Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the long hiatus. I just… lost the plot and was struggling to see where I could go and how to get from this point to the next. I didn't want to get ahead of myself and leave a huge gap of "what the hell happened," between this chapter and the next. So I'm pushing myself to fulfill the content so I can have a complete story, even if I'm a full season behind. However, it will just give me more time to really give Madison's ever-complicated character some justice, especially with all the shit thrown her way. She's going to question where she's going and who she's becoming –is it for her sake? Is this what she really wants? Yes, the McCall Pack will be more accepting of her, but what will she have to sacrifice? She's going to really contemplate if she's willing to lose what she's valued the most in exchange for a family, where she might not have as much power or control as she did prior to that change.

Personally, with Madison's character, I already envisioned the ending for her –one you'll have to see for yourself –and with Kate suddenly thrown into the mix, my course of action is solid. Madison is a tragic character who is desperate and strong willed –I don't think that will ever change. She has paved this road of death and destruction and she's going to reap what she sows and you'll see that in the finale. The people she holds close are the ones that will be in the most danger because she's such a threat. It's going to be a constant power struggle between her and whoever dares to challenge her. The power lust is always going to make her an adversary and that reputation she's created is going to bite in her the butt because she will always have to defend herself and her position. It's going to be exhausting, and a lot of these opponents are on her level –they aren't above playing dirty, so Tabitha, Frank, Trevor, etc. Her family will always be at stake and they hold more of a priority than anything else. Her motivation is going to be stronger than, let's say, Peter's hunger for power. He wants it for self-fulfillment, like she had when she was younger, but she relies on her power and strength to defend what's left of her family, so we can be certain Madison won't back down, and she'll certainly fight to the death –and given her past records, that won't end well for her enemies.

With Kate, however, we revert back to beginning where Madison's singular goal to destroy and avenge is awakened –and the tables have turned, because Madison has the upper hand now. She's a dangerous, desperate force and Kate knows it. This theme of "you reap what you sow" is something I've been slowly webbing and I think Jeff's decision to bring Kate back really supported my original idea and I'm eager to get on it –but to get to that, I need to finish this, so I plan to really dissect Madison and her motivations here. . Eventually, the conclusion of this season/series will solidify Madison as the character I want her to be when we enter the fourth season. Kate's going to face the one person she couldn't kill – essentially, like Harry Potter and Voldemort. Madison is just as determined to out her enemy and punish her for the past crimes she committed against her family. The two will bring out the darkest versions of themselves, and no one is safe in their crosshairs.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. Why am I bringing up Kate when we have the Pack of Alphas, the Nogistune, and, of course, the ultimate villain –Peter? What can you, the reader, look forward to? What should you expect? While I hope I don't spoil too much – I will admit a few secrets I've been storing away as I slowly webbed a decent plot. Let's start with Peter – he is guilty of a lot of things, including reviving Madison's father –who is a subject all his own –but we'll get to that after. Peter is always pursuing power as his main motivation, and Madison is his preferred pawn. However, he revived his own rival in a tug-a-war for her loyalty, and while his agenda was to have both father and daughter on his side, he didn't take into account that Dubolazov clan only look out for themselves, and with Sloane back in the picture, Peter screwed himself over and essentially close the door in his own face. He needs to correct that and he's going to look for a solution to take Sloane out of the equation –something easier said than done, but we know never to underestimate Peter and he will rely on his ability to manipulate even the likes to Sloane to reclaim his throne, so to speak. We should also know –what's dead should stay dead, and this theme is going to resonate throughout

Speaking of family, Sloane, Trevor, and Frank aren't the only ones we should include. Tabitha may not be bonded by blood but anyone can see Madison holds her very dearly. We last saw how close Madison sees that bond after she thinks she killed Tabitha – an allusion, of course, but a clear projection of her feelings, exposing her weaknesses. She has put Tabitha in a vulnerable spot and she does blame herself, but she is doing her damnedest to make up for it and protects her best friend fiercely. However, I'm going to throw a huge hurdle their way when best friends become foes –when Madison creates a 'monster' out of the shell of her dying best friend. It will make one question if it's really worth clinging onto something even when it's long gone. Tabitha is going to decide to want something that conflicts with Madison, and worse, Tabitha's decision is going to break Madison's heart. Madison can't afford to lose her best friend –and she's going to cling onto her by whatever means, even if it means disrespecting Tabitha's decision and essentially going against her back. It's going to make someone contemplate what a "better" decision is and if it's worth the risk to go above someone's head if it means doing what they think is "best." It's something I'm really excited to do because it's going to elevate the story into a whole new level of drama that needs to be focused on, especially regarding something as strong as sisterly bonds. How far can you stretch a person and their support system before they break? That psychological break is what I'm counting on, because it's going to lead Madison into something even more dark and destructive.

While Tabitha has been this loyal side kick, her drifting away from the role depending on this upcoming decision is going to directly connect to her own personal plot. She's going to realize she's capable of something her moral compass can't allow her to do. She is going to put the sake of others above herself –something Madison can't respect because Tabitha is essentially sacrificing herself for strangers –and Madison feels like she's not being considered. She takes the role as a sister seriously and for Tabitha to essentially abandon her is going to awaken very vulnerable feelings that will prompt Madison to make very rash decisions. Tabitha herself is going to be weak, given her new status as a 'human' (which isn't what it seems) and the opportunistic Pack of Alphas –remember, foes who have the same mentality as Madison, who aren't above morality –will prey upon her to bend Madison's will in their favor.

