Ship: Kurt/Sebastian.

Rating: Eventual NC-17.

Summary: Kurt and Blaine have broken up since four months, at the very beginning of the summer. Kurt lives in New York with Rachel, but his love for Blaine hasn't vanished yet. One day he finally decides to text him, but since he has deleted his number, he misspells the last few digits. The text gets to another person. And, unfortunately, that person is Sebastian.

Author's Note: Hello everyone, I'm Anna and this is the first story I'm posting here (you don't say?) And I hope you like it because I care like a whole lot.

This began as an Italian fic and my friend Edy is translating it for me (I love you!).

I really hope you like it and know it's just a text fic, I hope for a positive opinion!






Chapter 1

(October 10th 2012)

(05:50 pm)

Uhm. Hello Blaine. You know, this is the first time I text you after four months and you didn't get in touch either, but I wanted to tell you that I miss you. I think of all those moments we spent together, our kisses, our embraces, and it's something that I would get back now. But, it's true, you've already made your decision and that's fine, I accept it. You should know that you will always have a special place in my heart though.

(05:55 pm)

I knew that sooner or later I would have caught diabetes, but I didn't expect it to happen this way.

(05:56 pm)

Uhm ... excuse me?!

(06:00 pm)

You are more of a queer than I thought.

(06:01 pm)

Tell me you're not who I think you are.

(06:02 pm)

Tell me you didn't really write that text, it's so depressing and lame.

(06:04 pm)

Oh no. This can't be happening.

(06:06 pm)

Hummel, have you lost your brain function? Does it run on battery and it's just discharged? Or maybe you're just a boy of few words …

(06:08 pm)

Kill me now.

(06:08 pm)

I swear that I would but I'm not into hurting girls, you know.

(06:10 pm)

A nightmare. It's just a nightmare.

(06:11 pm)

If you say so.

(06:12 pm)


(06:15 pm)

You know my name? Brilliant. Bravo Sherlock, I'm very impressed.

(06:14 pm)


(06:15 pm)

You know, hate is a feeling too. So you feel something for me. I'm so moved.


(09:45 pm)

It's so rude that you didn't text me back.

(09:47 pm)

I was pretending I was the invisible man.

(09:47 pm)

You're not very convincing.

(09:50 pm)

Too bad, isn't it?

(09:53 pm)

Look, gay face, what was that message a few hours ago? Nice-ass dumped you for someone who looks more like a boy? Because in that case, I have to give him a lecture about the fact that he hasn't called me of all people.

(09:54 pm)

It's none of your business. Nothing is part of your business actually when it comes to me.

(09:56 pm)

Calm your hormones down, dolly. You stir so easily. Are you a vibrator or something?

(09:57 pm)

How did you know it was me?

(09:59 pm)

I don't know anyone else who would let Anderson fuck them, so.

(10:01 pm)

And also, I already had your number.

(10:05 pm)

How the hell do you get it?

(10:05 pm)

HEY. What makes you think that I was the one being fucked?

(10:06 pm)

Weren't you?

(10:08 pm)

Answer the first question.

(10:11 pm)

Not until you answer mine.

(10:13 pm)

It's none of your business.

(10:16 pm)

And we 'switched off' anyway.

(10:18 pm)

Quotation marks even, huh.

(10:10 pm)

Now answer the question.

(10:18 pm)

1) As you know, I have my resources. 2) The resource in this case is your dear friend, Santana. 3) My intention was to send anonymous text but I've got better things to do.

(10:25 pm)

That is alarming. I mean the fact that you prefer spending time bothering me, that's alarming.

(10:26 pm)

Not if I haven't even done it yet.

(10:28 pm)

But you thought about it. It's worth more than a thousand actions.

(10:32 pm)

Says the boy who would throw me on the first available table at the Lima Bean to strip me off of my clothes.

(10:35 pm)

Why are you ridiculously fantasizing while we're texting?

(10:35 pm)

'm not, I've just told the truth.

(10:40 pm)

I have no idea why I keep wasting my precious time with you.

(10:42 pm)

It's called interest, Kurt. You are interested in me.

(10:45 pm)

I'd rather kiss a hippo than have an interest in a meerkat.

(10:46 pm)

Stop lying to yourself.

(1050 pm)

And stop ignoring me.

(10:54 pm)


(10:57 pm)

Hummel, seriously? This only proves you can't even stand a simple conversation with me.

(11:02 pm)

Bravo. I'll give you a virtual applause, seriously.


(October 11th 2012)

(11:03 am)


(11: 07 am)

Have you been swallowed by a spaceship, got pregnant and then transported back to Earth?

(11:10 am)

How the hell can you think of such a stupid thing? Just tell me … you play The Sims, don't you?

