We're Together Now, Seriously!

A Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls Story

You'll be my It Girl, Seriously! Part 1

Introduction: A new story based on an anime show by me. Hope everyone enjoys reading it! This will be series of different one shots and some multi-part ones as well. It is going to be M-rated obviously. So be forewarned before you read, but if you've played the PC/PS3 game or watched the anime, than you already knew that.

Yamato Naoe sighed.

Rubbing the back of his head, he sat in front his big screen TV cross-legged and openly debating if he should open the DVD case that held one of his pornos. Yamato hesistated, thinking that Miyako Shiina had not-so-secretly switched the discs with one of her own. Once again - though unsuccessfully - trying to make him fall in love with her.

He sighed again and shut his eyes. Standing up, he turned walked towards the wall on his right, pulling a portrait of him, Momoyo Kawakami, Miyako, Kazuko Kawakami, Yukie Mayuzumi with Matsukaze in her hands as always and Christiane Friedrich in front of the dorm. Placing the frame down, he popped open a panel and a hidden compartment opened revealing his hidden porn stash. Placing the DVD on top of his stack of magazines, dirty manga, he carefully and quietly shut the compartment and slipped the portrait back to cover it.

Lowering his head, he hadn't felt good since the battle at the prime minister's residence. Backed into a corner, he wanted to confess that he loved Momoyo, but didn't want to hurt the other girl's feelings, which is why he created the bullshit 'I love my hermit crabs' story. He knew it was stupid, but what else could he do?

"I'm such an idiot." Yamato mumbled as he slapped his forehead.

He walked out of his room and decided to take a walk to ease his mind; he figured that instead of heading for his usual resting spot at the river, he'd head into downtown Kawakami City and wander about for a few hours. Classes were ending soon and summer break was just around the corner, so he didn't really have any studying to do.

As he walked through the halls of the house, he thought about how it was finally time to tell Momoyo that loved her and wanted to be with her. And that he wasn't going to take no for an answer or let her shoot him down for a third time. This time they would be together. This time he wouldn't have to jerk off to porno anymore.

This time…


He stopped in mid stride, he already had reached the front door and was about to grab the handle and exit, but stopped when he heard the familiar voice of particular purple-haired girl.

Peering over his shoulder he saw Miyako standing only a few feet behind him wearing short shorts, and a blue t-shirt. Miyako was the last person he wanted to see right now and he could imagine what she would do with him today.

"What is it Miyako?" Yamato asked.

"Where are you going?" Miyako asked, fists on her hips. "You didn't ask if I could join you?"

"Well…" He turned to face her completely. "I have lots of thinking to do and wanted to do it alone."

"Whatever thinking you need to do can be done later." Miyako replied as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his left smiling and blushing. "You and me are going on a date."

"When did we agree to that?!" Yamato asked as he tried to pull away.

"We agreed to go on a date every Saturday after our first one." Miyako cheerfully said, though she knew it was a fabrication.

"I never agreed to that!" He pulled away successfully and walked outside preparing to run like the wind and as far from Miyako as possible.

"Yamato!" Miyako called out. "You don't like me anymore?" He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, he really didn't have time for this.

"If that's the case," She put a finger to her chin and started to act all cute. "Then I guess I'll go into your room and start looking for some of your new hiding spots for your pornos while you're away."

Miyako turned heading back inside before she was stopped by Yamato. He did not want her finding his new hiding spot behind the portrait, even if he knew it was inevitable.

"Okay! We're on another date!" He yelled out.

"Yay!" Miyako wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her cheek against his neck. "I love you Yamato, unlike your hermit crabs."

Yamato dragged Miyako along with him. Knowing his plans to finally confess his love for Momoyo would be on hold for now. Though he'd find a way to get Miyako off him sooner or later. Then he'd be off to find Momoyo.

