I do not own Fire was supposed to be up by Christmas but I got carried away with things so Happy Holidays!

Two weeks after the Grimleal Attack

After news of the Shepherd's victory over the Grimleal spread, the special forces team practically underwent celebrity status. Citizens began to flood the streets again. Chrom swore that he had never seen the city so lively. In front of the City Hall, were crowded streets, cameras, and news vehicles. The temporary council were holding a ceremony for those who had fought against the Grimleal, as well as those who fell in battle. The council is a placeholder for the seat of mayor, until the next term, where there will be a new mayor.

Chrom's small army were on the steps, each one of the receiving medals. After the medals were finished, Chrom,who was part of the council because of his sister's request and his position as chief, walked to the podium. "These people help us in our time of need! But... We would have been unprepared if it had not been for a small group of vigilantes known as..." A drum-roll started up as Chrom held an earpiece to his head. He began to talk fast. "You guys need to appeal to this crowd and The Legion of Guardians is kind of hard to remember, so you need something that has a ring to it... and I've got just the thing."

"You can't just change our na-" Papillion said before being interrupted by Chrom's introduction.

"THE JUSTICE CABAL!" Curtains pulled back, revealing the Legion of Guardians, apparently changed to the Justice Cabal, all donning new more advanced gear. The crowd went ballistic. All members smiled, even Gerome cracked a smirk at the reaction. Owain leaned over to Lucina.

"It's actually a pretty good name. Can we keep it?" He asked as if he were a child asking for a puppy.

Lucina looked at the crowd. Where they came from, no thanks was given to someone doing their duty. But here and now, with all of this gratitude, they became a symbol of justice.

"I find it to be fitting in our current situation." She nodded.

About an hour after the ceremony had finished, Chrom began to walk down the city hall steps, Sumia waiting for him. He reached the final step and held out his arm. She wrapped around his arm and they began to walk home.


Robin walked down a hallway, a Medal around his neck and the one for Tharja. He opened her room door quietly. Tharja, still out cold, laid in her bed, respirator attached to her mouth. Robin walked to the chair, sitting down. "Hey... The ceremony went well. I brought you the medal Chrom forgot the Legion of Guardians name, so he called them The Justice Cabal. It was a game Chrom and I played as kids in elementary school. We would-" The door suddenly swung open in a rush and a physically fit middle-aged man came through, a smile on his face and looked directly at Tharja. His face then full of disappointment, he turned to Robin.

"Oh..." He leaned out of the door. "Sorry Honey, it's some nut-job police officer talking to her. She hasn't woken up." He held a door open for a beautiful woman with black hair and features that rival Tharja's. In fact, they looked quite alike. The woman spoke to Robin.

"Tell me, mister policeman, how do you know our little Tharja?" It then hit Robin. They're her parents.

"Oh, I'm... uh... I'm her friend, Robin." Tharja may have not told them she was undercover, so she may want to tell them herself. Robin put out his hand. The man took it and shook his hand.

"Call me Mr. Eldrich." Robin knew the name from somewhere. "C.E.O. Of Eldrich Oil." His cowboy hat and boots didn't help stray the stereotype of oil tycoon away from him. Neither did the trophy wife, who was staring at Robin in awe.

"Did you say your name was Robin?" The woman took a step forward.

"Yes, I di-GYAH!" She grabbed his face and turned it side to side.

"Gods, you look exactly like her." Robin struggled to break free of the woman's grip.

"Like who?" Robin pried the woman's hands off of his face.

"Like Noire..." Eldrich finished his wife's sentence. He saw the resemblance as well.

"She was one of my sorority sisters. My it's been forever since I've seen her! Not since I helped her pack for her new place after she gave birth to you. How is she?" They didn't know anything. They talked about her as if she was very much alive and well.

"She died eighteen years ago." Tharja's parents stood in silence. Her mother pulled him in for an embrace.

"Oh darling, if you need anything, you can ask Aunt Sariya, alrighty?" Robin widened his eyes. This could be his chance to learn about his mother.

