Me: I am suddenly really liking this fic xD
Minami: And I have no idea why xD
Me: See you at the bottom!
Minami: THIS CHAPTER WAS NOT BETA'd. We were growing anxious to post this, so, yea...

The toddlers were all seated at the table. Yami shut the curtains. That's when the twins heard a few toddlers start to freak out from the darkness, one being Yugi. Yami opened the curtains again. Mai, Atem, and Yami started singing.

"Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Yugi
Happy Birthday to you" the three sang. It took Yugi a few tries, but he eventually blew out all four candles. Mai cut the cake and gave the toddlers each a peice. After the toddlers were done flinging cake at each other and eating and getting cleaned up, it was time for Yugi to open his presents. Jaden had given Yugi a Winged Kuriboh plush.

"Now Kuri has a fwiend!" Yugi said happily. Jaden beamed. Yusei had given Yugi a Quilbolt Hedgehog plush.

"Now Kuri an' Wing Kuri have a fwiend!" Yugi cheered. Yusei smiled. Zane and Syrus gave Yugi a few more duel monster plushies. Yugi squealed with happiness on each one. Yuma presented another plushie. Yugi was now surrounded in plushies, but he didn't care. He loved them all. Atem and Yami smiled at each other, then looked back to the toddlers, and they were met with a shocking sight.

Yugi and Alexis were fighting over Yugi's Kuriboh plushie.

"MINE!" Alexis yelled.

"No! You hurtin' Kuri! Stop!" Yugi cried, trying to get his plushie back. Then, the inevitable happened.

The Kuriboh plush ripped.

Both toddlers dropped the plushie, and started at it.

"K-Kuri?" Yugi said in a watery voice. A large tear went down his cheek. Yugi started to cry loudly. "YOU KILL KURI!" Yugi sobbed. Atticus and Zane, the oldest children at the party, took the toddlers into the other room. Yami scooped up Yugi. Atem scooped up the ripped Kuriboh. Yugi kept crying. Atem went over to Mai. Mai was already holting up a spool of brown thread and a needle.

"Here you go, hun" Mai smiled.

"Thank you, Mai" Atem said gratefully. He and Yami sat on the couch.

"Hey, Yugi. Look at Atem. He's fixing Kuri" Yami said. Yugi hiccuped. He looked at Atem, and watched as he threaded the needle. He started to sew the rip.

"K-Kuri okay?" Yugi asked shakily.

"Yes, Kuri's going to be okay" Yami assured. He gently rocked his little brother. Yugi stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked on his thumb. After a few minutes, Atem cut the string, and gave the spool and needle back to Mai. Mai put the items back in her purse. Atem handed the plush back to Yugi. Yugi held the plush close. Atem kissed Yugi's forehead. Yugi smiled. Atticus and Alexis came into the room. Yugi held his plush tighter, to keep it away from Alexis.

"Alexis has something she wants to say to Yugi. Don't you, Alexis?" Atticus said.

"Sowwy" Alexis said grumpily.

"Alexis. Be nice" Atticus warned.

"Sowwy" Alexis said in a nicer voice. Yugi clung to Yami and his plush.

"Yugi. What do you say?" Yami asked, "Do you forgive Alexis?" Yugi nodded. Yami gently coaxed Yugi to let go of Kuri. He held the plushie while Atem gently placed Yugi on the ground, on his feet. Yugi toddled over to Alexis and gave her a hug. He smiled. Alexis smiled and hugged Yugi back. Atem looked to Mai.

"Again, thank you. Why do you have a needle and thread in your purse, anyway?" Atem asked.

"Hun, you gotta know what to carry if you babysit. I've fixed more stuffed animals that you'll ever fix, sweetie" Mai said.

