I do not own Naruto at all. It all belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Summary: Sakura is Kakashi's daughter. She is the god daughter of Asuma Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. They will survive and the Uchiha's will also have no massacre. No Madara. Sakura has to deal with the same problem her father faced: being the granddaughter of Sakumo Hatake, who was considered a dishonored shinobi. She will still be on Team 7. Kakashi has to learn to be a father and a teacher. He has to watch his daughter grow and fall in love. It's been so long since I've read the whole series but a lot of changes. Sakura is going to be different, Sasuke doesn't defect, and Naruto will be different cause he has his parents. This is a SasuSaku and NaruHina.


Mebuki Haruno was running through the forest outside of her village, Konoha. She broke off from the rest who were heading towards the strong chakra of the nine-tails.

The village was under attack from the nine-tails fox demon. She was holding her baby daughter when she felt the strong chakra and the ground shook from the strength of it. She suited up with her weapons and took her daughter, Sakura, to the Hokage's Tower. There she left Sakura to be protected with other children while she left with the other jonin.

Once she reached the forest, she felt an underlying chakra hidden under the nine-tails. She recognized the chakra and went towards it. She knew she must tell others but she could only think about Sakura.

She dodged a kunai that was coming at her. She turned to her right and saw the yellow eyes staring at her.

"Hello Haruno-chan," the yellow eyed man hissed.

"Orochimaru," Mebuki bit out.

"I heard you had a little one. Heard she's adorable with pink hair and your gorgeous green eyes. I know her lineage," said Orochimaru.

Mebuki's eyes widened. She calmed down and closed her eyes. Opening them to reveal dark blue eyes. Water started to swirl around her.

Orochimaru laughed, "Beautiful. I can't wait to see what she can do."

"You will not go near my daughter," snarled Mebuki. She formed performed a few hand seals, when she finished a water dragon attacked the sadistic man.

The two traded blow for blow. No matter how much Mebuki could counter. She knew she was barely holding her own. She may be a jonin but Orochimaru was one of the legendary sannin. He knew more and was a genius, she knew she had to seriously injure him but her chakra was getting low.

She wasn't going to receive any help for she felt the strength of the nine-tails still. She was alone and she had one final move but she hated using it. She dodged an attack but then she made a mistake. She landed wrong and was sprawled on the ground. She felt the kunai on her neck. She heard his laughter and felt the cut.

Before she let the darkness take over, she heard, "Don't worry I'll take care of her."

~In Konoha~

The younger generation of shinobi's were told to stay in the village. To protect the civilians. Some were helping them while others watched and listened.

Kakashi Hatake was a an anbu and with his comrade Asuma Sarutobi. They were near the Hokage Tower where the little ones of the shinobi, who were fighting, were staying. Kakashi's god daughter was there and he wouldn't admit but he was worried for her mother, Mebuki Haruno.

She was a good friend. She was caring, compassionate, and had a temper. She helped Kakashi out and cook for him since when he was home, he was alone. She knew of his father and mother. Her parents knew them. So she never pitied him and just showed him he had friends. When she was pregnant, he watched out of her.

Minato was happy that Kakashi was opening up. Kakashi was like a son to him. He was all he had left of his team. He has supported and watched over Kakashi. Mebuki became like an older sister to him since Kushina hovered like a mother hen over him.

Kakashi was standing next to Asuma when he felt off. He looked at Asuma and saw that the fellow churning felt the shift also. There was no chakra signature but someone else was there. They were masking their chakra but something sinister was here.

"We know you're out there. Come out," called out Asuma.

Kakashi's eye narrowed when he saw a man appear. The man was very pale with long black hair. It was his yellow eyes that make him recognizable. Asuma took a defensive stance next to him.

"Well look what we have here. Two little shinobi's," hissed Orochimaru.

"Leave now or you will be taken dow," warned Asuma. Kakashi was watching and figuring out why the rouge nin would be here. True Konoha had some of his research on lockdown but after years it seems unlikely. He knew Asuma was assessing the situation also.

