Purestongpoem: This is my first time writing a manual. So please don't be too harsh. I don't own any Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas' characters. Enjoy.

Leo Regulus: User Guide and Manual

Thank you for purchasing our Regulus unit. Please read the manual carefully.

Basic Information:

Name: Regulus Leo
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Male
Manufacture: In Athens, Greece

Your Regulus unit comes with:

- A Leo Gold Cloth
- A Leo Gold box (to put the gold cloth in)
- Blue pants
- A dirty shirt and pants (the clothes he wore in his Gaiden)
- Training clothes
- A painting of his father, Leo Ilias (his father to remember)

How to activate your Regulus unit:

It is easy to remove him. Just smile and say, "Hi, I am (your name)" in a cheerful voice. Regulus would come out and greet you happily.

About Regulus:

Regulus is the youngest gold saint and a prodigy. He is known to be a combat specialist. He is a cheerful, energetic, naive and innocent boy. He is very social. It is easy to get along with him. Although he is a genius and noticed everything around him, he can be very oblivious at times.


- Lion's eyes (is not an attack but a talent)
- Lighting Plasma
- Lighting Bolt
- Lightning Crown
- Athena Exclamation (can only be done with Aries Shion and Sagittarius Sisyphus)
- Zodiac Calamation (locked)
- magic (locked)
- Ability to see magic
- other abilites he copied (locked, last for a limit time)

In order to unlock his ability, Zodiac Calamation, just have your Regulus unit fight with the
Wyvern Rhadamanthys unit. But beware, both units might be destroyed. To have your unit using magic, just have a Failinis unit teach him. To have your unit using other abilities he copied, just let him copy someone's ability. However, it only lasts for a limit time.


Cheerful and energetic: Regulus is always cheerful and will talk to anybody. He is very energetic and will ask to train or spar with anyone.

Sad: This mode can be activated when Regulus remember his father. He will be very sad that he saw his father, Leo Ilias die. Angry mode can be activated from the sad mode. You can change his mode by leaving a Sagittarius Sisyphus, Taurus Aldebaran, or Unicorn Yato unit with him. They will cheer him up.

Angry: This mode can be activated either after the sad mode or seeing a Wyvern Rhadamanthys unit. He is very angry at the fact that Wyvern Rhadamanthys unit killed his father, Leo Ilias and will be out for revenge.

Confused: This mode can be activated if he is talking to the Leo Ilias unit or there is a conversation about emotions, devotion or dedication.


Sometimes your unit forgets to clean himself and will be dirty. Just remind your unit to clean himself and he will do it himself. Your unit is not messy so you don't have to worry about that.


Your unit is fine with any food. He prefers Greek food. He likes sugary food but remember not to give him too much. He is already energetic, you don't want him to be hyper. He also likes fish and fruits since he had been in the forest for most of his life.

Compatible with:

Sagittarius Sisyphus: He is your unit's uncle and teacher. He greatly respect and admire the Sisyphus unit.

Unicorn Yato: He is your unit's best friend. They will hang out, spar/train together. Your unit will also annoyed the Yato unit. The Yato's unit is jealous of your unit while your unit remain oblivious.

Leo Ilias: He is your unit's father. Your unit greatly admire and respect the Ilias unit. Sometimes the Ilias unit can confuse your unit with his strangeness.

Taurus Aldebaran: He is your unit's best friend/master/spar opponent. They spend a lot of time together. They can spar, bake and talk with each other.

Sasha/Athena: She is your unit's goddess. Your unit will protect, listen and respect her.

Connor (in the Leo Gaiden): She is your unit's friend. They will talk to each other and spend time together. Your unit might or might not have a crush on her depending on how much time they spend together.

Failinis (in the Leo Gaiden): She knows your unit. At first, she will doubt your unit's abilities as a gold saint but later she will accept his strength. She also gets irritated that your unit can get distracted easily. She can also teach your unit magic.


Pope Sage: Your unit will respect and listen to this unit.

Other saints: Comrade. Your unit is cheerful and nice to the others.


Hades: He is your unit's enemy and your unit will try to defeat him.

Wyvern Rhadamanthys: Your unit despise this unit. The Rhadamanthys unit had killed your unit's father, Leo Ilias Your unit will try to have revenge and will do anything to destroy the Rhadamanthys unit.

Behemoth Violate: Your unit will fight with this unit. Your unit also secretly admire this unit for her dedication and loyalty to her master, Garuda Aiacos.

Other Specters: They are your unit's enemy and will eliminate them.

CrĂșaich (in the Leo gaiden): He is the enemy and if the Conner unit is there, your unit will do anything to protect her against him.

Banshee Shelley: She is your unit's enemy.


Q: My unit would not stop talking and it is giving me a headache. I tried telling him nicely to stop but he won't stop. What do I do?

A: Interesting, most of the time he would listen. Well, you have two options. The first option is you can have a Pope Sage or Sagittarius Sisyphus unit to tell him to stop. The second option is to grab another unit preferably a Yato or Aldebaran unit and have him talk to that unit instead. If that doesn't work, then it might be that Regulus have a crush on you and is mostly likely talking gibberish because he doesn't know what to do.

Q: My unit is being very quiet and is looking at the trees. Is this normal?

A: Yes, it is normal. He must be remembering that his father told him about talking to the Earth. He is trying to understand what his father meant. He is trying to talk to the Earth. Don't worry. In a few minutes, he will get bored and confused thinking about it. He will convert back to his cheerful self soon.

Q: My unit is copying everything I am doing. At first, it was sweet. Now it is annoying. What do I do?

A: Just tell him nicely to stop or have a Sagittarius Sisyphus unit tell him to stop.

Q: My unit is getting chubby. What should I do?

A: Your unit is probably spending too much time with Aldebaran unit and eating too many cookies. If that happens, you should suggest your unit to train more with the Aldebaran unit to balance it out.

Q: My unit is asking me a lot of questions. Is this normal?

A: Yes. Your unit is program to be curious.

Q: My unit is getting distracted so easily. Is this normal?

A: Yes, it is normal.

You can now enjoy your Regulus unit as long as you follow the instructions. Your unit have a lifelong guarantee. We hope you enjoy your unit.e hope you enjoy your unit.

Purestrongpoem: This is the list I am doing in no particular order:

Sisyphus, Regulus, Shion, Dohko, Albafica, El Cid, Aldebaran, Alone, Hades, Pandora, Sasha/Athena, Tenma, Yato, Yuzuriha, Pope Sage, Hakurei, Asmita, Manigoldo, Thanatos, Hypnos, Minos, Rhadamanthys, Aiacos, Degel, Kardia, Aspros, Defteros, and Kagaho. If there is any other unit you want me to do, tell me.

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