Chapter 10

She then gave him an extremely cheeky grin and then playfully pushed him back, he fell into the sea with a large, loud splash. She stood on the edge of the boat and grinned down at him as he surfaced and then began to lightly giggle.

"You will be paying for that later." He grinned as he wiped his eyes and then pushed his wet, dark red-hair back and shook his head to rid any excess water.

"I look forward to it." She grinned as she bit her lip with one of the widest smiles he'd ever seen her smile. She then quickly jumped in and landed less than a meter from him. She grinned at him as she surfaced and he wrapped his arms around her as she giggled and pushed her hair back.

"Naughty." Horatio grinned as he pushed her back against the ladder and kissed her playfully.

"I wanted to skinny dip." She grinned at him once they'd finished kissing.

"And that involved pushing me in?" Horatio questioned and she giggled and felt his body against hers as he held her comfortably against the ladder.

"I thought it would be funny, and it was." She giggled again and he couldn't help but chuckle himself as her laugh was infectious.

"I'll get you when you least expect it next." He grinned as he rubbed her nose with his.

"I look forward to it." She said before she passionately kissed him and pulled his hips closer to hers. "Ouch! A fish bit me!" She said as she moved and looked down to the water before she began to giggle again as she looked back up at him.

"Let's get out and have a shower. Thomas should be here soon anyway." Horatio said softly and she nodded and he then moved away from her and watched her climb up the ladder. He quickly climbed up after her and walked back down into the cabin and showered. Horatio answered the cabin door when there was a knock and it was Thomas greeting him warmly. Zoë then walked out of the bathroom with her hair tied up. A large grin appeared on her face as she walked over to them.

"What would you like to do today?" Horatio questioned softly as she moved to stand by his side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Could we go diving and wreck diving?" Zoë questioned and Horatio nodded and then looked to Thomas who nodded.

"I know just the perfect spots." He said softly before walking away after Horatio nodded at him. Once they were ready, they went up on deck. They enjoyed themselves for the rest of the day and then returned to their villa where they washed and went out for dinner. The next day they spent relaxing until the evening came around and they came back from lunch after a glass of wine.

"Let's have a bath in that bath by the window, please?" She asked and Horatio looked at her with a mild frown.

"That's a bath? I thought it was an indoor pool that wasn't in use?" Horatio questioned and she laughed as she shook her head. She placed her hand on his chest and grinned up at him.

"No handsome, it's a bath, it's main use is for relaxing rather than washing, hence why it's by the large window so you can look out over the sea." She said softly and Horatio nodded with a shy expression.

"I like the sound of that." Horatio said softly and she went to run the water. She then undressed to her bikini as Horatio walked over in his boxers and he held her hand as she stepped in and sat down in the warm stone bath. Horatio then got in and sat next to her as they looked out of the window to the beautiful view. Zoë leant over and rested her head on his shoulder while they looked over at the breath-taking views.

"What shall we do tomorrow?" She asked softly as she moved her hand over to his thigh under the water.

"I've already got something planned for you." Horatio said smoothly as he glanced over to her before looking back out of the window.

"Oh, for me? What's that? Aren't you joining me?" She asked as she looked round to him with a mild frown, clearly not too happy about the thought of it being just for her.

"I've booked you a spa day, it's not my sort of thing." Horatio said softly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and lightly ran his fingertips over the skin on her upper arm.

"That's so sweet of you, but I don't want it if you're not there with me. I won't enjoy it if you're not with me. This honeymoon is for us, we're supposed to do things together." She said softly and gave her a sweet expression with a smile.

"You'll enjoy yourself, sweetheart." Horatio said softly as he raised his eyebrows.

"I won't, I will if you join me though?" She asked and he chuckled with a beaming smile, just imagining himself at a spa. "Please, join me?" She asked as she turned to him and placed both hands on his thigh.

"As long as you promise not to stab the masseuse if we get massages? I won't be having a male masseuse, and I want the female staff member to remain unharmed." He asked with a light chuckle and she nodded with a light giggle herself.

"You have to promise the same thing though…" She grinned and he pursed his lips for a moment.

"Maybe not stab… but perhaps a few–" He began with a smile.

"Horatio!" She scolded playfully as she grinned widely at him.

"I won't harm anyone, it's their job anyway." Horatio said softly and she nodded with a contented smile.

"Have you ever had a spa day?" She asked softly and he shook his head as she placed her head back down on his shoulder. "You'll love it." She said softly as she began to lightly rub his thigh as she smiled gently out of the window.

"I've booked everything, so you have your choice of what you'd like." Horatio said softly and she smiled up at him as she lifted her head again.

"You're amazing." She grinned as she moved and straddled him. He chuckled lightly and looked down to her breasts in the black bikini before looking back up into her bright eyes and placing his hands on her thighs. "I can't believe it's our last day tomorrow." She said softly and he agreed.

"I tell you what though, we'll come back here next year maybe?" He asked softly with a warm smile as he lightly rubbed her thighs.

