Author's Note: Ok so it has been a very long while and I apologize but much has happened in my absence and I can't document it all here, if I do this would become a therapy session and I know you're not here for that. Sigh I have been out of this fandom for so long I only now found out there was a new book which picks up after Allegiant (We Can Be Mended) don't think I'll read it though. I'll just share this one thing that happened yesterday that I now find both funny and sad: I cried over a game of monopoly, after 3 days of going bankrupt first back to back I finally got to buy a property in one game but knew I still couldn't win so I lost it and broke down. Sigh I have no true shame a admitting this. Anyway I apologize for all mistakes, the Inspirational song for the chapter is Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men. Now unto the story, also please do review, reading them motivates me during my absence I fondly re-read them:

"Tris! You ok?" Christina asked as she and will both rushed at the sound of the noise.

"Yeah, I'm fine just uh… a bit startled." Tris replied as she helped Susan back to her feet.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you Beatrice." Susan said bowing her head slightly in typical abnegation fashion.

"It's ok I should have been paying attention." Tris replied as her eyes drank in the sight of the older girl.

She was still a stunning sight: her blonde hair pulled into the same tight bun, her brown eyes shone with same serenity and lit up as they looked over Tris before they became piercing and the younger blonde felt as though Susan could see her inner struggles. More than anything else, Tris was comforted by the grey, covering attire Susan wore. It filled her with relief and happiness to see that someone had chosen to become Abnegation.

"Sooo, you gonna introduce us or are we just standing here while you gawk?" Christina asked with a light laugh.

"Hey Iwasn't gawking !" Tris' voice was rushed, "Um, Christina and Will meet Susan she's," Tris paused a bit, Susan was always a bit more of Caleb's friend than hers, "She was one of my seniors back at Convent."

Susan nodded fine with the formality.

"Hello Susan! Nice to meet you, under all that clothing I can tell you're really hot!" Christina said as she extended her hand for a hand shake.

"Um I'm fine the temperature doesn't bother me." Susan replied as she looked unsurely at the hand.

"Who was talking about the heat? I mean you my friend are one extremely fine living specimen of the human race and no amount of hideous clothing can hide that!"

Beatrice massaged her forehead as she felt a headache coming on and Susan began to do a good impression of a tomato.

"Christina!" Will hissed elbowing the girl lightly. "I apologize for her, she has a tendency towards bad puns, pick up lines and horrible phrasing!" he said awkwardly bowing, "She isn't wrong though, you are beautiful and it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Well of course I'm not wrong!" Christina exclaimed then caught Tris' glare, "Um sorry if I embarrassed you Susan but I do mean it you're really pretty."

Still red Susan smiled at Will's attempt at the proper Abnegation greeting; she returned his bow with a much more dignified one.

"Thank you, both of you. It's very nice to meet you." She said sweetly. "What brings you to Amity?"

"Class field trip! And now that all the boring learning part is over we can get to the fun stuff! Whoo!" Christina exuberantly explained.

"You do know we have a test on that boring learning part next week right?" Will asked in a dry tone.

"Let me have my fun, bookworm." Christina retorted as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway instead of standing here in this little craft store, we should go grab a bite to eat!"

"Yea, picking those apples stirred up my appetite." Will agreed and Tris nodded before glancing at Susan,

"Would you join us?" She asked her.

"Yes, I will," Susan replied, "But before I leave I'm looking for a gift."

"Oh, then I'll help you look." Tris offered, "Chris, Will you go without us and if you finish before we get there I'll catch up with you later."

"Ok!" And "Fine." were the two responses.

"I'm gonna stuff my stomach till it bursts! Amity has some of the best sweet stores in the world I wanna eat an almond torte, crème brulee, macaroon, a Neapolitan parfait with various fruits ,apple pie, cheesecake and-"

"You know diabetes is a disease that assuredly exists, right? And at least try to eat a proper meal before gorging on desserts!"

And that was the last of the fading conversation Tris and Susan heard as Christina and Will exited the store arms linked together.

"My," Susan began breaking the silence between them, "What lively friends you have."

