The Ox-King flung his helmet to the ground in desperation. There she was. Tiny and pale yet still beautiful. His beloved wife was laying there with the sweat from a painful fever. The nurses were busy scrambling around with the baby. The Ox-King had been outside when one of them had come outside to let him know that his wife had sadly passed. Shocked, the mighty Ox-King could only come running inside like a confused beast. She'd died fighting an illness she'd caught after giving birth to Chi-Chi. She brought their child into the world with all the love and life she had that her immune system became weakened. He remembered how when he was larger, how she'd fit in his hand. How they had that portrait of her sitting on his hand with their daughter only 7 months old in her lap. His beautiful bride. He felt her go, he felt it in his Metal Charm. It wasn't warm anymore, it was stone cold. It would never be warm again, never. He began to weep and mourn her passing, as his child began to scream and cry as the nurses made sure she wasn't sick as well. The Ox-King was adamant that their child stay with her once her conditioned worsened. He'd hoped that the baby would give her mother hope and strength to fight the illness, and his wife hoped that Chi-Chi would have the strongest immune system ever.

"Sir. If you wish not to, you do not have to remove the Metal Charm from your wife, she may take it with her."

The Ox-King continued to cry as he looked down at the mid-wife. Here he'd just lost his love, his wife. Here he was a now broken man with a cold Metal Charm after knowing how warm it could be. He didn't want to think about this trinkets. He didn't want anyone to ever feel how cold it could be, after knowing its warmth. He remembered when his grand-father taught him about the Metal Charm. It was a new device introduced to them by one of the many alien races that would come to Earth every now and again. Each person would be given a Metal Charm at birth to wear forever. The alien metals would become linked with that person it was given to, ingraining itself with who the wearer was so it would be unique to only them. The metals all came from the same liquid form pool so they all also linked to each other no matter what. When two people met each other or were in close distance and their charms became warm, it meant that they'd found their soul-mate. Whenever they were with their soul-mate or had merged their lives together, the metal would remain warm. When they broke their bond or one of them died, the metal would turn cold again, like before their meeting. It would only ever be warm once, and it would only ever be warm fro one person in the whole world. It was a way that reduced fights for women in small villages, it also spared people unnecessary heart-ache. In the times as they were, children were beginning to fight against arraigned marriages from parents and trying to date on their own. This way everyone was happy. Parents could rest easy knowing their child made no mistakes and children could find what love truly was, in the warmth of their necklace. But now his was cold.

"No, I want to give it to Chi-Chi."


All the mid-wives gasped in horror at his request. The one holding the bouncing oblivious baby walked right up to him, a look of shock on her face. The Ox-King tenderly and gently took his daughter from her. There she was confused but happy. She was half of him and his wife, rolled into one little being. He was probably too filled with grief and joy but he imagined his daughter dead on that bed and her husband crying as he was, or her crying over her dead husband. The Ox-King knew it was inevitable. This daughter of his was going to cry over a man one day, somehow. But did she really need to suffer this way? The Ox-King could hardly believe how cold his Metal Charm had gone! Was this truly what it meant to have lost your other half?

"Yes. Do it."

"But sir! That's for your wife only. It's linked itself to her. It will never work for your daughter the way it's meant to! It won't recognize her as its wearer. How?"

"People have found their beloved way before these things were given to us. Besides, I want her to have something of her mother's. At least for now that she can actually keep."

Large tears flowed from the Ox-King's eyes onto Chi-Chi as he gently removed the Metal Charm given to her when she was born. She squirmed in annoyance as the pretty shiny thing she'd always had since birth was being taken away from her. The nurses sighed and gently, almost ceremoniously, removed the Metal Charm from around his dead wife's neck. They bowed their heads as they covered her with the sheet. He lifted his baby up just slightly enough for them to slip the Metal Charm around her neck and make adjustments for it to fit. Chi-Chi grabbed the new pretty shiny thing. She almost seemed to know what just happened, but like a baby the only way to know for sure was to stick it in her mouth.

"Are you sure sir?"

"Chi-Chi. She's our daughter...she'll never need anything to tell her about her life." He blubbered.

