Disclaimer: This story is based on characters created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A/N: I wrote this story for a Fic Exchange of the Gutter City Tomione Convention. I hope you enjoy ^^ Beware, though, dark topics ahead.


Chapter One: Kill the Future

Hermione's gaze travelled over the castle in front of her. It was a beautiful sight how the ancient building clung to the slight slope of the Scottish landscape. Hermione remembered how happy she had been, living in that castle. Over six years it had grown to be her home. It still was the same castle. She could hardly spot any changes. If she hadn't known that she had just travelled back more than 50 years into the past, Hermione wouldn't have seen any differences to her Hogwarts.

Time travel. Now, wasn't that an interesting concept? Time, such a certain thing. It flowed by, always and unalterable. Yet, here she was. A little Mudblood had managed to travel back in time. The future of this world lay in the palm of her hand.

"You must be Miss Granger," a voice brought her out of her thoughts.

Hermione plastered a pleasant smile on her face as she looked at the auburn-haired man who was her welcoming committee.

"Yes, sir," Hermione replied evenly.

The wizard gave her a warm smile. "Welcome to Hogwarts then, Miss Granger. I am Professor Dumbledore, deputy headmaster and Transfiguration teacher."

Hermione's smile never wavered as she shook the dead man's hand. "It is a pleasure, Professor Dumbledore."

As the professor led Hermione to Hogwarts' castle, he merrily told her about the school, its history, the course work, the Houses and, really, everything else Hermione already knew. It left her thoughts time to wander to her mission.

Hermione didn't travel back in time on a whim. She had a mission and she had to make sure to accomplish it. Thoughts of that mission brought back words Hermione had heard years ago. 'Bad things happen to wizards who change time.' A thin smile flashed over Hermione's face. The stern words of her former transfiguration teacher were probably true, but Hermione didn't want to heed them anymore. The time she had left behind was a time of war, death and loss. Everyone Hermione had ever loved was dead. Her world lay in ruins and the tyranny that was built on top of it was not worth living in. Surely, her being in the past could not possibly make things any worse.

So, here she was, where everything had started. Hermione's hand tightened around the handle of her trunk as she followed Dumbledore.

…here she was, indeed. This time, though, not without a mission.
