Author's Note: I do not own Divergent or any of it's characters I am merely borrowing them for fan fiction purposes. I dedicate this story to IHeartUCato who is maybe the only reason I'm posting other than I want to try a story like this. so here we go I hope you enjoy my story.

She slowly walked along the corridors of the school. Her light blonde hair pulled tightly atop her head into a simple braided bun. She was dressed conservatively in a long sleeved grey turtleneck and long slightly baggy grey pants; she wore grey and pink sneakers and walked with her head slightly bowed only minding the ground in front of her glancing up occasionally to see she was going the right way. Her attire engulfed her already tiny figure made her appear rather dull and although she had no problem with that she couldn't help but to wish she could dress differently but as long as she went to the prestigious school of Convent Academy she could keep dreaming. School rules required all students dressed as moderately as possible to maintain the clean image of the school, it was a policy her father agreed wholeheartedly with.

She walked until she reached a classroom the door to which was still slightly ajar catching sight of a familiar grey shirt she pushed open the door to reveal a boy sitting at a desk with a girl beside him. At the creaking of the door both turned their heads from the book they were sharing and looked to the door. When they saw her they gave big smiles.

"Beatrice," they greeted in unison.

"Caleb, Susan." She returned their greetings observing them.

Caleb was wearing a grey button up shirt and darker grey slacks; His dark brown hair was kept short and neatly combed. His green eyes sparkled and his lips tugged up in a bright smile displaying his dimples with his facial features he wasn't too bad looking and Beatrice was sure that if he wasn't made to wear such dull clothes more females would notice him.

Susan was beautiful even in her plain grey clothes. Her blonde hair was piled on her head similar to Beatrice's and her brown eyes shone with serenity. She was taller than Beatrice then again everyone but young children was taller than Beatrice and under that plain attire Susan at least had a teenage figure.

"Caleb, Mom wants us to go shopping for groceries later and dad will pick us up from the store." Beatrice said relaying the message her mother had left on her Nokia.

"Yea, Dad messaged me earlier, we'll go as soon as I finish up here." Caleb replied. Beatrice refrained from rolling her eyes at her brother.

"Can't you do it at home? It's near 5." Beatrice questioned.

"I prefer a school environment for work" was his reply.

"Um would you like a ride to the supermarket? My Dad is coming to collect me and Robert at five I'm sure he wouldn't mind dropping you there?" Susan asked them quietly as Caleb smiled at her.

"Thank you Susan but we'd rather walk to avoid troubling Mr. Black" Caleb replied before Beatrice could answer.

The Blacks and Beatrice's family the Prior's were very close to one another, their parents were long-time friends and being the same ages all of them had practically grown up together. Susan and Caleb had developed tentative crushes on each other but didn't really push much, meanwhile everyone was betting she and Robert would end up together and while Susan's younger brother was a sweet boy Beatrice didn't really view him in anyway other than a friend. She'd never been big on the whole dating thing due to her upbringing and couldn't really see the appeal in it. The Blacks and Priors were raised to always think of the less unfortunate, to be generous, to think of others before themselves and to engage in morally good, upright behavior. Of course sometimes Beatrice thought her father, neighborhood and school went a bit too overboard with the dull colors, plain food, baggy concealing clothing and being almost complete doormats. Being selfless didn't mean one had to become a huge bore did it? However Mr. Black always offered them rides in his car, Beatrice and Caleb just never took him up on the offer.

Susan opened her mouth to insist that they take the offer, however this time Beatrice cut her off.

"It's ok Susan we can just walk there and have our Dad pick us up if it gets too late."

Susan looked concerned for a moment, and then smiled. "If you two are sure,"

"We're sure." The brother and sister replied.

"Have either of you seen Robert for this afternoon? I haven't seen him since class ended." Susan asked

"No I haven't seen him for the day." Beatrice replied, this caused Susan's features' to shift into worry, seeing this Beatrice thought of something to say to reassure her, Caleb was quick to beat her to it however.

