Song Of Hope: I know, I shouldn't start any more stories, but this is just a funny story. I've had the idea for this for a long time! R&R (the updating of this story literally depends on your reviews, and you'll see why later)

Madoka was at Hope's store, sitting on the counter, sighing.

"None of them understands the meaning of responsibility, unless it has to do with their Beys!" Hope rolled her eyes.

"They're boys, and boys don't mature-" they both finished off the quote.

"They only get bigger." They both laughed. Then, Madoka stopped.

"But seriously, they don't even begin to understand what it means to be responsible!" Hope shrugged.

"Sometimes, I don't think we would either, but we've both been working in our dad's stores for so long, we have to be responsible." Then, her eyes lit up. It was like a light bulb went off. "Wait, I have an idea! Why don't we do what women do best?" Madoka looked confused.

"Talk circles around guys until they get dizzy from their confusion." Hope laughed.

"No, that's what we're best at, but not the female gender as a whole. What women are best at is making the guys do all the heavy work, while we sit back and do the easy stuff instead. It's the ideal way to teach them responsibility, give us a little break, and let them live in our shoes for a while." Hope leaned back in her chair with her hands behind her head, smiling. Madoka smiled.

"That's perfect, only one problem." Hope opened one eye at her.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"There's no way that they'd agree to it. Even if they did, they already know too much about Beys for it to work." Hope smirked.

"Who said it had to be the B-Pit? We can always do it right here at Hardware Central. I'm sure my dad would ecstatic about some more workers, plus, they know nothing about hardware, or any of the other stuff we sell here, like pet stuff, or automotive, and things like that. They'll have to pick it up quickly, and if they don't, then they won't get paid."

"But how will we get them to agree to it?" Hope smirked.

"Easy enough. You say that you won't service their Beys for a whole month unless they agree to it." Madoka was about to protest, but Hope held up her hand. "I know that you hate seeing Beys in terrible condition, but they've gotta learn responsibility. This is the perfect way to do it. They treasure their Beys more than anything, but then, when it comes to anything else, frankly, they don't care, so this is the best way for them to learn responsibility, and learn to appreciate everything we do. This is a really good idea, and not to mention, we'll get to relax."

"How would I get to relax?"

"You won't have one of the boys constantly coming in every other day for Bey repairs. So, for you to relax, we'll definitely have Kyoya, Ginga, and Masamune work here."

"Okay then, but how long for?"

"Hm, I think a week each is a good enough amount of time. We're not open Sundays because of church, so they'll technically only work for 6 days, but that's about a week. A week free from one of the boys, because we're open longer than you, and it is summer vacation right now, will be like heaven for you." Madoka nodded.

"Okay, but who exactly is going to be working?"

"Well, we've already declared Ginga, Kyoya, and Masamune, so that's three, Kenta's a bit young, but he's fairly responsible, so he won't work, Tsubasa has a job, so he doesn't need to learn responsibility," Hope was trying to calculate the responsibility levels, but Madoka stopped her.

"Let's just make a list of all the boy's and cross off names until we have, let's say, ten of the boys, okay?" Hope nodded.

"Yeah, that'll be much easier."

And so they created a list of ten Bladers to work in Hardware Central for one week each.

Song Of Hope: You people votes in the reviews, and the top seven Bladers will work in the store. Now, I won't take any of the villains as votes, anyone outside of Japan (short of Team Dungeon and the Legendary Bladers), Toby, Tsubasa, Yuki, Hikaru, or Kenta. They're responsible enough as it is. Everyone else is completely open. R&R