I know there wasn't a birth video for them on the show, but I figured it'd be interesting if the twins found out Chandler was going to split them up. This will be 2-3 chapters depending on how chapter 2 goes

The twins had never seen the video from the day they were born, but they were about to. They knew they were adopted. They've known from a young age and their parents have always been open about it.

"How come we've never seen this?" 13 year old Erica asked as she looked at the tape labeled "Jack and Erica's birth."

Jack shrugged. "They probably forgot about it or something."

"Well I wanna see it."

"What if it's like gross or something?" Jack asked.

"Then we'll turn it off. I doubt they'd film any of the gross stuff." Erica said as she went to find the one VCR they still had in the house.

Jack followed her. "Yeah, okay. Do you even know how to set that up?" He asked looking at the VCR Erica was holding.

"I think so. Let's go find out." She went into her room and hooked it up to her TV. "There. I got it."

They watched their birth mom talking to Chandler. "You look like her. I wonder how that church camp worked out for her." Jack said.

The scene changes to Erica giving birth to Jack. "I agree with her. That seems much more painful than a guy getting kicked in their... Area." Erica commented

"No because that is an area that God only intended to be treated nicely."

Erica just rolled her eyes. "You're wrong, but whatever."

"Ew" Jack commented on the stuff that was all over him after Erica gave birth to him. "That's gross."


(Right after Jack's birth)

Chandler: What do we do?

Monica: What do you mean "what do we do"?

Chandler: (panicking) Twins! Twins!

Monica: Chandler, you're panicking!

Chandler: Uh-huh! Join me, won't you?! Okay, what do you say we keep one, and then just like have an option on the other one?

Monica: We can't split them up!

Chandler: Why not? We could give each of them half a medallion, and then years later, they'll find each other and be reunited. I mean, that's a great day for everybody.

Monica: Okay, what if the person who adopts the other one is horrible?

Chandler: What if they're not? What if it's adopted by a king?

Monica: Yeah, because I hear the king is looking to adopt.

Chandler: Monica, we are not ready to have two babies!

Monica: That doesn't matter! We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! I don't care if the entire cast of "Eight is Enough" comes out of there! We are taking them home, because they are our children!

"Dad wanted to give me away?!" Erica said as she watched Chandler panicking.

"How do you know it wouldn't been you? He didn't specify."

"They already loved you. They wouldn't have given you away. So it would've been me. I can't believe he would even suggest that..."

"Erica he was just panicking. He didn't mean it. And as soon as mom calmed him down and you were born, he changed his mind. You know he loves you, he was just overwhelmed."

"But what if I stress him out too much again or something..."

"He still wouldn't give you away. He just didn't think he could handle 2 babies."

"Yeah, I guess." Erica replied completely unconvinced.