Star Trek: Never Let Me Go

Summary: After Nero's attacks in Space, the Enterprise returns home until her next mission. Upon arriving back to Earth, Kirk finds that he has a long-lost relative, who he's never met. Will finding out that he has a Sister he's never known, impact his future as Captain of the U.S.S Enterprise?

Rating: Now updated to M (because of the dream sequence of this chapter).

Warnings: THIS chapter contains a little bit of graphic stuff, basically appears in a dream sequence of Ellie's. You have the option to skip, and read past that. I have upped the rating to M.
If you have not watched the 2009 Reboot of Star Trek, you won't really be spoiled. HOWEVER, there are some themes in here. It's major Angst, and there's a bit of Self-Harm in this story. I have rated the story as T, but that may change, if given indication that I should change it.

Beta: I'd like to say a BIG Thank You to my new Beta, Rynne Harrison! You're totally amazing, woman! :)

Pairings: Bones/OC, Spock/Uhura

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Jim's sister Elizabeth (or Ellie).
Title is the same song from Florence And The Machine's 'Ceremonials' album.

A/N: So! Bones and Ellie. By the way, a friend of mine going by the fan fiction name Calla Mae has been working on a story called "Letters From the Sky", and her Ellie is not the same as mine. Two complete different stories, although, I believe hers is a lot better than mine. Check it out sometime!

This chapter has some of Adele's 'Hometown Glory' in it. You'll understand why. I know it seems that I use a lot of music in this. I do, because music is the inspiration for me. And I seem to be in an emotional-Adele mood right now. It stinks that emotions are so messy, and I feel incredibly messy right now, because of it. I'm sad one moment, happy the next, sobbing and then I'm okay. Yea, I'm just chalking it up to being female. Haha.

Anyways, let's punch it!


'I've been walking in the same way as I did.
Missing out the cracks in the pavement,
And tutting my heel and strutting my feet.
"Is there anything I can do for you dear? Is there anyone I could call?"
"No and thank you, please Madam. I ain't lost, just wandering."'

Ellie had woken up early, finding herself in Jim's bed. Looking around, she found Jimmy still asleep on the couch and Bones was already gone for the morning. She couldn't help but study her brother as he slept. He looked so peaceful, as if the weight of an entire universe and galaxy or the many lives on a ship wasn't placed upon his shoulders. A sob caught in her throat and she forced herself to hold it back, in fear of waking her brother from his needed sleep. Shoving her feet inside her running shoes, she grabbed her iPod.

Picking up his blanket from the end of the bed, she placed it over him. He stirred slightly but slept on. Leaning down, she kissed his forehead and tucked him in.

"I love you, Jimmy. I'm glad you didn't give up on me, 'cause I need you," she whispered. She locked the door before letting it slide shut behind her.

Looking up at the sky, she noticed a storm brewing. Perfect. This should be relaxing, she thought to herself. Throwing her earbuds into her ears and pressing play, she started running towards the mass of gray clouds.


'Round my hometown,
Memories are fresh.
Round my hometown,
Ooh the people I've met,
Are the wonders of my world,
Are the wonders of my world,
Are the wonders of this world,
Round my Hometown.'

Running for all of her might, Ellie couldn't help but start thinking.

Ever since she had met Jim Kirk, her life felt like it was changing in many ways, many good ways. She wasn't exactly ready for her brother to know the real her. To him, she was shy, frustrated, lost. To her, she was all of those things and self-destructive. She admitted she pitied herself, despite her urge that others didn't try to pity her or feel sympathy. She wasn't ready for the world to see her true colors. Her skin stained with red blood, or the scars that littered her entire body from her own doings.

She had no idea how her brother would react, or rather McCoy, and that thought scared her. What if he made her go to mandatory counseling? Been there, done that. She couldn't do it again.

As lightning cracked and thunder roared in the close distance, Ellie was brought out of her thoughts. Looking around, she realized she was miles away from the academy grounds.

Oh well. No problem. The only solution? Run farther. Run faster.

'I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque.
I love to see everybody in short skirts, shorts and shades.
I like it in the city when two worlds collide.
You get the people and the government,
Everybody taking different sides.

Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit,
Shows that we are united,
Shows that we ain't gonna take it.
Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit,
Shows that we are united.'

Within minutes, the rain came down in sheets, soaking her to the bone. Stopping to sit on a rock to catch her breath, she pulled her headphones out, listening to everything around her.

It was then, she heard someone calling for help.

Looking around erratically, her attention was drawn to a child crying out from the empty and otherwise quiet bay. It was a secluded area, no one ever came here, unless they were heading to one of the few houses, or if they were jogging, like her.

Terrified but remaining calm, Ellie rushed over to the water's edge, dropping her iPod as she ran to the little girl.

"Shh...I've got you, I've got you. You're okay," she murmured, holding her shivering body close to her.

The little girl pointed out in the water. "Please, help my Mamma. She's in there."

Ellie couldn't see anything. "Where, little one?"

"Crashed. Momma crashed," the little girl cried, urging Ellie into action.

Setting the little girl on a big rock near the shore, she pulled out her comm. Call Jim, she thought to herself. He would know what to do. When she received no answer, she tried McCoy.

"McCoy here." She heard his voice come through on the small speaker.

"Bones! Bones, I need you to lock onto my signal! Bring medical attention immediately!" Ellie exclaimed, her eyes still peering into the rain toward the bay.

"What on earth is going on?!" he asked her. She could hear his questioning tone over the comm.

"Shuttle crashed. Little girl said her mother crashed, but somehow she made it out safely. I have got to go in after her mother. Bones! Just get here now!" she told him quickly.

"Ellie! Wait don't hang-

Shaking her head, she hung up on McCoy, hoping he was able to track her location.

Ellie kneeled down and rested both hands on the the young girl's shoulders. "Stay here, little one. I'm going to go save your Momma," she said reassuringly.

Without another thought, Ellie stood and ran out into the bay and dove under, looking for the downed shuttlecraft. Finding it, she came up once more for air before going back under.

Swimming up to the shuttle, she could see the woman passed out in the pilot seat, the safety strap stuck into place.

Trying to pull the strap-release proved to be unsuccessful. Ellie didn't know how long she could hold out for air, and wondered if the girl's mother was already dead. She had no idea how long they had even been there before crashing.

Shaking it from her mind, she went in search for something that could help remove the woman from the seat. Yes... she rejoiced. Thankfully, the shuttle had came equipped with tools to help cut through things like shuttle straps. She picked up a cutter from the toolbox that she had found.

She swam back to the woman in the pilot's seat. As she went to work on her, Ellie knew she had to try to keep her breathing, or to try and get her to breathe again. Covering the woman's mouth with her own, she began the oxygen transfer. The downside? She was losing her own, and her lungs were burning.

She cut through the straps and was finally able to remove them after a few tense minutes and pulled the woman from the seat, kicking off from the shuttle floor and up to the shore.

Gasping for air, she looked around and was disappointed that medical had not showed up yet.

It was up to her to save a life.

Starting on CPR, Ellie tried for as long as she could. It wasn't until she almost gave up, that her patient had came back, spitting up the ingested water as well.

Sighing heavily, she made sure the little girl's mother was stable before succumbing to the blackness that clouded her vision.

Ellie could hear the medical transports in the distance, but couldn't be bothered to do anything but disappear into the welcoming darkness.


"Why isn't she awake yet, Bones? She should be awake by now, shouldn't she?" Jim paced back and forth near his sister's bedside, both worried for her health and impatient for her to wake up after being unconscious for so many hours.

"Calm down, Jim. She's fine. Her vitals are stable, she's probably just exhausted. She did run a good ten miles. How she did it, I don't know. It's beyond me," Bones said, shaking his head as he looked over her medical charts and glanced up at the monitors every few seconds to record new information.

"The woman she saved, did she make it?"Jim asked as he looked down at his sister for a moment, before glancing back up at Bones, looking for an answer.

Bones nodded. "She did. Said the shuttle somehow malfunctioned and crashed. She said she had time to get her daughter out before it hit the water. The straps somehow got stuck and wouldn't disengage."

