It's been 7 months and 2 weeks since they left, he left. And 7 months and 2 weeks since I found out I was pregnant to his twins. I was laying on my bed with my hand in my belly when all of a sudden my back was in pain. I screamed when I felt my belly was being cut, good thing I'm not in Charlie's house anymore. Then I realized I already gave birth to my twins, his twins. I looked down and saw the two of them looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes and emerald green eyes. I felt the energy left my body and saw that my blood is everywhere. I started sobbing when realization hit me hard, I was dying. I cannot take care of my care of my twins, they will grow up with no parents. I started crying uncontrollably, then out of nowhere someone bent my neck then bit me. The burning fire spread throughout my body . I looked at my side too see who bit me, then I saw my baby Anthony with blood dripping from his mouth to his chin, I realized that he is the one who bit me and I'm changing. For 9 days, the burning didn't left. My baby Renesmee and Anthony were always at my side. At the time I heard my heartbeat slow down then stopped I flew my eyes open and surveyed my sorroundings. Blood was everywhere. I froze. Blood. I sniffed the air. I thought the blood will tempt me but I was wrong. It repulses me. It makes me sick. The Cu—they said that human blood will make the newborn crazy. But why not me? I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard shuffling. I looked at my side and saw my baby twins looking at me with their beautiful eyes. I slowly got up and walked towards them. I picked them up and hugged them both.

"Hello my baby Renesmee Carlie Swan and Anthony Masen Swan." I said with my new musical voice. Renesmee smile at me with her breathtaking smile while Anthony crookedly grin at me, just like his father. Pain shot in my chest as I realized we 3 are alone. Carlisle and Esme doesn't know that they have a grandchild. Rosalie, Alice, Emmett and Jasper doesn't know that they have niece and nephew. And lastly, Edward doesn't he have son and daughter. I missed them, him. But I will stay strong with my childrens here. I started to looked around then I caught sight of my reflection but it's a blur. I stood up with my babies in my arms then walked to the mirror. To say I was shocked was understatement. Ther in the mirror, was beautiful, beyond perfect. I cannot believe its me. I still have my mahogany hair but its longer and shiny and has red strands in it. I have the cold marble skin then I have curves! But that's not what surprised mw the most. My eyes. They're violet. He said that newborns has red eyes and becomes golden if they continue to hunt animals. I was brought out of my thought when I felt my hair was being tugged. I looked down and saw my babies playing with my hair. Renesmee has his father's bronze hair but my brown eyes while Anthony is just like his father. He has his messy bronze hair and emerald green eyes when his father was human, just like Carlisle said. The I realized we have to move out, move away from here. I know that I skipped the newborn phase so it will be easy around humans. I have to fake my death, I know Charlie would be devastated when he will hear this. But this is the best. For me, for my children, for all of us.

CHAPTER 2- The McHalen Twins

It's been 2 years since I fake my death. Me, Nessie and Anthony were now living in Ohio. I built us a cabin in the middle of the forest. Nessie and Anthony were adorable. I found out that they are hybrid. Half vampire and half human. I also found out that they will grow fast but stopped when they reached at age 12 because physically they will be 17. They can sleep, eat, cry and blush they also have the vampiric traits like they are faster that normal humans but slower that a normal vampire and they have to taste human blood at least once a month. They also has powers, Nessie can project her thoughts with a simple touch while Anthony can levitate things using his mind. We are currently sitting in the living room while my babies are playing with each other when I smelled it too. My babies looked at me and I know they also smelled it.

"Stay here, ok ? I'll be back quick!" I said in a rush knowing they could understand what I'm saying pretty well. I followed the scent and not long after I saw 2 people holding each other bleeding in front of a bear. I quickly face the bear and growl then snapped it head. I turned around to see the two of them looking at me in fright and shock.

"What are you ?" came from the frantic voice of the boy holding the girl who is more bleeding.

"Im Bella Swan and I lived not far away from here. I cant tell you what I am for now but I can assure you that Im not going to hurt you." I said soothingly the boy visibly relaxed but did not put her guar down while the girl looking at me with puzzled expression.

"Please. Save my sister." The boy begged.

"There's only one thing I can do to save her. Im a vampire, and I can change her to save her." I said giving them an option. The boy looked at the girl while she nodded.

"Please change her then change me." The boy said. I nodded and then bit the the girl's neck and then the boy. I carried them to my house and put them in my bed. I saw my children crawl and sit next to me.

"They're changing now babies." I said as I hugged the both of them. The siblings screamed and I cant stand them. I don't know why but I pressed my hands to their neck where I bit them and their stopped screaming, only whimpering.

" I think I already found out my 3rd power now. Shield, Elements and now Ice. Wow." My babies looked at me in awe.

After 3 days, the siblings whimpering stop and and opened their eyes. I stood still and put my babies behind me knowing newborn doesn't have control. The boy's head snapped to meet mine and the girls followed her gaze, they instantly move into a defensive crouch. I didn't move my babies still behind me. The boy eyes widened as realization hit him and quickly relaxed as well as his sister.

"You're the girl who saved us. Thank you so much." He said while clutching his sister.

"It's okay don't worry. What's your name?" I asked.

"Im Leo McHalen and this is my twin Lizzy McHalen, we're both 16." Leo the blonde hair said while his twin blonde sister nodded and smiled.

"Im Bella Swan, and this is my daughter Renesmee and son Anthony." I said. I'm hesistant at first to show them my baby but still I showed them. They didn't attack as I expected much to my relief.

"I can hear their heartbeats but its very slow, are they ok?" Lizzy asked. I smiled because I can hear the care in his voice. I then went to explanation about vampires. Our laws, Volturi, and tha abilities and disabilities of a vampire.

"You said Vampire cant bear a baby. But I can see that you have, how ?" Leo aske me quizzically. I went back into explaining them my life in Forks, the Cullens, Edward, and my childrens. As I finished my story, the looked in their faces was furious. Then I asked about how did they get into the woods. They looked down at their lap.

"Our parents disown us because they said we are not worth it. So, it's ok if you don't want us here." Leo said quietly. I put my babies down and to went to hug the Leo and Lizzy. They stiffened at first but relaxed at my arms.

"I want the two of you here. We will be a family and we will love each other just like one." They seemed surprise but accepted eagerly. Then my babies Nessie and Anthony crawled back to my lap and looked at the twins while smiling.

" I think I need you to teach how to hunt." I said as the twins clutch their throat. I quickly got my babies and then lead them out to the woods. Then teach them how to hunt. Starting from now on we treated each other like a family.