"Hmm, perhaps. But we'll have a young baby by this time next year, well, hopefully anyway." She said softly and he nodded as a wide smile appeared. He felt the unfamiliar sensation of butterflies in his stomach when he realised that they probably would have a young baby that time next year.

"We will come back here at some point though, I promise you that." Horatio said softly as he looked back up at her and she smiled and then kissed him after she nodded. She placed her hand over his large arousal and continued to kiss him. He felt her beginning to rub him so he massaged one of her breasts. The moment heated up dramatically and he then pulled her bikini top from her. She moved from him and then pulled her bottoms from her hips and he pulled his boxers from his. She quickly straddled him again and moved closer to him, open mouthed and kissed him deeply. Their tongues quickly met and she bit his lip as he massaged her breasts and teased her nipples.

"We can't make love in here sweetheart." Horatio said softly, knowing it hurt her last time they tried in water.

"I'm ready." She whispered as they broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, Zoë." He said softly and she moved away from him and tied her hair back. He saw the glint in her eye but had no idea about what she was going to do. Suddenly she bent down and consumed him under the water. He quickly pulled her back up, alarmed. "Woah! Zoë! That's dangerous." Horatio said with wide eyes as he cupped her cheek.

"No it's not, I'll come up when I need air, don't worry." She said as she pushed his hands from her shoulder and cheek and she did it again. He felt her mouth cover him and he rested his head back as one hand rested on her shoulder. It felt different with her pleasuring him in the water, a good different. He closed his eyes and really relaxed. She came up for air a few times and he could feel every small touch, every stir of the water around his hot, sensitive self. He pulled her up when he knew he was coming close.

"Stop now, please." Horatio asked and she nodded as she sat back opposite to him with a smile. She loved to see him relaxed and so at ease as well as satisfied.

"You're turn." He grinned as he moved closer to her but she placed her hands on his shoulders with a smile.

"No, please." She giggled as he pulled her closer to him. "No, please Horatio, I am tired, I think I've had too much sex and stuff." She said as she looked up at him and he nodded and then turned her and pulled her back between his legs. He hugged her amorously and lightly placed a kiss on her shoulder. "Just think; in about a week, we'll hopefully be trying for a baby." She smiled as she looked round to him and he nodded as he ran his hands over her stomach.

"We certainly will." He smiled widely and brightly.

"I wonder if we'll have a girl again." Zoë asked as she stared off in to the distance with a dreamy smile as she caught her lip between her teeth.

"I'm not too sure, sweetheart." Horatio said softly as he began to nuzzle at her neck.

"I don't want to buy baby things too early in the pregnancy, if that's okay? I'd like to wait until later pregnancy, like the dream, is that okay?" She asked and he nodded with his nose moving up and down the centre of her neck.

"Of course." Horatio said softly and she smiled as she looked back round to him.

"Shall we move house?" She asked warmly.

"It's up to you, beautiful." Horatio replied softly as she turned back and looked out the window, trying to imagine their current house with a baby.

"It can't all be up to me, handsome, you've got to decide too." She said softly as she placed both of her hands on his thighs.

"I'm very happy to do whatever you want." Horatio said softly before he placed another kiss on the centre of neck.

"Well, there are technically 4 bedrooms where we are, the gym being one. The baby will obviously sleep in our room for a little while, then when he or she is old enough, we could move them into the guest room without the en-suite? I wouldn't feel that our baby was safe if he or she was in the room with the en-suit. Then when we have another baby we could move? I don't know Horatio." She said softly as she looked down to the water as she bit her lip.

"That sounds fine, sweetheart, I like that plan." Horatio said softly while he kissed her neck again.

"The thing is, I wouldn't want our baby to be too far from our bedroom, so that would mean that we'd have to transfer the gym stuff to the other guest room, is that okay?" She asked and Horatio nodded as he pulled her closer. She looked up and grinned when she felt him pressing hard against her back.

"That's fine, beautiful." Horatio said softly as he placed his chin on her shoulder and looked back out to sea.

"I'd also go over the top with baby proofing the house, locks on the gym door, locks on the cupboards, every mains socket covered, the lot. You're going to realise just how neurotic I actually am." She said softly and he chuckled before he kissed her cheek.

"I'll be right beside you baby-proofing the house, I think you'll realise just how neurotic I can be too." Horatio said softly and she chuckled as she turned her head and grinned at him.

"I think I realised when I was pregnant with Maya. You can't stop me from doing everything though, I won't suddenly turn into a fragile piece of glass that will shatter if I do anything…" She chuckled and Horatio rubbed her stomach while he looked up at her sweetly.

"I know, but I don't want you to overexert yourself." Horatio said softly.

"I agree, but you must let me do some things." She smiled as she rubbed his thighs lightly.

"Okay, you can open doors yourself then." Horatio grinned and she chuckled as she looked back out to the seaview and shook her head.

"You're unbelievable." She grinned and then rubbed his thighs more.

"I know." He replied as he continued to rub her stomach.