"Don't worry. Beatrice spends most of the day day-dreaming; she wouldn't even notice me sometimes if I were to walk past her." That gained a small laugh from Susan who then looked apologetically at Beatrice who was scowling in Caleb's direction. He brushed off Beatrice's scowl.

"Try looking out by the playing field, you know how Robert enjoys watching baseball practice, seeing as our families don't allow for us to do such activities."

"Oh yes, he just sits on the bleachers for hours viewing different plays and when we're all alone it's all he can think to talk about! Caleb you are so smart!"

As Susan and her brother stared at each other for longer than would be considered normal by most standards, Beatrice felt like she was intruding on something private and hurriedly excused herself.

"I'm going to go see if I can find Robert!" Beatrice announced running out of the room and down the corridor to the stairs and then down another corridor leading towards the lockers and then finally out of the school. She ran until she came to the huge playing field.

It felt so good to run and be free, running was frowned upon in her neighborhood and running through the halls wasn't permitted. However most teachers and students had already left the building, the only ones remaining being those that had after school clubs to attend. Caleb was too emerged in Susan to really care if she ran out of the room and her parents weren't around. Besides for all her upbringing Beatrice wasn't much of a rule keeper.

She only came to a stop when she reached the playing field where the school baseball team were dressed in uniform and in all out good form. It was always a marvel to watch both their practice and the games they participated in. Scanning the bleachers that were mostly empty her eyes fell upon a grey clad boy. His blonde hair though longer than her brother's, was just as neatly kept. He wore a grey t-shirt over a long sleeved, tight fitting, lighter grey turtle neck and slate jeans that were baggy on him, he was lightly tapping one of his sneaker clad feet as he watched the team. Feeling that he was being watched he turned his head slightly and upon seeing her smiled as she made her way to him she gave him one in return.

"Hey Beatrice!" he greeted as she took a seat next to him. "Robert," she returned his greeting.

They then sat in a comfortable silence as one of the baseball members hit the ball clear over the circle and took off for home base and his team scrambled for the ball.

"Don't you wish you could do a sport like them?" Robert, his gaze was wistful something he would surely be reprimanded for were their parents here, wistfulness was not a very selfless trait after all.

"Our families would never allow for it," Beatrice replied softly, "I can hear my father now "Sports for your own personal enjoyment is selfish, also such behavior is not appropriate for one of our community!" she and Robert shared a short laugh. "But yes, it would be nice to have the freedom to do as we pleased instead of always serving others." And with that they both continued to watch the practice on the field both dreaming of days filled with freedom.

Later Beatrice, Susan and Caleb stood outside waiting on Mr. Black, in her absence he had agreed with Susan as she was so selflessly worried about them walking around by themselves at that time of day despite Caleb's reassurance. Robert had gone back to his classroom for a book he'd forgotten however he had not come back yet and this was worrying Susan.

"What could be keeping Robert?" Susan asked glancing nervously back to the school entrance.

"He could be having a hard time locating his book." Caleb speculated keeping his gaze focused on the road to spot Mr. Black's car.

"I'll go get him!" Beatrice said getting up from sitting on the steps of the school to go fetch Robert.

"Thank you Beatrice, my brother can be so disorganized sometimes." Susan smiled as Beatrice walked back into the school.

"Don't take too long now Beatrice; we all know how spacey you can get." Caleb said glancing at his sister.

"Whatever! Caleb!" She called over her shoulder before entering the school again.

The school was dark and it was kind of eerie walking through the empty hallways by lonesome, not that it was much different in the earlier daylight hours with the students' quiet behavior being very unsettling and unnatural to anyone not accustomed to the ways of the school. She found it quite odd that Robert wasn't making his way out of the school by now but shook that thought out of her head and kept walking.

When she got to one of the stairways leading to the upstairs she could have sworn she heard footsteps behind her, turning back she saw nothing but the empty hallways she'd just walked down. Shrugging it off as merely a Janitor in another part of the building she kept walking until she came to the top of the stairs and then turned left to her and Robert's class at the very end of the hall, reaching the classroom she pushed open the door to find it empty.

