the grace of her presence.

If I told you, that'd put us both at risk, the wolf deflected, but you can call me Aubrey. That's what the rest do. Keep in mind though, that's not my blood name. The wolf turned around again before stopping suddenly halting, as if struck with something and still in the phase of shock. Actually, she began. The girl could almost imagine a smirk adorning her lips if she were human. You can call me a Volkov, and that's all you need to know. Within a moment, in a blur of black and soft thuds of paws that became deathly silent into the mist, she was gone and the girl was left alone with Isaac depending on her balance.

"Volkov," she stumbled. Her heart began to race and her blood boiled uncomfortably at the thought of being within proximity of the legendary name. She turned to Isaac. "What could a Volkov be doing here?" Is Scott that important he has a Volkov involved? Volkovs' never care about anyone outside familial ties… She thought to herself before asserting focus and forcing herself to remain attentive to Isaac's state as she lied him down on the ground to reach for plug sparks attached to her bike.

The wolf loomed around the corner, glaring at the ghostly fog obstructing her sense of vision but her nostrils could not be deceived as the picked up a pair of similar scents nearby from the sound. She suspended a growl momentarily as her head hiked upwards, twitching her ears as the sound of their footsteps coming forward. She dashed around at a speed impossible to see, before disappearing into the night where she blended in the shadows. The swish of her tail was the only eminent hint left of her presence, besides the scent of a unique forest that only the coldest corners of rural Russia could hold.

Two looming figures noticed the sudden change of the atmosphere. The usual alley cats had scattered and in the distance lone, blood curdling howls alerting them to some other presence lurking around. They stopped abruptly in their pursuit to track to smell and narrowed to the alley opening, eyeing the misty space waiting for something to burst out but nothing did.

Behind them a familiar shadow darted across, purposely knocking over a trashcan to startle them. They veered around in an anxious haste and growled ferociously at the unknown threat. They only saw the flicker of a black blur and they instinctively ran towards it.

It was a dead end, they realized with widened eyes. Their dark orbs glowed red with suspicion as they searched each shadowed corner but came up with nothing. Suddenly, a loud, vibrant growl startled them from behind and they spun around, claws barred and teeth sharp and eager to tear into flesh.

They retracted their predatory assets as a lone figure glided forward, almost silent on her paws. She advanced forward slowly, baring her own teeth in retaliation while the pair of twins acknowledged her great size and figure.

They growled fiercely as she continued to come forward, intimidating them with her tall, confident stature. She was unknown to them with abilities they weren't quite sure of. They kept hardened though and rose to their greatest height but she was undeterred.

She raised her head and starred them directly before releasing a blood curdling howl, echoing over the roof tops in a chilling manner. She lowered her head before doing so again, concerning the twins.

They listened intently but could only hear her echoed cry and smirked. "Got no one to back you up, huh," one sneered stepping ahead. She snarled, putting him back in place as he stumbled back.

"All bark, no bite," the other teased. The wolf narrowed her glowing red eyes which he only now acknowledged as he suppressed a shudder.

"An Alpha," the same one recognized out loud.

"But who," the other finished, glaring at the wolf.

As if smirking, the wolf turned her head as her body followed suit and jolted forward in the opposite, provoking the boys the chase her but they knew better. "No," one demanded the other while pushing him back. "Get the girl," he prioritized. The other one nodded along and turned to the opposing direction, following his brother faithfully.

The distant roar of a motorcycle was still loud and present, concerning the wolf as she caught the boys' retreating figures towards the source. She snarled and leapt towards their direction, running in stealth behind the many turns and corners of the yard trying to intercept them as they had gained significant distance on her. She could've out caught up with them but that would require they both meet at the source and she couldn't risk having them touch the girl so she settled with an alternate route to get ahead of them.

The shattering of glass shocked her as the sharpened pieces clattered onto the floor. Her heart jumped and the blood boiled under her dark coarse fur. She raced towards the sound and noticed the warehouse nearby and took a risky chance that perhaps that was where they had crashed. At the same time she noticed the two shadowed figures lurk towards the opening.