Jim contemplated the information for a moment. He drew his brows together, a line creased his forehead between them. "Someone needs to investigate why it malfunctioned."

"They are," Bones assured him.

"Good." Jim nodded and sat down in the chair that Bones had originally provided. He was stressed. Worried. Reaching over, he took Ellie's hand in his, brushing the pad of his thumb over the top of her hand and wrist.

The two men spent the moment in silence, holding vigil over Bones's new patient. It was then that a groan pulled them out of their thoughts.

"Ellie?" Jim asked, hopeful.

"Jimmy? Bones?" Ellie moaned, trying to clear her throat to speak properly. Jim saw her struggle and grabbed the cup of water, holding the straw to her lips for her to drink.

"Right here, darlin'." Bones walked over to Ellie's other side and studied his patient.

"Where am I?" Ellie opened her eyes slowly, squinting as the light entered and blinded her.

"Medical. You'd done passed out by the time we got there," Bones told her. He grasped her wrist and silently counted the beats per second of her pulse. Sometimes, he needed to do things the old-fashioned way and use his eyes and his hands.

"The woman…is she?" Ellie asked, her voice getting a little stronger with use.

"She's alive. Her daughter and her are in stable condition. We're keeping them for observation for another day, and then we'll release them."

Ellie nodded. Her head resting back on the pillow. She was relieved to hear that everyone was going to be all right.

"I've got to go look after some more patients, but I'll be back in a while to check you over. If I deem it reasonable to release you, you'll be staying with me and Jim." Bones patted her on the shoulder and smiled down at her.

"Okay." Not having the strength to argue, she went along with the plan.

"Jim, don't wear her out. Keep it to the minimum." Bones said sternly, giving Jim a look to make sure that he understood.

With that, Bones left the room, leaving brother and sister to talk.

"Jim?" she asked, noticing the tenseness in his shoulders and the way he held himself.

Jim took a breath. He gazed over at his sister finally. "Please, don't scare me like that again. I thought I lost you, or maybe I thought you were brain-dead from lack of oxygen."

"How long have I been out?" she asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

Jim let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling a stressed, but calm enough to talk about it with her. "A little over a day. After you saved the woman at the bay, you collapsed. Apparently you got the patient stable for transport, but it was you that Bones had to end up saving. Your heart rate slowed down too much, and wasn't pumping enough. Unfortunately, you ended up like me and being allergic to some of the medications needed to bring it back up. So before all was said and done, you died, and Bones brought you back."

"Wow." Ellie gasped in shock of the events that transpired while she was out.

"Pretty much. So uh, try not to be playing hero for a while?" he pleaded with her.

"What, and let you get all the glory, Captain?" Ellie grinned.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." Jim laughed.

"Sorry, no chance in hell." She laughed along with him.

After their light-hearted moment, they both sat in silence until Jim broke the quiet once more. "Oh, and I love you too. And I'm never going to give up on you. Ever."

"Well, that's good to know. And hey, you were supposed to be asleep, sir." Ellie pointed out.

"And spoil you tucking me in, like the good little sister you are? You're funny." Jim said with a grin while laughing. To her, he sounded like a damn girl when he laughed sometimes.

"Is that all I'm good for, tucking you in?" she asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Yup." A nod and another grin from Jim had her shaking her head.



Later that evening, after Bones had finished with his patients that day, he discharged Ellie with orders that she was to stay with them.

Wanting to get out of medical, she agreed with no complaints.

They had sat around, Jim on the couch, Ellie on his bed and Bones on his, eating leftover lasagna.

Ellie situated herself back on the pillow of the bed. She still felt exhausted from being in the hospital. She quickly covered a yawn. "I think I'm ready for bed, guys. It won't bother me if you stay up."

Bones shook his head. "Naw, I think I'm gonna turn in as well. Jim?"

"I've got my bed right here," he said pointing to the couch. It wasn't comfortable, but he refused to let his sister have it. "Reading over some stuff from the ship. Repairs and upgrades are almost done. Should be another week before we get our new orders."

Bones glanced over at Jim. "Good. As much as I don't want to say it, I'm kind of itching to get back up there. Just not looking forward to the ride up."

