So I noticed something, I think Vegeta likes Bulma with short hair.

After Bulma has Trunks (and Vegeta becomes part of her life permanently) her hair remains short. If anything it gets shorter. Future Bulma has long hair. This proves that without Vegeta, Bulma would grow her hair out. (Bulma imagines herself with long hair when she is on Namke – after she's already cut it to 'fit in to her space suite') proving Bulma likes long hair but is willing to cut it for VEGETA! Her love! (and Yamcha cuts his hair and spikes it, in hopes to win Bulma back by looking more like Vegeta)


The next few minutes flew by. Gohan and Krillin spent their time playing with the new Z member. Bulma knew deep down that Gohan would accept Trunks whole heartedly. He was so much like his father, and that made her so happy. She was a bit curious about Krillin. Yes, he had teamed up with Vegeta and wasn't really scared of him, but she wouldn't say they'd ever be friends. Yet, Krillin the kind-hearted man he was, also accept Trunks with all his heart. Piccolo didn't seem to care one way or another. He was a dark cold man, much like Vegeta, and he really only loved one person, Gohan. Everyone else, includingGoku, was comrades and team members. Maybe he did have an affinity for Goku, if not just for Gohan. Tien, he wasn't a man of many words and he hated Vegeta with all his being. Yet, he gave Trunks a welcoming nod, maybe because he knew the potential the child held within him. Yamcha, he still loved Bulma and thus loved her child. He wasn't cold but he was distant and maybe that was the best way. Bulma didn't mind really, her affection for the man had died long ago. She could now see the weakness in him. That was all thanks to Vegeta, and his proud unending wish to be better. Yamcha was the opposite, weak and had no desire to risk his own life. She was really surprised to see him.

Goku, her little brother, the man that she loved so dearly was a kind and gentle soul. At no point did she ever really question his acceptance of her son. If anyone would welcome him it would be Goku. Bulma had missed her friends. She wanted themto be there for her all this time, and maybe if she weren't so afraid she would have sought them out sooner, yet, her child could have caused a break in their training and that in the end cause everyone's doom. At least this is what she told herself; she didn't show him off because they needed to focus on their training. The greater good over the one.

Bulma watched the sky, waiting for Vegeta. She knew he'd come but was highly disappointed that he hadn't shown up yet. Her mind ran wild with the thoughts of him actually killing himself in the pursuit of becoming stronger. She hadn't seen him in a long time and her heart began to hurt.

Piccolo piped up, "Where is Vegeta?" His dark brisk tone questioned.

"I don't have a clue. I really haven't seen him around lately." Bulma sighed. "We aren't living together right now. I know he was training to come here, but with the baby and all."

"He'll show. He wouldn't miss a fight." Goku added in. He was trying his best to consul his dear friend, whose eyes seemed frightened and lonely.

"I left Choutzu at Roshi's. To be honest with you, I didn't think the little guy would stand much of a chance out here." Tien had clearly done what he thought to be the best thing for his friend. Goku nodded.

As the men spoke Gohan turned his attention to Bulma once again. "Bulma, what time is it?"

"Well, let's see. According to my watch it is 9:30." Bulma smiled.

"Bulma you better get out of here before it's too late." Goku tensed up fearful for Bulma and the child, the child that he only knew the fate of. "Those androids are going to be here in half an hour!"

Bulma giggled as Trunks buried his face into Bulma, he had lived part of his life in-between the fights of his mother and father. He no longer cried at deep male voices but he didn't like to watch either. "Don't worry. I just want to see what these things look like then I'll go." Bulma said with calm optimism, which surprised the gang but they left it at that. If Gokucouldn't get her to leave no one could. Even Vegeta himself was powerless against this woman's stubbornness.

Everyone relaxed for just a while, as relaxed as a pre battle could be. Bulma sat down upon the soft grass, Trunks in her arms. Gohan had become so fascinated by him. It was clear there was a connection between the boys. Gohan made funny faced at the other half Saiyan as the purple haired child laughed to his heart's content.

"So Krillin, let's see you try to make the kid laugh." Gohan challenged his friend.

"Alright." Krillin took center stage and eyed the boy. "So you new in town or what?" Krillin joked. Trunks burst into laughter. Maybe it wasn't Krillin's joke that did it maybe it was just Krillin, either way he was happy. "Yep, I crack myself up to kid."Krillin scowled.

