A/N: Time for the much awaited sequel to Trapped! Now we get to see the aftermath of our favorite teams' bonding sessions.

Karma Bites

Tezuka didn't know which was worse. Dealing with Fuji himself, or dealing with the people he scarred. Pinching the bridge of his nose (because he is Tezuka he doesn't face-palm) the Seigaku captain sighed. Eiji had run off yet again after Fuji suggested some music. Momoshiro refused to go anywhere near anything green and alive. And even Inui hadn't thought of anymore juices for people to try (not that anyone was complaining). And Fuji, was well Fuji, always smiling and acting as if he hadn't just traumatized his team (and indirectly leading to scarring the minds of other teams as well) and instead cured cancer. All in all practices were a mess and Fuji was to blame, not that anyone actually called him out on it. Because, you know he's Fuji Syusuke; smiling sadist and tensai.

As we all know a Tezuka without order and tennis is an annoyed Tezuka. The result? A whole lotta laps and some leftover Inui juice. Thus, Seigaku came very close to being reported clinically insane by their coach. Then again, insanity is a common thing among these tennis players.

Which is why Tezuka,(being relatively sane) was quite suspicious when a creepily smiling Fuji had approached him and asked if he could make a phone call. Rather reluctantly letting Fuji make the call he could only watch in hidden horror as Fuji dialed the number of a certain Demigod.

"Ah, Yukimura it's me, Fuji. You told me to call you remember?" he spoke into the phone, "What? Really? Interesting," Fuji's eyes drifted towards where Momoshiro was keeping away from anything green and alive. Blue irises could be seen as Fuji's mouth twisted into a half smile half smirk, "Saa, I'll see what I can do. This Saturday correct? Good, well I'll see you then. Ja ne." Hanging up Fuji glided back to practice quite aware of Tezuka's suspicious look.

Tezuka shook his head, there was no way he was asking, after dealing with Fuji for three years he knew when not to ask.


Practice at Hyoutei was abruptly cut off as one of Atobe's many cell phones rang. Annoyed, Atobe quickly took the call before speaking, "Who is it that has something so important to call in the middle of practice?" Atobe snapped.

As the person on the other side of the line spoke Atobe nodded slowly, "Yukimura what you're saying is highly unlikely," he cast a glance to where the Silver Pair was drilling, "though I'm willing to hear you out. Saturday right? Good, don't be late!"

The tennis club looked at their captain a bit strangely before slowly getting back into practice with Atobe snapping at them to work harder.


Tennis practice at Shitenhouji was…normal. Not counting that everyone seemed to be avoiding their captain. Speaking of Shitenhouji's Bible, Shiraishi had just finished up with threating Kintarou when his cell went off. Excusing himself, the captain walked off the court and near the clubroom as he listened to the other end of the line.

"Hmm, audio and visual evidence you say?" Shiraishi said, "Well that does sound like something he would do," sharp eyes darted over to where the dark haired tensai was rallying. "I see, Seigaku and Hyoutei as well? I'll make some adjustments to our schedule. This sounds like some reunion."

Zaizen felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Glancing to where his captain had finished with a phone call he quickly averted his eyes as Shiraishi looked his way. Inwardly hoping that Shiraishi hadn't found out about the meeting he went to and the secrets he spilled, the genius attempted to look as inconspicuous as possible. Breathing out a sigh of relief as Shiraishi quickly bypassed him and moved on to where Kintarou was jumping around, Zaizen calmed himself. It was probably nothing.


Well that's what they all thought. That is until the teams received word from a single teammate that there was to be a reunion. And not for tennis. Any guesses on what? You get three chances the first two don't count.

Have you made your guesses? Well the answer is…drumroll please. Team bonding!

Yep, and that's why there was a multitude of middle school students running through the streets looking like idiots while nearly getting run over. Considering who was organizing the event being the hospital seemed like a much better place to be.

It's a shame those poor regulars don't know what's going to hit them.

The only thing they all know is that they were never going to forget their middle school days.

A/N: And that is the end of the prologue. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next part of this multi-chaptered sequel to Trapped!