AN: In case you were wondering, Merlin is not mine.

I know, I know, I was supposed to start To Break a Curse first. I will, I promise. It's just that I got a little carried away when writing out my ideas for this story, and ended up having a couple written. So I figured I might as well give you this to read while I start my other story.

So, you may notice that I might do two chapters of one episode. Just so you know, they will be COMPLETELY UNRELATED. If an episode comes up twice, the chapters will be different and not related to each other. Just FYI.

Also, for the chapters that turn out to be reveals, I'm not going to go too much into Arthur's angstyness - I'm saving that for my magic reveal story :)

Chapter 1 - 4x02, The Darkest Hour pt. 2, set when the group reaches the Isle of the Blessed and Arthur is about to sacrifice himself.

As Arthur made to walk towards the Cailleach, Merlin's eyes flashed, and he was knocked unconscious as well as the rest of the knights. The Cailleach did not need a life to close the veil, but she would not do so without being given one, and he would not Arthur's be that life.

He walked up to the table Morgause had lost her life on.

The Cailleach eyed him. " wish to sacrifice yourself in Arthur's place?"

Merlin stared back at her. "It is my destiny."

She watched him, thinking. She didn't care who died, really. It was just that this was not Emrys's destiny. He was destined to stay by the side of the Once and Future King for a longer time. She hardly cared, but there were some who did. Powerful people who did. The Disir, the Druid chieftains, the priests and priestesses of the Old Religion considered him an important part in the destiny of the future of the world, some even worshiped him.

She really just wanted to let him die. But she did not want the wrath of others brought down on her for allowing it.

"I'm afraid I must have someone else."

The words seemed to surprise him.

"Why?" he demanded. "Why can't you take me?"

She stared back at him with her old eyes. "I have my reasons," she replied coolly.

Just then, Arthur and a few of the other knights began to stir. The two creatures of magic turned to them .

Arthur scanned the scene. In a moment, he had realized what was happening.

"Merlin!" he said harshly. "What are you doing?"

But he knew what his servant was doing. He was trying to take Arthur's place, something Arthur had vowed he would not let happen.

The Cailleach moved towards them. "Who is going to sacrifice themself?" Her cold voice reverberated around the room.

Arthur struggled to get to his feet before anyone else.

"I am!" he declared loudly.


Merlin didn't shout, but his voice was surprisingly firm. Arthur gaped at him.

"Excuse me?"

"No," Merlin repeated. "I said no. I will do it." He glared at the Cailleach.

The Cailleach glared back. "I told you, I will not take your soul. I will close the veil only if I receive another."

Arthur felt relief wash over him that she would not take Merlin, but he had no idea why she refused him. Taking advantage of this, he stepped forward, ready to offer himself.

Then something happened that took his mind a moment to process.

Merlin's eyes flared gold with magic, and Arthur suddenly felt a barrier grow between him and the veil.


He stared at his servant as his eyes turned back to blue. No, Merlin couldn't have magic. Merlin was Merlin. Merlin was his servant, not a sorcerer. But unless his mind was deceiving him, Merlin had just used sorcery.

Merlin the sorcerer turned back to the Cailleach, which apparently took a lot of effort. "I am Emrys, and I demand that you spare the prince's life. You take mine, or none at all."

His brain felt stuck, it wasn't working. Sorcery was evil, Merlin was not, and Merlin was a sorcerer. How? How had a sorcerer lived in Camelot for years and Arthur never noticed?

Anger rose in the prince's chest. This was Morgana all over again. Merlin was the one person he trusted no matter what, and now he had betrayed him as well.

But then...why was he saving Arthur's life?

The Cailleach glared. "I will not accept your life. I demand another!"

Merlin's face was hardened with anger, a cold expression there that did not suit him. "You take mine, or none at all," he repeated. "You will not take the life of one of my friends."

Friends? Sorcerers weren't friends with knights, certainly not with knights of Camelot.

The Cailleach's fury was evident. She and Merlin glared across the table at each other. For a moment, all was silent as the knights of Camelot watched the silent battle going on between the servant and the gatekeeper to the other world.

Finally, the Cailleach lowered her gaze. Emrys would no doubt prevent her from taking any one else, possibly destroying her in the process, and if he could survive the Dorocha, then he could probably survive sealing the veil with his life. She would get nothing either way.

"You win this time, Emrys."

Merlin looked pleased with himself. He stepped forward towards the veil.


A strangled cry came from somewhere behind Arthur. He looked behind him and saw Gwaine staring in horror.

"Merlin, don't!" he begged his friend. "I don't care that you're a sorcerer. Please - come back over here."

His words cut through the fog of confusion in Arthur's brain. Merlin could not die without giving him the answers he deserved.

"Merlin." He was surprised at how calm he sounded. "Come over here."

Merlin's eyes widened in surprise when Arthur spoke, but he ignored him all the same.
Arthur turned to the Cailleach instead.

"Please - I will go. Don't take him."

The Cailleach was growing more and more irritated by the lot of them. "Fine," she snapped. "Leave, all of you."

Her spiteful eyes landed on Merlin.

"I may be powerful when it comes to the spirit world, but I cannot best Emrys in his world- the world of the living."

She raised her arms and began muttering a string of words. Merlin joined her after catching a few of the spells she was casting. Together, their combined efforts forced the veil shut.

When it was closed, the Cailleach turned to glare at them all, seeing that they had not left.

"Get out of here. And be thankful Emrys was here to save your precious hides."

In a flash, she was gone, leaving Merlin standing next to where she had been, the glow fading from his eyes, and a resigned look on his face.