Kura: Thanks for the shot! I stared at the review above for like a minute before realizing, "Hey, that's mines!" And I started reading while squealing in my head in glee! XD Thank you so much! I love it! XD I hope to see another soon! For some reason...I started to wonder what would happen in Ace/Harry meet Garp's other self...O-o And Makino. Anyway, again, awesome! XD BYES! :D



To Sakura240: Hopefully you won't stare at this one too long before realizing it's yours. ;) A few more characters than Garp are mentioned- can you name them all?



Harry was not what one would call a conventional father. He never married, and when asked about his various romantic escapades through the years, would shrug with a grin. It wasn't that the pirate disliked children- far from it! He just could never get rid of the nagging feeling that any child born with his blood would be cursed.

He voiced this concern to Hermionie once, and she spent a week running diagnostic spells before reassuring him that he was not in any way cursed, and would he please just settle down with a nice girl already?

No, Harry Potter never had any children, but that did not mean he wasn't a father.

It started by accident, when his bones still were strong enough to kick through a mountain, but he needed a contingent of nurses to help when his heart started to fluter.

He meets the blonde in the middle of a Brazilian jungle running away from a magical species of tiger the size of a house. One punch and the cat was down, leaving its victim to smile up at his savior.

"Thanks mister!" the boy chirped, grinning with gaped teeth. "I should have remembered to use team work to take out a tiger!"

Harry chuckled. "What were you doing running around this place?"

"I'm collecting treasure for my pirate fund!"

"Oh, so you want to be a pirate? What do your parents say about that?"

"I wouldn't know, I haven't got any."

The old man considered the ten year old, a gleam in his eye. "Well, I happen to be a pirate. How about you come along with me and my crew?"

"Really? Cool!" the boy cheered. "I'm Sagan!"


The next one was not entirely on purpose.

"Hey, did that brat just steal out flag?"

The skipper growled, rubbing his sore skull. "After punching me in the head? Yes, unless the concussion has set in."

"Hu." Harry stared at the black haired boy currently trapped immobile by one of Luna's spells. The kid snarled and cursed, twisting his face in ways that brought out the crescent scar around his right eye. The captain grinned. "Can I keep him?"

His friend only sighed.


The last few after that could be an accident if one squinted very hard.

The skipper scratched his head as he looked out over the crowded deck of the ship. When had things gotten so crowded? Skirting around a boy shouting something about a 'fist of love' he approached his target.

"Miss Luna? I need you to sign some forms."

The pale haired woman looked up from her strange thoughts. "Hello Thatch, how are you?"

"My name is Thackeray, miss Luna."

"Isn't that what I said?"

Giving up, the man slumped against the railing beside her. "Right. Well, what are you doing?"

"Just watching the marines go at it with the pirates."

"You mean the kids?" The skipper winced as a boy with hawk like eyes brandished a knife at his red haired friend with three lines across one eye. "I've been meaning to talk to the captain about that."

Luna laughed. "He's just picking up his family the only way he knows how. It seems they got tired of waiting for him."

The skipper ignored the urge to wonder at her cryptic comment with practiced ease.

"Oi, Pops!" One of the boys- Greg or Gap or something- shouted across the deck to where Harry sat in an enormous chair near the mast. "Tell Ray to stop being such a smart ass!"

Thackeray sighed. He really needed a new form of employment.

