I'm sorry this is so late, I had major writer's block and honestly I wasn't sure where to go with it but I think I've got some ideas. Please, PLEASE let me know what you think of it! It gives me motivation! ANyway, thank you for reading! -C

Vi woke up early the next morning, putting extra effort into her appearance. She curled her long dark brown hair and wore her favorite clothes. Despite everything that happened, getting shot by her best friends aunt and nearly dying, she was in a wonderful mood. She tried not to assume this was a result of the kiss so she put it in the back of her mind and enjoyed the happiness. She looked over her outfit one last time before she left for school. She wore a slouchy tank with her favorite jeans and a pair of flats. She looked down at her arm, still not believing that she had been shot just over a day ago. She shook it off and headed to school with Ava.

Vi was ambushed by Stiles and Scott as she attempted to retrieve her books from her locker.

"We need to talk." Scott furrowed his brow so intensely that Vi almost couldn't take him seriously.

"About?" She opened her locker door and started shuffling through her bag.

"You two have a lot in common," Stiles suspiciously looked around as he whispered. "You're werewolves."

"I know," She quickly shut her locker and headed down the hall while the two boys followed. "What do we need to talk about?"

"We could help each other out. The same thing is happening to you, right? You're being called out against your will?"

"And have you learned to control that?"

"Well, no but-"

"Derek has. I mean, you seem like a nice guy, but what could you teach me that he can't?"

"Look, Derek is psychotic and you should stay away from him," Stiles butted in, "Plus, he's wanted for murder."

"I don't believe that at all. All I've been to him is a burden and he still kept me alive yesterday. I'm sure it would have been much easier for him to let me die, don't you think?" Vi turned and faced the boys. "I'll see you at lunch, I have class."

There was an audible sigh from the boys behind her as she entered her class and took her seat next to Allison.

"Hey, where were you yesterday? I tried to call." Allison asked with eyes filled with genuine concern.

"Migraine, it was terrible. I just stayed in bed all day." She hated lying to her friend, but she didn't really have a choice. It's not like she could have told the truth. "Your aunt shot me with a magic bullet and it almost killed me but voila, here I am."

"Aw, well if it makes you feel any better, I had a pretty awkward evening. I'll tell you about it after school."

Vi smiled and nodded at Allison. She was so thankful that she had someone she could act like a normal teenager around. It's not like she wasn't thankful that she had Ava to talk to, but when she got to hang out with Allison it was like she had never been bitten and she was back to worrying about making the swim team or getting that cute guy to notice her. Although, she had a feeling she already had someone's attention, or at least she hoped she had.

The day seemed to fly by and before she knew it, she was walking into the parking lot with Allison and Lydia.

"...and then she accused Scott of going through her bag, except it was me. I had to tell my own Dad that I stole a condom from her. It was the worst."

Lydia scoffed and examined her manicure as if Allison's problems were below her. Vi ignored her selfish tendencies and continued to focus her attention on Allison. "Wow, that does sound like the worst! What happened after he left?"

"Probably the most awkward lecture of my entire life! Ahh," She buried her face in her hands, "I so want to forget about the whole thing!"

"I can imagine. Well why don't we have a girl's night at my house?" Vi said as Ava joined them.

"That sounds great!" Allison seemed legitimately excited to hang out, and that was refreshing as opposed to Lydia's superior demeanor. "I just have to go home and grab some stuff, are you coming Lydia?"

"I don't have anything else to do, so I might as well. You girls have to let me fix those nails though."

"Hmm, sure. See you at my place." Vi said as the other two girls walked away. She examined her own nails. "They don't look that bad, do they?"

Ava sighed. "Of course not, why do you even want to hang out with her, she's popular and everything but she's so rude." Ava shook her head as they headed to their mother's car.

"I don't think she really has anyone else."

"I'm not surprised."

"I guess I'm not either, but I feel bad for her."

