Okay, so this is the story with light vs dark and with Dragons, ect. So, please tell me if you think this is a stupid idea. This is different from the original idea I had. If you would like me to write the original as a diff story, I can. Um, so R&R? I got this from a random dream I had, but I had it awhile ago, so sorry if this sounds weird.

Rex laid on the bed, looking around. Where am I? He stood, and the scene shifted. He was standing on a planet that was close to pitch black. Turning, he saw large mountains standing high enough that he couldn't see the top. There was a roar of some kind, and the ground shook.

The rock beneath him crumbled and fell apart. He fell, landing in a room that was as bright as the white in the cloning facilities on Kamino. Rex started to walk around, looking at the floor when he stepped on something. It was a cord, and there were about a hundred going in the same direction. Following them, he ended up in a dark room, the only light coming from tubes long enough to hold people in.

Walking to one, he saw a girl. She was in the tube, and it looked like she was sleeping. The cords connected two to each wrists, ankles, and 3 to her chest and head. Her breathing was steady, but it was too slow also. Her eyes snapped open, light blue staring at him, when everything started to fade.


His head moved to the side, groaning at the stiffness. Slowly he opened his eyes, looking around. He was in a medical bed, and some stuff was hooked up to his arms.

"Rex, how're you feeling?" It was Ahsoka.

"Where am I, sir?"

"You're in the medical center on the Resolute."


"Rex," she hesitated, "you were in a coma. It's almost been a month since it began."