Suddenly, they heard the familiar growl and turned their heads towards the left where fog obstructed their view but the distinct unknown smell remained, alarming them at the speed of their pursuer. She emerged from the darkness with a sudden fury, bolting towards them with snarls and snares. The parted to avoid her wrath and they took the opportunity to suddenly shift to her right and into the gaping opening of the broken glass. She landed far from the debris and towards Isaac who stared up at her in awe.

The girl looked at her with gratitude before her dark eyes widened at shock when the two began to approach them frightfully fast. The wolf spun on its heel and glared at them sharply.

"Get down," the girl urged both of them as the twins began to mold together. The wolf watched intently as it stepped aside for a clear shot as the girl prepared her gun behind her. Her beady red eyes focused on their movements, how the submissive one kneeled down while his brother sunk his claws into his neck, asserting a more dominant role before the two unnatural merged together as one, growing in height and stature well above the wolf's tremendous height. She instinctively backed away closer to Isaac, shielding him as they lurched forward.

The wolf cringed at the blast of the shot gun but held her ground towering over Isaac who gazed up at her with searching eyes. He almost recognized her eyes, despite her red linings, but remembering a familiar sharp shape about them. He tried to peg an identity but failed as this was the first full grown wolf he's seen compared the Derek's humanoid Alpha shape. He reached out hesitantly and from her peripheral vision she pulled her analyzing eyes away from convulsing twins to Isaac.

He jolted back in fright of being caught and punished but was utterly surprised when the wolf tenderly nudged his hand with her wet nose. He laughed as much as he could in his dazed state. The girl watched them with skeptical eyes from her helmet as she witnessed what was supposed to be idealized a killing machine subject the softest of affection towards the boy. She gaped when the wolf dragged her tongue across his face, licking some of the blood from his forehead. He touched the sore wound with a physical wince only to be bewildered when he didn't feel any kind of cut or laceration on his forehead as he expected. He looked up at the wolf with amazement.

She had looked away to the spot where the alpha pair has fallen but they were nowhere to be seen, alarming her. She growled at the direction and then looked towards the girl who shook her head.

Isaac watched at the wolf and the girl shared a look he could decipher before the wolf trotted away, leaving them behind for who knows what.

"Who was that?" Isaac asked groggily.

The girl shook her head. "A powerful ally, that's who," she mused.

"But who," he repeated heatedly with furrowed brows.

She continued forward across the yard. Bounding with powerful leaps despite the minor sting in her hind leg from a small glass sharp embedded in the top layer of her flesh. She kept her head crouch low as her nose took in the scents clinging to the ground. She caught a familiar one, exciting her as told by her perked ears. She suppressed a growl to retain her silent stealth and trotted forward, keeping her walk light and almost inaudible as she disappeared into the wall of fog, becoming a shadowy ghost in the midst of the night.

The blaring headlights of a car came forward, curbed to the side of the street. The driver waited behind blackened windows, waiting for someone to emerge from the cluster of metal boxes and containers.

A slim figure stepped out quietly from the blackened shadows and towards the car. The peripheral extension of the highlights caught onto her sleek black pants and bare feet. She stopped abruptly, adjusting her sweatshirt as seen in the swishing of the hems of the thick coat. The unlit torso of the figure advanced towards the car and opened the passenger side of the car.

The driver glanced to her new companion and pushed back a stray strand of dark hair from her face with a finger to look at the newcomer.

"How'd it go? Did you get a good look at them?" The driver inquired as she shifted the vehicle into drive. The white sedan pulled away from the curb into the vacant street, sliding into the middle lane along the dividing line.

The passenger nodded. "I got the faces of the twins," she answered. "I think I figured out who's the dominant one," she added. She looked away at the streets, eyeing the empty sidewalks. It was too late for any pedestrian to be out walking in the danger of the night. "Drop me off at Derek's and drive to the hospital. You need to have that cough checked out."