Orochimaru darkly chuckled, "I've already killed one tonight. I don't mind if you join her. I'll leave personally if you let me have a certain child. She's all I need and I won't you or others."

Kakashi stiffened. He didn't know which child, the snake sannin wanted but it was a female. The chances that he wasn't Sakura was slim but Kakashi wasn't going to let him take any child.

Kakashi and Asuma were both about to strike but the nine-tails chakra disappeared. He knew Orochimaru noticed also for his eyes narrowed.

"Well this is unfortunate. I will be back for her," Orochimaru disappeared.

Asuma looked at Kakashi and then they went in the tower. They double checked on the kids to make sure there was no problems. Kakashi went over to where Sakura was sleeping. His eye creased, the only sign that he was smiling.

Laying in the crib was a little girl with unusual pink hair. The color of cherry blossoms which gave her the name Sakura. Her pink hair wasn't the only beautiful trait she has. She has the brightest green eyes anybody has ever seen. She was peacefully sleeping and the cutest thing ever. She has Kakashi wrapped around her tiny little finger and she was only 6 months almost 7 months. She somehow has gotten the young teen to come out of his shell a bit.

~Following Morning~

The village of Konoha survived. Minato with the help from Kushina safely got the nine-tails sealed in their son, Naruto, who was born last night. Kushina was at home resting with the newborn while Minato overlooked the recovery of the bodies of the fallen shinobi.

Minato Namikaze, Fourth Hokage, saved the village. He watched men bring the bodies of men and women. The village suffered losses but at least they weren't all killed.

"Lord Hokage," Minato heard a ninja called.

"What is it," he asked the ninja.

The ninja bowed to him, "You must come see this sir."

Minato agreed and they went into the forest. Minato realized he was being led away from where the fight took place against Kurama.

He came into a destruction zone. Trees were damaged every where while, the ground was wet liked it rain but what caught his attention was a body. From what he could tell it was female but she was faced down in a pool of blood.

"We wanted you to be here when we reveal who it is," an anbu member explained. Minato looked at the body while they turned it over. He could tell it was a women for sure now. He closed his eyes when he saw her face.

"Mebuki," whispered Minato. He saw that her neck was slit. Kushina was going to this hard. She was good friends with Mebuki and adored Sakura.

Sakura was only six months going on to seven months at the month. She was now motherless. Her father has been kept a secret but now that secret will be known. She will most likely carry his name from now on, Hatake.

Kakashi, is only fourteen but a father. It wasn't accidental but an understanding. Mebuki was slowly getting out of active Anbu status, She was training young Anbus. Kakashi has been in Anbu for awhile but soon he will be given seduction missions. Mebuki was only twenty-two but still an age gap. Kakashi only trusted her for this training and she taught him. She wanted a kid but had no partner of any kind. Her kekke genkai was one to be passed down. She was the last of her clan that they knew of. Kakashi was also the last of his clan, with him in Anbu there was a higher chance that he will be the last. So Minato allowed it to happen and it was sealed information, not even the elders knew of it. Sakura was given her mother's last name and Kakashi was named godfather.

Minato knew Kakashi will take care of her and he will help. Kakashi might want to stay in Anbu but no more solo missions for him. At least Sakura won't go into the system like others will. She still has her father while others lost both last night.

He watched them pick up the light red-haired woman. He went back to the Hokage Tower. He surveyed the damages on his way there while thinking who Mebuki was fighting. There was carnage of a battle and he was glad that she didn't go down without a fight.

He made it to the Hokage Tower and went to where the children were being kept if they hadn't been picked up yet. He noticed a lot were still there but it was understanding for some parents were helping out in the village. He was glad he was able to protect this, so these children could have lives.

He walked up to one of the helpers, "Sakura Haruno please?"

The helper smiled, "Of course Hokage-sama."

She walked over to wear some cribs were and lifted up a pink haired child. The child looked at Minato and smiled, She was used to seeing Minato.

Minato smiled and lifted the little girl in his arms, "thank you."

He went to his office while watching Sakura take in her surroundings. She was looking for her mother. It's been awhile since she's seen her. She was missing her her and wanted to snuggle into her warmth.