"Yea lively is totally the word I was thinking of." Tris muttered,

"They must be exhausting to keep up with, though not to the level of raggedness you're sporting." Susan's tone was quiet and Tris felt nervous.

"So what exactly are you looking for?" Tris asked as her eyes scanned over beautifully crafted plates, cups, mugs, jewelry and other items.

"Nothing fancy, just a vase." Susan hummed as she began walking and looking along the shelves. "It would help to make his room brighter and he does like flowers." She picked up a white and blue vase and inspected it, "Too heavy," she muttered, putting it back, "blue doesn't suit him much anyway."

Tris bit lightly on her lip as she avoided looking at Susan, she knew exactly who she was talking about. She and Susan continued walking in the store looking at all the vases until a glance at Tris' watch informed them that it was a half hour had passed. Her blue eyes fell on a small yellow vase with a painted on red bow. He'd like it, she knew he would.

"What about that one?" she pointed towards the object.

Seeing it Susan smiled, "Yes that will do! He always did like yellow and sunflowers will look good in it!"

Susan purchased the vase and soon they left the store.

They found Christina and Will seated at the outdoor seats of a sweet shop, Christina was on her second parfait and had many finished plates besides her as Will watched on slowly eating a quiche.

"I swear she inhales the sweets faster than oxygen," he remarked to Tris as she and Susan approached.

"I want another one, this time in lemon!" Christina said as she got up to go make the purchase. "Want anything?" she directed at Tris and Susan.

"I'll take a piece of pie and a smoothie." Tris handed over some money to the brunette.

"I'll just come with you. I need to pick something not as sugary." Susan replied.

As the two made their way inside, Tris slipped into a two person seat just across from Will eyeing the piled up plates on Chris' side of the table.

"Where does she put it all?" Tris questioned stunned.

"Somewhere." was Will's only reply. "But then with the amount of running her mouth she does, I guess she needs the energy." He joked, "You would not believe how many topics we just went through."

"I can imagine." Tris responded suppressing a groan at the many, girl talks/gossip she'd endured centered mostly on the boy to her side and her own crush.

"So watch any good shows or movies lately?" Will inquired as he sipped his drink.

"Oh I don't really watch series and I've never watched movies." Tris said and Will nearly choked on his drink.

"Wait seriously! What do you do for recreational purposes?" Will questioned and Tris was reminded of the "Never ate a hamburger conversation."

"Well there was always chores, or just helping around the house in general, donating to charity, I read a few books here and there or whatever my dad deemed appropriate to read I snuck a few he wouldn't approve of in there oh and charity work, gathering donations, distributing food, that kinda stuff." Tris rambled.

"Yes the ways of Abnegation are simple and we try to use our time to help and give to others as much as we can." Susan commented as she caught the last bit of conversation. "And yes my father monitored what I read as well. Books like Black Beauty and Heidi, classical writings."

"Well reading is good and all, but other things are important as well." Will said

"Yes like charity work and worship, they are very important things." Susan mildly replied.

At the point Christina returned and a conversation about the best classical book began. Turns out Christina herself actually found The Odyssey to be interesting though Will was more into the Iliad and Susan was an avid reader of the Bronte sisters' works. Tris enjoyed Great Gatsby; she didn't like Daisy's character and ultimately thought of the titular character as an idiot for chasing after her.

"To be fair he was a fool in love," Christina debated, her eyes darting to Will, Tris caught the action and rolled her own.

"A Fool in love?! That's supposed to make it fair? Just a Fool sounds more like it. Accept she doesn't like you and move on also all that money on parties just for one woman's attention feels just a bit excessive. Plus she's married have some morals!" the blonde began to drum her fingers on the table "I mean it just isn't healthy to carry on such a level of rather obsessive interest in someone." Her drumming increased frantically the more she continued.

"Yes his infatuation with her can be quite unsettling when you think on it as such." Susan considered rethinking the story in her mind and paying close attention to Tris' fingers, both she and Christina picked up on them moving faster.

'She's nervous.' Susan observed.

"After we eat maybe we should take a walk around the park area? It's not too far from here." Susan suggested.