"What cough," the driver objected. The passenger shot her a dirty look.

"You've been coughing blood for the past month. You need it check out," the blonde directed. Her blue eyes softened at her companion's pale state. "You're not well, Tabitha. I should've never brought you with me. Just go for me, please." She begged. Hesitantly the brunette nodded. The blonde tried to conceive a smile but it failed to be authentic. "I just want you to be fine, you know that, right? I don't know….what I'd do…if I lost you. You're my sister, Tabi. I love you. You've been with me since God knows when…if you gave me another scare like you did back there in Russia…I'd-I'd lose it, I won't lie. I'd lose all strands of sanity I have left." She felt her throat constrict painfully at the memory of the brunette bed ridden and pasty. Dark locks stuck to her sunken face with drenching sweat as she struggled for breath. Fresh, blazing red cuts coated with dried blood marred her skin all over. "Promise me, you'll do it."

"I'll go to Deaton first," Tabitha compromised shakily. "He knows this better than most doctors do. Is that okay?"

The blonde hesitantly nodded. "Why won't you go to the hospital?" She had to ask. Tabitha bowed her head low as the slowed to a red light.

"I don't want it to get around to my dad…" She admitted and it finally struck the blonde who nodded her head evenly in understanding.

"Okay," she complied quietly. "Derek's place is to the left. Drop me off at the curb. Go straight home and rest and I expect you to see Deaton first thing in the morning." Tabitha nodded as the veered off the road and waited for the passenger to unload. "I'll see you at school," she bid, smirking.

"Wait," Tabitha exclaimed at the black clad blonde parted with the luxury vehicle. "How are you going to get home?" She inquired, leaning out of the window. The blonde stopped and grinned at her friend.

"Derek, of course," she hinted with a wink. Tabitha felt sick to the stomach but she assumed it was because of her recent ailments. She suppressed a couch despite the strong urge to unload the heavy weight in her stomach pushing her intestines upwards. She got back in the car before the blonde could notice the green tint in her facial complexion.

Got to keep it down, she encouraged herself while she suppressed it with a large gulp of warm water she had left in the car from earlier. You have a few minutes to get home. You can use the short cut Madison showed you a long time ago. She turned the steering wheel and exited back onto the highway, pressing down on the accelerator to shave off second or perhaps even minutes from her trip to hurry to the bathroom so she could get blood remnants all over Madison's tan leather. The sickening feeling grew heavier and she couldn't get rid of it, no matter how many sips of water she guzzled, and soon enough she had none left of the mineral water. Damnit, she cursed to herself.

Madison ascended the steps of the outdated building, eyeing the walls with disdain, noting to herself how someone should really consider complaining to the owner. She reached the destined floor and stopped at a door. She could hear someone inside and grinned when she heard those footsteps stop abruptly, knowing whoever was inside heard her.

Derek could smell her –not knowing her as the scent was something new, something unrecognizable. His green eyes glared red as he approached the door, claws extended, eager to greet the new threat head on. He waited a second, listening intently from the other side of the door but only heard her shallow, ghostly breathing.

He opened the door slowly. His canines bear only to retract them when her glistening white smirk welcomed him.

"Madison," he whispered in disbelief. She smirked at his widened eyes and stepped in around him, examining the new loft.

"It looks dull," she commented, motioning to the concrete walls. "The windows are a nice touch," she said, glancing at the bay windows overlooking the city. "The view alone adds value," she reviewed before moving forward. Derek closed the door behind him and followed her slim physique faithfully while admiring her features.

Something about the distance had chance her. Was it the silver touch on her light hair, lighter than before? Was it the longer length? Or was it something different other than her hair completely? She seemed taller…or was the confidence in her stride? Her eyes –within the short moment he had to examine them –were darker, almost sapphire. She spun around as she reached the elongated desk and crossed her legs in a relaxed position as she leaned back.

"We have a lot to talk about Derek," she began, beckoning him with a wagging finger.

"We do," he agreed coldly. "Like how you disappeared on us for four months," he retorted with narrowed eyes.

