Disclaimer: I do not own Sword Art Online

Summary: What if Kirito declines the offer of Kayaba Akihiko to duel with him? This story will show what will happen to Kirito, Asuna and the others when instead of beating Kayaba early, they will fight him in the 100th floor. There will also be an OC who joins Kirito and the others in their journey to the 100th floor.

Author's note: Due to all the requests to me for rewriting the first chapter has been made, I decided to rewrite this very old chapter with all the things I learned on the way… I hope that it will grasp all your expectations this time so I do hope that you will all enjoy.

Let's start the story with a 1st P.O.V of the OC, shall we? Here goes…


It has been 2 years now… so far we are in floor 76 after we beat up that horrifying boss. It may look so close but it is actually so far… my player name is… Koyero. My real full name? It's classified for your information! I had met Kirito in the Town of Beginnings once and I joined the Knights of Blood a year ago.

My weapon is a Zweihander with a long hilt and a very unforgiving sharp edge. I am currently level 71 and I only take part of the back-up forces… Forget about me, right now since we lost 14 people in the boss fight we decided to regroup for now and get our strength back. Kirito for now is residing at his house with Asuna in floor 22. I, on the other hand, am training around floor 62.

I have to admit… Even though I'm at a high level, I seem to get a hard time with these kinds of monsters… That is why I train in lower levels to get more used to my Zweihander or maybe is it because of my armor? I think my armor is perfectly fine though… It's good for level 70 characters… I really wonder why I went with this weapon of choice anyway… but I like it so I decided not to replace it.

3rd Person P.O.V

In Koyero's situation…

Koyero was still level 72, after all these hours of fighting and falling, he only managed to gain 1 level. He felt quite discouraged until he found a treasure chest which caught his eye but he used his trap-seeing skill before he went there to avoid unnecessary traps to spring. He triple checked and there were no monsters around so he went towards the chest, knowing there were no monsters guarding it. When he was about to open it, another hand touched the chest at the exact same time with him which made him feel pissed. He first checked the crystal above him/her like what Kirito said, and it revealed green so it's safe… for now.

"I saw this chest first!" Koyero argued as he tried shoving whoever it was near him.

"No I did!" The person protested which revealed a girl voice when she spoke.

'A girl?' Koyero had some thoughts about giving it to her instead but he doubted that and decided to add fuel to the fire since he thought it may aid him in getting the chest.

"Look here missy, I need that chest way more than you do!" Koyero refused to lose to this player in an argument.

"Why you…" The girl backed away slightly but showed no sign of surrendering.

"What is your name first? I may just get second thoughts…" Koyero did some prideful stance as a mood swing occurred.

"You are weird… Anyway I am Silica." Silica introduced herself as Pina roosted on her arm which made her point at her feathery dragon. "And this is Pina."

"…I still get what's in it!" Koyero made history repeat itself and began arguing with Silica on who gets it once again.

"Let's open it together then! It will be less time-consuming than arguing…" Silica finally calmed down a bit so that she could figure out something.

"Fine!" Koyero agreed as they both opened the chest.

"RAAHHH" A giant leech screeched as it jumped out of the chest.

"I thought my trap-seeing skill would not allow traps like this to remain unseen…" Koyero twitched in a slight rage as he shivered slightly.

"What are you doing?! We have to fight it then!" Silica shook Koyero all over so that Koyero would snap out of his trance of fear.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't die, will ya?" Koyero bragged after reverting back to normal as he sent an invitation to Silica to party with him.

"Fine… just for now…" Silica hesitantly accepted the invitation from this weird stranger she just met.

"What level is that monster anyway?" Koyero turned to Silica as he evaded an attack from this disgusting monster.

"I don't know…" Silica managed to scratch the leech a bit with her dagger as Pina stopped roosting so that it can help its master.

"Umm… its level 65 I think… more or less…" Koyero gulped as a sting of worry paralyzed him from attacking.

"It just looks like an oversized leech. We can take it, stranger..." Silica reverted back to her cheerful self but still hasn't accepted Koyero.

"You are just words, aren't you Silica?" Koyero snapped out once heard her words and pulled out his signature weapon, his Zweihander.

"Back to you…" Silica murmured as she wielded her dagger.

'Yeah… Silica's right on one thing though. How can an oversized leech kill us?' Koyero gave himself some encouragement.

"Well then I'll start it off, you may sit back and watch." Koyero bowed liked a performer before charging towards the leech monster.

"Show-off…" Silica pouted just by hearing his barks a lot ever since she met him.