Chi-Chi flipped through the fields, startling any little creatures who had been hiding in its tall grass. If there was one thing she loved the most it was practicing like this without her Papa hovering above her. She spun a few more times before landed with a delighted giggle. Her Papa meant well but she had no breathing room! She adjusted her helmet and cape that had became a bit dirty in her exercise. She checked her neck to make sure her Metal Charm was still there. She sighed as she rubbed the round disc in her gloved hands. She couldn't wait for the day this thing warmed up, when she'd finally meet her "chosen one". She covered her face in her hands as she shrieked. She couldn't wait to meet her future husband! He'd be totally cool and super strong and she'd take great care of him! Oh she wished she'd hurry and grow up already, she wanted to meet him right away. She sat down in the grass, making sure her cape was neatly pulled under her bottom so the grass didn't poke her butt. She stared up at the clouds as they moved along and was just happy imagining her future. It wasn't until Chi-Chi heard some thunderous footsteps that she snapped out of it. Quickly glancing at the direction of the noise she spotted a dinosaur. Alarmed and slightly annoyed Chi-Chi crouched and backed away as slowly as she could. She was more than prepared to fight the best but why would she really want to right now? When the monster turned its head away from her Chi-Chi booked it home. Chi-Chi jumped through the flames that were protecting her home, her father's idea. Chi-Chi hated the fire but liked it too. It did keep out intruders but it was hard to live in a castle surrounded by fire with a large and scary man for a father. Of course he wasn't scary to Chi-Chi at all. She skipped along the halls of the castle, getting slightly hungry and smiled at the portrait of her mother. She found her father not too far away from there.

"Ah my little Chi-Chi! Where have you been?"

Chi-Chi smiled as she jumped into his open arms. Her father would do nearly anything for her and Chi-Chi would do the same. They had a very strong bond and he cared very deeply for his daughter. He even took the utmost care of his late wife's wedding dress for Chi-Chi after she decided she'd love to wear it on her wedding day.

"Just outside, it's gorgeous out Papa!"

"Is it? Well then let's have a picnic."

He lifted Chi-Chi high in the air and swung her around. While she hoped she'd never grow as large as her father, it was fun to be a couple feet off of the ground like this. Chi-Chi was small and still unsure of herself and her father trained her in martial arts, yet she still loved simple little games. He placed her down and the two chattered as they began to gather their picnic materials. Once they were ready, the Ox-King swung his arm at their fire defense and made an opening for them. Chi-Chi watched the fire resume its original position as the two walked down the mountain side. They enjoyed themselves, and they enjoyed spending time together. Chi-Chi smelled something odd though and shrieked in disbelief.

"Papa the fire!"

The Ox-King gasped as the flames crawled all over the mountain. Abandoning the picnic, he grabbed his daughter and fled towards safety. Once he was sure she was ok and out of harm's way, the Ox-King charged bravely into the flames. When that didn't work he attempted to blow it away and put it out. Chi-Chi stood there hopelessly as her father's attempts failed. They were definitely trapped outside of their home. Chi-Chi gasped again and placed her hands over her chest. Her mother's wedding dress!

Bulma was pissed off. She was in this stupid, perverted bunny suit. If only she hadn't dropped her capsules! She and the little group she'd become a part of, were on their way to Fire Mountain. There was a terrifying man that lived there, as Oolong had told them the tale. She had absolutely no desire what so ever to see this scary man or even be near him. She just wanted Goku to get the Dragon Ball and run away very quickly. She smiled to herself as she clutched her Metal Charm. Some of her friends at school were finding their soul-mates already just by walking down the hallway. Bulma was gorgeous, smart and pretty much the whole package. She was getting impatient with her Metal Charm not getting warm. How wasn't her soul-mate near by!? Who in that area was not her ideal soul-mate when clearly she could be anyone's? Bulma paused a little to think, glancing back at Goku. He was busy laughing at a fly. Bulma shuddered, what if her soul-mate was actually ugly and gross?! Originally Bulma was going to wish that her soul-mate would appear right then and there so they could be happy together, but now she was going to wish for her soul-mate to not be a disgusting guy. She thought about that Yamcha guy. He was attractive and she felt he'd be a great catch for her. But her Metal Charm didn't warm up around him, so he wasn't the one. She then wondered if she could wish him to be the one.

"Whoa talk about scary! I'm not going any closer." Oolong declared.

The mountain was on fire, that was for certain. But the Dragon Ball was there! They had to keep going!

"I'll go up!" Goku yelled as he flew away on the nimbus.

They watched him soar away only to return a few seconds later to tell them it was too hot. They were getting frustrated now but soon became terrified when the Ox-King came charging at Goku.

"Icky! Icky thing!" Chi-Chi cried.

She reached for that button that could fire a laser on her helmet. That dinosaur she'd seen awhile ago was still there and had been chasing her. That is, it was until she decapitated it with her nifty helmet. The laser caused the rest of the beast to vanish. Content now Chi-Chi sat to collect herself. She and her father hadn't been able to get inside of their home for awhile now. The villagers nearby were terrified of their now flaming mountain but still came around to check it out, wondering if the Ox-King was dead. Chi-Chi hated how people feared her father enough to hate him, but it didn't help that he either terrified them or tried to eat them when they got too close to where they were. So her father asked her to go to Master Roshi, his old mentor. He had the Bansho Fan which would save their home by putting out the fire. Only problem was that Chi-Chi had absolutely no clue how to find him let alone where he was. As Chi-Chi was wandering rather aimlessly a strange man appeared before her. Utterly terrified that someone appeared out of nowhere way out here and that he was a stranger, she attempted to attack him with her laser beam. Instead she felt funny and fell to the ground.

