It wasn't often that Tim left the house and just walked. No, there was always something to do, a case to solve, some mission to be on or some training to attend.

He was never able to just wonder aimlessly.

But his dad had just had an episode at the hospital; he was stable but that didn't mean he was out of the woods yet. In saying that; there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't stay at the hospital because the nurses had to be there all the time for the next twenty-four hours at least to make sure.

He was just in the way, so he excused himself and took a walk.

Unfortunately that walk was though the 'bad' part of Gotham.

Tim hadn't even noticed, what with his night job, everywhere was the same to him now. And that was the biggest drawback of the job.

"Now now now boys, what do we have here?" they came out of nowhere, and had encircled him in less than a second "Uh uh, a pretty boy like you shouldn't be wondering round these streets" he popped the button of his pants "something could happen" Tim's eyes went as wide as golf balls, he wasn't Robin, he was just Tim Drake, nerdy beanstalk kid who wondered into the wrong part of town.


Surrounded and backed against a wall was not how he wanted his afternoon to go. This was not meant to happe-

"Hey, idiots"

The call came from behind his attacker, but the guy was so big that Tim couldn't see his savior.

That didn't matter as a few minutes later each of the gang members were on the floor, after an impressive display of martial arts.

"Tha- thank-you, I don't know…" his saviour's face looked extremely familiar, and those moves "JASON?!"

His- Jason's- eyes flicked up at the mention of his name, dull recognition shined in his eyes.

"Oh my God, Jason!" what should he do… no he knew what he needed to do, jason looked horrible all beaten up and brused, he was going back to the hospital, but now he was taking Jason with him.

"Nurse, please I need a Nurse"

"Yes young man"

"Please, this is Jason, he saved me… but he needs help" the woman nodded and called for a couple more nurses to get Jason to the emergancy room "Um, where can I wait? I have to make a phone call home… but I want to make sure he's okay" the nurse pointed to a small set of seeting closer to the emergence ward, Tim thanked her and rushed outside to call the Manor. "Bruce, yes it's me, Tim, you need to come to the hospital; there's something you need to see."

"Jason!" it had been a few hours, but Jason was awake, almost coherant, and able to take visitors

Jason's eyes narrowed in confusion before brightening when the realisation set it,

"Dad! Dad I'm sorry" Bruce wasted no time in rushing to his son's side,

"Jason, what do you have to be sorry for?"

"I… I don't remember much,"

"Don't worry, it'll come to you in time" Jason nodded and carried on

"But I know I did something wrong, I know I did something that you asked me not to and I know it really hurt"

Bruce smiled a genuine smile… one Tim had never quite been able to pull from his lips

"Yes you did, but I'm not angry, I'm just glad you back and safe with us."

Tim did his best not to listen to their conversation, it was like listening to their lives and he really didn't want to intrude; so he slowly starts to make his way to the door.

He was in a room filled with bats, like that was ever going to work.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Jason asked and Tim stuttered.

"I… I didn't want to intrude; I was going to go check on my dad"

"Nonsense Tim, come here and tell Jason a bit about yourself… I'm sure he'd be very interested to know" Jason looked at him with puppy dog eyes that Tim was sure he learnt from Dick.

"Okay, well I'm Tim Drake and I live in the manor opposite yours." As he told Jason a little bit about his life, Tim could see the look in Bruce's eyes as he looked at Jason, his son alive and well, and Tim might have been wrong on his prognosis that Batman needed a Robin.

Batman just needed a Jason.