Was watching Monsters Inc. today and thought about Toy Story at one point. And since the prequel is coming out soon in the US, I thought I'd write this. Couldn't resist the idea honestly.


At the sound of his name, the nineteen year old smiled at the two girls in the front yard. Both were playing with Bonnie's toys that the college student gave to her only two years ealier. He was always glad to see his childhood memories with a younger child who appreciated them like he did. But he wasn't there for that.

"Hey girls!" he responded excitedly as he knelt down to hug them.

"Do you get to stay today?" Bonnie asked hopefully.

"Only because Molly won't," he laughed.

Both girls cheered excitedly as they grabbed the toys to play. Andy also noticed three new ones. He stared curiously at the figures as they were brought over to him. He sat down and reached for a stuffed blue and purple colored creature.

"Hey Mary," he called, catching the older girl's attention. "When did you get these?"

Mary smiled. "I've had them for a little while now. Bonnie's mom sewed them for my last birthday."

Andy's eyes widened. "I missed your birthday!" he shouted in shock. "Shoot! I knew I forgot something!"

The girls giggled at his bad memory while Andy studied the toy again. The appearance was far too familiar to him as he studied and studied the object. Mary finally noticed and sat next to the teen.

"His name is Sully," she clarified. "I draw him, Mike, and Celia all the time. But I draw Sully the most."

Andy smiled. "Sully. I think the name works."

Mary grinned brightly and giggled, being the only one of the three who knew the truth of the toy's name. Bonnie giggled as she nearly threw Buzz into Andy's lap with Woody hooked onto the ranger's arm. The late teen smiled as he handed Sully back to Mary and picked up his favorite childhood friends. He looked up to find two bright, expectant smiles and smirked playfully.

"What has Evil Dr. Porkchop been up to lately?" he asked with a wink.

"Buzz and Woody stopped him for the millionth time yesterday!" Bonnie answered enthusiastically. "Jessie and the others helped!"

"Sully, Mike, and Celia did too!" Mary added excitedly. "Dolly and the Potato Heads tried to hurt them and Rex. But they captured Buttercup and Bullseye!"

Playtime ensued as the girls told Andy of the latest adventure of the toys. Apparently Woody and Buzz hadn't completely won the day since Dr. Porkchop had captured the only horse and unicorn in the team. Trixie had tried to help but she was wrapped up in fighting Slinky, literally! Even Jessie had nearly been captured with Bullseye if not for Buzz and Totoro. Today, they were going to save their captured comrades and stop Dr. Porkchop and the Potato Heads again!

Hours had gone by that day as the trio played, only stopping for food and the occasional bathroom break. By four that afternoon, they were inside and watching a movie together with the toys surrounding them. Andy had decided to bring Buzz Lightyear of Star Command for the girls to watch. By the time it was over, the girls were asking if there was another movie. Andy had laughed at the question and pulled out his collection of the TV series on DVD.

They were able to get through nearly fifteen episodes before the girls fell asleep. Bonnie had Woody and Buzz in her arms while Mary held Sully close.

She really loves that doll. Andy thought to himself. I still wonder . . .

His thoughts were interrupted when Bonnie's mom walked in. "You must've had a fun day!" she concluded at seeing both girls sound asleep.

"Yeah, they're really tuckered out," he added. "I'm home for a few more days if you need me here again."

"The girls would love to see you again tomorrow," she answered. "But we have an extra room if you need to stay here."

Andy chuckled. "Maybe if I stay too late tomorrow. Mom should be home now anyway. I'll see you tomorrow though."

With that, the teen bid good-night and headed out to his car, started the engine and drove home for some much needed sleep.

Hope you all like! More chapters to come!

And to all of my amazing followers, I'll be updating soon. Especially since I just graduated high school! Class of 2013 baby! WHOOT!

With more time on my hands, I can complete more while job searching and getting license. Be expecting more from yours truly!