AN: So, here's a sequel to my previous story. I hope everyone likes it!

Disclaimer: I own neither Yu Yu Hakusho nor Avengers


"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

Nick Fury glared at the flaring lights.

"Agent Hill! What the hell's going on?!" Maria Hill, who had previously been who knows where, suddenly appeared at his side.

"We have intruders sir."

"Really. Mind telling me who the intruders are?" The agent nodded and walked over to one of the computers and began to fiddle with the key board.

"Here they are sir. Three people, male, two of them Asian, one Caucasian. We have a match on the Caucasian : a Doctor Alexander Gooden. The Avengers Initiative was sent after him two months ago, but before they could apprehend him, a . . . another, entity appeared, and-"

"I've read the reports. I want-" Fury paused. Agent Hill had tensed, and was holding her earpiece.

"Sir, it seems they are non-hostile. They have surrendered to the guards, and are asking to speak to you."

He narrowed his eyes. "Me specifically?"

Hill turned, looking as if she was trying very hard not to be amused. "They claim they wish to speak to the 'Angry dude with the eye patch,' sir." Fury felt his eyebrow twitch. Those jokes about his name were not funny.

"Send them up. I'll speak to them in my office."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kuwabara glared at the three men in black that had him and Kurama surrounded as they were walking down the hall. If these idiots thought they could stop either of them, they were sorely mistaken; he would have said as much, but Kurama had told him that if he wanted to come, he had to behave, and apparently beating the hell out of arrogant-American-jerk secret agents didn't count as behaving.

Of course, he still had the reason he had come here for- to practice his English.

"So," He began, planning out a sentence in his head. "I'm Kazuma Kuwabara. Who are you?" He got no reply. They didn't even glance at him.

"Hey, Kurama, did I say it right?" He asked quietly in Japanese. Kurama smiled encouragingly and answered in English.

"Yes, Kuwabara, you said it correctly." He turned to address their escorts. "If you could, please answer my friend's question. He came here to practice his English, and you are being very rude." He gave them a creepy yet completely polite smile that sent shivers down Kuwabara's spine.

He's even scarier than my sister when he gets like that.

The guy closest to him was the first to speak. "Our names are classified."

Kuwabara blinked. He wasn't really sure what that meant. "Huh. Oh, okay. So, where are you taking us?"

This time the guy in the front answered. "To see Director Fury."

"Oh yeah, the angry guy. He's in charge, right?"

The agent twitched slightly, but still replied. "That is correct."

"Cool." The rest of the trip passed in silence, interrupted only by the occasional muffled grunts and complaints of the Reikai prisoner. Kuwabara had tied the man's hands and gagged him, after he had started struggling during the ride with Botan. That stupid oar was scary enough, they didn't need some idiot thrashing around and complaining the whole time.

When they finally arrived at the guy's office, the first guard entered, and the other two stationed themselves by the door. Kurama lead the way, while Kuwabara followed, giving the prisoner a gentle shove as he did so, just to let him know who was boss.

The guy at the desk looked just like the picture in the file labeled 'SHIELD' that Koenma had showed them earlier.

Kuwabara glanced at Kurama, and then looked back at the angry guy with the eye patch. It was probably better if Kurama handled all the diplomatic stuff or whatever, and he just listened, so he waited to make a move.

Kurama gave a slight bow.

"Good afternoon. I am Shuichi Minamino, and this is my friend Kazuma Kuwabara. We are here to deliver this man into your custody."

Kuwabara raised his hand in greeting when his name was called, but didn't bow. Kurama could be way too polite sometimes- the Fury guy wasn't even standing up, and he was giving them both a dark glare.

"You are Nick Fury, head of the organization called SHIELD, are you not?" The man's visible eyebrow twitched, and he finally spoke.

"Yes. Who are you? How did you get here, and how did you find this man?" The questions sounded a lot more aggressive than they should have, and Kuwabara bristled. Before Kurama could smooth out anything, he jumped in.

"We already told you who we are! If you're gonna be such a jerk about it, why don't we just take the guy and leave? Koenma's being pretty gracious letting you have him!"

Kurama's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately stepped forward. "Please forgive my companion's short temper, he has had a difficult week."

Kuwabara snorted, but managed to keep his mouth shut. It was true after all. Who would have thought chasing after escaped Reikai convicts could be so stressful. It didn't help that he had been forced to work with the shrimp.

"You are no doubt very curious after you're last encounter with the other realms- namely, Doctor Gooden's summoning of the demon fox Youko Kurama-sama."

Kuwabara tried really hard not to laugh at that.

He still failed miserably.

Fury gave him a critical glare, and he suddenly remembered that Kurama had mentioned that he really wanted them to not to know about how he was also Kurama. He decided he should probably try and salvage the situation- laughing at your cover story probably wasn't the best idea . . .

"Uh, Shuichi, why are you being so respectful to that guy?" There, that was convincing enough, right?

"But Kuwabara," he said with an innocent look, "it's always better to be polite when dealing with demons."

"I could take that guy, don't worry about me man."


Oh crap, we're going to spar later aren't we? Me and my stupid mouth.

"That's not the point, anyway, we're getting off track." He managed, trying to get off this awkward subject.

"Indeed, we are." Kurama turned back to furry- er Fury, who was examining them closely, as if he stared at them long enough, he would be able to read their minds or something. Hiei would've told us if he could . . . wouldn't he? That little shrimp . . . Well, I'm not picking up anything from this guy either, so I doubt it.

"The demon Youko Kurama-san spoke to Koenma-sama, the current ruler of the Spirit Realm- or Reikai, on your behalf, mentioning that this fell more into your district, and that he should return this man to your custody, in the interests of good relations."

"And where do you two fit into this?" Fury asked, apparently wondering why two college students were working for the supposed god of the underworld.

"We have had experience dealing with the supernatural- it is much more common in Japan- and Koenma-sama asked us to bring him since our presence would be more welcome than that of . . . someone who actually works for him."

"Yeah, I don't think you guys would know how to handle Botan, or George" Kuwabara muttered just loud enough for them to hear.

"So, let me get this straight, a demon spoke on our behalf, and this 'Koenma,' who is apparently the ruler of the afterlife, sent me one of his prisoners, by way of two teenagers."

Kurama smiled. "Exactly."

Fury stood. He looked like he was about to call for guards- which was his and Kurama's cue to leave.

They stood also, and Kurama bowed. Kuwabara didn't.

"Now that we have explained, we need to go. I really should get home or I'll be late for work."

A large portal opened with a whoosh of air- Botan was going to be mad about them taking a different route back, but she'd forgive them- and they started to walk through.

"Goodbye." Kurama said politely.

"Ja ne!" Kuwabara yelled over the loud air.

Fury looked about to burst. "Wait, get back here, we have questions for-" But he was cut off as the portal shut.

Kuwabara glanced over at his friend.

"Do you really have work today?"

Kurama gave him a light smirk. "Nope."

"Didn't think so."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A/N: So, tell me what you think- I have another chapter planned for this, but don't expect regular updates. Please review!

Edited 6/9/2015