Killian wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around him. He was too shocked by the words from Emma's mouth only a few moments ago. Me and Henry are moving out. Was this his fault? Did he do something wrong? Was it the other day with the laptop? She had barely spoken to him since then. Only a few words had been said between them, and it seemed Emma was keeping as much distance as possible from him. Was she really sinking back into her old habit of pulling away from people? From him?

"But Mom, I like living here!" Henry yelled at her, startling Snow and David. "We're just moving because you like Killian and he's breaking through your stupid emotion walls!" Emma went bright red and Killian felt the tips of his ears burning. He didn't want to look at David's face. "Come on, Mom! Stop running away from people who care and let them in! I don't want to move! I like living with Killian!"

Emma swallowed before straightening and putting on a stern face. Killian refused to look up and instead stared down at his boots. He could feel Snow White's eyes on him. However the Charmings remained quite to let their daughter deal with their grandson.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, Henry!" She pointed a finger awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable being a discaplined parent. "This has nothing to do with Hook or me. This is about practicality. There can't be five people living in the loft. We all need more space."

"You're not being fair! It's not fair! Why don't I get a say?"

"Henry, two months ago you wanted us to get our own place! Why the sudden change?"

"Because I like having a father figure in my life!"

There was a stunned silence as everyone quietly inhaled sharply. Killian moved his gaze up to Henry and was petrified when he saw the boy's words were directed at him. Henry thought he was like his dad? What? It had never occurred to him that the time he spent with the boy was any different than with David. But now that he thought about it, he understood Henry. David still treated him like a little boy; treated him the way a grandfather would. Killian treated him the way he used to with Bae. He treated him like a son. And the fact that Henry felt so strongly about their relationship terrified Killian.

"Henry..." Emma began quietly, not sure how to continue the arguement. "You can come over and see Hook after school whenever you want."

"It's not the same, Mom." Tears welled up in Henry's eyes as he turned and stormed into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

"Emma..." Snow said, reaching across the kitchen table to hold her daughter's hand. "Someone needs to go talk to him."

"I'll go."

Three heads turned to see the mostly silent Killian stand up from his chair. Without waiting for their reply, he made his way over to Henry's bedroom, knocked, and let himself in. Emma was left with her mouth gapping.

"What is he- why is he-"

"Emma," her father began. "As much as I hate to admit it, Henry is right about Hook. I understand why he's upset and I think it's best that Hook talks to him. You have to remember that Henry has never had a father figure in his life."

"Killian is the closest he's ever had," Snow said, continuing on her husband's line of thought. "Let him talk to him."

Emma sighed, closing her eyes and letting her forehead knock onto the table. "I suck as a mom."

"No you don't, honey. No you don't."

"Go away, Mom." Henry snapped from under his duvet. He was curled up under it on his bed, his head covered making his voice difficult to hear.

"It's not your mum, lad. It's Killian."

He heard a sniff and then watched as the boy wriggled out from his sancutary. His eyes were puffy and red, and his lower lip still trembled slightly. "I'm sorry if I embarressed you, Killian. I just got so angry."

"S'all right, Henry." Killian said, moving to sit down next to him on the bed. "It takes more than that to embarress Captain Hook." He flashed a small grin and a wink to Henry, resulting in a small, quiet laugh.

"I know but I shouldn't have said that in front of Mary Margaret and David. I know they'll be really angry after finding out about you and Mom."

Killian's heart broke for the boy. While the romance was in the making, Henry had obviously got it in his head that Killian and Emma were already together, and that they would live happily as a family. Killian wasn't sure if Emma would ever be open to that.

"Henry, there's nothing between your mum and I," Henry raised a brow at the pirate. "Not yet anyway. I'm honoured that you think of me like your dad but I'm not. I don't think that's gonna be in the books for us."

Henry looked down into his hands, finally ashamed of what he had said and assumed. "I'm sorry, Killian. It was just nice to have someone like you. You're what I always imagined my dad would be."

Sighing and clenching his jaw, Killian moved his arm around Henry's shoulders and gave them a comforting rub. "I know, lad. I know. How about you go apologise to your mum and we'll sit down with some of that hot cocoa and play that video game together?"

There was an instant change in Henry's aura, a smile gracing his small face. "Okay. I suppose I should say sorry." Killian narrowed his eyes. "Yes, okay, fine! I'll say sorry and I'll mean it!"

"Good, lad."

Catching the pirate completely off guard, Henry catapulted himself at him, clinging to him with his arms around his neck. Killian jumped slightly as the boy hugged him tightly, before relaxing and returning the hug.

It had been a good ten minutes and Emma had started to worry. With her elbows resting on the hard table, she had both hands against her temples.

"Emma, don't worry. It'll be fine. Kids are just like this sometimes. Give him a few hours and he'll have completely forgotten why he was angry."

Emma didn't believe Mary Margaret. The woman saw the best in every single situation and it was extremely irritating at times. Even her father looked apprehensive. "If they're not out in another five minutes I'll break in the door." he commented. He had meant to cheer his daughter up but instead ruffeled her up more, causing her to bang her head against the table again. That was until she heard a door open.


Her head instantly zipped up at the sound of her son's voice. He stood there wringing his fingers together with Killian at his side. The pirate was looking down at the boy, raising a brow whenever Henry looked up at him. "Go on then, lad."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I'm not saying I'm happy about it-" Killian nudged him in the ribs with his elbow. "- I mean, if it's what you want to do then I'll do whatever I can to help out."

Emma opened her mouth in an 'o' shape while Mary Margaret smiled smugly. David looked completely puzzled.

"Tha- thank you, Henry. I'm sorry if this is hard, but it's for the best."

Running over to her, her son pulled her into a hug before letting go and pulling out the hot cocoa out of the cupboard. "Anyone want some hot cocoa?"

Emma didn't waste any time moving out. She had found a small house down by the docks and had signed the lease within three days of telling Henry. He was delighted that they were going to be near the docks and had repeatedly mentioned how he was going to get Killian to teach him how to sail once the pirate was allowed out and about again. Emma wasn't sure how she felt about that. Killian was so good for Henry but she couldn't live with him anymore. If she did, she wouldn't be able to stop what was going on between them. What was going on between them? Sexual tension? A stupid crush? Real feelings?

Henry was right. Killian was why she wanted to move and it was because of him breaking down her walls. She didn't want to have feelings for anyone. Not after Neal. Not after Graham. It killed her, but she simply had to stay away from him for the time being. The feelings would go away with time and things would go back to normal. Hopefully.

Meanwhile, Killian was taking advantage of Mary Margaret, David and Emma's absence to open up David's laptop. Creating a new word document, he entered the title.

Emma's Storybook.

A/N: Okay, so here's the next chapter. I was a little disappointed at the lack of feedback from the last chapter but I suppose it has been ages since I updated. Reviews? :)

Guest: Baby Neal won't be around for a good while. This is still in season two. They haven't even been to Neverland yet! I haven't decided what I'm going to do regarding canon yet so we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. Thank you for reviewing though! Happy to see some interest in this after so long!

Next time: She didn't even realise how close it was to Christmas until Mary Margaret demanded her attendance at her Christmas party in two weeks time. If only she knew what was in for her.