It was a dark and rainy day in Year 12 Physics, made worse by the fact that it was a sixth period lesson on a Friday. Emily decided then and there that she would savagely murder the idiotic teacher that arranged to have the hardest subject in the HSC scheduled to be in the afternoon. And on a Friday!

Emily sighed and contemplated napping on the desk as she waited for her teacher to grace the class with his presence. Her classmates chattered amoungst themselves, the noise only ceasing when the door creaked open.

She looked to the door in expectation of the physics teacher, and jolted upright in surprise.

The man standing in the doorway, in a red Star Fleet uniform, his communicater peeping out of the top of his pockets, was the one, the only...

Montgomery Scott.

Emily's heart pounded in her chest loudly with excitement. He was here! The famous Star Fleet Engineer of the Enterprise who had helped Captain Kirk and Commander Spock defeat Khan and save millions of lives! Emily thought she may die from how star-struck she was. What on Earth was he doing here?

"Hello lasses. I have come to replace your usual teacher for the duration of his sick leave." His Scottish accent annunciated every word beautifully. He would be her substitute teacher? Emily almost fainted. How could physics possibly get any better?

It was as though destiny was illuminating her path. All she wanted to do with her life was become an engineer for Star Fleet, so who better to learn from than the Chief engineer himself?

The lesson blew by in an amazingly awesome way, and when there was barely five minutes remaining, his communicator began buzzing. "Dear God not again!" He yelled when he pulled it out and saw who was messaging him.

He quickly dismissed the class, but Emily being the slow person she was, much slower than her ex-classmate Carly, took a long time to pack up her stuff.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) for Emily, this meant that when Scotty was beamed up into the enterprise, she was standing just close enough to him that she was beamed up along with him.

On any other day, this would have been a simply amazing thing! But when they arrived inside, a red alert was activated in the ship. Keenser the alien was rushing towards them looking as flustered as an alien who had no expression could look.

"Keenser, you bloody idiot! What did you do to the generater!?" He screamed in a sexily scottish way. It was at that point he noticed Emily staring wide eyed at her surroundings, "Oi! What are you doing here?"

"Err... I was-"

"Oh never mind! Get a move on you two!" He said exasperatedly. Keenser and Emily followed him as he bolted in the direction of what she assumed was the generater.

It was highly surreal to see all the legendary people she had heard stories about as she sprinted after Scotty. She felt a little awkward and out of place in her Catholic School uniform when compared to the amazing Star Fleet uniforms she saw on the others. Not that it mattered, they were all to busy rushing around to notice her.

This made Emily a little worried. They were clearly in distress over the ship and the red alert, and she, a year twelve physics student, was powerless to help them.

They reached the generater, and immediately Emily noticed something was wrong. It was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the flurry of activity throughout the ship.

"There's nothing wrong with the ruddy thing!" Scotty shouted angrily. "Why has everyone got their knickers in a twist? The ship is fine!"

But he was wrong. Emily could see what was wrong with the ship.

"KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" She screamed as Khan leaped off the top of the generater towards her.