Feeling panic creeping into her body, Beatrice began checking all of the rooms on the floor calling out Robert's name, dread filling her every time she received no answer and her eyes fell upon empty rooms.

"Where in the school could he be!" she thought bewildered and then she heard foots steps that didn't belong to her, turning she saw a shadow turning the corner and quickly decided to follow it hoping it was Robert playing a prank on her, however when she turned the corner and saw no one the dread just kept getting worse. She decided to return downstairs and see if Robert had perhaps passed her and she just didn't notice. Reaching the bottom of the stairwell Beatrice looked down the end of the hall to find the door of the Janitor's closet slightly open which was funny as it wasn't open when she was climbing the stairs was the school Janitor through already?, Maybe he's seen Robert.

Running to the closet Beatrice ran to the door and pulled it fully open ready to call out the Janitor's name, only to pause as she found the large walk in cleaning supply area empty. Puzzled the girl entered the room thinking that perhaps the Janitor had gone to the adjoining office in the back, when she slipped up hard on a slippery substance. She released a small yelp as she landed on the ground and quickly brought up her hand to rub her head and quickly realized her fingers were coated in something wet, warm and sticky and that something following the same description was dripping on her head….opening her eyes and quickly bringing her hand to her face Beatrice froze and her eyes widened and her face lost all co lour as she discovered her hand was coated in blood.

Looking up for the source of the blood, Beatrice instantly regretted it and her mouth fell open in horror as her eyes fell upon Robert.

He was hung by a rope to the supporting beams in the roof and he was beaten beyond recognition, Beatrice only recognized him at all because of his blood soaked, torn, grey attire and bloodied sneakers. His hair was matted with blood and his face was covered in it there was a huge gash in his t-shirt also bleeding heavily and he was covered in bruises and blood and didn't look to be alive.

Beatrice could do nothing but stare at him, frozen in terror and it was then she heard the footsteps. They were heavy and had the same pattern as earlier a clumsy one, how could she have ever thought they were Robert's his footsteps were light and careful. The door behind her closed shut and it was then Beatrice turned around as the room went noticeably darker the weak lighting in the room not helping. The person entering the room gave her malicious smile.

"Hello Beatrice," his deceptively, friendly voice drawled "My Little Doll."

He made a step towards her and she in terror crawled backwards taking in his blood splattered form, his malicious grin was made even more sinister by the fact his face was coated in blood and his leering eyes as he looked upon her terrified form, made him appear as a demon which he might as well be and not human with how comfortable he was with all the blood on him.

"Oh Doll what's the matter?" he asked when he noticed her crawling away, the he looked down at himself and laughed. "Oh sweetie don't worry about that it's just a bit of a mess. I got rid of the interference in our relationship," he waved to Robert's mangled but I was in such a hurry to show you. That I didn't bother to clean up." He continued to take more steps towards her.

And Beatrice hurriedly forced her body up in an attempt to run however slipped back on the blood and stumbled as Robert's attacker grabbed unto her wrist and twisted it as he forced her to face him and held her in place, as she opened her mouth to cry out in pain from her wrist he forced his mouth upon hers and while she was in shock shoved his slimy tongue so far into her throat she almost gagged, he kept exploring her mouth as he slipped one of his huge hands down her back pants pockets to cup her ass. She then reacted by knee jerking him in the stomach, he did little more than grunt and kissed her harder, she tried again hitting him in his more sensitive parts this time and with a loud groan he separated from her and she was disgusted to see a trail of saliva joining their tongues. Giving her stunned assaulter a shove she bolted to the door to find he had locked it. Turning to try to get past him to try the office door she found him recovered and frowning.

"Now, Now Doll that wasn't a very nice thing to do now was it?" he rhetorically asked as he gazed at the determined look in her eye. "Don't bother trying Doll that doors locked too and I have the keys to both of them." He lunged at her but she was quick and dodged it however she couldn't escape the punch he threw in frustration which knocked her into a shelf and caused her to head to bleed.

As he loomed over her his face twisted with worry. "Oh Doll, look what you made me do, you are so fragile darling." He tenderly touched her head. "Here baby Doll let me make it better."

