Hey guys! WOW It's been a while since I wrote a fanfic...I've had this in my mind for a LONG time now but couldnt bring myself to write it till...well..today! At 2am! :) I hope you guys like it and PLEASE review! I'll continue writing it depending on the reviews I get so I would GREATLY appreciate them! THANK YOU!

*Disclaimer* I don't own Jack/RotG...if I did I wouldn't be here right now :3.

I…I can't breathe.

The Wind tried to swerve the tumbling Jack Frost onto a soft pile of snow located in the middle of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, his high fever did not help the maneuvering and he ended up crash-landing off the roof of a nearby house, landing on the pavement with a sickening thud.

He was having trouble breathing. Thick puffs of fog came out from his dry mouth and he struggled to inhale and exhale. The Wind circled around him with anxiety at his collapsed figure. The people who continued walking through him did not help his current condition. The cold, empty feeling as human flesh casually slips through his body. The feeling of being abandoned…not believed in…alone.

He was a Guardian for God's sake! Guardians never fall ill…at least to this extent. His mind flashed to the other four and he let out a weak smirk. Ha…I wonder how the kangaroo would react if he saw me now… He can imagine the Easter Bunny shaking him rigorously while scolding him for letting himself get so weak, but then he would immediately gather herbs from his warren that would help ease his illness. Tooth, meanwhile, would frantically flutter left, right, up, down…not sure what to do first. Get warm water? Get some food? No, make some soup. No, he needs to bathe first. AH! Jack laughed at her voice as he imagined the scene. Sandy would try to cheer him up with a game of charades using his sand. North would…yeah, he would probably try to sing some Russian folklore or bring some cool inventions that he made to try to distract Jack from his pain.

Since Pitch's fall, they've become a big family- always watching out for one another's backs. However, everyone still has their own tasks and Jack, whose basic job was to make snow, did not want to intrude on anyone else as they hurried to make the prettiest Easter eggs, collect teeth, distribute dream sand, or create the coolest toys. As a result, he ended up growing very ill and stubbornly refused to seek aid, hoping the cold would just go away on its own.

Am…I going to die here…? He heaved another raspy cough and closed his eyes, praying the snow would cool his dangerously high temperature.

Suddenly, he felt a warm hand on his forehead. "Jesus Christ…he's burning up! How can you all be just walking by this poor kid?!"

"Lady…what the hell are you talking about? There's no one there!"

Jack weakly opened his eyes to see a young woman quickly shrug off her jacket and drape it over his body. "Don't worry, I'm going to help you right away."

Her raven-black hair was covered with a thin layer of snow as she regarded him with large, anxious chocolate eyes. "I need you to stand up for me though…come on." She gently tugged on his arm and managed to get him onto his feet. She wrapped one arm around his waist while the other kept his arm draped over her shoulders. His clouded mind became even more messed up.

"H-How can you see me?" He whispered. She had to be at least in her early twenties. Everyone around them stared with confused eyes. He didn't blame them- to them, the woman looked as though she was carrying empty air.

"What nonsense are you muttering about…of course I can see you!" She muttered angrily. "I can't believe how stupidly ignorant and selfish people are in this world…"

"N-No…I mean-" He coughed harshly again.

"Save your energy and stop talking! We're almost there." They slowly trudged towards a small suburban home. Her boots made low crunching sounds as she walked through the snow in her driveway.

As she opened the door, warm air with the smell of vanilla and cinnamon met Jack. "Come on, one more step!" The woman urged.

Jack couldn't find the energy. He tried to raise one foot and ended up tripping over the doorstep, landing on the soft carpet.

"Kid?! Hey, kid! Get up! Hey!" Her voice slowly faded away as his mind drifted into the darkness.