REVISED ON 29/03/14

My first Fanfic, feel free to give me pointers and let me know what you think!

This was inspired by Leonixon's story Me, My Friend, and His Friends, so go and check out her story! It's pretty awesome!

I don't own Transformers (unfortunately)

The store was very crowded, more so than usual as one figure lithely dodged through other patrons, obstacles and isles heading toward the crafts department.

Luckily, the crowd seemed to die down the closer she got to her destination, and she slowed her pace using her wooden walking stick to take a little of her weight.

When she arrived at her destination, she combed through the shelves of markers, cheap pencils and paints with a critical eye, finally picking up a set of watercolour paints. The girl spent a few minutes more browsing through the shelves picking out a set of pens before making her way to the cash register, which was a little less crowded then when she came in.

"But you said that I'd be able to get him this time Mommy! You promised!" There was a woman and a boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old, nearly in tears as his mother gave something to the cashier.

"I'm sorry honey, we'll have to come back another time and get him, alright?"

The boy nodded, taking his mother's hand and heading to the door. The girl spotted the toy next to the register when she got to the front and shyly asked the clerk if she could have it, too.

The woman just smiled at the girl and finished ringing her up and in under a minute she was out the door and looking for the little boy, but she couldn't find him or his mother. She spent five minutes wandering the parking lot in-between cars but they had already gone.

Looking down at was now her new toy, she shrugged before heading over to her scooter and heading back home.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (ò_óˇ) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When she finally got off her scooter, the house she walked into resembled a mansion more than a house!

The house was large, and white, with many tall and beautiful windows along the front with an immaculate gathering of flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours spread out along the perimeter. Along both sides of the house, evenly spaced were some more windows, still quite a bit large but smaller than the windows along the front.

The backyard was Trish's favourite part of the whole house, especially from her balcony. It was large and wide open, bordered by a large pond by the back, a fence on one side and forest on the other. There were a few trails leading into the forest, and she loved to explore them. There was always something new and interesting for her to discover and draw.

Trish quickly made her way into the house, putting her shoes off to the side before walking up the giant staircase, making it to the top before she heard the telltale thump-click across the floor as her giant Great Dane came barreling down the hall.

"How are you doing Duke? Haven't destroyed the house yet have you?" She smiled at only friend, giggling as he gave a snort and trotted in front of her, towards her room.

Her room was her sanctuary, where she didn't have to feel as alone as she was. She had a large, queen sized bed, a wardrobe and dresser to match along the right side of her room with a desk and desktop computer. The other side was dedicated to entertainment, some of the latest and greatest forms of entertainment; game consoles, games, music, a large stereo and wall mounted large screen, a small loveseat and other various things surrounding it. A book case full of fiction and mythical books sat beside another desk, splattered with colored paints, papers and a laptop sitting on top.

Trish's favourite part of her room by far was the balcony. The wall directly opposite to the door was all windows, allowing for a magnificent view of the backyard, large pond and the forest surrounding it. She loved sitting out on the balcony sketching anything and everything.

She made her way to her art desk, pulling out the few supplies and arranging them before turning her attention to the last package in the bag. The toy robot.

Reading the package revealed it was a Transformer, making her smile at the faint memory of the cartoons she used to watch, quickly cutting out the car, Jazz, and looking the instructions over before attempting to take him apart.

It took longer than it should have, having to go back a few steps and stare blankly at the instructions a few times but a fully transformed Jazz was finally standing on her desk in front of her.

"You don't look like the Generation One or the Animated version of Jazz, I wonder if you're from the movies?" She trailed off, pulling the package back to her and reading the bio on the back.

Patricia glanced up after hearing a weird creaking noise, only to recoil in shock at what she saw. Her new toy was changing. Lines were sneaking between the outer shell, plastic armor was hardening, becoming glossy and changing shape slightly to accommodate the new protoform and cabling underneath. She was too shock to look away and then finally it stopped.

Waiting a few seconds to make sure it was over, she leaned in closer to the little robot; nothing in the instructions had mentioned this happening!

She was startled back, yelping as she slid off her chair when his eyes suddenly came online and pulled a small cannon from nowhere very quickly aiming it around the room, finally settling on the human on the floor.

"Excuse me 'lil lady, but where am Ah?" He asked, jumping down from the desk, stopping as he took in his significantly smaller stature to the human. "Wha happened to meh?!" He shouted.

That's when the two noticed the growling, both looking over to the bed where Duke had taken residence after his master got home. Now there was a tiny metal man, approaching his girl, his master. No one threatened her.

With a mighty leap off the bed the massive dog raced towards the even smaller 'Bot, growling and barking as he quickly shifted back into vehicle mode and racing away from the giant hound trying to make him a chew toy.

The loud barking and squeal of tires snapped Trish out of her stunned state, quickly chasing after her dog. "Duke, no! Stop!" She tried to grab his collar but he was too fast for her hobbling gait.

Realising she was trying to help him; Jazz dodged another bite and raced towards the girl, hoping she could call off the beast. As he raced passed she reached out and grabbed his collar, tripping his legs and holding him down on his side.

Jazz skidded to a stop, transforming again to make sure the femme didn't need any help and he was shocked at what he saw; the tiny little femme had pinned the once snarling beast down with only one hand, and it was calming down fast at her touch, it's tail wagging slightly behind it and tongue lolling out the side of massive jaws as it rolled over.

Once she was sure her dog was done, she looked over to the small robot, asking "Are you alright? Duke didn't hurt you, did he?"

Jazz could see the genuine concern in her optics, as she panted a bit from the chase. The little femme didn't seem very threatening and she seemed soft, not like the hardened soldiers he had met in Mission City so he approached, still wary of the dog lying next to her.

"Now that that's over, Ah believe we have things to discuss. Like; where the pit am Ah?"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (ò_óˇ) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I'll try to post the next chapter tomorrow, thank you for all the reviews! You are all wonderful!

Please let me know what you think! ^^