It has always been assumed that the only way to be turned into a vampire was to be bitten but there is a rare race of vampires. They are identical to traditional vampires in every way, shape or form. They can bite and turn humans but unlike the traditional vampire, they can give birth to vampire babies.

This is where our story begins…

Chapter One CPOV

With much debate from our "children" we were able to finally agree on the decision to adopt a human child. There is a lot of fear and nervousness running around the house and because no decisions have been made, Alice can't pin down an exact prediction as to how things will turn out but it is clear, nothing really serious was going to happen.

As Esme and I got in our car, our five children watched us pull out of the driveway, their faces braced for anything. Their eyes were all bright gold from just recently hunting and they had varying expressions of nervousness and excitement.

"What should we adopt? A boy or a girl?" I asked Esme who sat nervously in the passenger seat staring out the window.

She sighed and ran her a hand through her hair.

"I'm not sure. But I think we'll know when we get there. We are going to meet so many children today, I'm just hoping we will be able to just… tell," she said, staring at me, clearly hoping I would know what she meant.

I nodded.

"Yes, we will know," I said, taking her hand and driving down the highway to the orphanage.

EPOV (Esme)

The first thing I heard when Carlisle and I walked into the orphanage was dozen of frantic and excited little heartbeats. Children were all over the room; running, playing and just having fun. A couple little girls were playing football with a toddler who could just barely walk. A large group of children were caught in a game of freeze tag.

A young woman, who looked to be about twenty-five came into the room and smiled when she saw us. Her thick blonde hair was a mess of curls and her green eyes looked tired.

"Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, I am so glad you could make it in," she said as she made her way to us. "I am June West, and I'll be doing your interview and hopefully helping you select a child to take home," she said, directing us to an office that to a human would have been sound proof.

The interview took thirty minutes. During those thirty minutes we answered scenario questions, moral questions and went over our clean criminal record checks. June seemed impressed with everything she heard and left to prepare lunch for the children while Carlisle and I finished off some final paper work.

After a couple minutes the door swung open and in ran a little girl. She had curly brown hair and surprisingly gold eyes. To our surprise she didn't have a heartbeat. She looked to be at least four years old. She ran in and ducked under June's desk and pulled out a blue and yellow ball. Her eyes fell on us and her face split into a big smile.

"I'm Bella," she said smiling at me making my heart melt. If her mere presence wasn't shocking enough, her friendly personality was. Because before I knew it she had jumped into my lap and was playing with my hair.

June came into the room and her face positively lifted with relief when she spotted Bella.

"Oh my god! There you are, do you know how worried you had me!" she exclaimed, smiling at Bella who just shrugged and continued playing with my hair.

"This little girl arrived yesterday and has already gained a reputation for her disappearing act," June said smiling. "But she seems to like you, I haven't seen her this close to anyone since she's been here," she said grinning.

Bella snuggled closer to me and I looked at Carlisle. This little girl, this vampire child, clearly could not stay here.

"How old is she?" I asked, knowing Carlisle was probably thinking the same thing.

"She is four years old and she's from Arizona," June explained.

I looked at Carlisle and smiled.

"She's the one," I said, receiving a supportive smile from my husband.