"Hmm." Ava had to admire her sister's tolerance even if she didn't understand it. She just hoped that after everything that had recently happened, maybe Vi could have a normal night. "So what happened in the car after I went inside last night?" She looked over at Vi who immediately blushed.

"Nothing! I mean, we kissed. Well, I kissed him."

"Did he kiss you back?"

"Yeah. It's no big deal." Vi shook it off but on the inside she wished that he was thinking about it as much as she had been. "I mean, he saved my life, or helped at least."

"Are you going to see him again?"

"Well he's the only experienced werewolf I know of, so probably."

Ava nodded in agreement. "Well, maybe there's something there. You never know."

"Maybe. I'm trying not to put too much thought into it right now though. I mean, adjusting to a new school is stressful enough, and adding our extra-curricular activities doesn't help." She shrugged it off. "I guess I'll just see if it goes anywhere."

Ava nodded in agreement.

Girls night was in full swing, and surprisingly enough, Lydia was actually kind of fun to be around. The girls were surrounded by junk food and magazines while taking turns deciding what song they should play next.

"Ava, let me paint your nails." Lydia waved for the youngest girl to come sit by her. "I think you should go with a really dark blue. Like this one," She held up a color and Ava knew her opinion wasn't needed. At least she liked the color. "So Ava, have you met any cute boys in your grade?"

"Well, no. None my age."

Lydia's eyes lit up. "So, older guys then? Who?"

"Well, Stiles is kinda cute. And he's actually really really smart."

"Uhm, what's a Stiles?"

Allison chimed in. "Oh he's Scott's best friend. Maybe I can put your name out there, see if he's interested?"

"Oh no no. I mean, I'm only 13, He probably would never think of me that way." Ava shook her head, slightly embarrassed.

"Well, it's only three years difference, that's not too terrible. What about you, Vi? Do you have your eye on anyone?" Allison changed the subject, seeing that Ava was getting uncomfortable.

Before Vi could answer, Ava blurted out: "Well she kissed Derek."

"Derek Hale, the one who gave us a ride that night? I knew it!" Allison seemed pleased with herself.

"Wait, didn't he kill his sister?" Lydia said, reminding Vi that she wasn't this cheery and friendly all the time.

"Well, I mean, can they even prove that?" Vi felt a cool rush swallow her stomach whole. No part of her believed he could kill his own sister, but how was she supposed to convince anyone else? "I try not to believe everything I hear."

"Well I've met him a couple times. He gave us a ride home from the middle of nowhere once and we're still here." Ava said as she looked at her freshly painted nails. "He seems harmless."

Lydia shrugged, "So tell us about Scott, Allison."

Thankfully Derek wasn't mentioned any more that night and soon after that they all passed out watching The Notebook.

Over the next few weeks they had a lot of slumber parties that usually ended the same way, junk food, gossip, and then passing out to a chick flick. Vi felt pretty normal, aside from seeing Kate at Allison's house. She had picked up that Kate never realized it was Vi that she had shot. Part of her was relieved, but a bigger part of her knew that she was bound to cross paths with Kate again, and that she wasn't even close to being prepared for it. For now, she would smile pretend that she didn't know what Allison's family was a part of.

More had changed for her than she realized, so much that she couldn't even sleep anymore. Most nights she laid in bed thinking about it for hours before she fell asleep, and on this particular night she heard something strange. A howl, but not the alpha's, this howl was from Scott. She didn't know if it was because he was her friend, or because he was technically part of her pack, but she felt something in her gut that forced her to find him. She rushed to get dressed and left the house as quietly as she could.

She ran in the direction that the sound came from and it led her to the school. At first she thought she must be lost, but Stiles' jeep was in the parking lot. She walked cautiously up to the door before the bitter smell of blood filled her senses, stopping her in her tracks. She could feel her eyes adjusting to the dark as she scanned the parking lot for the source of what smelled like a lot of blood. After walking around outside for a few minutes the smell got stronger, leading her to a body.
