i am six years old, my name is maximum but i go by max. this is the Beginning of my story.

i stood in the snow watching it fall down around me. i am six years old right now. the snow is beautiful like angels falling from the sky. i had gotten lost on my way home from school chasing a bunny. now im in the middle of the forest with no way home.

get out of here max, its not safe the voice inside my head had said. i ignored it.

i was looking around when something red caught my eye. i walked towards it. big mistake. it was blood. there was a man standing above it with an animistic look on his face. " are you lost little girl" he had said.

" n-n-no" i stammered watching as blood dripped from his mouth. his eyes were red and he looked like he was going to eat me.

" now now don't lie to me little girl" he taunted as he walked towards me. i screamed and tried to run but he grabbed me by the neck of my shirt. he was about to bit me when out of nowhere came a streak of black knocking the man over. there were two men now both fighting in the snow the new one one as he stood up over me. he looked to be 17 with glowing red eyes much kinder than the one before.

" are you OK" he had asked with a soft brotherly voice.

" yes i'm fine, that man over there was just being a meanie i didn't need any help" i had replied stubbornly. he just chuckled. i finally took a good look at him. he had long black hair and a defined face. his eyes had turned black after the fight and his smile showed sharp teeth.

"okay then lets get you home so he doesn't bother you some more" the man suggested. i just smiled and nodded my head. he grabbed my hand and we started walking in the opposite direction as i was going in, so i was lost.

when we got to my house i looked up to thank him and ask him his name but he was already gone. oh well i decided to drop it and go inside to see my dad.

fangs Pov

after getting the little one home i went back to the forest were the other vampire had attacked her. i saw him picking himself off the ground and healing himself.

" what do you think you are doing" i yelled.

" having an afternoon snack" Ari had replied easily.

" you know the rules, no eating humans only animal" i yelled back. it was strange getting emotional about this when i hardly showed any emotion.

" i'll remember that for next time" he brushed me off and walked away. i stood there for a minute too. then i went home not really feeling like feeding tonight. that girl, she looked familiar. I knew sometime this would come back to bite me literally and figuratively.

well i hope you like it 5 reviews and i'll write the next chapter.