"Yamcha why'd you do that?" Puar squeaked.

"You saw what that helmet can do, no way can I risk getting hurt when I'm this close to the Dragon Balls."

Yamcha had knocked Chi-Chi out. He'd been following that group still, and they were somewhere around here. His plan was to let Bulma, Goku and the others gather up the Dragon Balls and have them summon the Dragon. Then he'd jump out and take the wish. His wish was to not be afraid of girls anymore. His fear had gotten so bad that he was even afraid of his Metal Charm. He'd taken it off and kept it in his pocket, where he couldn't feel whether it was hot or not. He could barely stand near a girl, how was he suppose to interact with his soul-mate when the Metal Charm found her? He stepped over the unconscious girl and continued on his way.

"Oh no Yamcha! There's a ton of smoke in that direction over there!" The floating cat cried.

Yamcha ran as fast as he could towards the source of the smoke. Puar moved as fast as he could behind him. There wasn't any doubt that he'd find the group around there. They always seemed to be causing some sort of chaos or trouble, either way something seemed to be wrong. He was correct and hid nearby. There was a large and powerful looking man standing in front of them. He was apologizing to them and explaining how he and his daughter lived here, and he'd sent her off to get help.

"Yamcha..." Puar said worriedly.

Yamcha nodded. Yet again his thoughts were confirmed when the man described his daughter. That girl who had taken out the T-rex and whom Yamcha had knocked out, was this man's daughter. He also learned that her name was Chi-Chi. Yamcha began to move when it hit him. This man was the Ox-King! The terrifying, barbaric and very powerful Ox-King! Yamcha had just knocked out his daughter, surely he'd be in a rage and Yamcha would be dead meat. He ran back as fast as he could and thanked the stars that the girl was still there. She'd just begun to wake up. He ran to her and dropped to his knee offering a hand to help her up. He'd bring her back to the Ox-King, maybe he'd get a reward.

"Chi-Chi!" He cried.

"Hey! You're that man. Did you hit me?" She was startled that this stranger knew her.

"Yes. But I was worried for you and didn't want you to attack me because...because..." Yamcha stammered.

"Because? And how do you know my name?" Chi-Chi asked getting impatient.

"Because I'm so crazy in love with you!" He sputtered.

"Oh you love me!? You're the first guy to tell me that!" She squealed.

The strange floating cat behind him puffed his tail up in shock. Chi-Chi's face filled with a deep red blush and her heart began to pound. He loved her? Oh how exciting! She grabbed her Metal Charm and all of her excitement rushed right back out.

"But my Metal Charm's not hot. What about your's?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yamcha!" Puar whispered.

Yamcha would have slapped himself. He forgot about the Metal Charms! They only got hot when two soul-mates were with each other or married. He shot a quick glance at Puar who luckily understood his mental request. He moved behind Yamcha's head and transformed himself into a Metal Charm, landing in Yamcha's hand. Relieved that it was warm because of Puar, he extended it to Chi-Chi.

"It's hot, see?"

Chi-Chi reached for the Metal Charm but turned her head at a strange noise. She saw a little boy riding on a yellow cloud. Confused, she watched for a moment but this was the perfect time for Yamcha and Puar to run away. The two agreed with each other and took off as fast as they could. Chi-Chi glanced back noticing that the man was gone. She stared in shock and disbelief that he was gone. He said he loved her, right? So where was he going?

"Hey are you Chi-Chi?" The flying boy called.

"Yes," she replied as he landed near her, "but I don't know you. Are you also in love with me?"

"You seem nice...but your Dad sent me to help you find the Bansho Fan."

"How sweet of you! Do you know where to find Master Roshi then?"

"Of course I do. Now let's get going, hop on my flying Nimbus."

"This cloud here? I can ride this too?!"

"Only if your heart's pure. If not then I guess you'll have to walk."

"Oh no my father's the Ox-King! With a dad like that you're always well behaved."

Chi-Chi was excited to ride on a cloud and grateful that her dad sent her some help. She struggled to pull herself onto the golden cloud. It was soft yet dense enough to hold her, she really couldn't wait to get on. She grew a bit frustrated though as she continued to slip back to the ground. She noticed a brown rope and grabbed on, hoisting herself up. As she sat on the cloud happy to have succeeded, the boy let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground in agony. Chi-Chi peaked over the edge of the fluffy cloud.

"Are you alright?"

"Not really. You grabbed my tail, I can't stand that. It makes me go really weak."

"I'm sorry. Wait why do you have a tail!?"

The boy smiled at her and shrugged as he brushed himself off and composed himself, hopping back onto the cloud. Chi-Chi stared at the tail she'd grabbed. It wiggled and twitched. It really was attached! He really did have a tail! She latched onto the boy's leg as the cloud took off, it went really fast. It wasn't a ride she was used to at all.