Author's Notes: This is my first fan fiction. Please excuse some of the weird grammatical mistakes.
I do realize the fact that I jump between present and past tense a lot, and I apologize
But otherwise, please enjoy the story! : )

There was nothing: No sound, no movement. Only still, thick air surrounded the jungle. Quinn's yellow pair of eyes scanned around, searching for any signs of life, especially for her valued partner: Valor. It was late into the game, and both teams were at a complete stalemate. That is until she heard: "Enemy triple kill!" the announcer spoke enthusiastically. Three of her teammates have already been slaughtered, and it didn't help that her team's morale was now at the bottom of the pit. It was now up to Quinn and Valor to advance into the enemy base and take out the half-destroyed Nexus. It would become a base-race, and the last of her teammates, Jax, was standing her own base, beating down any and all minions that dared to strike at his nexus towers; sweeping away each blue-stained bastard he could find with his lamp post.

Time was catching up to her as she ran through the jungle; as cautiously and as swiftly as she could, but Valor was nowhere to be seen, leaving her at a bit of a disadvantage as her eyebrows furrowed. 'Please don't be distracted by something shiny…' Quinn thought to herself with worry, her footsteps quickening as the announcer yelled, "Your turret has been destroyed!"

"Shit… Valor!" the Demacian archer yelled, and there was a moment of silence before she caught the faint sounds of Valor's elegant, yet powerful flaps. The large eagle swooped down to the side of Quinn before he let out a loud squawk, signaling his readiness to take over. The archer nodded quickly, and Valor advanced forward without waiting for Quinn, cutting through all the minions towards the Nexus.

"Victory!" was the next thing Quinn heard as she relaxed her legs, allowing her knees to unlock and collapse as she struggled to breathe from covering a great distance within the jungle. A light blue glow encircled her location, and she was teleported back by the means of summoner magic, and ended up atop a stone dais, with all 9 other champions to her side.

"Nice job Quinn," one of her teammates, presumably to be the deep voice of Udyr, complimented, "Thanks for taking the risk."

"Yeah, nice job." Nasus spoke, though it almost seemed out of character if Quinn hadn't known him better.

Sona only gave a smile and strummed a light tune in congratulations, despite being on the losing team.

Even though Quinn has participated in many of these games, the only one that never spoke after a match was Kayle, the judicator, who left as soon as they were teleported back into the Institute.

Well, technically Sona never spoke, but that was because of being mute altogether. However, Kayle just seems like she is always in another world, always in deep thought, always… Too far from her reach. Not that she has any intentions of bothering the fierce warrior. In fact, she is so distant half the times that it took Quinn at least two months to even find out that it was a woman under that heavy suit of armor.

Valor caught Quinn's sudden frustration within her visage and nuzzled his beak against her cheek. He squawked in cheer, and flapped his wings in a way that the ranger could understand him. "Right, thanks Val." She smiled genuinely at her companion, and then strolled off as he took his place on Quinn's left shoulder. Despite being a big bird, he could still fit on her shoulder, since she had several pieces of armor to grab.

As she walked away, she couldn't help but look towards the direction Kayle walked off towards, or rather, floated gracefully in her own manner.

It was around night-time when Quinn retreated to her Demacian quarters, reducing her armor into a more relieving change of clothing. She also took off Valor's armor, allowing him free movement as he hopped around the room giddily.

"You know we have to sleep soon," Quinn chuckled, sitting on her bed and leaned back on her arms. The blue eagle looked up, his eyes shimmering in the dim light on the nightstand. He cocked his head to the side and squawked a few times. "You're hungry?" Another squawk, but in the tone of agreement. "Val, you know the cafeteria is closed by now."

Valor shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and continued this in a pattern, flapping his wings in paced intervals. "Steal? Valor!" Quinn got up and wanted to chase the bird, but he took off and landed atop the bookshelf.

