Chapter One: The Great Kings and Queens

I'M BAAAAACK! With the sequel to "The Lion Queen." I suggest you read that story or this one won't make the least bit of sense.

A quick note, I just read Heart of a Lioness: Through the Eyes of a Queen—Book One: Jolina by T5Tango, so there's a bit of her history here without giving it all away. I suggest reading that story along with T5Tango's Heart of a Lioness: Through the Eyes of a Queen—Book Two: Uru. I really am enjoying reading them.

Let's get this story underway!

Tama was walking to Rafiki's tree for Ashaki's two-month checkup, and a checkup of her own too. Ashaki struggled in Tama's mouth. Tama put Ashaki down and looked into her daughter's electric blue eyes.

"Ashaki, you have to behave. We're almost there, sweetie." Tama said to her daughter.

"Mommy! I don't want to see the cwazy monkey!" Ashaki said. Tama smiled and laughed.

"He's crazy, but think of it this way, baby, he made sure you were born." Tama said. Ashaki's eyes widened.

"Weally?" Ashaki asked. Tama nuzzled her daughter.

"Of course. Do you want to ride on my back the rest of the way?" Tama asked.

"Yeah!" Ashaki said. Tama lifted Ashaki and set her between her shoulder blades. Tama walked the rest of the way to Rafiki's tree with Ashaki on her back. She helped Ashaki climb the tree, climbing herself, finding it a little tiring since she had been carrying Ashaki. Rafiki jumped out of nowhere, spooking both Tama and Ashaki.

"Dere's de Queen and Princess! I was vedy worried you got lost!" Rafiki said.

"Lost? Rafiki I've been to the jungle and back. I think it's safe to say, I won't get lost." Tama said.

"Mommy's wight, Wafiki!" Ashaki said. Tama chuckled and nuzzled her daughter. Rafiki lifted Ashaki and started examining the two-month-old cub. Ashaki actually started to purr. Tama smiled.

"Clean bill of health. A healthy young cub." Rafiki set Ashaki down.

"Ashaki, why don't you go play over there while Rafiki checks up on me?" Tama asked. Ashaki padded to the other side of the tree and started chasing a butterfly while Rafiki checked her over.

"Seems you have been calmed since Ashaki was born." Rafiki said.

"Of course I have. I'm a mother now." Tama's golden eyes focused on Ashaki, making sure her daughter was in sight. Then Rafiki laughed.

"What is it?" Tama asked.

"Seems you'll be in a motherly way again soon." Rafiki said. Tama's eyes widened.

"What? Really? Again?" Tama asked.

"Ol' Rafiki never wrong about dese dings!" Rafiki said. Tama looked at her stomach.

"No wonder I've been so tired lately. I thought I was just worn out from Ashaki." Tama said. Ashaki padded over to her mother.

"Mommy? Awe you having a baby?" Ashaki asked. Tama licked her daughter's hairtuft.

"Yes, I am sweetie. You'll be a big sister." Tama said.

"YAY!" Ashaki celebrated. Rafiki chuckled.

"Do you wish for me do get Tojo do carry Ashaki?" Rafiki asked.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, Rafiki." Tama said. She lied down with her daughter and they played a bit. She was amazed at how much her daughter looked like her. The only thing that showed Ashaki was not Tama was her blue eyes, her dark eyerims and her sharp nose, the dark eyerims and the nose something she had inherited from Uru, and her blue eyes were Tojo's.

Rafiki arrived with Tojo at his side. Tojo looked at Tama, worry crossing his face.

"Tama? Tama what is it? Are you sick?" Tojo asked. Tama stood up.

"Calm down, I'm not sick. I'm having another cub." Tama said. Tojo's eyes grew wide.

"Another cub?" Tojo asked. Tama was amazed at Tojo's reaction.

"Are you upset by it?" Tama asked. Tojo started celebrating.

"No! I'm ecstatic! Another cub means our family will be complete." Tojo said, bumping heads with his mate.

"I know." Tama said. Ashaki placed herself between her father's paws. Tojo purred and picked Ashaki up, setting her between his shoulders.

"C'mon! I bet everyone will be as ecstatic as I am!" Tojo said. With that, the Royal Family set off for Pride Rock.

Once back at the giant rock, Sarabi, Simba, Nala, and Simba and Nala's son Kopa greeted Tojo, Tama, and Ashaki.

