
I'm terribly sorry that I haven't been updating this story in like, a year, but I'm going to change that. Kind of. I just finished reading Blood of Olympus and what can I say? Great book.

So, my point was, that I want to do some changes in this story and I've been thinking about changing the paring maybe to Nico and Will.

But I want to have your opinion. When I start editing this, the story will change a lot. It will kind of turn into a different story, but with the same camp-thing.

Now, should I just start a new story and leave this like it is, or should I edit this one?

Should I change the pairing from Percy and Nico to Nico and Will or leave it as Percy/Nico?

(I could also, like, have it Percy/Nico and end it with Nico/Will, or just whatever. Give me suggestions)

If you want to suggest a new pairing, a scene or a character I should include in the story, you are welcome to review or PM me. (I hope you do this)

I'll wait a few weeks or maybe days, before taking action based on the answers I get.