"There was actually one thing I would like to ask you?" Robin placed Tharja's medal on the end table next to her. "About my mother."

"What do you need to know child?" Sariya asked tilting her head.

"Everything." He said.

"Of course, darling. Bertrand, start the car. We are taking Robin to dinner."

"But..." Eldrich scowled at the idea of spending his money to get dinner to some guy they just met, but it was Noire's kid, so it only felt right. "Yes, dear." He left the room, leaving Robin and Sariya talking to each other. As he walked down the hallway to the parking lot, Eldrich pulled his phone from his pocket. He pressed his finger on the name that was on the touchscreen. Someone picked up fairly quickly. "Hey... you'll never guess who I ran into... that's right... I met your son."

Six Months after the Grimleal Attack

Justice Cabal Base, Christmas Eve

Gerome had just finished putting on his black leather jacket. Donning his sport sunglasses, he left his room and locked the door behind him. As the lock clicked, he pulled the key out and put it in his pocket, taking his biker gloves out as he did so.

"Going somewhere?" Gerome turned to see Cynthia equipped with her white coat, knit hat, and earmuffs.

"Last minute gift shopping..." Gerome had procrastinated and still had to get Owain's secret santa gift.

"Can I come with? I still have to get my person a gift too." Cynthia stuck out her bottom lip. Gerome sighed. She knew what Owain was into more than he did.

"Fine, come on." HE began to head towards the garage.

"Then it's a date, wait here and I'll be right back." And like that, she disappeared to her room to get something. Gerome froze up.

'A what?' Before he could register what she said, she returned, smelling divine. She was wearing perfume.

"All good here! Let's go!" She grabbed his wrist and began pulling Gerome to the garage. They opened the garage door and Gerome turned on his motorcycle with a click of a button. The engine roared as Gerome swung one of his legs over the bike. Cynthia sat behind him, putting on his jet black helmet.

"Hold on tight." Gerome ordered. Cynthia wrapped her arms around his abs tight, his jacket crinkled as she held on. Within minutes, they were on the busy highway heading towards Ylisstol. The city was festive, even from miles away. Where Lucina and the others came from, they didn't have holidays. This was one of the many pleasant changes. Their first stop was at one of the local comic book stores. Gerome flipped the kickstand out and waited for Cynthia to get off the bike. She ended up slipping on the ice they had parked near and caught herself on a lamp post, her helmet hitting the post hard.

"Shit! Cynthia! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Gerome quickly got off of his motorcycle and assisted her up to her feet. She took the helmet off and shook her head.

"I'm fine, Gerome. Oh, what's that?!" Cynthia skipped to the store window. She was staring at an action figure through the glass. It was from that television show she and Owain can't stop watching. They entered the store. Cynthia eyes sparkled at all of the neat useless things she couldn't afford.

"What sort of nerdy stuff does Owain like?" Gerome asked, flicking his finger against a bobble-head.

"Check if you can get a gift card. That way he can get what he wants with out the hassle of you finding something." Gerome raised an eyebrow at the thought. It was a good idea... from Cynthia, no less.

Gerome bought a twenty-five dollar gift card and walked over to Cynthia, who was reading a volume of Draco Fighter. "What's that about?" Gerome asked, seemingly interested.

"The Draco Fighter stalks the night looking for crime to fight but doesn't kill... he's kinda like you." Her innocent smile tipped him off. Owain and Lucina didn't tell her how he saved her. She didn't know he killed over a dozen men to rescue her.

"He and I are nothing alike." Gerome turned in a hurry and angrily walked out of the store. He crossed the street and began going down the steps towards the two wooden posts that arched into one.

"Gerome! What's the matter?! Was it something I said?" Cynthia quickly ran after him, her concerned questions making Gerome stop at the last step, underneath the wooden arch. Cynthia traversed the steps slowly until she reached the step above his. They were eye to eye now. Gerome turned to face the girl that had stayed by his side many years.

"I broke my vow. They were going to kill you and... I broke it." Gerome looked down to his feet.