"When Rafiki got Tojo, we got worried. Is everything ok?" Simba asked his sister.

"I'm fine. Just pregnant." Tama smiled.

"Again?" Sarabi asked her daughter.

"Well, yeah. My family is slowly growing." Tama noted, nuzzling her daughter. Zazu landed next to Tama.

"There you are! When Tojo came and got you, I was worried sick!" Zazu said.

"Calm down, Zazu. I just couldn't carry Ashaki back, that's all." Tama said.

"Why is that? Are you hurt?" Zazu's eyes were wide. Tama smiled and glanced at her stomach. Zazu's expression softened.

"Oh, another heir is on the way! This is wonderful, my Queen!" Zazu said.

"Isn't it?" Tama asked. In one swift motion, Ashaki jumped from her father's shoulders onto the ground.

"I gonna be a big sistewr!" Ashaki announced. The adult lions and Zazu all laughed at Ashaki's enthusiasm.

Later on that night, Tama had taken Ashaki out to the top of Pride Rock. She was lying down, Ashaki between her forepaws. The mother and daughter stared up at the stars.

"Mommy? What awe stawrs?" Ashaki asked.

"They are the Great Kings and Queens of the Past, Ashaki." Tama said.

"How many Kings and Q-Q-Queens have thewre been, Mommy?" Ashaki asked.

Tama smiled at her daughter and said, "You're q's are getting better, sweetie. But there have been many. Should I start with the Kings?"

"Pwease!" Ashaki begged. Tama chuckled.

"It all started with Mohatu, who founded the Pridelands, the First King. He led the Pridelands with a gentle paw, and loved his daughter Uru with all his heart. He was a brown lion with a brown mane and amazing blue eyes. Then there was Ahadi, the first Golden King. Ahadi was a large, handsome lion with a golden pelt, a silky jet-black mane, and shocking bright emerald green eyes. After Ahadi was…" Tama prompted Ashaki.

"Gwandpa Mufasa!" Ashaki said.

"Yes, that's right. Mufasa was my father, the son of the Warrior Queen Uru and her mate Ahadi. The Gentle King. He looked a lot like Uncle Simba, just bigger like his father and a little brighter in color. And after Mufasa was Scar, or Taka. The Scarred King. He lead the Pridelands into turmoil, almost killing off the Pride, but it was nothing compared to what his mother had faced. I took power from him. And after Scar is…" Tama prompted.

"Daddy!" Ashaki said proudly.

"Yes, your daddy. The Savior King. He found me in the jungle after I had been banished by Scar as a cub." Tama said.

"Now onto the Q-Queens!" Ashaki prompted.

"Slow down, little one. Yes, onto the Queens. There was Jolina. The daughter of King Azir and Queen Aza, an unknown Princess. There was a prophecy held to the Wise Queen, that she would save her old pride, the pride she never knew. And she did, at the cost of her life for her lands and her child."

"W-Would you do the same fowr me, Mommy?" Ashaki asked her mother, her electric blue eyes wide.

"Any mother would, Ashaki. It's our instinct to protect our cubs. We have no choice but to do so, because your lives are so important to us. Fathers are the same as well." Tama said, remembering how her father had risked his life to save hers. And then he had given his life for hers. Had Sarabi been in that position, she would've done the same.

"But, what if…" Ashaki said.

"'Shaki, let me tell you something. Mother's Love. I'd give my life for you and for the cub I carry now. My lovely baby girl, let me tell you something my father told me," Tama looked at the sky, "look at the stars. The Great Kings and Queens of the Past look down on us from those stars. So even when I'm gone, I'm still with you, no matter what happens." A gentle breeze started blowing.

Well done, Tama… Mufasa said. Tears formed in Tama's eyes.

"Even when you'wre gone?" Ashaki asked.

"Even then. Daddy is the same way." Tama said, nuzzling her daughter.

"I love you, Mommy." Ashaki said.

"And I love you." And I will do anything it takes to protect you. Tama thought.

A/N: First chapter done! All right, like I said in my previous author's note, I'd suggest reading Jolina's Story as well as Uru's. The titles are mentioned in the above author's note. The author of those stories is T5Tango. Must I say anymore?

Jolina, Aza and Azir belong to T5Tango! Everything else to Disney, except Tama's new cub. That will be my OC.