As Koyero charged, he attempted to attack from above but the leech monster instantly made him go inside its mouth. Silica was astonished by what just happened and checked his life bar. It was already 80% left already… After she checked the bar, she got a message from someone. She checked her inbox and it revealed that it was from Koyero. The message stated to get help since it seems he was stuck somewhere inside it. Silica sighed at this and wondered if Kirito could help so she sent him a message.

In Kirito's situation…

Kirito woke up from his sleep while still being beside Asuna on the bed. He smiled at this and softly kissed her on the cheek. At the same time he kissed, he got a message. Curious by this, since he didn't have much people messaging him, he checked it. It was from Silica and as he read it, he noticed that she messaged something about her party member dying. As he saw this, he got a flashback from what happened to his old guild… Determined, Kirito messaged Asuna about going somewhere and began to go to the teleportation area. He set out arrive at floor 62.

After a few seconds, he arrived at floor 62 and began going to Silica's location. He went west like what the message said and then after around 38 steps he went north. After this he finally saw Silica taking caution as she was against the oversized leech.

"Who's in that leech, Silica?" Kirito pulled out his dual blades as he jumped on the leech and gave small blows to it and flipped away.

"Umm… let's just say that it is one of my party members who just charged carelessly into that leech's mouth…" Silica sighed, hoping that she didn't embarrass herself in front of Kirito just because of some reckless behavior by her comrade.

"Would you just help me already?!" Koyero messaged to Kirito and Silica from inside the leech, still attempting to reach his weapon.

"I am…" Kirito began a swift combo on the side of it and finished it off with a huge cut horizontally.

"RAAH!" The leech tried to slam Kirito but unfortunately failed due to the high speed of Kirito.

"How did you get eaten by this thing if I may ask?" Kirito made a voice message to Koyero as he dodged all its attacks easily.

"Hey, just because you are rescuing me, doesn't mean that you can ask me questions like that!" Koyero replied via voice message as he got a slight grip on his Zweihander.

"Don't worry, this monster should die soon. It's HP is already dangerously low." Kirito messaged him again as he noticed that the HP of the monster was dangerously low.

"Really? Mine is too!" Koyero complained with his voice message as he noticed that his HP was also dangerously low.

"Guess I have to finish this now!" Kirito leaped high into the air as he gave the finishing blow to the monster, giving such a huge cut and making the leech turn into digital particles.

"Oww…" Koyero fell face-first on the ground.

"You can sure endure! You have like 50 HP left." Silica broke Koyero's thunder by her words.

"You wanted me to die didn't you?" Koyero crossed his arms after standing up.

"Would you two just stop?" Kirito requested as he sheathed his dual blades as he sighed since he knew that Koyero was really always like this and that only he or Asuna could stop his tantrums since he would be too stubborn if it were to be somebody else.

"Pfft… Fine… just because you're the one requesting, Kirito-san." Koyero gets his Zweihander and finally sheathes it.

"Finally ended, huh?" Silica sighed in relief as she wiped off a slight trail of sweat.

"Heal…" Koyero spoke while using his healing potion.

"You didn't even give a proper introduction yet..." Silica reminded Koyero who just stood up.

"Name's Koyero, I am part of the back-up forces of Knights of Blood… Are you happy now?" Koyero managed to give a better introduction but that didn't stop him from sighing.

'So what if I add her in my friend list?' Koyero pondered this idea in his head for a while.

He pressed some buttons and he sent it, hoping that she would be ever so kind enough to accept it. Silica got the request after a short pause and gave a small sigh then she accepted it out of pity since he might do something stupid like he did a while ago.

'Just as planned!' Koyero did a victorious pat on himself as he was getting some 'thoughts' because of his random mood swings.

"I'll be going back to Asuna then..." Kirito bids farewell as he goes away.

"Why are you spacing out Koyero?" Silica blinked twice as she was confused by his sudden change.

"N-Nothing Silica!" Koyero began squeezing her cheeks which was instantly rejected by Silica.

"No squeezing!" Silica started to make him stop.

"But you so cute… I can't resist you…" Koyero complimented her which made her fluster a bit before regaining her cool.

"Umm… I don't know how to respond to that…" Silica still had that flustered face which she was trying to remove.

"Hey! Now you're blushing? What is wrong with you?!" Koyero suddenly became angry due to his mood swings.

"You tell me first! What is wrong with you?!" Silica started to get really annoyed now.

"… Fine… I am sorry…"

"…I will never understand you, Koyero…"

End of Prologue