"For good reasons," she argued with equally slit eyes. He glared down at her but she was undeterred. "I learned a lot in Russia," she began. She pulled herself up on the desk. His eyebrows skyrocketed.

"Russia," he repeated, surprised. She nodded.

"Yeah," she sarcastically said. "Russia," she emphasized, "you know my roots? My father lived there? That Russia," she clearly said with amused eyes. Derek sneered at her condescending manner. At least that didn't change, he thought. "I learned quite a lot there. A lot about my birth right," she said with a smirk, "my capabilities," she added with a red glint in her eyes, "and a lot more about my past than I would have here. I think what I gained from there will help you with our little situation about the new pack in town," she finished with a grin.

"Like what," he inquired seriously. He closed in closer to her until the tips of their noses touched.

"Like how to kill them," she said close to his lips but not quite enough to close to deal. His hands quivered closer to her hips. "Turns out my birth right as a Volkov grants me additional strength over the typical Alpha," she said, grabbing his arm. "I could snap you in half if I wanted," she teased as she raised her lips to his neck, feeling his quivering pulse, "but I prefer using my skills in another activities if you get my drift," she teased. He grabbed her back and molded her body to his. "Slow down, mutt," she said, pushing him away with tremendous strength. Derek looked up from the floor he stumbled onto as she approached him.

How did she muster so much strength to send an Alpha of his weight and stature to bow at her feet? He thought frantically as she kneeled over him. "I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to go down that road," she confided honestly to him but the spark in her eyes told him otherwise, "but I will to protect Scott and the rest of you. Don't assume though I'm doing this for you," she insisted with a hardened voice. "I don't have a supreme sense of smell for nothing. My father is alive, how, I don't know, but someone revived him and I need to find him and you're going to help me for exchange for my aid against the Alphas, understand?"

Derek nodded. She helped him up. "Shake on it," she demanded. He hesitantly took her hand but just as he was about to grip her palm she struck it out like a snake and wrapped her steel grip on his wrist, digging her claw into is. He yelped and tried to escape it but she wouldn't let go. Her eyes flashed a ruby red for a moment as her claws drew blood before letting him go.

Now we share a connection, she sent to him telepathically. He looked up from his bloodied wrists to her, awed by the fact her rose pale pink lips did not move. They're not the only Alphas with special abilities. She smirked. Now you can know what I'm thinking and I know what you're thinking. He was taken aback by images of the past hour and the twins morphing. You'll thank me later.

"How'd you do that?" He asked, clinging to his throbbing wrist. She shrugged.

"My father came from a powerful line and my mother had more surprises that I thought, who would've known a witch could have fallen in love with a werewolf," she explained with light, amused eyes. "But," she deterred, "that's a story for another time."

Tabitha approached another red light as she closed in closer to town. She let out another violent coughing fit, covering her mouth with her sleeve before they subsided. She leaned back into the leather seat slowly as she body throbbed at the sudden attack. She glanced at her sleeve holding the wheel and noticed the specks of blood splattering the elbow and forearm area. She winced. That was more blood than before. It was getting worse, she realized. The pit in her stomach deepened.

The light turned green and she slowly rolled forward, gaining speed gradually as she tried to focus her head despite her heavy head and growing migraine. She only made it so far before she came across a parked jeep in the middle the road. She felt suddenly sick as she recognized the model and frantically turned the wheel around to veer around it without being noticed but it was too late as she passed the group of teenagers congregated in the middle.

"That's Madison's BMW, tell me not," Stiles burst when he caught the blur of white maneuver around his Jeep. Scott looked away from the deer caught in Lydia's shattered windshield and saw the blinding headlights. Taking Stiles' word, he stepped in front of it without thought and it broke to an abrupt stop followed by a blaring horn. "What is she doing here," Stiles demanded, breaking from Lydia and towards the car in an angry fluster. He knocked on the window before Scott intercepted him and pulled him away. He opened the side door and gaped when he caught the tussles of dark brown cascade over a bare shoulder rather the usual blonde curls.