"Quiet you guys!" Piccolo barked causing the gang to fall silent. "Someone is coming."

"Do you think it is them?" Gohan fearfully asked. He was still so young and trying so hard to be brave.

"I can't tell yet." Krillin said softly.

Everyone looked to the sky. Goku took a protective stance by Bulma. All his life she had been by his side and he wasn't about to let that change. Their eyes watched as a figure loomed closer. Bulma's heart jumped maybe, it was Vegeta. It had to be.

The figured turned into a ship and slowly landed in the center of them all. To everyone's relief it was not an android, and toBulma's dismay it wasn't Vegeta. "HEY! You've come to help us fight the androids!" Goku jumped when Yajirobe stepped out of the air car.

"Yeah right! I just brought these senzu beans from Korin." He extended his hand, showing Goku a bag of the much-loved healing legumes.

"Oh thanks a lot!" Goku smiled taking the bag. Yajirobe quickly dash back to his air car and took off into the sky. His gift meant a lot to them and his cowardice never changed.

"I can't believe I actually listened to that kid. Androids that's a good one." Yamcha laughed.

Bulma stood by Yamcha as she lifted her watch. His eyes followed her body and her every curve, still missing her touch. "Don't be so literal you guys. It's only 10:17, I wouldn't jump the gun just yet." She turned to look at Yamcha; she could feel his eyes upon her. It was nice to know she still took his breath away even if she didn't really care.

"Excuse me Bulma but I think we'd feel their power levels by now. Sorry to disappoint you Bulma, but those androids just aren't coming." Just as the words left Yamchas mouth there was a large explosion in the air. It was Yajirobe's air car, blown up and falling to the sea.

"You guys it's the androids!" Piccolo screamed his eyes locked on the sky above him. Everyone eyes darted to the sky. There they watched two figures fly away deep into the city. Only then did it occur to them that being unliving creatures, they would not be unable to feel their life force. They knew what they had to do. Weed them out.

"Bulma, look after these!" Goku yelled as he tossed the small sack at Bulma. Fear had run over her initially but she was quickly pulled back by Goku's voice. Trunks turned as he watched his new-found friends fly away. He had only flown once with his father, even though he was still so young he knew he'd love flying. Bulma sighed backing away from the cliffs edge.

"We'll Turnks I guess it's you and me for a while." Bulma watched the city from the cliff, but nothing seemed to behappening. "Yo Vegeta! Where is your sorry ass! Why aren't you here!?" Bulma screamed at the sky hopping he could and would hear her. Just a fly by with a wink would be enough to know that he wasn't dead yet.


Vegeta hadn't forgotten about the androids, how could he? Vegeta sighed as he watched the sun move over the horizon. He was still training. Taking every last second to become stronger, maybe those extra 10 minutes would make the biggest difference. Seeing how the night before was spent watching his woman and their brat.

Vegeta had gone 6 months or so without them, and knew he could go more but, something deep within him told him he had to see her one last time. After sunset in West City, Vegeta had ended his training and left for Capsule Corp. He was many hours away, by the time he reached Capsule Corp it was already late into the night and Bulma lay in their bed sleeping. Entering the room through the unlocked balcony he watched her sleep. At first he wanted to wake her, but in truth he didn't feel like dealing with her emotional blabber. So, he just stood there watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful so calm. Maybe she had forgotten about the danger of the androids and he didn't want to make her worry. Then an apprehensive thought came to him, maybe she had forgotten about him too, which stung him in his gut. He gazed out upon the room to find their photo sitting on the night stand beside the bed; this was enough for his fear to leave him. He brushed the bangs from her forehead as he gave a faint smile. Exiting the way he came in, he then entered his sons' room. Trunks was awake, but didn't make a sound as his father approached him. Vegeta only nodded to him as Trunks gave a faint giggle. This had satisfied Vegeta. The two were ok they were safe, at least for now. Now, he could continue his training and the fight for the future uninhibited.

Vegeta had stopped questioning his actions toward the two of them. At first he fought all attachment to them but he was a smart man and he had quickly realized he was bound to them by some unknown force. He didn't want to label it, he didn't want to admit it, he knew deep down that it was love, but he did admit to himself that they were his only weakness. Bulma'ssmile and the gleam of power in Trunks's eyes would render him useless at times. Thus far he had done well to hide it and he hoped to continue this way.