"Gerome, I don't understa-"

"I killed them... They tricked us and they were going to cut you to pieces, so I stabbed them, sliced their throats, used grenades. It was the most blood I've seen in a long time... and I caused it." Gerome spoke in a hushed tone so he wouldn't cause a panic among the crowd of people around them. "You... shouldn't look up to me as a role model anymore."

"Oh... Gerome..." She spoke in a tone as if he misunderstood something. Gerome looked back up to her. "You were never my role model."

"What?" He was taken by suprise.

"That title goes to Lucina." She slowly moved closer to Gerome. "You risked your life, broke your vow in order to protect me." Cynthia leaned in and stood on her toes to kiss Gerome lightly on his cheek. She was blushing by this point. "Your my hero. Always have been and always will be." Her hand cupped his cheek and in one motion, slowly began take off his sunglasses. She froze up, too nervous to continue. His hand lightly gripped hers.

"Let me help." His hand led hers, until the glasses were off. His eyes slowly opened revealing piercing sky blue eyes, gazing into hers. As their faces slowly closed in with each others, they began to hear cheering and hooting. The two looked around to see a crowd watching them. Cynthia looked up to see a mistletoe hanging from the arch they were under. Gerome felt exposed in public with all of these people staring at him staring without the glasses. He snatched them from Cynthia and put them over his eyes quickly.

"What are they staring at?" Gerome glared at the crowd. He looked at Cynthia, who pointed above them. Gerome looked up and saw the festive plant. "What's that doing up there?"

Cynthia giggled sweetly. "You've never heard of Mistletoe?"

"It doesn't look look like a toe. Wait, you said missile, is it an explosive? Cynthia, we have to evacuate the area and-" Cynthia began to snicker some more.

"No, silly, it's just a plant." Upon further inspection, Gerome concluded that she was right.

"But... Why is it there? What are we expected to do with it?" Cynthia took his right arm and wrapped it around her waist.

"This is what we do with it." Her arms hung around his neck. By his surprise, her lips gently kissed his and he felt inclined to do the same. The crowd cheered and applauded them. After a while, Gerome's lips parted from hers as he smiled.

"Would you care to see a movie with me?" He asked, holding out his hand. Cynthia took it.

"Gladly." The two began walking to the theater, passing Gregor's bar on the way. They stopped for a moment and took a glance through the window.

Gregor and Lon'qu were arm-wrestling like usual, Lissa cheering her bodyguard on. He decided to stay as the Shepherd's link to Basilio and the F.B.I. Priam was hovering around a very pregnant Tiki making sure she wasn't doing anything to endanger the baby. Nowi had her head against Tiki's belly, listening. She gasped. "I felt a kick!"

"Nowi! Order up!" Gaius was heard from inside the kitchen. Gregor hired him as thanks for reuniting him with his biological daughter. Everyone was having a good time. Robin was putting his coat on, about to head to the hospital to visit the still comatose Tharja. He hadn't missed a day to visit her, in hopes he would be there when she woke up.

"I'm leaving! Have a good one!" He yelled as he walked backwards out of the door. He wore the jacket Valkyrie had given him. He felt the purple leather was a nice touch. Robin unlocked his car and climbed inside the driver's side. He turned up his music and headed for the hospital. Looking at all of the people celebrating the holidays with family, Robin felt a small pain in his chest. As fast as it came, it left.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into the hospital parking As he was going up the steps, he passed two girls, sisters from what it sounded like. One shorter with black hair and the taller with bleached hair similar to his hair color. There was a small ringing sound from behind the smaller sister. A ring had fallen out of her pocket. Robin picked it up. It had a sliver of a gleaming white stone as the jewel, not unlike Tiki's stone."Excuse me!" The girls froze stiff and turned slowly, startled. "You dropped something."

"Oh my gosh! I am such a klutz! Thank you!" She quickly took it and slipped it on her finger. "It means a lot to me, thank you for giving it back."

"Sure thing." Robin turned and headed into the hospital. He walked through the front doors and to the front desk. A feroxian nurse sat at her computer, watching cat videos, waited for the next person in line. "Hey, Tasha. Here to see Tharja again." He smiled. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, obnoxiously chewing her gum.