(11:14 am)

Of course I don't.

(11:15 am)

However, why didn't you text me back?

(11:17 am)

I have a life, Sebastian.

(11:19 am)

No one goes out at eleven o'clock on Thursday. Except for me.

(11:22 am)

I have roommates who want to celebrate at eleven o'clock on a Thursday night.

(11:25 am)

Rachel? What did she want to celebrate? New glittering stockings from ?

(11:28 am)

Is this a natural gift or are you trying hard to look so stupid?

(11:29 am)

It's only one of my many talents.

(11:33 am)

Please. The best you can do is move your hips to the rhythm of a stupid song that makes you think of a double meaning.

(11:35 am)

If you want me to, I can give you all the private show you want. To the rhythm of one of my favorite songs, which has no double meaning at all.

(11:37 am)

Are you serious? It's because of the double meaning that you'd consider it your favorite song.

(11:38 am)

You have such a weird opinion of me.

(11:38 am)

Your fault.

(11:39 am)


(11:43 am)

A smiley face? Can I throw a slipper at you?

(11:46 am)

It sounds so Desperate Housewife.

(11:46 am)

What do you want from me?

(11:48 am)

Your pussy.

(11:50 am)

Do you I look like I have one?

(11:53 am)

Ah, right? Too bad. So how do you pee?

(11:55 am)

Sebastian. I do it the same way that you do it.

(11:57 am)

It's not true. I know you don't have it.

(12:00 pm)

You're so wrong, Sebastian.

(12:03 pm)

Hmm, why don't you show me? Just to be sure.

(12:06 pm)

It's too good to be ruined by the look on your pervert face.

(12:10 pm)

I'm jerking off.

(12:13 pm)

I don't believe you.

(12:16 pm)

It's so hot.

(12:20 pm)


(12:35 pm)

I came. Best orgasm ever.

(12:37 pm)

Are you kidding me?

(12:40 pm)

Of course. Who would come for you?

(12:43 pm)

Blaine? That same Blaine you weren't able to get.

(12:45 pm)

Ouch, it still hurts.

(12:50 pm)

Oh I'm so sorry.

(12:54 pm)

Anyway, it's also the same Blaine that dumped you.

(12:54 pm)

Can we avoid the topic?

(01:00 pm)

As you desire, Casper.

(01:04 pm)

I'm tanned, there is no need to call me that.

(01:07 pm)

Just because you're tanned I'm not supposed to call you that? Just say that it bothers you already.

(01:10 pm)

And if I told you that it bothers me, you'd stop calling me that?

(01:13 pm)

Of course not, Casper.

(01:15 pm)

I'm banging my head against the wall right now and Rachel looks at me like I'm possessed.

(01:16 pm)

Could you ask her if she can takea video? I don't wantto missit.

(01:20 pm)

Do you really enjoy seeing people suffering?

(01:24 pm)

Especially ifthese people areKateHummerlene.

(01:26 pm)

I need an aspirin.

(01:30 pm)

Watch out with that, you might throw it up.

(01:32 pm)

It's so nice that you worry about me.

(01:34 pm)


(01:40 pm)

I would ask you to stop with these irritating emoticons. The last one especially.

(01:45 pm)

You should try and complain less, no one would want to date a hysterical girl.

(01:46 pm)

I think you would.

(01:46 pm)

You're in New York, right?

(01:50 pm)

It surprises me how many things you know about me. Are you a stalker or something?

(01:54 pm)

You're not that important. I won't lose my time looking for news about you.

(02:00 pm)

So how do you know that I'm in New York?

(02:02 pm)

Oh, okay. Last night I talked to Mr. Bowtie.

(02:05 pm)

Can't you mind your fucking business for once in your life?

(02:12 pm)

Nasty. Kurt Hummel is talking nasty. Tell me it's not a dream. I'll save this text and hang it around the city. I had no idea that the baby penguin even knew these bad words.

(02:13 pm)

Don't you ever get tired?

(02:13 pm)

Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't still be here.

(02:15 pm)

I would want so much that you didn't exist seriously.

(02:16 pm)

The world wouldn't be the same without me.

(02:20 pm)

Well: asshole, not even barely modest, arrogant, always needs to be at the center of everyone's attention. Tell me some other of your qualities.

(02:23 pm)

Beauty, intelligence, charm. Should I continue? Because I could, like, endlessly.

(02:25 pm)

I don't want to text you right now.

(02:30 pm)

Would you rather fuck?

(02:33 pm)

I'm so happy that I'm miles and miles away from you.

(02:36 pm)

We're closer than you'd think.

(02:36 pm)

What do you mean?

(02:38 pm)

You'll understand.