"Mama," asked Sakura. Minato's smile faltered. He knew how smart Sakura was. SHe could talk well, more than average baby her age. She could already sit up on her own.

He walked into his office to see two people already waiting for him. One was one he was going to summon and the other was a talented chunin.

The silver-haired boy narrowed his one-eye with questions. Minato sat down and Sakura's eyes found Kakashi. She smiled, "Kashi!"

Asuma knew their news was important and needed to be said. So before Kakashi could get questioning why little blossom was here, he stepped forward.

"Hokage-sama there is important news that we must share before your news. It has to do with the safety of the village," explained Asuma.

Minato looked to Asuma, "Go on Sarutobi."

Asuma cleared his throat, "Last night Kakashi and I were stationed outside the tower. We came face to face with Orochimaru."

Minato's eyes widened then looked down to Sakura, "Did you confront him?"

Kakashi nodded while Asuma verbally answered, "Yes but now blows were thrown. He mentioned killing one person already. A woman I think. He said her, He also said he was here for a child."

Minato looked down at the child in his arms. Sakura might or might not be the child, Orochimaru was after. Mebuki was killed protecting the village and can't even tell if that's why Mebuki engaged instead of warning others. Only time will tell but right now he had to worry about the little girl in his arms and his student.

"Kakashi we need to talk," Minato stated. He looked at Asuma which told him this was a private conversation. Asuma headed to the door when Kakashi spoke.

"Minato-sensei I would like it if Asuma stays. If he can that is," Minato nodded his okay. Sakura looked at Kakashi again and reached out her arms to him. Kakashi took her and settled her in his arms.

Minato took a deep breath, "Earlier today I was taken to a spot in the forest away from the nine-tail attack. There was a body with a slit neck. It looked like there was an intense battle."

While Minato talked, Kakashi was wondering why he was sharing this. He was also thinking why hasn't Mebuki picked up Sakura. Surely she wasn't in the hospital or out helping still. When body was mentioned he looked at Sakura with dread.

"I'm sorry to say the body was of a woman. It was none other than Mebuki Haruno. After what you told me, I believe that she confronted Orochimaru and died protecting the village. She couldn't get help because all available personal were busy obviously. I can't say if Sakura was his target but we have to safely assume she might be," Minato stopped to give Kakashi time to digest it.

Kakashi looked down at his daughter knowing that her world just crumbled and she didn't know it yet. Her mother was dead. He knew how it felt to lose your mother at a young age. He hugged her closed his one eye.

Minato continued, "She's your daughter Kakashi. You need to choose if she stays with you or goes-."

"She stays with me. I promised Mebuki I would take care of her. She's my blood. Even if Mebuki decided to keep her out of my life, I would of fought for her," stated Kakashi.

"Okay. Well I know you'll want to in Anbu. We will just change what type of missions. Also no solos of course. We also need to think about her name," explained Minato.

Kakashi looked at Minato, "I want her name to be Sakura Hatake. I was going to offer it when she was older. She's the heir to the Hatake clan even if I have more. I also would like it if Asuma, you and Kushina would be godparents?"

Asuma smiled, "I would be honored."

"Same for us. I know Kushina would love it. We already have the new Uchiha boy but with us having a boy. She will now have a girl to spoil. Plus she already loves Sakura. It's an honor. Okay I'll make sure that goes in her file," Minato was glad how this was going.

"We should have a funeral for Mebuki," offered Kakashi.

Minato smiled brighter, "We will. She'll also be honored on the K.I.A. Monument. Also until you find a bigger place, I suggest you stay at Mebuki's temporarily."

Sakura was playing with Kakashi's fingers and seemed like she was counting them which would be impossible for her age. Asuma was watching her and was amazed. He knew she was going to be smart like her parents.

Kakashi agreed to live there temporarily. Sakura started to get hungry so Minato told them to go but first told them to keep the truth about Mebuki's death and Orochimaru's visit quiet.

Kakashi and Asuma left and Sakura watched everything go by. Minato watched them from his window knowing this was going to be a long road for Kakashi.