"Did nobody tell you?" She turned back to her computer screen.

"Tell me what?" Robin asked.

"She woke up this morning."

"What?!" Robin sprinted down the hallway and slid to the elevator. He pressed the open button repeatedly.

"Hey, wait!" The nurse began running down the hall to Robin. He didn't notice her. The elevator was taking too long. He went through the double doors to the staircase. The nurse crumpled over, trying to catch her breath. Libra came in through a door with multiple nurses and a car accident victim. He saw the wheezing nurse and went to her aid.

"What happened?" He asked in full concern.

"Your friend, Robin...he went to see Tharja..." Libra sighed.

"I'll get him, you go sit back down."

Robin got to the fourth floor. His heart racing, he would finally get to talk to her again. He reached Tharja's room and stopped. His hand twisted the handle and he swung the door open... and the bed was empty. 'What?' He thought to himself. This didn't make sense to him. Where was she? Robin felt a pain in his chest... heartbreak.

The elevator door opened as Libra stepped out. He looked to both his left and his right. His friend was nowhere to be. The blonde noticed that a door was creaked open. The room that Tharja was placed in. He slowly opened the door.

"Robin? Ah, there you are." Robin was sitting on the bed, holding a tiny box in his hand. Libra closed the door behind him.


Libra turned to Robin. "What?"

"I got her earrings for Christmas. I noticed she had her eye on them. Pfft... like it fucking matters now." Robin slammed the box onto the end-table, a small dent appearing on the cube. Libra saw his sorrowful expression. He pulled out his phone and Robin staring into space as Libra called in a favor.

"Yes... Good, you?... Yes, Merry Christmas to you as well, Naga's blessings... I've cashing in that favor you owe me... Just asking for some information... Tharja Eldrich... Yes, I need to know where she was transferred after she woke up."

Robin lifted his head slightly, now listening to the conversation. Libra then continued. "I see... my colleague will be pleased to hear that. Thank you." Libra hung up. "She woke up this morning and she was transported by helicopter to Plegian General Hospital. She was to undergo one last surgery. The surgeon's name is scientist named Hubba... That's all I could get from my informant. Use it to your hearts content."

Robin stood up. "Wow, was that head of security here or-"

"Janitors can hear as much as any camera." Libra smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have plans with Panne. I best get home quick before she burrows in another snow den." He chuckled lightly. With that he left the room with a 'Merry Christmas' and vanished.

Robin's Apartment( 11 P.M.)

Robin pulled his keys out of his pocket, his eyes heavy. He wanted sleep. As his key hit the keyhole, he noticed small scratches on his door frame. He gripped the knob and turned it slowly. Unlocked. Robin pulled his pistol from it's holster. He swung open the door fast and aimed at a silhouette on his balcony. "Freeze!" The shadow was drinking from one of Robin's beers he had stored in the fridge. A soothing voice droned on.

"Now, now, that isn't a way to treat your guests, is it Orton?" Robin pointed his gun at his recliner, where the calmer voice was heard from.

"Not those with them good intentions in mind, I reckon, Senator." Robin flipped a switch on a wall, pistol still focused on this so called 'Senator'. The lamp illuminated the man on the balcony slightly. He was definitely Plegian, from his western accent and south-western attire. The other man, the one in the recliner struck a mean chord with Robin. He lowered his gun as the man's name stung his throat and he said his name.

"Senator Validar... What an unexpected and unpleasant surprise." Validar gestured to another seat.

"Sit Robin, we have much to discuss... or should I say... son?"

The End of Ylissean Police Department

I want to thank all of my readers and friends that kept this train going until the end of Part 1! I do not know when I will start Part 2, nor will I know what it's called. This is one of the most successful things i've done and I have put my heart into it. Remember to follow me on Tumblr at fireemblemypd for ideas, posting fan-art, as well as updates. I love ya, guys! Oh and don't forget to review!

Mattariago Out!