"Hi," Tabitha croaked shyly, looking away from Stiles' wide amber eyes and into Scott's darker ones. "Wrong person," she tried to joke but another fit of coughs cut her off and she leaned out, doubling over, as she struggled for breath. She reached out for a hand and felt the warmth of another palm clutching hers as she bent over, heaving.

"Are you okay," Scott frantically asked as she witnessed her emerald eyes widen with pure fear and agony. She shook her head as she couldn't express with words. The metallic taste of blood revisited her mouth and she felt some of it spill onto her jeans.

"Oh my God," Stiles cried out when he caught sight of the blood. "She is not okay," Stiles reprimanded, glaring at Scott, before picking her up and dragging her from the car and holding her in a crouching position so she wouldn't choke on the blood. She convulsed violently in his arms before reached out and grabbing the collar of his shirt for support. He held her close as she calmed down and her coughs subsided. She gathered herself up and stood up straight, meeting Stiles' eye level when he crouched to examine her red eyes. The vessels had burst around her green pupils. She shook in the cold and tried to balance on her own. She shook Stiles off and took a deep breath.

"What wrong with you," Scott demanded, motioning to her blood splattered clothing.

"We don't know," She whimpered honestly. "It's some kind of bug," she sighed. "A really bad bug but I don't know what."

Scott nodded. "From where," he persisted. She gave him a cold look –despite her condition –that gave him chills.

"Madison will tell you later," she diverted before looking at the deer in the windshield. She laughed humorously. "Which one of you idiots ran into that? That's a big one, a 6 pointer," she commented, examining the creature from afar. Lydia glared at her.

"It ran at us," she defended adamantly. Tabitha rolled her eyes.

"Why would it do that?" Tabitha sarcastically shot back. Lydia stomped toward her and tried to push a finger into her chest but Tabitha intercepted the hand and crushed it in her grip. Lydia cringed and shrieked at the sudden pain. Tabitha released her and Lydia cradled the injured hand. "I may be injured," Tabitha growled out, "but I can still kick your ass, or better yet, kill it." She threatened. Lydia nodded along, getting the point and retreated back to Allison's side.

"Don't approach an injured animal," Allison confided to Lydia, "they might bite back. She looks really bad, Lydia. She's never that pale," Allison commented with concerned eyes. Tabitha's side banes stuck to the side her face with her oily hair was pulled. Her cheeks weren't as rosy and seemed ghostly white, sunken in, and her eyes had dark blue-grey circles underneath them.

"Look guys, let me go home, please," Tabitha pleaded. "I'm tired. I feel awful," and as if to prove so, she let out a yawn. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want to go to school in that condition?" Scott asked, holding her head as they guided her back to her car.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, guys. I have Madison to take care of me."

"Where is she anyways," Scott persisted. "She –both of you have been gone for months." Tabitha slipped on her seatbelt. "Wait, no, I don't trust you to drive by yourself. I'll drive you home," Scott insisted, pulling her out. She was in no condition to put up a fight and complied, weaker than usual. "Stiles, you can pick me up later tonight but I have to make sure she's alright."

"No," Stiles objected. "Look, you can drive my Jeep, or one of the girls can," he offered. "I've driven the BMW before. You can pick me up at Madison's place after you drop the girls off. I'll drive Tabi home," he assured, stepping into the driver's seat. Scott lead Tabitha to the passenger seat and buckled her in as her head drifted to the shoulder of the seat, letting her hair fall over her shoulder.

"Where is Madison," Scott continued. Tabitha shook her head groggily.

"Derek's place," she croaked. "She needed to see him. I don't know why. I don't ask questions."

Scott nodded and combed her hair back with his fingers. "Get better Tabi," he bid as he was about to shut the door. She smiled meekly.