"You get down here!" The ranger ordered, but the bird only stood to squawk mockingly and stayed out of Quinn's reach. It was also at this time that the Demacian ranger felt her stomach growl in defiance.

Valor, hearing the subtle, yet ugly sound, stood proudly on top of the furnished shelves in superiority, as if he figured he was the victor this time. Quinn scowled at the eagle as she sighed in defeat. She hasn't eaten much, in fact, she's probably only had one meal today due to being summoned a lot.

"Okay, but we must do this quickly... Can't believe that we're doing this," Quinn muttered almost grudgingly, "I swear you ought to be much fatter than you are right now, given the amount you eat throughout the day."

As they entered the hallway, it was deathly quiet, and everyone seemed to be asleep by this time of night in order to be well-rested for tomorrow. At least this will be quick and easy—No one will know about this, and it will be as if it never happened.

They made their way into the center of the Institute of War, taking a few turns, heading closer to the northern section, where the neutral allegiances of the League were. The dining hall rested somewhere between the Demacian halls and the neutral halls, making Noxians quite unpopular, but of course, still welcome to the halls.

Once they had entered the double doors of the dining hall, Valor took off, speeding towards the direction of food that he smelled earlier down the hallway.

"Val, get back here!" Quinn ordered in a commanding whisper, but the defiant eagle was already out of sight. Clattering could be heard somewhere in the hall, and it caught the Demacian ranger off guard when she heard a deep, yet feminine voice: "Who's there?"

'Crap.' She thought to herself, dodging under one of the dining tables, but proved to be quite useless as the other figure quickly caught the movement and advanced over.

'Ughhh, why did I let him talk me into this…' Quinn cursed under her breath and peeked over her table, watching the silhouette get closer. Whoever it was, they had wings, and that narrowed it down to only three other champions that she knows of: Kayle, Morgana, and Aatrox. Maybe Shyvana if she turned into a dragon, but then that would be impossible since the dragon is of larger size than this silhouette is.

As she was contemplating the possibilities, she was caught unaware of her surroundings, and thus allowed the figure, now apparent to be Kayle, to close their distance. The judicator looked down in a passive expression, her long golden hair flowing down her back in a fairly messy demeanor, showing that she really didn't give much care... Or a rat's ass about her look.

"Uh… Hi" Quinn gave one of those really big grins, hoping to play it off, but who was she kidding?

"What are you doing here, this late at night?" Kayle questioned, still holding a fairly passive tone within her voice.

"Uhmmm…" the Demacian ranger avoided the angel's piercing gaze and searched the stores behind her for any signs of Valor, "No…Thing, really," but she cleverly retorted, "What are you doing here this late at night?"

Kayle remained silent for a moment before she replied, "None of your business."

"Then I could probably say the same to you…?" Quinn gave a fairly smug look; Valor's cockiness must have rubbed off on her just a little for her to be doing this in front of Kayle, of all people.

Kayle did not give a response, nor changed her visage, but did hear another clatter, this time louder and coming from one of the small kitchens. She held out her hand and conjured a small light, then walked over with her large wings ready to take her to flight should it prove to be dangerous.

As she looked over the edge of the counter, she saw blue feathers, then a yellow beak gnawing at an older pizza slice. She relieved a sigh from her lungs as she then turned around to give Quinn a disapproving look.

The ranger forced a smile back, realizing her mistake as she sighed and made her way over. "Valor, come on, we got caught." Quinn chuckled and waved the eagle over, who was reluctant at first, but hopped atop the counter before settling itself on the human's outstretched left hand.

Kayle gave a bored look before she gestured to the exit of the cafeteria, watching the two partners drag along, defeated. The Judicator sighed once more, rubbing the bridge of her nose, and then proceeded to extinguish her light.

Not a moment later after she loses vision, she heard the double door move, then some silent flapping as she conjured yet another ball of light. Before the bird could make it out of the hallway unseen, Kayle caught sight of the pizza slice in its claws as it exited.

Quinn peeked in at the last second and popped a smile before she disappeared.