The Journal Of Harry James Potter

Harry is 3 in this entry, He has good writing skills for a boy his Age

Dear Journal,

Today has been really weird day I was sent to Preschool for the very first time!

My uncle had to go to work, my Aunt had to go to her cooking class and Mrs. Fig was out of town. So my Aunt Petunia grudgingly took me to preschool. And said that I was just placed in her care, and they wanted me to try out preschool so now I am coming to preschool every day!

Today at preschool Ms. Rachel was handing out Drawing Journals I and I got you! I drew a Heart and a Star and a lightning Bolt on the Front Page, The Heart stands for hope, the Star stands for trust and the lightning bolt stands for luck. Well I am getting tired so I better turn in for the night I will put this in the secret spot in my cupboard.

Harry James Potter

This is a story that has been bugging me forever so i am writing this Please check out my profile and Please read my other story's thanks