"I can't wait for there to be a little us inside of me." She said softly as she involuntarily placed her hand over her stomach and began to rub as well.

"Neither can I." Horatio said softly and she smiled as she glanced back to him with excitement in her eyes.

"I want to talk to Alexx about everything. You're welcome to join us, but you might get a little awkward, I know what you're like when sex or bucket fannies are mentioned around others." She said softly and Horatio chuckled as he placed his chin back on her shoulder. "You also probably might not want to hear what her opinions are either. She'll probably use her pregnancies as examples." Zoë smiled cheekily.

"I don't mind discussing it if you'd rather I was there." He said softly and she nodded as she glanced down to his lips to see his secret smile.

"I'll bare that in mind, thank you." She said softly as she looked back into his light blue eyes as the sunlight bounced off them and Horatio nodded. They got out 20 minutes later and went for a walk along the beach and had an early dinner that evening. They then also went on a romantic midnight walk down the long sandy beach as it was something they both wanted to experience, they both found that it was extremely romantic. The next day, Horatio joined her at the spa and surprisingly enjoyed himself. 'I'm sure I enjoyed myself because Zoë was virtually naked most of the time though.' He thought to himself with a small smile.

They spent most of the evening in the bedroom that night as it was their last night.


"I don't want to leave." She said as they boarded the plane.

"I know sweetheart, but we will come back. Just remember, the sooner we get home, the sooner we can start trying for a baby." He said softly as they sat in their seats. Her eyes lit up brightly as she sat up straight and realised that what he was saying was true.

"That's very true!" She grinned as she took hold of his hand and bit her lip. "I'm helping Joe move down this weekend coming, is that still okay?" She asked and Horatio nodded as he sat back in the large, comfortable first class leather seat.

"Of course beautiful. I'm still very happy to lend a hand." Horatio said softly.

"Thank you handsome, using your car as well might be needed if that's okay? I will be leaving almost straight after work on Friday." Zoë said softly and he nodded as he took a hold of her hand and placed their hands down in her lap. "I'll have to ring him to see how much stuff he's got to bring though." Zoë said softly and Horatio nodded. They both sat back in silence for a few moments thinking about the honeymoon and wedding, both just boomed with pure bliss each time they thought of either the wedding or thought of any point during the honeymoon.

"This has been the best few weeks of my life and it's only just beginning." She smiled at Horatio as she brought his hand up to her mouth and kissed his wedding ring.

"That it is beautiful." Horatio smiled and then leant over to kiss her perfect lips. He sat back and then saw her frown before she glanced around.

"The next 19 hours may not be so joyful though. I can smell someone's feet." Zoë said as she sat back in her seat and looked back to Horatio with a sour face. Horatio stifled a laugh as he looked down to their hands before looking back up to her and leaning closer.

"Voice down, Zoë." Horatio said softly with his secret smile.

"Sorry, but if I have to sit with that smell lingering in my nostrils any longer, I'll have to bury my head into your clothes and chest. Or in your crotch, you'd enjoy that too, I know your crotch has a better aroma than that stench." She said softly and Horatio chuckled. He couldn't believe she'd just said that with a completely straight face. "Or we could escape and join the mile high club? That would be a great ending to a wonderful honeymoon." She grinned and Horatio chuckled and shook his head as he looked down at their hands again.

"Try and get some rest sweetheart, you didn't get too much sleep last night." Horatio said softly as he looked back up at her and she chuckled as her cheeky grin returned.

"That was your fault." She said as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"I didn't say it was your fault, did I?" Horatio said softly with his boyish smile returning again.

"No, but you should get some rest too." She said softly and he gently nodded as he sat back. Zoë then sat back and also relaxed for a few minutes. "Excuse me." Zoë said just as a steward walked past them. He stopped and looked at her with as sweet smile.

"Is there something I can get you, ma'am?" He asked softly with an easy smile.

"This is going to sound quite weird, but do you have any air freshener? I can smell someone's feet and it's not pleasant." She said softly and Horatio looked round to her shocked as his mouth fell open slightly. He looked up at the steward who looked a little amused as he nodded sweetly at Zoë.

"I'll see what I can do ma'am." He said softly.

"Thank you." She said as he walked off.

"Zoë…" Horatio scolded quietly as he leant over to her.

"What? Do you really want to sit through 19 hours of that stench? I'd much rather have sex with you in front of everyone on this plane than sit through that smell…" She said as she sat back. He sat back, silent, he did agree with her to an extent. They looked back when they heard the steward speak to a business man who was sat a couple of seats behind them.

"Thank heavens." She said as she turned back in her seat and then smiled at Horatio with a wink. "That's already better, isn't it?" She asked and Horatio reluctantly nodded. "Home we go then." She said as she took his hand as the plane began to move.

"Home we go." Horatio said softly and then kissed her and sat back in his seat and delicately played with her hand.

The End

Thank you all for reading and reviewing! I hope you enjoyed the lack of serious drama and hurt - it makes a change. Next story: "A Journey of Heartache".