I do not own Naruto or its characters! And I don't make any money off of this!



"Kyuubi" (when inside Naruto)

Flashback or dream

Anything written

Chapter 1:

"Obaa-chan!" Naruto barges into Tsunade's office. "I've decided to..." A scroll hits him in the face.

"Brat!" Tsunade yelled. "Learn how to knock!"

"Sorry Obaa-chan, but I..." Naruto sees the boy in front of Tsunade's desk. "Hikaru?"

"Naruto!" the boy jumps into a hug with Naruto. "I've missed you!"

"It is good to see you," Naruto smiled.

"Guess this saves me the time of having to get you," Tsunade said. "Naruto, you have a mission."

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Prince Hikaru is going to travel around the world," Tsunade said. "King Michiru has requested four ninjas to travel with Prince Hikaru. And since the prince wants you, I thought the others should be Sasuke, Itachi, and well, Kurama since he has to be near you anyway." She says the last part so low that only Naruto's extreme hearing could pick it up.

"Is it ok if I leave tomorrow?" Naruto asked.

"Is there some reason you can't leave today?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"Did you forget what today is Obaa-chan?" Naruto pouts. "I'm eighteen today."

"Ah!" Tsunade wanted to punch herself. "It's your birthday! I can't believe I forgot!"

"Obaa-chan!" Naruto whined. "How could you forget? I mean today is a day that every villager remembers even if they don't like me!"

"I'm sorry Naruto," Tsunade said. "Forgive me." She sighed. "Guess I'm getting old. I'll make it up to you."

Naruto smiled then remembered who else was going on this mission. "Why Itachi? He's a teacher."

"He's still a ninja," Tsunade said. "Plus, I don't want to have to explain why Kurama won't be able to see Itachi for half a year."

"Half a year?" Naruto's eyes widened.

"He has to travel the world," Tsunade said. "Of course it will take a long time."

"Fine," Naruto said. "I'll get to see some friends anyway."

"So you will go with me?" Hikaru asked.

"Sure!" Naruto smiled. "You should come with me now and meet the gang! And you can come to the birthday party Sakura is throwing me."

'So that's what the party is about,' Tsunade said. 'Better not tell the brat that I knew there was a party.'

"I'll come!" Hikaru said. "Um... Hokage-sama, do you still need me?"

"No, go ahead," Tsunade said. "I'll handle the rest."

"Thanks Obaa-chan," Naruto said pulling Hikaru towards the door. "I hope to see you at the party! It's at Sakura's!"

"See you then, Brat!" Tsunade said. 'Thank god he's a little slow.'

"So Hikaru," Naruto began. "Your what thirteen now?"

"I'm fourteen," Hikaru said.

"Wow!" Naruto said. "It has been six years."

"Yeah," Hikaru paused. "Say Naruto?"

"Yes?" Naruto stopped before the barrier and made sure Hikaru stayed behind him while he made the signs so they could walk in.

"What are they like?" Hikaru asked. "Those ninjas that are coming with us?"

"You will meet them as soon as we go in," Naruto nodded towards the main house."

"Wow!" Hikaru said. "You live here?"

Naruto grinned. "Welcome to the Uzumaki Compound!"

"Cool!" Hikaru said.

"Not as cool as living in a castle," Naruto said. "Plus, you're a prince."

"I decided to follow in my father's footsteps," Hikaru said. "I want to become a great king."

"I'm sure you will," Naruto open the door. "Guys! We have a guest!"

"Oh?" Kurama's voice came from the living room. "Who is it?"

Naruto pulled Hikaru into the living room. "Guys, this is Prince Hikaru from the Land of the Moon."

"He's that kid who's good with a bow," Kurama said. "He's grown."

"Who?" Hikaru asked. "Have we met?"

'Dammit,' Kurama thought. 'I was still inside the Kit when we met.'

"Well, Kurama here was a part of me," Naruto said. "He and I shared a body at the time we met. I came up with a way to separate us."

"I see," Hikaru said. "That's kind of weird. But then again, so is being able to turn someone to stone."

"Well, he's Kurama," Naruto said. "He can be hard to handle."

"Not as hard as you think Kit," Kurama said. "Itachi's harder."

"Kurama!" Naruto yelled. "He's fourteen!" Itachi hit Kurama upside the head.

"Sorry," Kurama grumbled.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha," Itachi said coming forward to shake Hikaru's hand. "Forgive Kurama. He's a pervert."

"That's an understatement," Sasuke said. "Sasuke Uchiha."

"Yes, my little brother," Itachi said knowing what Hikaru was going to ask. "The one with shark-like teeth is Suigetsu. Feel free to hit him if he bothers you. Karin is hot-headed, but she usually only yells. The one who she hits is usually Suigetsu. The quiet one is Jugo." Suigetsu and Karin gave him a look, but they knew not to say anything.

"So, Itachi, Sasuke, Kurama," Naruto said. "We have a mission."

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.

"We are talking Hikaru around the world," Naruto said. "It is a six-month long mission."

"Six months?" the three mentioned said shocked.

"Yup," Naruto said. "We're leaving tomorrow. Tonight we have a party to go to after all!" He grinned.

"By the way," Hikaru said. "Happy Birthday Naruto!" He smiled.

"Thanks!" Naruto's grin widened.

"So we get the place to ourselves?" Suigetsu asked.

"If I come back and its messy," Naruto threatened. "I won't let it slide."

"Oh?" Suigetsu smirked. "What will you do?"

