I do not own Twilight

I remember the day she was taken from me as if I lived it every day since, the pain I felt still so fresh within every inch of my body. The coldness that sweeps through me still carrying the aching memory of her screams as her parent's car tore down the road. I had stopped truly living that day, the day my only reason for living was ripped from me. I was a shell of a person. Unable to go anywhere, do anything or be anyone. Stuck, in a painful stir of memories that got harder to relive with each long day that passed. It had been 16 years since Claire was taken from me, but it feels like so much longer.

"Qwil, I bet you can't find me if I hide" Claire's angelic little squeak of a voice flew through Emily's small house.

"Oh I bet I couldn't my little bear" I grinned at her as she ran off toward the kitchen.

"Count to ten Qwil" She screeched as I stayed stood on the porch out front.

"ONE TWO THREE" I started overdramatically counting as I listened to her little footsteps pattering around inside.

I turned to walk inside, her loud breaths already telling me where she was, but I got halted by the sound of a car screeching to a stop behind me, followed by another halted screech.

"Amy, you don't understand, it isn't like that, you can't take her from us please" Emily's usually calm voice screamed from behind me, she sounded desperate.

I turned quickly, Claires parents were running toward the house, her dad stopped and glared at me as Emily started trying to pull Amy back.

"You sick perverted boy" Her dad, started towards me and Sam flew from the trees behind him being followed by Jacob and Paul.

"Simon, I can promise you, it's not like that" Sam bellowed as he reached him, holding him back from me.

What was going on? Amy charged right past me, screeching for Claire to come out.

"What's going on?" I managed to mumble out as I watched Amy storm around inside, looking for my Claire, she was under the table, I could still hear her under there.

"Claire come on, daddy is taking us on a trip" Amy's voice softened as she coaxed her daughter out, my heart stopped, a trip, they were going away?

"Where mommy?" Claire's little patter of feet came running out toward the front door and Amy scooped her up.

"Just somewhere different, you will love it" She spoke softly but it was rushed she dodged past me, sprinting down toward Simon.

"Is Qwil coming too?" Claire looked over for me, her big brown eyes smiling for me.

My heart ached, they were taking her from me? For how long, I needed to be around her.

"No he isn't" Simon barked as he turned storming for his car.

"Amy, do not do this, you don't understand it, please" Emily pleaded again, reaching for little Claire.

"No, I do understand, you are all freaks. She is never coming here again, you will never hear off us again, she is nothing to you and you are nothing to her" Amy pulled away from Emily's outstretched hands as her venomous words cut through me.

Never? They were taking her.

My body lurched forward, stumbling toward the car. Amy looked over at me, she was angry, enraged would be a better word.

"You stay away from her" Her voice shook slightly but she was still yelling.

"Mommy when will I see Qwil again?" Claire's fumbled words echoed through me, stopping me just centimetres from them.

"You're not, sorry honey, but you won't see Quil anymore" Amy threw open the car door, placing Claire in her car seat. That's when the screams started, the long distraught screams of my imprint.

"QWILL QWILLL" she kept screaming, each one running through my heart like a ragged blade, cutting me in the worst way.

I had never felt so much pain as I did right now, my heart felt it was breaking. Amy jumped in the car and it started speeding away, I stumbled after it, but everything in me hurt to move as Claire's screams got louder to my ears.

I jolted upright from my nightmare filled sleep; I had that very same nightmare every night for 16 years. The screams always tore through me, forcing me to wake up to the reality I didn't want to face. She was still gone.

My breathing was ragged; cold sweat poured down my body as sobs threatened to break through me. Every night I had to relive this. Every day I had to sit around, the pain being too unbearable to do anything.

I had tried to find her, I had done everything to find her, but I couldn't, it was like my little Claire didn't even exist anymore.

Let me know whether I should carry on or not :D

Basically a story about Claire being taken from Quil, what happens to her along the way and whether they can save each other :D So yeah, let me know if I should carry on or not PLEASE :D xxx