That night, once the others and Mai had gone home, Yami gently picked up the worn-out Yugi from the middle of his plushies. Atem scooped up the rest of the plushies, and followed Yami upstairs. Yami gently placed the sleeping Yugi in his crib. Atem placed the plushies in a small pile beside Yugi's dresser. The twins softly kissed Yugi's temple, and turned on Yugi's night light. Atem shut the light off in the room. He and Yami got into their beds, and fell asleep.

A few days later, the three were at the kitchen table, coloring. Yugi grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and a black crayon. He drew three lopsided stick figures, two of them taller than the third. He wrote the names under the stick figures.

"What'cha drawing, Yugi?" Yami asked, stopping coloring in his picture. Atem stopped as well, and looked up. Yugi put down the crayon.

"Wook. Me an' Yai an' Aem!" Yugi said happily, showing the twins his picture. He smiled happily. Atem and Yami smiled. Atem took the picture and stuck it on the refridgerator with a magnetic frame. Atem suddenly got an idea. He went upstairs and came down with his digital camera and its tripod.

"Come into the living room." Atem told Yami and Yugi. Yami rose an eyebrow, but nonetheless picked Yugi up and took him to the living room. "Sit on the couch. I just gotta finish setting this up" Atem said. Yami nodded, and sat on the couch, with Yugi in his lap. Atem finished setting up the tripod and camera, and turned the timer on. He quickly sat beside Yami. Yami quickly moved Yugi a bit, so he was sitting on both their laps. The three smiled happily. The timer finished counting down, and the picture was taken. Atem stood, and got the camera. He looked at the picture and smiled. He showed it to Yami and Yugi.

'Amazing" Yami said happily. He ruffled Yugi's hair. Yugi giggled happily. The twins smiled. Atem sat back down, and the two hugged Yugi.

"Yugi. Come here" Yami said.

"No!" came the immeiate response. It had been a few months since they had taken the picture. In that time, Yugi had learned to walk more and he had learned how to run as well. He could also now fully say 'Yami' and 'Atem'.

"Yugi. Come here. Now" Yami said, this time, more sternly.

"No!" Yugi repeated. Yami sighed, and went after Yugi. Yugi started running again. He would've gotten away, if Atem hadn't caught him. Yami walked over.

"Give me Kuri" Yami said, holding his hand out. Yugi held his plush closer and tighter. Atem managed to yank the plushie from Yugi's hands. He gave it to Yami.

"Gimme!" Yugi cried, reaching for his beloved Kuri.

"No. You will get Kuri back in twenty minutes. In that time, you will sit in your crib. You do not hit Atem. Or me." Yami said. Yami put Kuri on the top of the fridge while Atem took Yugi upstairs. He placed Yugi in his crib, and left the room. Yugi pouted. He laid down and stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked on it. He held his blanket close and fell asleep.

Downstairs, Yami was looking at Atem's cheek. A small red handprint was on it.

"You sure you're okay?" Yami asked.

"I'm fine. It may have left a mark, but it didn't hurt that much." Atem assured. Yami kissed the mark in a brotherly way. Atem smiled. "Just like mom would've done" Atem said.

"Yep" Yami said.

Twenty minutes later, the twins went upstairs and into the room. Yugi had woken up, and was looking at the twins.

"Yugi, is there something you want to say to Atem?" Yami asked.

"I sowwy, Atem" Yugi said, sounding genuinely sorry. Atem lifted Yugi from his crib.

"I accept your apology" Atem said. Yugi smiled, and quickly kissed his brother's cheek where he had slapped. Atem smiled. YAmi handed back Kuri to Yugi.

"Tank you, Yami" Yugi said.

"You're welcome, Yugi" Yami said, smiling.

Me: Okey, another one done :)
Minami: We'd like to thank xfallen_angel13x for betaing our story.
Me: Now, if you'll excuse me, it's about 2:30 in the morning, and I must go and pass out on my bed.
Minami: See you next chapter!
Me: Also, at the plushies part, HOW ADORABLE would a toddler Yugi be sleeping innocently on a pile of plushies?