She lied back on the grassy hill that overlooked the river in front of her. Dressed in her favorite purple shirt with the cute squirrels and a pair of blue short shorts, Momoyo stared blankly at the sky above her. Resting her arms behind her head, she thought about how insane it was for her Yamato to love hermit crabs.

Then again, he didn't want to hurt the other girls by revealing that he loved her. So it made sense in Yamato's mind to make up a bullshit story about those little crustaceans. Though they certainly were cute and fun to watch whenever she was in his room.

Yet, she hadn't felt right since the battle at the prime minister's house ended. And she knew that her Yamato felt the same exact way. They hadn't spoken to each other much since then and with summer break upon them, there was no way they would be avoiding each other even if they wanted to.

So, it lead to this, the time had come for her and Yamato to confront one another about their true feelings. No stress relief, silliness, or awkward moments this time and especially no interruptions. They'd have to find someplace where they could be alone, but given how Miyako was constantly all over him and Chris always wanted to watch TV and films with him, it certainly wasn't going to be easy.

"Ugh." Momoyo yelled out, sitting up and leaning back with her arms behind her. "Dammit, Yamato!"

Momoyo stared at the clear blue waters in front of her about ready to get up and go looking for Yamato, when she heard the sound of a familiar voice.

"Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!"

Momoyo looked over to her right and saw Kazuko running in her running attire, and as she always did, dragging a large tire wrapped around a leather strap. She stopped when she noticed Momoyo sitting and looking at her.

"Big sister!" Kazuko said cheerfully, she hopped over and the tire flew up in the air and landed in her hands. "What brings you here?"

"Hey, Doggie." Momoyo replied, getting up and stretching, her massive breasts jiggling a bit as she got up. "Just thinking, that's all."

"Thinking? About what?" Kazuko asked with a curious expression.

"Oh, nothing really. Just… …Stuff"

"Stuff?" Kazuko asked as she stepped closer. "Is it about Yamato?"

Momoyo was taken slightly aback and stared back at her. "Uh… Sorta."

Kazuko stared back and a long pause went on between them. Neither said anything until Kazuko placed the tire down on the ground and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Is it because he said he loved his hermit crabs more than you, me or the others?" She cut right to the point, which was somewhat out-of-character for her. "Are you that upset by it?"

Momoyo lowered her head and looked at the grass beneath her and didn't quite know how to respond. It was the truth, she was upset, albeit slightly, over Yamato's stupid confession. But it was the fact that she knew that he loved her as more than a big sister or as a friend. That he wanted to be with her and while she didn't know if they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, she wanted to find out if they could.

Momoyo looked up and sighed heavily. "Yeah, I am, it bothers me. I know how he feels about me and I think he knows how I feel about him. But I'm scared, I don't know if he's scared too though."

Kazuko tapped her cheek with a finger in thought. "Well, you should find him and go someplace where you'd both be alone and discuss it like adults."

Momoyo's ears perked up at hearing the reply. "Wait… What?"

"Yeah, find a place that no one will find either of you and then confess your feelings." Kazuko said. "And if he rejects you this time, he'll come to me for support!"

Momoyo felt a swell of anger develop inside her after hearing the last statement, but decided not to act upon it. Kazuko was who she was, but that didn't justify her making that statement that Yamato would reject her and then he'd run off to find Doggie. Maybe she should use the whistle she carried in her pocket to call her and shove it up her ass. But it wasn't the end of the world and she wasn't worried about what Yamato would say or not say.

"Well, hopefully it doesn't come to that." Momoyo said, brushing off the last statement. She started to walk away and look for Yamato, figuring he'd be stuck with Miyako again.

"Have fun training Doggie, I'll see later for dinner." Waving her hand as she walked away.

"Bye, big sister!" Kazuko waved back smiling brightly. She turned on her heel and started her jogging again. Knowing that Yamato, if he was heartbroken again, would come to her, she loved him very much and would do anything to make him happy.

If you get hurt again Yamato. I'll be there for you. She thought happily as she jogged down the dirt path.

Next: Part 2