"Thanks Scott," she groaned. Stiles laid a hand on Tabitha's bloodied hand and drove forward after Scott closed the door. Stiles held her hand tightly and looked at what the dark haired beauty had become, just a shell of white flesh and bones. He pursed his lips in frustration. She fluttered her eye lids before falling into a deep sleep, letting exhaustion take over. He sped faster, urgently taking a left and to the hospital nearby. There was no way he'd let her continue on like this.

They raced to the hospital but she was far too deep in a daze to recognize his panic. They parked in front of the loading station next to an ambulance.

"Tabitha," he urged, shaking her shoulder. She whined lowly. Her eye lids fluttered but not enough to reveal her blood shot eyes. "Tabi, time to get up, we need to get you inside." She still refused to wake up and Stiles' panic mode lit up like a torch. He burst from his side of the car and pried open her side with anxious hands. Attendants met him up front as he pulled Tabitha out, carrying her bridal style. She lay limp in his arms and that's when his panic sets in. A stretcher is pulled out and she was pulled from his grip and laid out.

"What's that problem," one inquired as they rolled in. Stiles kept at her side.

"She's coughing up blood, she's weak, and she passed out in the car," Stiles rushed.

"Okay son, we got it from here," the attendant excused, pushing him away. Stiles looked on loanword, distressed and frustrated. He pulled out his phone and tried to call Madison's old number but only came with the familiar out-of-service response and groaned in frustration. He threw his hands up in defeat.

Tabitha barely processed the chaos around her as she seemed to float within the white barriers of the walls, eyeing a few figures in a blurry haze. She saw a flurry of black curls loom over her while a soft feminine repeated her name. A grip held her hand reassuringly as they turned the corner and pushed her into a narrowed space before she recognized the archway as an opened door to a darkened room before they flipped on blinding lights. She squeezed her eyes shut to avoid the glare.

Madison, she frantically thought. Madison, where am I?

Doctors struggled to pull up her sleeve and insert a pinching IV. She winced. It hurts, Madison. Mads, please, where are you? Another jerk of a needle made her squirm.

"Don't worry, I got you," Melissa McCall assured as Tabitha painfully gripped her hands as if she was fighting death itself. Another doctor had to hold down her legs as she began to instinctively kick just like her father taught her. "We're trying to help you," Melissa exclaimed, surprised by the girl's tremendous strength. "Who can we call?"

"Madison," she cried out aggressively, pulling her hand away from Melissa's. "Get Madison," she screamed.

Stiles' head jolted up at the shriek as Tabitha's voice echoed throughout the halls. He made no hesitance to follow it and slipped into the room, replacing Melissa's spot as he grabbed her hand, ignoring the pain of her squeeze.

"Tabi, it's me, Stiles," he assured her, "I'm here. There are doctors trying to help you, will you let them? I got you. Squeeze if you get scared," he assured her. She squeezed again as one of the doctors administered another shot.

"This is a sedative and it'll keep her heart beat steady," they explained to them. "Good job Son," he added when he noticed her relaxed figure. "This girl here is a fighter," he commented with a stern gaze, "and I'm sure whatever she has she'll pull through it."

"Thank you Stiles," Melissa said quietly and soothed down Tabitha's sweat drenched banes behind her ears. "How do you know her?"

Stiles bit his bottom lip for a moment considering an answer. "She's a friend of ours, and a really close friend of mine," he replied. "I haven't seen her for months."

"Where has she been?" Melissa inquired.

"I don't know," Stiles answered honestly. He shook his head. She slept quietly, slipping into her subconscious. Her breathing evened and she let her head fall into the pillow. Stiles eventually dropped her hand and laid it on her torso as he examined the rest of her body with careful eyes.

"First Isaac, now Tabitha," Melissa whispered to herself as she lifted the girl's shirt to examine the multitude of deep cuts and bruises. "It looks like she's been starved," she noticed by the shallowness of Tabitha's stomach and the indent of bones protruding. "Or her body has been rejecting food," she suggested an alternative. "We'll learn later on. Go home, Stiles, and get some rest. I'll have Scott keep you updated." Stiles hesitantly nodded and walked away slowly, glancing at her body one more time before turning his back and leaving the room.