
It was a normal world conference England,America and France were fighting like normal. Italy was annoying Germany asking for pasta. Romano was swearing at Spain while trying to push Spain off of him. Russia was just watching it all happen with his child-like smile on his face unaware of the fact that his younger sister Belarus was slowly creeping up on him saying under her breath marry me . The Baltic's were shaking in a corner trying to keep out of Russia eyesight. Poland was sticking up for Lithuania while wearing a skirt and a girl's shirt, China was trying to sell his cheap merchandise, Japan was just saying yes to everything anyone said while Switzerland was telling Japan to say his own opinion on things while threatening with hitting people over their head with his noble peace prize (how he got one I'll never know), the Nordics looked like the most calm part of the room but secretly it was one of the worst, Denmark who was shouting for beer and freedom because it was unawesome to "keep him locked in this place" was really annoying both Norway and Sweden who looked like he wanted to tell him that he won't be getting any beer or freedom just to see face and Norway trying to get Iceland to call his big brother while strangling Denmark his his own tie and everyone else was doing what they normally do while trying to hide it from Germany, who looked like he was about to blow up and start shouting which after five more seconds of time he started to do just that " WE'VE CALLED THIS CONFERENCE TO SOLVE THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS, NOT TO FIGHT ABOUT THE PROBLEMS OF OUR PAST. AND SINCE I'M THE ONLY COUNTRY WHO SEEMS TO KNOW HOW TO RUN A MEETING WE'LL FOLLOW MY RULES FROM HERE ON OUT. EIGHT MINUTES EACH FOR SPEECHES, NO CHIT CHAT ABOUT SIDE DEALS AND ABSOLUTLY NO GOING OVER THE TIME LIMIT. NOW IF YOU WANT TO GO, MAKE SURE YOU'RE PREPARED AND RAISE YOUR HAND BUT DO SO IN A WAY THAT DOES NOT MOCK ANY SALUTE OF MY COUNTRY'S PAST."

There was silence for about one minute until the doors of the world meeting burst open and Prussia jumped into the room shouting that zee awesome Prussia wanted to join. This started almost everybody to start shouting again while Prussia was hit over the head with a frying pan by a very angry Hungary. Nobody notices three nations slipping out of the conference room but no one would think anything of it because no one know they hang out, no one know they are the best of friends, no one knows that all three of them have a secret, a secret they have had for centuries, no one would think Italy, Poland or Norway would have a secret.