Vegeta had devised a plan long ago on when he'd arrive for the androids. He had no desire to meet and chit-chat with the other warriors, he hated most of them. But, he wanted to take in as much training as possible. Logic stated: let the weaklings get killed and then he the Prince of all Saiyan's would have no interference. He could prove himself the strongest warrior in the galaxy. Vegeta was the man who liked to know what he was getting into. On the morning of May 12th at 10am Vegetafound himself hiding or more so scouting, among the trees near the city, he had felt the others on the cliff face and wanted nothing to do with them. Suppressing his power he watched and waited.

He was sure the others would find the androids, raise their powers, which would allow him to follow without notice. He could watch from afar until the correct moment. He was far better than Kakarot and he knew it. He was a Super Saiyan after all.


It wasn't long before the battle began. Vegeta felt the weakling's energy, and began to follow it, and it was lowering quickly. This intrigued him. Something was different about these androids. Something he had to learn about. As Vegeta stumbled upon the scene, there it was his dream. The android had Yamcha by the face as he pierced his hand through Yamcha's chest. Maybe this wasn't quite like his dream but it was close enough for fear to run through him. His mind ran to Bulma, he had been so focused on the fight that he didn't realize her ki was nearby and so was their sons. Yes both ki's were low but if one isoccustomed to them and seeks them out they can be found, most anywhere on the planet.

As Yamcha hung there limp in the androids hands the rest of the z gang showed up. Their concern for Yamcha was clear. Yet,Vegeta couldn't figure out why; he was a looser, a weakling, and he hated him on principle.

"Krillin there is still a chance to save him. Take him back to Bulma and give him one of the senzu beans. Go now!" Gokuscreamed

Vegeta's ears perked up at the blue hair woman's name. "Why is she here, and why did that clown give her the senzu beans?Krillin's going to lead the androids right to her!" Vegeta screamed internally. "No, I must focus. I cannot be concerned with her. She a weak human and knows the risks. She is foolish enough to be here then let her pay the consequences." Vegetasculled himself. "I must not show my weakness, at all cost. My weakness will never be known." This might have been the only time he thanked Frieza for his pain. Frieza had taught him that weaknesses get you killed and they would be used against you. Show no fear and give no weakness and you will become a great warrior.

Vegeta watched as the battle began. Kakarot demanded that they leave and salvage what was left of the city. Within moments they were in the air. He followed them with his eyes at first, then swiftly took to the sky, he remained low to the ground and kept his power at its lowest in hopes to not be found out.


Gohan arrived shortly with Yajirobe in tow. "Bulma we are coming in for a landing!" Gohan shouted. Bulma laughed at his free spirit. It hadn't been 5 minutes when they saw Krillin, he was caring someone, Yamcha it looked like. Krillin landed on the clifwith Yamcha in tow. "Bulma quick a senzu bean!" he screamed. Bulma did not hesitate as she quickly pulled a bean free from its pouch; she placed the bean in Yamcha's moth.

"Well that didn't take long." Bulma mocked to herself. Vegeta had begun to rub off on her. "Hey Yamcha you ok?" Bulmaasked as the man's eyes freed from their glassy haze.

Yamcha nodded with a faint smile. "Nice to wake up to that pretty face." He flirted. Trunks gave him a dirty look as Bulmalaughed a forced laugh.

Bulma handed the beans to Krillin. "I think you should hold on to these. I mean I can't fly and all, plus the baby." Bulmasmiled tossing the bag at her small friend.

Yamcha stood just in time to see the rest of the gang flying past. "Look it's my dad!" Gohan yelled.

"And the androids." Yamcha added

Goku is leading them away from the city." Krillin added.

"Oh know we've got to warn him some how you guys. He doesn't know the androids can absorb his energy." Gohan turned with shock at Yamcha.

It didn't take but a second for Gohan to take to the air and follow after the gang. Krillin unable to let Gohan go alone followed. "You coming Yamcha?" Krillin asked as Yamcha took a step back.

"Aren't you going Yamcha?" Bulma asked noticing his fear. "It's ok if you are scared. I would be too, but I do need help with the baby after all. You can stay here with us."

Yamcha gave Bulma a dirty look, he spit to the ground, taking flight only moments later. "I'll warn Goku. I'm his friend after all." With that the 3 were gone. Bulma watched them fly off, Yajirobe grubbed something as he took a seat on the cliff. Bulmasighed still disappointed in the fact she hadn't seen Vegeta.


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