Jim's shoulders shook with silent laughter. He shook his head. "Bonesy, Bonesy…what will I ever do with you and your aviophobia?"

Bones smirked back at him. "Nothing, Jim. Absolutely nothing. I don't think I would trust you with something like that."

"Wise idea, that." Ellie remarked with a smirk.

"Blah, blah, blah. That's all I'm hearing,"Jim deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

Laughing, she threw her pillow at her brother, hitting him square in the face. "I think that should count as like, ten points."

"Uh huh. Whatever," Jim said, throwing the pillow back with a smile.

"Okay children, get settled. I'm going to go stick these dishes where they belong and then lights off. We all need to get some shuteye." Bones stood up from his bed, gathered the other's plates and strode into the kitchen.

"Totally," Ellie agreed as she got up from her bed and walked over to her brother who was laying on the couch reading reports on his padd. Smiling, she kissed his cheek. "Night Jimmy."

"Night El. Love ya." He smiled softly, grabbing her hand for a moment, rubbing his thumb over her wrist.

"Love you too." Ellie smiled back as she tucked the blanket around him.

Walking over to his bed, she plopped down and got as comfortable as she could.

"You comfortable?" Bones asked with some concern as he came back from the kitchen.

"As well as can be expected. I've got a slight headache, but I've already taken something for it."

"Good girl. You need anything before I turn the light off?" Bones offered, standing by Jim's bed that she was currently occupying.

"Nope." Ellie replied, popping the 'p' as she spoke.

Bones walked over to his own bed, pulled back the covers, and got into it, pulling up the sheets and comforter. He shut off the light, leaving Jim to his reading by the padd light.

Moments later, Jim's padd clicked off, plunging the entire room into darkness, with the exception of a few small night lights.

Thinking Jim had fallen asleep, she whispered over to McCoy. "Leonard?"

"Hmm?" she heard his whisper in the quiet room.

"Thank you. For saving my life. I appreciate it, although sometimes I'm still wondering why I'm here," she told him sincerely.

She could hear Bones turn over in his bed to look her way. "Why do you wonder? You've got a purpose, just like everyone else."

Ellie sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I dunno, I just… I've got this strange, sad feeling. That maybe I'm not meant to exist in your guys' lives. I guess the feeling has just been there for too long." She glanced over at Bones. "I mean, believe me, I'm trying to shake it. Ever since meeting my brother, meeting you, my life has felt nothing short of wonderful. But, someone once told me that everything happens for a reason. And I've been thinking… they were right. I died yesterday, Jim told me. You saved my life. And God, I wanna be thankful… so thankful for it. And I know, deep down, I am. But, right now, I'm feeling anything but. Just, don't take it the wrong way."

She could feel Bones's deep stare on her.

"Oh darlin…you listen to me, and you listen good." Bones spoke just as deep, his southern twang strong and determined. "You're meant to be here. With your brother, and with me. You're special, and I've only known you for not even a week. Not many people besides your brother can do that for me. You may think Jim might be the only one that needs you, but that's where you're wrong. 'Cause I need you, too."

"Really?" she asked softly.


Ellie was silent for a while. Bones was starting to wonder if she had fallen asleep.

Then out of the darkness came a murmured, "Thank you."

He smiled at her through the blackness. "Anytime, darlin'."

Another moment of silence passed between them.

"Leonard?" she asked quietly.

"Yea?" He yawned softly.

"I called you Bones, back there, didn't I?" Ellie was curious if she remembered correctly.

He nodded. "Sure did. Why?"

"You think Jim would be offended if uh, it kinda stuck for me, too?" She asked hesitantly, after all 'Bones' was the thing between her brother and him and not her.

"Nah, he wouldn't care. The kid would go through hell and back for you, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be offended if you shared the nickname." He chuckled.

Ellie smiled. "What about you?"

"Would I be offended? Naw. You can call me anything ya want." He grinned.

She smiled back at him. "Cool. Night, Bones."

"Night Ellie."

There was a moment of silence.

"Night John Boy!" Jim called out, bursting out laughing.