"Sure", "Ok", "Fine by me." were the three agreements she got.

"It must be boring having to patrol Amity." Tris mused, "It's always peaceful here, it's a wonder the Dauntless gaurds don't fight each other for excitement."

"Well Amity does have a strong no fighting policy, not even the Dauntless can get away with it here. Johanna can be extremely sharp." Susan replied.

Both blondes had opted to sit in the shade,the older blonde leaned further into the tree they were under. Will and Christina were far from them but not out of sight, the boy was pushing the girl on the swings.

"It's kinda terrifying how forceful they can be about non-violence, despite being peaceful people." Tris murmured. "Also being happy is nice and all but sometimes they just seem a bit too happy."

Susan shrugged, "We all have our faults." She chuckled as a small smile graced her features. "I most definitely could not see you in Amity." She teased lightly.

Tris closed her eye-lids picturing it for a moment: red and yellow dresses and skirts glowing bright against her skin, maybe a learnt instrument in hand as different pitches, melodies and harmonies flowing for her mouth, high giggles when one note was missed or off key, everyday climbing trees and picking delicious fruits, a peaceful life always safe.

"A quaint picture, sadly I can't be cropped into it." Tris snickered a bit "I wouldn't truly be happy here." Her tone was sober.

"Are you happy now?" Susan asked her eyes honing in on Tris face, the younger girl felt the urge to look away, but steeled herself to be brave and stared back.

"I'm happier than I was."

Susan's eyes scanned her face for a lie, finding none her sharp stare relaxed. "Not the best, but a good start, I have hope it'll get better."

"Such optimism." Tris scoffed.

"I remember when we were younger and optimism was your default once too."

"Well things were easier back then. Remember our days in the park?"

Susan giggled "Yes, all the trouble you'd get yourself into what with dirtying your clothes or ripping them and all the roughhousing you did, and all the times you dragged others in trouble with you, you had quite a knack for it."

"Yea all that scolding I got!" Tris laughed, "I think I gave Caleb a head start on being a parent!"

They lapsed into silence after that, Tris well aware of what had caused it.

"How is he?" Susan asked her voice quiet.

"Happy too, Erudite I never would have even thought it. Dad wasn't the happiest with him but I'm still the bigger disappointment there."

"You're not a disappointment. And in any case I'm glad you're both happy." Susan said lightly.


"How is he?" Tris finally asked voice tinged with fear.

Susan released a small sigh "Better, he's not quite there yet b-but he's stable." her voice trembled, "and he said he wasn't a fighter." She gave a small smile there.

"He wants to see his sister again, who wouldn't she's good one." Tris said softly, "But he's right he wasn't a fighter nor should he have had to." She added this bitterly.

"What's done is done." Susan muttered. "You should visit."

"Which one?" Tris asked

"Both. Each one will be a different form of closure for you; I think it'd do you good."

"I don't think I'm ready to face either."

"Take your time. There's no rush for at least one of them."

"Hey Susan, do you ever hear say a voice in your head throwing criticism back at you?"

"We all have our demons and this may be cliché, but don't let the voice hold you back. You're better than you think you are Beatrice."

"Thank you."

"Besides, I like that you've made friends you're so close to, I know you've never seen us as particularly close."

"Yea, sometimes it felt more like you were for Caleb than me."

"Close or not though you're still my friend and I've missed our little talks. You're new ones are very nice people if a bit rough around the edges." Susan laughed glancing in Christina's direction.

"I wouldn't have her any other way." Tris smiled.

"Know that I'm happy to have you as a friend."


Both fell into a comfortable silence, basking in the shade.

"I think he would have been very happy here." Susan said breaking the silence.

"Me too." Tris replied smiling.

"Well I should be going now. My number's the same feel free to call at any time." Susan said smiling.

"Good-bye and Have a good day!" Tris called waving.

"Same to you!" Susan called back sending her own parting wave.

Tris stood up and went to join Christina and Will, her thoughts filled with a boy, happy and laughing clothed in yellow and red.

"Honestly he isn't the only one who would be happy here." She murmured to herself, as Christina yelled her name.

Once again please review.