And with that he latched back unto her lips with fervor as he caressed her face sweetly, his lips soon moved to bother her neck as his hands groped her through her shirt. He moved his lips from her already bruising neck to speak sweetly to her but his voice came distorted and sickly.

"I've always loved your hair." He said as he finished removing it from her slackened bun. "So pretty and blonde I especially like when you take it out of your bun at night to sleep." He reached into his pocket for something and pulled out a knife, which he then used to slice open, her shirt, her head hurt she was becoming so weak. Soon her small 32 A cup size clad in her least favorite everyday Bra and her flat stomach. This could not be happening she didn't even want to think that this was reality, her head really hurt; Beatrice closed her eyes tightly as her attacker resumed talking.

'Another thing I've always loved about you is your eyes so blue and bright and sparkling and full of life. But I don't like it when you look at Robert. And your smile but today you smiled and laughed so sweetly for him it just made my blood boil. Why won't you look at me Doll?" his voice was taking on a deranged note in his anger, she closed her eyes tighter. "Why won't you smile for me?"

"And I've always loved your figure Doll so childlike and Fragile, perfectly dollish and the way you keep it so perfectly hidden. I knew from the day I saw you I had to make you mine doll!" He then descended upon her breast, chest and neck. "Please stop!" she finally cried out as he became extremely rough, she began to struggle and cry out more and sometimes he stuck her or just ignored her pleas. "That's it sing for me my doll!" and he laughed pinching one of her nipples hard digging his nails into it so that she cried out." He continued his pinching and growing as he began to sing drowning out her cries with his eerie voice.

"There was a doll with golden hair"

He ran his fingers through her hair.

"and sharp eyes of grey blue"

He kissed both of her closed eyelids

"she was very fine"

He ran his hands over her stomach. And descended lower

"I had her as mine"

He reached her pants and slowly began to unbutton and slip them off.

"Beatrice the Doll"

"NO!" Beatrice cried out jerking upright in her bed, breathing hard as sweat streamed down her face and her hands shook. It took a few minutes for her to realize she was safe in her own bed with her comforting grey sheets around her. Her eyes searched frantically around her room and her eyes fell on a picture of Robert and Susan. Reaching for it like a life-line she clutched it to her chest and began to weep softly.

"Beatrice!" Her mother cried in worry as she and Beatrice's father and Caleb hurriedly entered her room startled the weeping girl looked at them then the clock on her nightstand which read 3:01 a.m. and then turned her tearful gaze back to her family. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. It was just a dream. All a dream," she then entered a trance tearing up again. Her mother immediately came to her side on the bed and allowed Beatrice to weep into her, her Father left the room to go make some tea downstairs, and Caleb sighed in relief at no immediate danger, stood awkwardly looking at his mother and sister in their tearful embrace and then left to go help his father.

Beatrice did not like to be babied but allowed her mother to whisper comforting things into her hair and to soothing rub her hair and back a she cried.

That may have been a dream but the events that had happened in it were very real. That incident was the reason she had to move, the reason Robert was still in a hospital. The events of that day still haunted her. Her attacker had almost taken away something precious from her but had still left her so hallow.

That day she'd been saved by Caleb and Susan as they broke down the door, her brother tackled her attacker and Susan called the police and ambulance. But now no one could save her from the nightmares or consequences on her mentality that came from the terrifying experience.

Sometimes she could still feel him watching her. Wanting what he couldn't have willingly.

She feared him, feared what could have happened if her brother and Susan hadn't shown up.

She suffered from paranoia, panic attacks and nightmares and had to visit a shrink, as she kept hearing his voice over and over again in her head, especially that stupid song.

Her family had to move both to avoid bad memories for her and she felt bad that her family had to move from the well-established homeland of the Priors.

Today was her first day of school which was probably why her nightmare was triggered.

She was tired of this, tired of her fear, assuring her family she was fine she accepted the tea her father and brother brought back up and willed herself to stop crying.

She would be strong, she would be brave.

She would not let him pull her down anymore.

Please Review. Happy Belated Birthday Cato sorry my gift came so late.