"Damnit, Jim!"


A/N: The dream sequence here, is violent. It doesn't go into major detail at first, but by the end of the dream, it does. Not specific down-to-the-needle detail, but you'll get the drift. Anyways, if you wish to skip this part, its basically about the abuse Ellie went through with her father.

**Dream Sequence**

"You're nothing but a burden to me!" A dark figure stood over her, shouting in anger. "No wonder your own mother didn't want you, no wonder you have no friends!"


"Daddy, please, please, stop!" A terrified child cried out.

"Not until you've learned your lesson! You hear me? You'll never amount to anything! Never! Nobody wants you, nobody needs you!"

The glass bottles scattered on the small coffee table top shattered underneath the weight of the young girl, as well as the glass inside the table, leaving her to fall completely through. Glass dug in her back, blood pouring from her skin.

"You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve to breathe!" He spat out, his spit landing in her face. "You don't deserve happiness."

"Then kill me," she challenged him.

"Luckily for you, I refuse to go to prison for murdering someone so worthless."

"Yeah, you keep spewing all that, old man," She scoffed. "But remember, I'm your flesh and blood."

"Ain't no flesh and blood of mine. I'll show you flesh and blood." He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, easily pulling her up. She was preparing to be thrown back down again, but he didn't.


With a sneer, he picked her up and headed for his own bedroom door.

"No…" She started to kick and punch him. "No! Let me go! I'll be good, I promise!"

"Oh, you'll be good alright," he said, shoving her through the door and slamming it behind him, locking it.

"Please, please, God, please don't…"

"Oh honey," he laughed maniacally." God's not saving you. Not now."

**End of Dream**


Ellie bolted up in bed, chest heaving, choking back silent sobs. She did her best not to wake anyone up, but she realized she wanted her brother.

"Jimmy?" she called out.

He groaned. "El? You okay?"

"No. God, no.." she cried, her voice cracking with emotion.

"What's wrong? Do I need to wake up Bones?" Jim sat up, concerned.

She took a few calming breaths. "No, it's just… just a bad dream. Just a really bad memory."

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked softly.

" No..." She let her voice trail off.


"I um… I..." Ellie hesitated, embarrassed that she was even bringing anything up.

"You can tell me, El," he murmured, understandingly.

"Can you come here? Sleep next to me?" she asked, her voice sounding small and unsure..

"You sure?" His eyebrows raised with surprise at both her question and hesitation.

Ellie nodded in the darkness, although she knew he couldn't see it. "Yeah."

"Alright." Jim gathered his pillow and his extra blanket. Walking over, he laid down next to his sister. He could feel her shaking. He wrapped his arms around her, willing his strength into her trembling body. "You need to calm down. I won't let anything get close to you. They'll have to go through Bones and me to get to you. I swear."

She breathed deeply, and willed her heart to stop racing. "I know."

Ellie burrowed deeper into Jim's warmth, her head resting on his shoulder. Surprised, she found herself comforted by his body being close to hers.

"Jim?" she whispered.


She glanced up at his closed eyes. "I need to go home. For a few days. Back to Arizona."

Jim was taken aback by her response, opened his eyes and gazed down at her. "Why? What good is left there?"

"None. I just… I need to lay some demons to rest. Or try to," she told him. "I can only try."

Jim sighed. "I'm going with you."

She raised her head up and looked directly into his piercing blue eyes. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Jimmy. You're my brother, our mother's son. You don't know how he could react when he thinks about that woman."

He met her stare straight-on. His voice hardened. "That's why I'm going. You need protection. We're not discussing this."

"Jim…" she pleaded.

"It's final. You're not going alone. Get some rest, you're safe. We'll talk to Pike in the morning to get the days."

Ellie sighed but nodded. She was losing her gift of debating. Thank you, Captain. Her mind snarked a reply.

She sighed and rested her head back on his shoulder. "Love you Jimmy."

"Love you too, Ellie," he murmured. The two of them let the silence of the room lull them to sleep.


A/N: Okay - wow! 10 pages typed. By the way, I cried my eyes out, writing this.
And, thank you Rynne, for being my amazing beta!