Madison, herself, will have to pick a side –which is new for her. She is someone who is notorious for having her own agenda and her own alliance, so for her to be a pawn in someone else's game is going to be an uncomfortable and frustrating position for her, especially since her enemy – The Darach –is an adversary that is her match and will take Madison by surprise. Much like Kate, who I will address later on, the Darach is someone who plays just as good of a game of manipulation as Madison does and The Darach (Jennifer) is going to use some familiar faces from the past even Madison didn't anticipate and implement daring tactics that will put Madison on the short end. It's going to put Madison is a bad place –and to add insult to injury, with Tabitha drifting, Madison is going to snap.

I can't expose much to the plot for the Nogistune without exposing major spoilers, but as we etch closer to that marker, I'm sure you'll see where I'm headed.

With that said, I got a lot of time and a lot of plot to work with and I look forward to it. My hints to you are: A lot of these characters like Sloane and Tabitha – both Madison and Peter played with very dark elements from the other side, bringing them back the dead. Madison herself is a product of these devilish works, so you're going to see the consequences of dabbling with things we don't understand. Madison took a huge risk reviving Tabitha –and both girls are going to pay for it. Madison and Sloane are going to realize they aren't free as they think, and that second chances come with a huge price. The consequences will be harsh, reminding people the cost outweighs the benefit. The dead should stay dead and Madison realizes that a little too late. Her habit of clinging onto what she has left will be in vain, essentially. Also, change. There is going to be huge transitions for both Tabitha and Madison as they come to terms with their new identities –as you can take a guess, Lydia is a Banshee, Scott as a Werewolf/ True Alpha, Madison as a Hell Hound (which will be explain through the chapters) but I will not reveal what Tabitha is. My only hint for that is: since Madison is a Hell Hound, her purpose is to hunt things that overstayed their welcome in the land of the living, and Tabitha is no exception –so naturally they are going to be enemies, even though Madison will be fighting the urge every step of the way because of those bonds she's developed with Tabitha. It will be a huge conflict of nature versus nurture.

Questions you'll likely ask, aside from the obvious stated above:

· Is Sloane here to stay? Will he be a permanent feature? Remember what I said about the dead should stay dead? Madison needs to learn to let people go, and she should've let Sloane go a long time ago. It's going to be tough for her to realize this but she won't have much of a choice. Sloane knows he doesn't belong in this plane (of the living) and Peter knows that Sloane has this mentality. He's going to play on that until Sloane forcible leaves –whether it's just Beacon Hills or the land of the living in general. Father knows best –whether Madison agrees or not. (It's going to be a nice parallel between Madison's choice regarding Tabitha and Sloane's choice regarding Madison.)

· What about Aubrey? Should we expect her, too? Aubrey is just as significant as Sloane, and part of the reason why Madison is still here. Aubrey made the same conflicting decisions of "what is best" and decided to give her daughter a second chance –and it's going to haunt them both. Aubrey is responsible for this and she's is going to be held accountable. Yes, you heard me right. She's going to be held accountable. How so? I won't spoil the details but I will entice that she will be essential to the plot because she is a key factor in exposing Madison's darker side, and not just as someone who awakened the Hell Hound, but Madison is her mother's daughter, and I will leave it at that for your imaginations to consider.

· What can we expect from Madison as a Hell Hound?She's going to be a fearsome foe, and she's going to have a tremendous amount of power –only if she taps into it, so a lot of people are going to want to provoke it. However, that power and strength is something to be reckoned with, and few can control it –not even Madison. Someone can –and a lot of the plot will have to do with finding the master and figuring out if Madison will ever regain control over herself or if she lost it for good, so she's going to be avoid triggering her ultimate form –the Hell Hound –until she can get the answers she needs –answers she will not get easily. Madison is going to struggle for control and like the Hulk –you won't see it until it's a last resort. However, I do believe –as the writer with this long, extensive plan –it is inevitable, and she will succumb to it. The question is when, not if. I also will intrigue the idea she will be able to see into the other side with a supernatural sight. She'll see and speak to the dead like any other sensitive animal would. It's going to be a huge burden on her because many of those faces are going to be her childhood regrets –her past victims, Allison, etc. It's going to put a lot of stress on her –but it also allows her to have this incredible insight and knowledge –putting her ahead of the game like she used to be, and she'll be the first person to realize something is array when she can't locate Kate on the other side.

· Any romance for Tabitha or Madison? As for now, no. Madison has too much on her plate, and Tabitha is going to realize her first love is just that – her first. She is going to reprioritize her agendas when she thinks her end is near, and she's going to tie up some loose ends. Romance is the last thing she needs. She will get closure, and I think she and Stiles are going to share an intimate connection as young teenage love, if you want to stretch that far, but at this point, it's nothing something she's optimistic about on her deathbed. Maybe in the future, as Tabitha comes back (because I just can't bring myself to kill her for good, and you know how much I love twists!) she's going to be a different version of herself, better or worse, and then we'll evaluate if she and Stiles will be able to rekindle something or perhaps their worlds are too far apart. As for Madison, I think I mentioned before how she's incapable to fully giving herself or trusting her heart to someone outside her familial bonds, but that won't stop Derek, and he's going to be adamant to be her pillar, even if she doesn't realize that she needs one. While he is putting romance on the sideline and looking towards Jennifer for that intimate connection, that doesn't void that he feels an opening with Madison and he's still holding out some hope that maybe something can happen between them. I don't know where they will end up, but I promise that Derek's determination will pay off. I'm not saying Derek and Madison are made for each other –far from it –but I think they can rely on each other for mutual benefit. Derek can trust that Madison will put the safety of loved ones first –by any means –and Madison can rely on Derek to extend the emotions she's too scared to put out there. They will see the best of each other, but it will take time.