A/N: This is one of my older fics I found on my computer. I'm posting the first four chapters of it today. Let me know if you want more. The update for Windows to Memories is taking longer than anticipated. I plan on having Remy & Jubilee in it a bit more and maybe some action too. I should have another update for The Re-education of Tigger up by the end of the week. Thanks to everyone who's been reading and reviewing.

Feel free to review. Happy reading. :-)

Logan came downstairs into the recreation room and sat down on the couch next to Jean and Storm. He groaned with annoyance when he realized they were watching Oprah. Scott, Bobby, Peter and Kurt were playing pool nearby.

"So Logan, where's the little wife?" Jean asked teasingly.

Without a hint of amusement in his voice he answered, "Doing her homework."

Jean and Storm exchanged curious/concerned looks and then Jean cleared her throat before clarifying, "It was a joke, Logan. We found out this morning that Rogue does your laundry and cleaning."

"She does the grocery shopping too," Storm chimed in cheerfully. "And she cooks for him."

"Yeah, you got it pretty good don't you?" Jean was teasing him again.

Logan didn't reply, just leaned forward and took the newspaper from the coffee table and began to read. The women exchanged a look again then shrugged and went back to their show. He finished his paper about ten minutes later then got up and walked over to the pool table. He had just started playing Scott, Bobby and Peter when Rogue and Jubilee came into the room. Rogue came over to Logan as he was taking his shot and he raised a brow at her in question.

"Sugar, Jubes wants to go to the mall," Rogue told him. He nodded, took his shot then straightened and took his wallet out of his back pocket, gave her his debit card, and smiled.

"Don't go over the limit, baby," Logan said quietly. She nodded. "And don't let Yellow get you into trouble. Call me if you need me."

"I won't, honey. And we'll be careful, promise. You're the best," Rogue grinned at him and stood on tiptoe to kiss his sideburns then she and Jubilee left.

Scott studied Logan curiously a moment then asked, "You let her use your debit card?"

"Sure," Logan shrugged like it was perfectly normal to give an eighteen year old girl free reign of your bank account. "I told her I'd get her a card for her too but she likes it this way. I put her on my bank account when we came here and I opened her a trust savings account to put her money in that she makes too. She's saving it for a vacation to Australia and New Zealand for her twenty-first. I told her she didn't need to. If she wants to go there for her birthday I'll take her. She said yeah but she'll want to do some shopping too and there's something else she wants to buy but she won't tell me what it is."

"You trust an eighteen year old girl with your bank account," Scott said slowly, his face full of shock and disbelief. "Jean and I don't even have a joint account."

"I trust Rogue with everything I've got," Logan told him with dead seriousness. "And I do mean everything, money being the least of it."

"How did the trip to Gatlinburg go?" Peter asked him. To all their astonishment, Logan blushed then cleared his throat.

"It was great. We had a great time," Logan answered trying to sound casual about it. "She took lots of pictures. I'm sure she'd show them to you."

"Do anything special?" Bobby asked next.

"The whole trip was special," Logan said. "It was her birthday."

Scott, Bobby and Peter exchanged amused and somewhat worried looks over Logan's uncharacteristic openness. He had been in an extremely good mood since he and Rogue returned from their three week vacation to Tennessee. He hadn't made any of the junior X-Men cry once all week.

Logan's cell rang then and he answered it. "What's wrong?" he asked. All three men knew without asking that it was Rogue.

"Sugar, nothing's wrong. I wanted to know if you needed anything while I'm here in town," Rogue said over the phone and Logan visibly relaxed a little.

"Nah, baby I'm good. Just don't let Yellow talk you into buying anything ridiculous," he said.

"Of course not, Logan. I was thinking though maybe we could go out tonight for dinner," Rogue suggested softly. Logan knew that tone. It was the 'I really want this but I'm shy about asking for it' tone. He smiled.

"Sure, baby. We can do that," he replied gently. He was almost certain she was smiling when she spoke again.

"Great, sugar. You won't regret it. I gotta go now. We're here," she said.

"Okay, darlin. I'll see you later," Logan said then he whispered 'I love you' into the phone where the others couldn't hear and she whispered it back then they hung up.

"What was that you said at the end?" Peter asked curiously.

"None of your business," Logan replied gruffly. "And it's rude to listen in on people's phone calls."