"I'll lock you in a room with Sakura, Ino, and Karin," Naruto said. "And I'll make sure they know they can use you as a punching bag."

Suigetsu's smirk disappeared. "I'll keep it clean."

"The punishment for the others will be equally as bad," Naruto said. "Don't even think about doing anything in the other houses either!"

"Yes, Naruto!" ex-team Hebi, minus Sasuke, said.

"We have to start packing," Naruto said. "We won't have time after the party. We leave at eight."

"I'll have my bags sent here," Hikaru said. "If you don't mind me staying here."

"Not at all," Naruto said. "Do you want your own room? Or would you like to share with me?"

Sasuke choked on his water. He didn't get to sleep with Naruto. He had his own room. It was not fair that someone else gets to, when he couldn't. But he couldn't complain since he knew Naruto was not ready for that yet. Kiss was ok, but any further still wasn't. But he was willing to wait.

"I don't mind sharing," Hikaru said. "I need to get use to it right? We will have to share while on the road."

"True," Naruto said. "Make yourself at home. Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo will help you if you want to eat or drink something."

"Ok," Hikaru said. He watched Naruto, Kurama, Itachi, and Sasuke get up and go up the stairs to pack.

An hour later, everyone was back in the living room. There was a pop and Kakashi appeared in the room. "Yo!"

"Hey Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said. "Remember Hikaru?"

"I do," Kakashi said. "Nice to see you again, Prince Hikaru."

"Just call me Hikaru," Hikaru said. "There is no need to be formal."

"Right," Kakashi said. "I brought your stuff. It's outside."

"Thanks," Hikaru went out and grabbed a backpack and a suitcase.

"That's a lot of stuff," Naruto said. "But I have the perfect thing!" He pulled out a scroll. "I made this jutsu so that it is easier to carry big things." He grabbed a pencil. "Watch." He waved a few signs. The pencil vanished in a puff of smoke. On the scroll appeared a picture of a pencil. "It is kind of like Sai's jutsu. You'll meet him at the party."

"I think it's more like Tenten's," Sasuke said. "She can summon her weapons after all."

"True," Naruto said. "It is like that."

"You guys should get ready for the party," Kakashi said. "You don't want to be late."

"Says the one who is late to everything," Naruto chuckled.

"I like it better when you were young and cute," Kakashi said.

"I'm still young and cute," Naruto pouted.

"Not anymore," Kakashi said. "You're eighteen."

"He may be eighteen," Sasuke said. "But he's still a kid."

"Sasuke!" Naruto pouted. Kurama laughed.

"Well, I'll be going now," Kakashi waved the popped away.

"We better get ready," Naruto said. "I'll shower first."

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto ran into the room and hugged Sakura.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted hugging him back. "How does it feel being an adult?"

"Still can't drink legally yet," Naruto smiled letting Sakura go. "But guess what?" He motioned towards the people he came with. "It's Hikaru from the Land of the Moon!"

"Prince Hikaru!" Sakura hugged him. "I heard that you were here. Don't worry, Naruto and the others will be able to go with you tomorrow. We don't have any Sake."

"I bet Kiba tried to bring some in," Sasuke said looking at the said boy. Kiba had a black eye.

"He dared to disobey me," Sakura said holding up her fist. "so I taught him a lesson." She smiled.

"That's what he gets for being stupid!" Naruto chuckled.

The party went on for over five hours. They spent the night playing games, talking about the past, eating cake and ice cream, and dancing. Sakura and Ino sang as much as they could. Choji had to force Ino into a chair so that she wouldn't fall and hurt the baby. Kiba had joked around and ended up getting another black, courtesy of Tenten. Lee acted crazy as usual and had to tell the story about their adventure in the Land of the Moon. Hikaru blushed at all the attention. Hinata mostly talked to Tenten, but she spent some time talking with the others. She was still shy around Naruto. Neji was not very talkative. Shino was even quieter than Neji. Shikamaru drank a lot of tea and ended up passed out on the couch. Suigetsu laughed at the fact he had gotten drunk off of tea. Karin punched him when he wouldn't shut up. Jugo let loose and talked with Sakura, Ino, and Choji. Itachi was like a wall bug. He stay against the wall and talked mostly to Kurama, Sasuke, and Naruto. Naruto talked to everyone.

Sasuke slammed a slice of cake into Naruto's face and everyone, even Neji, Shino, and Itachi laughed. Naruto got him back by dropping ice cream on his head. Sasuke began to mope about having to watch his hair. Naruto loved all of his gifts. He got a few shirts from the girls. Kiba gave him boxers and ending up getting punched in the stomach. Kiba decided to remain silent for the rest of the party. Shino gave his a pair of sunglasses. Neji, Tenten, and Lee bought him a new kunai kit. Choji and Shikamaru, who was still asleep at the time of the gift giving, gave him some training scrolls with more earth jutsus. Itachi and Kurama gave him a month's worth of ramen. When it was Sasuke's turn, everyone fell silent. He handed Naruto a small package. Inside was a ring box. The girls blushed as Naruto opened it.

"It's a promise ring," Sasuke said. "You don't have to put it on now. Put it on when you are ready."

"I don't want to put it on," Naruto said. Sasuke began to frown. "I want you to put it on." He held out his hand and the box. Sasuke smiled as he put the ring on Naruto's left ring finger. Everyone in the room cheered, even Hikaru who was not really sure what had happened. Naruto and Sasuke walked hand in hand back to their house. The others were walking ahead, so they missed the kiss Naruto gave Sasuke.